

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check in: Wednesday
    Food: pre-logged, ate as planned
    Water: Lots… too much LOL
    Exercise & steps: None; 8,701 steps

    I’m actually relieved with this weigh in. I overate for 5 days straight and my weight was up 4 pounds yesterday. Binge listened to pnp and read several chapters of the Beck Diet Solution while on the plane in preparation of hitting the ground running. I got immediately back on track when I returned home and 2 pounds came right off. Phew!

    Sunday night I started feeling like I was coming down with something. Woke up Tuesday night with a full blown head cold. I really hope I didn’t pass it on to my husband. So far he says he feels fine. I’ve been tempted to eat junk but I’m hoping if I eat lots of fruit and veggies I will shake this junk quicker. Also drank a ton of water hoping to flush my system. Steps were actually pretty good yesterday considering how I felt. Fortunately I don’t get sick very often as I’m kinda cranky when I don’t feel well. Its going to be quite hot today so I’ve already got sprinklers running on the lawn. After I water my garden I’m going to lay low and recuperate. My head is all foggy so will write more later. Take care everyone!

    @GingerPwr What a wonderful photo of your sons!
    @carlsoda Congrats on the new home! So exciting and yeah, you have a lot of work ahead of you but its all for a wonderful reason
    @amytriesww Stay safe!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @carlsoda how very exciting!!! Which house did you end up choosing? Do you have a picture you can share?
    @sleepymom5 thank you Pam for all the constant support you give this team. I was so happy to read that you had a good day. I love your can do attitude.
    @gingerpwr I am so happy to have you back on our team! Your day sounds yummy. You did such a great job keeping the weight off this summer. Love the pictures of your handsome sons. What a proud momma!
    @lennoncpa girl you are definitely among friends! We are all in this together and can totally relate to each other mind sets and struggles. Weight loss is soooo mental. Great job taking control of your situation.
    @timibotkin so sorry to hear about your latest struggles. You hang in there. Prayers being sent your way for a successful outcome on your latest tests.
    @nstephenson01 welcome back! I am so glad you had a nice visit with hubby. I am sure you will be glad to be back into your routine. You have been doing so well. I really think you will hit your goal weight before the end of the year.
    @Barbb1557 It's so nice when people start noticing. Our bodies do tend to fluctuate. Stay on course. You will hit those September numbers that you are looking for. You can do it!
    @Cafelelia what a nightmare with the bus situation. I can't even imagine tackling that with everything else you have going on. I do acupuncture too. I have been doing so well that now I just go quarterly for seasonal treatments.
    And thanks again so much for stepping up to co-captain this team. Your support is deeply appreciated!
    @hope002 good luck with your C25K. I used it successfully to train for a 5k and my first 10k in June.
    @jugar you can stalk our team any time. I loved what you wrote. Thanks for the support of our team members and captains!
    @phoebe112476 congrats on having lost those 65 pounds. What a great accomplishment. You have been such an inspiration and so mindful of how you want to lose each month. Plateaus are normal. I found that I had to do some drastic changes to budge that scale. Sounds like you have a great doable plan for the remaining pounds.
    @amytriesww thanks for the lovely support of our team! I appreciated your intro. You have been a great addition to our team!
    @pacsnc6 sounds like your in a good groove! keep up the good work.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in-Wednesday
    water-could be better
    exercise-30 mins yoga

    I have spent the last week taking zinc and avoiding all the sickies that are surrounding me at work. I dealt with a headache for 2 days along with some light symptoms of things that have finally disappeared this morning.
    I am very happy to be back to my daily Adriene yoga sessions. I am doing her September challenge.
    I have not worked out since our bike ride on Saturday. I really felt like I needed to recuperate from that ride and the other things going on with by body. I have gotten a lot of rest this week and that is helping. I am very optimistic about my meal planning and my goals for the month.
  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    Logged yesterday and kept a 250 cal deficit. Will try to do this at least 5 days a week and see how it goes. Thanks for all the thoughts and comments.

    @amytriesww - Where do you usually get your recipes? I love the sound of both of those meals. I am in a routine of using emeals quick and healthy for most of my meals but love other sources (at least in my mind - lol)

    @Mrsbell8well - Love your goals. Ever consider committing to a certain eating pattern instead of numbers on the scale? I feel like I can commit to eating 1500 calories / day or exercising for 20 minutes daily or avoiding dairy, etc. But I am hesitant to commit to the weekly loss numbers since I feel less able to control this piece entirely with water shifts and hormones and intestinal contents, etc.

    @carlsoda - Congrats on the house. I moved 2 months ago. Still recovering : ) Lots of work but so worth it. Hoping to get unpacked and painted over the winter months. Hard to spend a lot of time on these things during my favorite fall weather. Though I am working some on the painting now - I have a whole house to paint. And I did unpack the essentials, just have the basement, garage, and craft rooms left. These are catch all areas though and it feels like a lot.

    @cafelelia - CICO does work. I have done it long enough to make it as easy as I think it is going to get, but still wish to get away from it at some point. I am back at it now though. Have you made your macros based plan yet? I am interested in the details and if this is easier to track? Still have to weigh the servings and have the individual info to have the macros data, right?

    @GingerPwr - LOVE that photo of your sons. Congrats on his accomplishment and thanks to him for serving me and my family in his life's work. Thanks for sharing the photo.

    @jugar - Thanks for your kind and wise words. It is comforting to me to know that this is part of the process and I have heard that from others. To be honest I was expecting it for a while now but then thought maybe I had bypassed that issue - ha! I am feeling peaceful and accomplished this morning with my weight loss journey thus far - including this plateau. Lucky for me - I LOVE veggies. So I am on this path for life and find great joy in these foods I am eating.

    @sleepymom5 - Thanks for your words of encouragement. I am feeling better about things today. I feel like I am on a very slow moving journey moving forward and remain committed to making small sustainable changes to get me the rest of the way towards my goal. I am happy to be where I am and will get there slowly. I could just skip dinner a few nights or go on a juice fast or similar - but I am committed to only making changes I can sustain for the long term. It is not about losing the weight. It is about creating a new lifestyle that is healthier and sustainable. No diets!

    As I have watched you struggle to meet your eating goals over the summer I wondered if you have put thought into a good routine for your entertaining? You frequently comment that your guests are leaving and you are getting back on your eating plan. It occurs to me that you have a summer full of guests (what a lucky woman!) and I wonder if you could make a plan that includes the times they are there to help keep you "on" your healthy lifestyle eating plan?

    @Mrsbell8well - Painting the bathroom repose gray. It is looking a bit bluer or purpler than I want it too right now, but I painted the top half with the bottom half still being orange. I think it is just the contrast with the orange. I still have to paint the brown woodwork white too, which will change how the color looks. A lot of work so I am hoping I will love it when done. I painted most of my prior house this color in prep for moving and do really like it - so I think it will be perfect when done. I wish I had more talent in regards to choosing these things. I have enjoyed seeing your before and after decorating projects. I am very limited in my skills in that area and just plan to paint the whole house the same gray with white trim, but will do the bedrooms different. It will surely be better than this yellow/orange/tan that is currently there.
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Check in for Wednesday
    Food: IF
    Water lots
    Exercise: C25K, 45 minutes walk, 27 minutes biking
    Steps 11,234

    Was doing really good with food until 5 (I only eat between 11-7), but ate a lot and not the right choices from 5 to 6:30 🙄🙄🙄
    I started my fast earlier - 6:30pm, otherwise I would have eaten even more 😔😔
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    @carlsoda I like your September goals. I have a bottomless pit as well. September will be all about practicing mindfulness and figuring out the 2 to 2 for me also.
    @ljdanny Ooh I'm going to try to find that Leslie Sansone challenge! That sounds good!
    @lennoncpa I love chinese food and can put away a ton of it. I try to avoid it for that reason. Same with Hibachi... just can't eat it in moderation. WTG for staying away from sweets since November. I've been meaning to tell you how very impressive especially getting through the holidays.
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Beautiful sunset picture! Thanks for sharing!
    @cafelelia Thanks for stepping in as captain and helping Pam!!
    @sleepymom5 I sure hope the PT brings you some relief at some point. Being in pain is no fun. I like your September goals.
    @jedaschultz Great goals for September. I am terrible about staying within my calories when traveling.
    @phoebe112476 I always enjoy reading your posts. I can tell you put a lot of thought into your journey and your updates are inspiring.
    @mrsbell8well I feel the same way about your posts as I do about @phoebe112476. Thoughtful and though-provoking. I knew you wouldn't let too much time go by before getting back on track. The words from a Paul Simon song keep running through my head "the nearer your destination, the more you're slip slidin away". What does that song even mean... is he referring to weight loss LOL? And yep, I will hit my goal this month or next! Definitely some time before year end.
    @jugar I appreciate your lurking and love what you wrote. Lurk and post often! I am interested in the large volume, low calorie way of eating as I have previously mentioned I have a bottomless pit and have trouble gauging my hunger/fullness levels. Something I'm working on for September.

    OK, cold medicine is making my head fuzzy and my thoughts jumbled. Hopping off the computer for now.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @amytriesww be safe girl! Sounds like you have lots of experience in weather do's and dont's.
    @nstephenson01 we take zinc lozenges with elderberry. I also make elderberry syrup and immune building mushroom tea. Hope your able to shake it quickly. We rarely get sick either and I think a lot of it is my witchy potions I brew. Time to whip up a batch of everything again.
    @phoebe112476 I like your insights about Pam and her summer entertaining @sleepymom5. It does make one think about what you could do different Pam to successfully entertain and still follow your health routine. Your so good at the exercise portion but I know the food is a big challenge. good job avoiding the ice cream even when you had calories left. That was a good decision.
    I have done everything on this journey. Cico 1500 calories worked really well. Vegan, no alcohol, no sugar also worked really well. 10k steps a day was also beneficial. I appreciate what you are saying about a lifestyle that can be maintained. That is so true. I am very goal oriented so for me...I will hit that number. I too found it pretty easy to lose the bulk of the weight. The last few months it slowed but I think part of that was me being so happy with the results and not necessarily seeing a need to lose more other than the fact that I had set a goal. When I list my weight objectives it helps me to pull out all the stops. I can restrict certain things for a short period of time to achieve my desired results. So for this month that means portion control, limited snacks, very small pieces of birthday cake, no alcohol (other that 1 small lime daiquiri that I am making on the lime produce challenge day this Saturday), using IF when needed. I will stay on course and weigh Sunday and Monday morning to give me an idea of what strategies I will need to employ to meet that target weight goal on Wednesday. It's all a game and all trial and error.
    And to maintain long term??? I am figuring that out as I go.

    @phoebe112476 Love your home colors. I wish I could come visit with my mom. We would be happy to give you ideas :)
    @carlsoda that is fortunate your daughter is a designer. I bet your home with look lovely and sell quickly.

    I am longing to go home...can you tell? I have started my fall cleaning. Skylynn's bedroom and bathroom are done and look so nice. Had to declutter lots of stuff. I am in the midst of our bedroom and bathroom. My goal is 2 rooms a week and to be done by December 1st. I am trying to get my mind back at work but I am still in labor day mode.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    I receive weekly emails from Natalie Bacon. Today’s was about creating vs having etc. I have reread it over and over. Her example was about money but it’s definitely relevant to weight loss and why we sabotage. Very insightful. She also has a podcast on this topic. Creating vs having vs giving. If anyone is interested. I have not listened to podcast yet.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Daily check in for Wednesday

    Food - logged and on track
    Water 1.5 l
    Exercise - circuit training & 35 minute walk

    I have been trying to increase my water and I find all of the extra bathroom trips really annoying!

    @GingerPwr - Way to divert your urge to snack with crocheting! Post a photo when you are done!

    @sleepymom5 - I always think I am so busy, then I read your posts, and feel like I am a slacker!

    @carlsoda - Congrats on having the offer accepted! Good luck with getting your house on the market!

    @amytriesww - Stay safe and hope that you do not lose power! Nice going with the prep too! Where are the recipes from?

    @mrsbell8well - You absolutely can do this! I love how honest and detailed you are about your thought processes related to food and weight loss. We have all been there at the bbq or party with beer, chips etc around us. Your self talk is bang on “They [the junk foods] do nothing for my health, weight and well being.” I am going to use that for the next time I am in that situation.

    @nstephenson01 - Way to recover from the overeating and gain by getting back on track immediately! Sorry about the head cold and hope that you feel better soon!

    @phoebe112476 - I will have the plan next week and will provide more details. I think the focus will be on increasing protein and yes, weighing. I am not going to throw CICO out the window completely as I think it works too. I am looking for some boosts for when I hit plateaus, which inevitably happen, and which tend to really discourage me.

    @hope002 - How long will you fast for? Looks like C25 is going well!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,067 Member
    Week 1
    Pw 187.2
    Cw 188
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,067 Member
    Taking time for me right now getting a pedi. Forgot my glasses so having a hard time seeing my phone so just in case this comes out not making much sense. I'm not surprised with the gain. I didn't workout much. I have not been motivated and have been busy. I'm hoping to be able to get back into a routine. I really need it. The baby shower is Sunday and then maybe all will be good. I will probably eat cake I'm not going to lie. I love cake. If we have a lot of leftovers I will take it to work to hopefully get rid of it quicker.
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member

    Checking in
    Food was good yesterday about 1000 calories at the end. I forgot to take my new pill yesterday and got out of bed to take it. I was really hungry and thought it would be ok to broil some shredded cheese on half an English muffin. I ended up eating a hard boiled egg and felt much better about the decision.
    I am meeting my grand daughter and her parents at dairy queen at 5:30. I have kept my sugar really low today and think I will get a small dish of vanilla it has been 2 years since I had one, so that is the plan. I am not sure if they are planning on eating dinner at the mall, I think I will eat a tomato and hard boiled egg at home to hold me over and not eat a meal there.
  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member

    Took my van in for service at 9am. They had advised about 2 hours. They ran into issues and ended up finishing about 2:30. I had taken my snack for the morning and was starving by 12:30. They had a Popeyes across the street I could walk to and so I googled healthy choices at Popeyes. Found several 300-400 calorie options. Plus they had Diet Coke - score. I headed over and found out they were out of ALL five of the lower calorie options. Sigh. I ordered two piece fried chicken and side of green beans. It also came with a biscuit. Then I went to get my drink - they were out of Diet Coke!! I headed back across the 5 lane highway trying to decide what to do. I ended up picking the outside off and putting some of the chicken breast in the green beans. Ate that. Felt better (I get lightheaded and almost confused when over hungry). I was going to save the biscuit for my daughter but was afraid to risk eating it. I threw the rest way. Photo attached is the part I threw away. Seems like a win?? Trying to “think like a thin person.” What would a thin person do? Lol.
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    edited September 2019
    @cafelelia I'm doing IF 16/8 since August 5. Only on August 26 I started using an app. Here is my progress cemrv3qipg3m.jpg
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @phoebe112476 isn’t that crazy how you’re trying to be good and keep getting obstacles in your way. And I can’t believe they were out of Diet Coke!!! It’s awesome you were able to compromise. I’d be the same with the biscuit - I would not trust myself!! I guess we have to keep a good sense of humor and be happy that we are aware of our weaknesses 😀
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @phoebe112476 wow! WTG
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    I am back in PA. Tomorrow should be a little less crazy. I am exhausted and heading to bed. I will check in tomorrow.

    @carlsoda I am sure that your extra time is all going into buying/selling the houses. How exciting and exhausting I am sure! Be sure to keep taking care of yourself. Make sure you still continue to eat healthy. I am sure all the cleaning and getting rid of things are good exercise. You should try to schedule in some yoga to keep yourself limber. Like I said, I am very excited for you!
    @amytriesww Stay safe! Your prepped meals sound good. Especially that Mexican cauliflower rice. Was it easy to make? I am impressed how well you have been doing over the past month and continuing to this month. You got this!
    @Mrsbell8well I was thinking about your celebrations this weekend. Can't you make some of the yummy healthy dishes that you love along with the regular picnic fare? This way you can still eat things you love and hopefully not feel like you are missing out. Some of those salads you make are amazing looking! I love not only your goals but that you wrote how you plan to reach those goals. You are going to have an awesome month! Thank you too for always being such a supportive member of our team!
    @nstephenson01 I swear that airplane air can make you sick. Hopefully your husband doesn't catch it. I think between you eating differently(more salt, carbs etc) while away plus the flight your weight is up from that. It sounds like you are already getting yourself back on track. Hope you are feeling better soon. I definitely feel an improvement with PT but I still can't walk as long as I used to. I am getting a little faster but not where I was.
    @phoebe112476 Awesome job with lunch! How crazy they were out of all the healthy options and the diet coke too! I agree with you. I tried many restrictive diets and lost but couldn't follow those plans forever and ended up gaining the weight back. I am all for the small sustainable changes. You have come so far and have been so inspiring this past year, you will get to your goal and stay there by doing it the way you are. I did plan this summer but things didn't go as I had expected. I guess it wasn't a realistic plan. I can't have certain food in the house. I realized the first summer I was down here that I can't be on vacation with everyone. Good thing this summer is I didn't drink nearly as much as I normally would. I also was better ordering when we went out. So those parts of the plan worked. My problem was the junk in the house. I did buy a lot of snack sized stuff so I wouldn't eat them. I am good if the containers are sealed. The cakes, cookies, donuts etc were my biggest problem. I can stay away from them when everyone is eating but by the end of the night, I just can't resist anymore. I have been working on overeating and saying no to myself but I have not been very successful. I feel like there are so many things I have struggled with in the past that I have been able to figure out. This is my biggest challenge so far and it hasn't been easy. I am going to continue to work on this and hopefully by the summer I will not give in so easily. Or have a locked box for all the junk.
    @hope002 You really kick butt with the exercise! Do you think you just may have been hungry from working out or were you just over eating? Sometimes your body just needs more fuel. Give yourself credit for stopping and sticking with your IF plan. You pulled yourself out of it and started your fast early so you would stop. Great job! What app is that for the IF?
    @Cafelelia Lol! I can relate to the bathroom trips Lol! I had a dietician tell me that your body gets adjusted and you don't go as much but that hasn't happened to me. She also told me the same thing about beans but I didn't test that theory out. How do you feel with walking. That is the problem that is hanging on with me. I can't walk as fast or as far as I use to be able to. Every time I try and test it, I end up paying for it the next day.
    @ljdanny You had a lot going on between getting back from vacation, school starting back up and the shower. You were in such a great routine with your exercise before you left for vacation, you need to get back to that. Enjoy the shower! When is the baby due in Oct? Toward the beginning, middle or end?
    @Barbb1557 Good decision to go for the egg over the english muffin with cheese. Hope you enjoyed the ice cream. There is no reason not to enjoy some treats once in a while, as long as it is in moderation. I also liked your plan to eat before you left and not eat at the mall. Planning does help so you don't have as many decisions to make when you are in the moment.
    @lennoncpa I am glad that suspected cancer is smaller. Hopefully it ends up being nothing. I love that you celebrated by working out! Wtg!

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