2020: One Day At A Time, We Will Achieve!!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    lhberger wrote: »
    I gained almost 20 lbs last year. 190 now. I hope a group can help me with food and exercise. My food addictions are chocolate and ice cream. The only exercise I like and will do is swimming.
    I was falling for 5 years then took PT and am much better. My knees going up and down stairs or hills.

    I may need a coach.

    Welcome! I LOVE ice cream. I buy the tiny sizes but they are still a few calories, unfortunately. I've been eating the Skinny Cow cones lately. I've been the same weight for some years but I need to get serious now for my health. My only exercise right now is the treadmill. I'm keeping myself amused walking on it by watching videos. Right now My 600-lb life. My physical therapist sent me to a pool after I broke my heel some years back. I went once but refused to go back because I thought it was too dangerous for someone with only one usable leg. The decking around the pool was wet and there were no handrails or anything. He wasn't amused but went with the flow. I really liked the strength training machines at p/t but had to go back to work full-time when DH was laid off. Maybe I'll get back to that someday.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    edited February 2020
    I had a NS frozen day today. To my surprise, I really really liked the apple pie.

    I just checked and it's gone. Of course. Drat!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    iberger--Welcome! I enjoy chocolate myself. I love the Pure Protein chocolate deluxe bars which have 21g of protein for around 200 calories. It is also low in suar. I can have a bar for lunch when working and be satisfied. Another chocolate option good for a snack is the Premier Protein shake which has 30g of protein, is low fat, etc. and is only 160 calories.

    Maryanne--I always thought the Diet Direct weight loss program was the same as MediFast and cheaper.

    I am up to slightly over 5,000 steps as of lunch time. I have a knee issue but my former orthopedic recommended I use a recumbent bike or a heavy duty mini-cycle as it would keep the knee flexible and stronger. I put my FitBit on my instep inside my shoe when pedalling to get the step equivalent.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    Hello lhberger! I can definitely relate to a chocolate addiction. Ice cream is not as tempting for me, but I have found mini ice cream sandwiches at Target that are only 90 calories, so I keep those on hand for an after dinner treat on occasion.

    I am currently not in an exercise program but need to get back to it. I generally prefer walking, either in a nearby park with a friend, or on a treadmill at the gym. I have a foot issue as a souvenir from a broken ankle 5 years ago, so exercise is sometimes painful for me due to this.

    Fair warning: Rant to follow.

    I have literally spent upwards of 4 hours on the phone with AT&T over the past few days trying to upgrade our cell phones. On Tuesday we had gone to the local T-Mobile store intending to switch carriers and get phones through them, but they asked for our account number from AT&T. While in the store I called their customer service to get the account number and got switched to their Loyalty desk where I was informed that we had several offers available to us which ultimately would be a better deal than the one being offered by T-Mobile, so we politely declined their offer and left. I was on the phone with the ATT rep for 2 hours trying to set up the new arrangement but the rep kept running into various issues where she would have to put me on hold and get a supervisor to override something in the system. Finally, we were scheduling the delivery of the 2 new devices and ran into an issue she couldn’t fix. At that point she told me to simply do nothing and after 24 hours everything she had done would automatically cancel, and she would call me on Thursday to redo everything. So Wednesday morning at 8 AM I got a text message from the person who was supposed to deliver and set up my new phone asking if he could come earlier than the scheduled time. I replied that the transaction was supposed to have been cancelled. After some back and forth and a phone call, he cancelled the appointment.

    Yesterday I waited for the ATT person to call me back as promised but it never happened. So around 2:30 in the afternoon I called again and got a different rep, who was much easier to understand and very polite. However, he was unable to match the deal that I had been offered 2 days before. I stood my ground and insisted that I was unwilling to make any changes that would result in a higher monthly bill than the amount I had agreed to on Tuesday. He finally put his supervisor on the line and this individual was able to match the deal so I agreed to go forward with it. The original person came back on the line and began to enter the information to set it up. He also ran into several problems but persevered until he ran into an issue that was going to take several hours to resolve. I was supposed to read and accept the terms and conditions but they were not showing up when I logged into the page he told me to go to. He assured me that this was a system issue that was being corrected and that I would be able to see it later. I reluctantly agreed to schedule a delivery time for today but stipulated that I would cancel if the terms did not match what we had discussed. And on top of these issues, he was unable to start the process for my husband’s phone and I was going to have to call back today to initiate the process all over again for his new phone.

    So this morning I got 2 text messages stipulating 2 different delivery windows for the one phone. I called to clarify which time and make sure the second appointment was cancelled. In the meantime I checked my emails and found the confirmation email they were unable to generate yesterday. The estimated monthly bill was almost $50 month higher than what we had agreed upon yesterday! At that point DH and I said let’s pull the plug on this and go back to T-Mobile. I called again and cancelled the appointment and transaction and we plan to go back to T-Mobile this afternoon. I’m not even exaggerating when I say I’ve spent more than 4 hours on this. I’m beyond frustrated with them at this point. We’ve been AT&T customers for at least 20 years, but I’m done at this point.

    OK, rant over now.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    Pam - I feel for you! With me it's Verizon and the CROM line. Last spring they insisted on changing our copper wires to fiber and our phone system has only worked for brief periods ever since. It's a never ending story of one polite person after another. I have a whole (thick) file. When they say "do you happen to know your account number" I just roll my eyes.

    The punch line? In their system they are still showing us as still on copper and no one can seem to fix that. Seems like a minor issue but as DH says it could get big some day.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    I'm having a NS shelf stable day today.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    iberger--Welcome! I enjoy chocolate myself. I love the Pure Protein chocolate deluxe bars which have 21g of protein for around 200 calories. It is also low in suar. I can have a bar for lunch when working and be satisfied. Another chocolate option good for a snack is the Premier Protein shake which has 30g of protein, is low fat, etc. and is only 160 calories.

    Maryanne--I always thought the Diet Direct weight loss program was the same as MediFast and cheaper.

    I am up to slightly over 5,000 steps as of lunch time. I have a knee issue but my former orthopedic recommended I use a recumbent bike or a heavy duty mini-cycle as it would keep the knee flexible and stronger. I put my FitBit on my instep inside my shoe when pedalling to get the step equivalent.

    I have some Medifast food here. Same high protein/low calorie theme but different entrees.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,829 Member
    I pushed myself to walk today and have 4000 steps so far. I’m exercise phobic so I have to talk myself into doing it. DH went to a WW II lecture at the library today. The place was packed and there was no place to park. I dropped him off and ran an errand. When I got back, I parked a quarter mile away and walked back. I find it easier to walk to a destination rather than randomly walking. We had to walk back to the car when the program was over. Adding in the rest of my steps for the day brought me over 4,000 steps. It’s been weeks since I put that much effort into walking.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Pam--What a horrible experience. I use Consumer Cellular which runs off ATT, has various plans and you can either get phone from them or supply your own phone. I text often so the iunlimited texts was appealing to me. You don't have to be a senior citizen but if you are an AARP member, the rate is lower. I've been with ATT, Tracfone and Consumer Cellular. The service is fabulous.

    Helene--I'm a little exercise phobic also. It took me a long time to find something I like, and it has been this heavy duty mini-cycle that does the same thing as a recumbent bike. The magic addition is being able to watch entertaining tv programs to make the time fly. I'm up to 9218 steps and will surpass 10,000 sometime this evening. I put my fitbit under my instep while wearing a shoe to record equivalent steps.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Pam--I know you are interested in the possibility of Intermittant Fasting. You might want to check out this link:

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    If you want something a little intimidating when it comes to exercise, go to the FitBit site and read what some are doing for a February challenge. This is one post showing goals, number of days to do each goal and days actually accomplished. If you see something like 4/16, it means they plan to do it 16 times during the month and the 4 or number in front of the slash indicates number of times done as of Feb. 7.

    7 February

    10,000 steps a day for 20 days 6/20
    12 days over 12,000 5/12
    10 days over 15,000 steps 4/10
    3 days over 20,000 steps 2/3
    10 lunges a day for 20 days 5/20
    Swim 2x per week 2/8
    8 bike rides or strenuous walks per month 1/8
    3 hours dance practice per week minimum 4/12

    This wore me out just reading it.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,829 Member
    Waiting for someone to quote Jean. I still can’t view her posts.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Pam--What a horrible experience. I use Consumer Cellular which runs off ATT, has various plans and you can either get phone from them or supply your own phone. I text often so the iunlimited texts was appealing to me. You don't have to be a senior citizen but if you are an AARP member, the rate is lower. I've been with ATT, Tracfone and Consumer Cellular. The service is fabulous.

    Helene--I'm a little exercise phobic also. It took me a long time to find something I like, and it has been this heavy duty mini-cycle that does the same thing as a recumbent bike. The magic addition is being able to watch entertaining tv programs to make the time fly. I'm up to 9218 steps and will surpass 10,000 sometime this evening. I put my fitbit under my instep while wearing a shoe to record equivalent steps.

  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Pam--I know you are interested in the possibility of Intermittant Fasting. You might want to check out this link:


  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    If you want something a little intimidating when it comes to exercise, go to the FitBit site and read what some are doing for a February challenge. This is one post showing goals, number of days to do each goal and days actually accomplished. If you see something like 4/16, it means they plan to do it 16 times during the month and the 4 or number in front of the slash indicates number of times done as of Feb. 7.

    7 February

    10,000 steps a day for 20 days 6/20
    12 days over 12,000 5/12
    10 days over 15,000 steps 4/10
    3 days over 20,000 steps 2/3
    10 lunges a day for 20 days 5/20
    Swim 2x per week 2/8
    8 bike rides or strenuous walks per month 1/8
    3 hours dance practice per week minimum 4/12

    This wore me out just reading it.

  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    DH and I successfully got our new phones today at T-Mobile. It was a much less painful experience than my attempts with AT&T, thankfully.

    We just got home from happy hour with our friends. I had a delicious dinner but probably ate more than I should have. While we were waiting to pay our check I suddenly started feeling faint and dizzy. I put my head down on the table and one of my friends soaked a napkin in cold water and put that on my neck for a few minutes. I finally was able to move to their waiting area and lie down on a bench until I felt less dizzy. DH and one of my friend’s DH walked me to the car and we came home. By the time we got home I was feeling fine. Ive has similar episodes in the past but never have been able to figure out a cause. My best guess is a sudden drop in BP, but no idea why it drops.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Pam--That is scary. I do hope you find the reason. I assume you will be seeing a doctor soon.

    I ended the day with 12,267 steps. I have my FitBit to alert me if I have not gotten 250 steps in during the hour. It does this for 13 hours based upon how I set it in the notifications. Ten hours at 250 steps is 2,500 steps. The idea is to keep people from sitting all the time. It doesn't take long to get in 250 steps.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I pushed myself to walk today and have 4000 steps so far. I’m exercise phobic so I have to talk myself into doing it. DH went to a WW II lecture at the library today. The place was packed and there was no place to park. I dropped him off and ran an errand. When I got back, I parked a quarter mile away and walked back. I find it easier to walk to a destination rather than randomly walking. We had to walk back to the car when the program was over. Adding in the rest of my steps for the day brought me over 4,000 steps. It’s been weeks since I put that much effort into walking.

    I think we were made to walk TO somewhere rather than walking on a treadmill so what your head want sounds pretty sensible to me!! My brain is the one that should be questing why the body it's attached to is walking and not going anywhere!

    I did 34 minute tonight just because I wanted to see how Erica's episode ended. Pretty strange when you stop to think about it.