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  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,113 Member
    Week 2
    Pw 188.8
    Cw 189
  • amytriesww
    amytriesww Posts: 91 Member
    Check in Tuesday & Thursday
    Food: on track!
    Water: 60 & over 100
    Exercise: over an hour each day
    Steps: over 12000 & over 11000

    So, part of my workout this week has been running stairs (I do 60 flights). Well, I tripped yesterday morning 3 steps to the bottom. I caught myself, but sprained my thumb in the process. I had already run about 40, so I finished the rest of my workout and then called to get in to see my doctor- just to confirm the sprain because it was so swollen. Now I have to wear this super bulky immobilization splint for 2 weeks. Good news about the splint is that my thumb didn't hurt at all during my workout this morning. Bad news is that it's my right hand! lol Lucky for me, my husband is nice enough to put my shoes on for me! I've worked out 4 days in a row this week, so really happy about that since I had been slacking.

    @Barbb1557 I hope everything goes well at your ortho appointment today! Thinking of you!

    @lennoncpa Sunny is SO adorable! You can already tell just by his expression that he's going to have a great personality!

    @Cafelelia I hope you had a better day with fasting today! I've heard a lot of great things about IF. I've thought about trying it, but I'm not sure I'm ready just yet. I love the Canada guide you posted. I have noticed on weeks that I don't meal prep and have to eat more processed foods, I don't see as much of a loss like I do when I eat more whole foods.

    @tryingagain5 I love your outlook! If your clothes are fitting better and you're feeling leaner, that is SO much more important than the scale! The scale is so fickle. I can weigh myself and then move it to another spot, get back on it and it will tell me I weigh something completely different.

    @nstephenson01 So happy your husband gets to come home! And I hope your dad made it safely to your house! It will be nice to have them both home together.

    @Mrsbell8well Happy belated birthday! I hope it was your best one yet! I'm so sorry you had to deal with that kidney stone. I've had 2 and they are dreadful! I hope you're recovering well. Miss having you around and love when you check in!

    Has anyone heard from Pam ( @sleepymom5 )? I notice she hasn't posted in a while. I hope she doing okay!
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Daily Check In - Thurs Oct 10
    Track food? Yes
    Under calories? Yes
    Enough water? Definitely not enough water.
    Steps? 12,523
    Activity: I was parked at my desk for most of the day, but I did go up and down our icy / snowy fire escape stairs 10x carrying our old office chairs to the donation truck...That kinda counts?

    @Cafelelia wow, you had amazing seats! Thank you for sharing that photo! 😍

    @lennoncpa Sunny is so cute and small! I think my rabbit is bigger than him!!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Week 2
    PW - 154.6
    CW 154.7

    I feel like maybe this is a plateau. :(
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Check in for Thursday

    Calories - Logged & on track
    Water - 2 l
    Exercise - circuit training session with trainer

    @Twyla77 - Great day! You got 12K+ steps so I think the fire escape stairs count!

    @amytriesww - Two great days, but so sorry about your thumb injury. Love how you keep up the workouts in spite of it! Btw, @sleepymom5 is on vacation this week and will be back soon. I miss her too!

    @Ljdanny - Maintaining this week is not so bad (I am doing the same)!

    @nstephenson01 - Hang in there, a new week is starting on Sunday. What is your goal weight?

    @tryingagain5 - Great day and hats off to you for working nights. Where do you volunteer?

    @lennoncpa - Sunny is the cutest!!!

    @pacsnc6 - Glad that the doctor’s appointment went well! Re the BP, I am not a doctor, but I know from my husband the “white coat syndrome” is a real thing where you BP is higher by being nervous or stressed at the doctor’s office. You may want to try getting a BP cuff and seeing what your BP is like at home. My husband did that and got different readings, so the doctor made him do one of those 24 hr holters to get an average reading.

    @Barbb1557 - Great day and I totally get it about needing coffee first before a walk (that’s why “cafe” is in my handle). How did things go yesterday with your orthopaedic doctor?
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @lennoncpa what a perfect name for your grand pup. Super cute.
    @Cafelelia what a great captain you are. I was wondering about Pam too. Your doing a great job leading the team. Thank you. How fun that you and your husband do date nights and had such a fun concert!
    @amytriesww thanks for the sweet comment.
    Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. This has been a wonderful week in Abingdon. Very cute town. I did well on my 30 minute run Tuesday. Wednesday we did some light hiking on the Creeper. And Thursday...we did it! 34 mile bike ride on the Virginia Creeper. It’s been on my bucket list for 30 years. I’m blessed to have a wife that doesn’t just support me but joins me on my crazy adventures. We did it in 3 1/2 hours compared to the 5 hours we were told to expect. The best bike trail I have ever been on.
    Today we’re going to a winery, nice dinner and a theater production. Tomorrow farmers market then heading home.
    I have done yoga every day. My kidney area still a bit sore.
    We are celebrating my birthday with family on Sunday. Making a pumpkin spice cake with vegan buttercream frosting. Monday I’m expecting to jump back on to a “diet”.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member

    Thanks! Nights are hard, especially since I'm a morning person but it's been 4 years now so I've gotten used to it.

    I volunteer with a community group called Love Inc, a Christian organization ( INC stands for in the name of Christ).

    They hold what they call Life Skills at a local church where participants can work with a mentor, take parenting, budget or various other classes. I volunteer in the childcare area watching the children of the participants. It's really fulfilling when you walk in the door and the kids come running up to you for a hug.😊
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member

    Thanks! I'm trying to track my success by things other than just the scale. I'm not naturally a positive person. Something else I'm working on.😊

    I responded to a post in fitness and exercise the other day. A person was upset that she was always last in a race or other fitness related things. I have the same kind of thoughts but I posted a very positive response(wow! Where did that come from, not usually me.) I"ll find it back and see if I can post it in this thread. Maybe it can help someone here. It will be later today. I've been up since yesterday afternoon so it's way past time for me to get to bed.

    Ha, ha! I've done that with the scale too. Kind of silly to move it and hope to get a better number but I'm pretty sure everyone does that.😁
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member



    @Mrsbell8well - Lovely photos and looks like an awesome way to celebrate your birthday!!

    @tryingagain5 - That sounds like an amazing way to volunteer!!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Weigh in Week: week 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 138.0
    Today's weight: 137.9
    Weekly Steps: 67,039
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member
    Checking in
    I met with my Dr and he told me that he has operated on backs that were much better than mine. Sadness. He wants aN MRI next week then I meet with him on the 31st again. I am hoping my friend who is a physical therapist can come with me to ask more questions and understand more clearly what he is saying.
    I am dog sitting for this friend and I was hoping that a large cucumber and humus would be enough for my dinner last night. It was until I opened her cabinet with the Pepperidge Farm goldfish. Fat girl thinking took over and even though I had a fleeting thought of spredding them out over the next few days, I went through the bag. Done, today is a new day and I am ready to commit to my healthy eating and exercise. I liked walking with her dog, she is a black and white little mixed breed about 14 pounds.
    One of my character flaws is an all or nothing attitude, I had been really good since June 27th. Moderation is an important mind set to have but I simply do better if there are no temptations
    I hope everyone has a beautiful Fall day!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    @Cafelelia I have never suffered from white coat syndrome. In fact I went to a dermatologist one time for minor surgery and my BP was 110/70 which really surprised her. Over the last two years my BP has crept up little by little. We'll see if the Aleve was the cause since I stopped it yesterday. I just wish the Tylenol would work as well on my back/shoulder pain which is new too. Being over 65 is key too but there's no cure for aging!

    @Mrsbell8well That trestle looks a little scary for a bike ride - did you try to use tunnel vision focusing only straight ahead? That's the only way I could cross it but then I'd miss out on the beautiful scenery. Great job knocking that off your bucket list.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Friday weigh in
    week 2
    pw 163.1
    cw 164.4

    up again! but I'm happy to be below 165
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!!

    Well.... my dad left this morning to pheasant hunt near the Canadian border with a couple of his buddies. Hubby gets home tomorrow and my dad will be back Tuesday. I have just this one last day of being on my own. Went to my yoga class this morning and am spending this afternoon resting, re-setting my brain, and putting a plan together to reach my goal weight. My dad usually eats very late but when he's here visiting I try to get dinner on the table a little earlier than he would probably like but much later than I'm used to eating. I make meals using a lot more processed foods to shorten the cooking time and my body is rebelling. Also, I end up going to bed a lot later than usual when he is here so my routine is out of whack which happens every time he visits so I know to expect it. The guys will be fly fishing next week each afternoon so late dinners will continue but its only for a short time so I'll get through it and get back on track. I'm thinking a healthy, light snack in the afternoon may be the way to go so I don't do a deep dive into the tortilla chip bag like I did last night!

    Spent some time catching up on posts. So much great stuff and I'm loving all the interaction and support in our team!

    @Cafelelia Thank you for the post re Dr. Melissa. I took the quiz and am getting a lot of good information from her. I'm so glad you stepped up as captain!! Oh, and I think my goal weight will be 160 but I'll re-evaluate once I get there.

    @lennoncpa Sunny is adorable!!

    Happy birthday @mrsbell8well! Congrats on your bike ride and scratching an item off your bucket list!!

    @amytriesww and @twyla77 you gals and your stairs LOL. I'm a clutz so am pretty careful on stairs!
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    PW 207.9
    CW 207.5
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member

    It is! I'm in the room with the youngest kids, probably around 18 months to around 4 years old. They do have their moments. Last night it seemed everyone had a meltdown. One of the 2 year olds had several meltdowns.😥
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Friday 10/11 check in
    Food: had my treat meal today so was over but that's ok.

    Water: 56 oz
    Exercise: my normal rest day
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