2020: One Day At A Time, We Will Achieve!!



  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    Pam, I did the same thing you did during the FL shutdown. I had to file off the dip powder too. It wasn’t easy to do either. DH had to trim mine because I couldn’t put enough pressure on the clipper to cut the nail down. That powder is like iron. My nails looked great while I was able to keep the manicures up. Afterwards, my naked nails chipped and split. I tried DIY gel polish but my nails were still a mess. I had to have tips glued on when I was finally able to get a mani. If I thought we were going into lockdown again, I’d get a mani/pedi ASAP while they were still open. And I’d get a haircut too.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    I just saw that Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews will not be returning to DWTS if and when it returns. That’s disappointing. I think Tom’s wit is a big part of what made the show enjoyable. I’m not sure they really need a second host, so I’m less disappointed to see Erin go. I do think she was the best of the ladies who have held the position.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    I just saw that Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews will not be returning to DWTS if and when it returns. That’s disappointing. I think Tom’s wit is a big part of what made the show enjoyable. I’m not sure they really need a second host, so I’m less disappointed to see Erin go. I do think she was the best of the ladies who have held the position.

    I wonder why. Budget maybe?

    I read somewhere that Kaitlyn from the Bachelor was asked to be a contestant. Guess they're still fishing in that pool.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    That’s too bad about Tom and Erin. They did a nice job. I wonder who they have in mind for replacements. Erin will probably be easier to replace as there were several female hosts before her. Tom’s been with the show since the start so I think viewers will miss him more.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member

    Tom Bergeron
    Just informed @DancingABC will be continuing without me. It's been an incredible 15 year run and the most unexpected gift of my career. I'm grateful for that and for the lifelong friendships made. That said, now what am I supposed to do with all of these glitter masks?
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I went outside last evening to get a package. I realized it was the first time I'd stepped outside in several days. This morning I get to go feed the colonies. Thank goodness for something safe to get me out of the house. Groceries come today. That has temporarily gotten easier. I've pretty much settled on three sources and have their web sites down pat. I'm having trouble picturing it in the dead of winter though. I'm choosing to look at my hair as hilarious.

    From a Washington Post op ed piece:

    "Not even during the Civil War, when the country was blood-soaked by a conflict involving enormous issues, was it (MAD note: U.S.) viewed with disdainful condescension as it now is, and not without reason: Last Sunday, Germany (population 80.2 million) had 159 new cases of covid-19; Florida (population 21.5 million) had 15,300.)"


    So much for making America great again! Of course we all now realize that was just code for make American white again.

    Commentator on the news said last night this will be the 2nd time in 12 years a Democratic president has taken over a miserable economy from a Republican president and had to work to turn it around. Let's just hope a new president has to do that. I live in fear of the cheeto cheating his way to a second term. The CDC will no longer get COVID data? Seriously? Is that anything else other than the plot to steal a second term. Maryland's republican governor deciding to hold in person elections. Seriously? Is that anything other than a plot to help the republicans hold the presidency?

    I admit to being terrified. Thanks for letting me vent!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    Tyra Banks will be the new host and executive producer of DWTS. I’m curious t see what changes are made, but she doesn’t excite me as host for the show. I’ll probably watch at least the first couple of episodes to see what they are doing, but I’m not sure I’ll stick around after that. I’m afraid the show may have run its course at this point. They’ve really scraped the bottom of the barrel for contestants in the last few seasons, IMO.

    Helene, I think y’all left Florida in the nick of time. From what I’m seeing on Twitter, it appears that the governor is seriously underreporting the numbers and misrepresenting much of the data that is being reported.

    Here in Texas our numbers continue to rise. I did go yesterday for my mani/pedi. I kept my mask on the entire time, and consciously tried not to touch anything I didn’t have to. I used my hand sanitizer as soon as I got back in my car, and washed my hands as soon as I got back home. Hopefully those precautions were enough.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Tyra Banks???? Either she's much cheaper or they felt compelled to have a person of color. But still.......

    I agree that their contestants have left a lot to be desired recently.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I got a letter, dated June 1!, from my oncologist telling me he's retiring. It also says a list of the doctors in the practice is enclosed, which it isn't. I'd been trying to decide if I wanted to continue to see him so this definitely gives me something to think about. I have polyps in my lungs. Originally my internist prescribed the annual CT scans of my lungs but at one point I put my foot down and said we were either going to stop doing it or find someone to look at them. But after quite a few years of "no change" CT scans, I couldn't help but wonder if I needed to continue. I had such a hard time finding someone to see me and couldn't believe my luck when I got the head of medical oncology at our closest hospital to take me on that I was hesitant to just walk away. I guess I could go back to my internist prescribing the CT scans and only see someone if they ever come back with something other than "no change".
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    Trya did at least one season hosting America’s Got Talent. She was okay but I don’t see her being on a par with Tom Bergeron. Time will tell. I was supposed to have a yearly follow up with the Physician’s Assistant at my primary care. They’re still not seeing people in person and offered a virtual visit. They can’t do vital signs virtually so I declined. I chose to reschedule for September and hope things are better then. It’s just routine so I didn’t feel a pressing need to do the virtual visit. I had a physical last November so I’m comfortable waiting.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    edited July 2020
    I haven't heard a peep from my internist's office. Even when I took the one prescription they're responsible for to the pharmacy for a refill. Any other year they'd have refused to refill it because they haven't seen me this year. This year they not only refilled it without comment but added a year's worth of refills! I give them credit for that.

    My first venture to a doctor will probably be at the end of this month. I'm scheduled for a CT scan of my thryoid which always involves the doctor viewing the results and then talking to me. Supposedly they've been there in the office this whole time. We'll see how it works.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    DH needed a refill for one of his prescriptions. CVS notified the doctor’s office. 3 days later, they still hadn’t received the prescription. We called the office and found that the office had sent the prescription to the FL CVS because that’s where the now expired prescription was last filled. I called local CVS with that info. They checked the computer system and said FL never received the RX. Called office back and woman told me that had received a confirmation of receipt 3 days before. She said let me call CVS about this. She called back within 5 minutes to say it was straightened out. It still took CVS all day to get it ready but at least he has it now. Staff at doctor’s office couldn’t have been nicer or more helpful. Kudos to them except for sending prescription to FL.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I have done little except ensure the medical profession gets its revenue. I had the rotator cuff surgery which repaired some things that wasn't as bad as the MRI indicated. I went back for a two week checkup, and yesterday I had another checkup. I return in six weeks for another checkup. Each time, I was asked several questions and temperature checked.

    I've been going to physical therapy two times a week. Tuesday, I go to the Ortho practice for the PA to give me the second of the HA gel shot in the knee. I affectionately call it WD40 for the knees. The series of 3 shots cost $1500 Humana pays for it. The last week of the month, I go back to the Ortho to get the third shot, two PT sessions, and a visit to my Primary doctor. One week after that, I get to see my cardiologist.

    I'm getting my hair cut on Saturday, and keeping my fingers crossed that the salon still be open. The Gov closed down the bars in the county with our largest university. It seems the hot spot there was caused by people in the 20-29 age group getting Covid-19, so he shut down the watering holes and also limited public gatherings again to 25 except for churches and restaurants which still must social distance. We are also under the mask mandate. I spent two hours at the Ortho wearing a mask, so if I can do that or spend 45 minutes of intense physical therapy while wearing a mask, then others can.

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I worked outside for an hour this morning before it got hot. It is nice to be able to get out and do things again. The first thing I did when I got the green light to drive was to put over 300 miles on the car by doing a circular drive on our Interstate system. I love driving but not on crooked roads so being free on good roads was definitely a good outing. I have plans for the Fall and color change in the leaves to take another one of those drives using the interstate system of our state and that of Virginia. Trust me when I was imprisoned for all that time with no way to get out, then getting out was a priority. During the shut down, there was no place to go, and then with the surgery, my favorite phrase was "four walls a prison, four walls a cage..."
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    I worked outside for an hour this morning before it got hot. It is nice to be able to get out and do things again. The first thing I did when I got the green light to drive was to put over 300 miles on the car by doing a circular drive on our Interstate system. I love driving but not on crooked roads so being free on good roads was definitely a good outing. I have plans for the Fall and color change in the leaves to take another one of those drives using the interstate system of our state and that of Virginia. Trust me when I was imprisoned for all that time with no way to get out, then getting out was a priority. During the shut down, there was no place to go, and then with the surgery, my favorite phrase was "four walls a prison, four walls a cage..."

    The last time I went home it really hit me that I just do NOT like country roads any more. I'm used to well lighted city streets and highways.

    It's great that you're getting around!

    Weird, I know, but I still think fondly of PT. The heel, not the hand. That place was basically a gym once you didn't really need the therapist any more but a nice small gym with lots of other less than athletic people. If DH hadn't lost his job, and I hadn't had to go back to work full-time, I'd probably still be going.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I heard another great analogy the other day for the "you can't make me wear a mask" folks. I always use the "you can't yell fire in a crowded theater" line (the classic law school class). But as someone else said "we can insist folks don't smoke in many, many places - why can't we insist they wear a mask - both are to benefit the public's health". Great point!