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WAISTAWAYS Team Chat - April 2020



  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    I believe I joined the Fitrockr thing, I am just not sure if I joined the right team.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    OK what a day. I am having my first kind of outburst of bad feelings from this whole situation. I got seriously angry over a recipe this morning (hello? anyone home in there????) and even after a 5 mile walk, I'm somewhat explosive. I thought I had this all under control (hahahahha) so I guess it was time for the bubble to burst a bit! Yesterday was the first day in ages I had a meet up with a friend. We took a 5 mile walk together, and talked - it was wonderful. So maybe that reminded me of the world out there, and today I'm feeling a bit pent up! In any case, I took another 5 mile walk today, and will get my equilibrium back I'm sure!
    I'll bet that it is not a bad thing to let loose ...to have it all under control at all times is maybe not realistic. My mother and I had a blow up a few days ago. Smoother again the next day. When routines are all messed up everyone has to readjust - some good things come out of it but, with that, some strain too. Hang in there. You are so supportive of everyone on this page, it is much appreciated. BTW, what was the recipe? so I can avoid it :wink:
    Monday morning, sigh...starting off with my own frustration - lawn blowers down the street at 7 am clearing off an already clear lawn, a beautiful red fox searching for scraps from the suet feeder - the frustration being that it has the beginnings of mange (such a cruel parasite causing much misery), and dad's dementia taking a turn for the worse this week -maybe he's absorbing the negativity in the news/paper/lack of faces other than mum and I. We'll all get through. Boston expecting the worst these next 10 days.
    Fitrockr seems all over the place (from what I see, stephanie is on both teams :smiley: ) but I'm sure it will eventually sort out - it does seem like it could be a fun and easy challenge.
    Have a great day all.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Had a weird weekend -very unsettled and strange, so decided to take today off.

    1. I did a very exhausting Fitness Blender workout this morning - the first from the last week of an 8 week programme! I've never stuck to a workout programme for so long.
    2. I'm going to "Marie Kondo" my drawers and continue tidying up my studio.
    3. Thanks to Austin's email invitation, I'm now in the Fitrockr team.
    4. A couple of hours ago, I got a WhatsApp video call from my son in Virginia, so the joy is mounting up today.

    Lunch today was fried eggs and ham on toast and dinner is going to be roast chicken and egg fried rice. I just need to keep my water intake going.

    Happy Monday friends!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    The fitrockr thing hates me. It doesn't work with my watch or my phone. So I think I have to opt out for now. :(

    Managed to get into the work gym yesterday. It's pretty limited but I did a few squats and bench presses so I'll call it a win.

    Feeling worse and worse, mentally. Getting groceries was like being in some kind of weird apocalyptic police state. Had a blood test on Saturday where everyone was wearing masks, gloves and body suits. It's just... awful. I felt bad for being there, like I'm not needing a blood test THAT badly.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member

    how do you all feel if a good portion of your carbs for the day come from fresh fruit?
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    how do you all feel if a good portion of your carbs for the day come from fresh fruit?

    In what respect? I love fruit so I'd be fine with it personally.

    My fructose intolerance means that I'd be sick as heck though. :(
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,261 Member
    YinxFed wrote: »
    Had a weird weekend -very unsettled and strange, so decided to take today off.

    1. I did a very exhausting Fitness Blender workout this morning - the first from the last week of an 8 week programme! I've never stuck to a workout programme for so long.
    2. I'm going to "Marie Kondo" my drawers and continue tidying up my studio.
    3. Thanks to Austin's email invitation, I'm now in the Fitrockr team.
    4. A couple of hours ago, I got a WhatsApp video call from my son in Virginia, so the joy is mounting up today.

    Lunch today was fried eggs and ham on toast and dinner is going to be roast chicken and egg fried rice. I just need to keep my water intake going.

    Happy Monday friends!
    Did everyone notice how she calls this a day off? I'm seriously impressed, and really glad that good things are happening after a strange weekend.
    Terytha wrote: »
    The fitrockr thing hates me. It doesn't work with my watch or my phone. So I think I have to opt out for now. :(

    Managed to get into the work gym yesterday. It's pretty limited but I did a few squats and bench presses so I'll call it a win.

    Feeling worse and worse, mentally. Getting groceries was like being in some kind of weird apocalyptic police state. Had a blood test on Saturday where everyone was wearing masks, gloves and body suits. It's just... awful. I felt bad for being there, like I'm not needing a blood test THAT badly.
    Yikes! I'm having troubles with the fitrockr syncing with my phone too, but I'll keep trying to see if it will get better. I'll let you know if it does! And it is great you got to the gym, however limited, over the weekend. And please do not worry that you did not need or somehow deserve your blood test. Regular hospital things are happening besides the dreaded virus, and I am sure the people working with you, however suited, gloved, and masked, are glad to take care of non-virus tests and people's needs for their health. It is weird out there, but keep your chin up if you can :heart:
    how do you all feel if a good portion of your carbs for the day come from fresh fruit?

    I get almost all my carbs from vegetables, but there are fruits in there too. I don't always get along with grains, so this works great for me.

    Today is a special day up here on our hill. The frogs came up!! On my hubby's birthday! That has only happened once before in 30 years or more. They always surface on the first strongly sunny day after all the ice is off the pond. They float up out of the mud at the bottom and just hang there on the surface, warming themselves up in the sunshine. Once there are a few, they start swimming around to the new arrivals and bumping them. They all start doing this odd sound that only happens for the first few days that they are up - it is almost like quacking. It is a really cool sound, but they shut up and dive the instant we come anywhere near the pond. We have to stand stock still for quite a long time before they dare reappear, and for even longer before they'll start singing again. After a few days they are much less shy. It is always our favourite spring moment. Go little frogs go! These are the frogs that just mate, lay eggs, and then go off into the trees for the summer. I think that the spring peepers are among the wood frogs that come up this early. The full-time pond residents (leopard and bull frogs) come up later. OK enough frog talk!

    I have been very inactive today. Gotta get something shaking, or @YinxFed and all the rest of you will be in my head telling me to get to it!!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    March Week 4 Results (Better late than never, I hope.)
    Team Steps 506,078 and 100% Reporting

    1st - @Steph1498 98,341
    2nd - @Shexio 86,943
    3rd - @evangsimmons170 76,651

    Grand Finale March Report
    Total Steps - 1,926,472

    1st - @Steph1498 345,918
    2nd - @Shexio 304,058
    3rd - @Micki48 290,118

    April Step Results - Week 1

    Total Steps 191,678 with 54% reporting

    1st - @evangsimmons170 69,324
    2nd - @Micki48 51,682
    3rd - @YinxFed 32,648

    Good Stepping Ladies!!!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    I made it into the Fitrocker team thing. Yay! Hopefully, I can find it again tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing fine. Yesterday was not good for me at the end of the day. Too much news watching. Today was fine. Got in the garden a bit and also did Pilates first thing this morning. Its focus was on stress relief and the upper back and shoulders. It felt great. I need to get a few more steps to hit my goal for the day of 8,500. Still have a ways to go to get my house decluttered. Getting there. Hang in there y'all. :)
  • deniners2
    deniners2 Posts: 968 Member
    Oh, yeah, & I've been eating small buckets of chocolate chips at night...
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,261 Member
    deniners2 wrote: »
    Oh, yeah, & I've been eating small buckets of chocolate chips at night...

    Good thing you already weighed in this week! I have been battling the snackage the past couple of days, too. Let's try to beat this - earn the shower, and be kind to the tum. We can do it!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,261 Member
    It's Tuesday!

    We have no weigh-ins today, it's the full moon, and the great outdoors beckons. Aiming for 5 miles today - and a good session of frog listening while staring at my little kitchen garden that I planted with those amazing early plants like arugula, lettuces, kale, and chard. I will sing it songs the way Toad does in one of my favourite children's book series - Frog and Toad. I will read it poetry. I will dance around it. Seeds will germinate.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Talk-It-Out Tuesday – Need to vent about anything? Reply with hugs or suggestions to what others posted. (you don’t need to save the venting for just Tuesday’s – let us know at any time!)

    This is something we did when I first joined this group over a year ago and since we’ve been kind of quiet, I thought perhaps it could inspire us to post. We know everyone is dealing with a life we’ve never seen before, so if you want to chat, go for it. If not, we totally understand.

    My big accomplishment for today was coming up with a pipe cleaner tool I created to get this gross dust(I’m talking dust bunnies) out from between my oven glass. It has driven me crazy for a long time. I was quite proud of myself. Then I was able to remove all this baked on crud on the glass with a trusty razor blade and cleaning solution. Not exciting for most people in the world, but I felt pretty good about it. Worked up a sweat too. Having a healthy salad for lunch and then planning some Pilates in a bit.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    Then I was able to remove all this baked on crud on the glass with a trusty razor blade and cleaning solution. Not exciting for most people in the world, but I felt pretty good about it. Worked up a sweat too. Having a healthy salad for lunch and then planning some Pilates in a bit.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    OK @micki48, there I was reading your post when what you said above struck me SO funny! You went from removing "baked on crud" to having "a healthy salad for lunch." I immediately thought, "What did she do, make a salad from the baked on crud?" LOLOL

    Let's just call it my shelter-in-place craziness! LOLOL
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Got home from work yesterday and made dinner, then took the pups for a walk... the big one gets very tired very easily when it's warm out, and even though it was only 68 -he was panting like crazy so it wasn't a long one... He has to build up his stamina... He is a great Pyr mix, He is also 100lbs and extremely furry, so 68 probably feels like 110 to him... Now winter time, there is no stopping him.. Anyway, so short walk for the puppers, then I got on the treadmill for 45 minutes...

    Peri-menopause is kicking my *kitten* this week, I sat on the couch after exercising last night and boom puddle of sweat, I sweat more sitting there for 2 minutes than the whole 45 I was on the treadmill... I thought these went away, but alas they are back with a vengeance...

    I did pilates this morning and will do a video when I get home, along with another puppers walk..

    Anyway, not much has changed around here... I guess I"m kinda used to the new normal...

    Have a great day !
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