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WAISTAWAYS Team Chat - April 2020



  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 564 Member
    Hey ho, my lovelies,
    Here's a link to an article about the things happening within us during this pandemic which may surprise you. I found it helpful to process it during the day.
    Peace to us all.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrazy Oh that peri menopause. I’m right there with you...still. I always sweat much more after I stop exercising. Takes about 10 minutes or so to cool down. The weird flashes are the ones out of nowhere and seem to spread from inside your body. So many weird aspects, we could go on and on, huh? Like that brain fog?! My personal favorite 🤪 Glad you were able to have a nice, albeit, short walk with puppers. Those elderly dears do need to be in charge of distance. Our old guy would just lay down wherever he was when he was done. 🐶
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    My kids are next door at grandma's for a sleepover tonight. My husband and I are planning a fun night in together. A costume dance party for two and probably a late night movie. Were going to make flatbread with goat cheese, peaches and bacon bits. Baked apple slices topped with sharp cheddar cheese and drizzled with maple syrup. We will have a veggie tray and strawberry Italian sodas. Should be fun and a good distraction!

    @conleywoods I LOVE this!!! How wonderful and fun for you two. I think you are very wise to make some really special time for the two of you. And what a great grandma. Hope you had a blast. 💕
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,261 Member
    Good evening at least for some of us - good whatever it is, in any case.

    @cory17 - urrrrghh -- it is so horrible when renters do not have any respect for the place, for you, or, it seems, for themselves. I have never rented out a place, but I have a friend who has and she finds it rare that someone really takes good care. So sorry you have to clean up after them. Their moms must have done too much of that so they never learned to do it for themselves! Keep cool, and it will soon be looking much better again.

    Just a few reminders for weigh-ins:
    @Andreabroadley whenever you can!

    due Wednesday:

    Have a lovely full moon night, everyone :heart:
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 564 Member
    Happy Tuesday night!
    So many fun comments and stories I’ve read from you all tonight. We’ve all taken turns running hard on turning the merry go round. There are times I’m focused and calm, going with the flow of the moment and then other times, when putting a few thoughts about the future puts me in a tail spin and I freak out. Breathe in through the nose, hold, out through the mouth-hold. Repeat. Often.
    I’ll get some sleep and see you earlier in the day tomorrow.
    @jugar belated birthday wishes to the tall one-it *will* be belated by the time you read this!
    I had a walk today with Monica (younger daughter) and Sarah (spouse). We discovered more areas up and behind the rolling cemetery behind the back yard. It’s a fascinating cemetery.
    I’m discouraged by the app telling me that “if every day was like today you’d weigh...” seeing that number go up this week...well, poo. Actually, that’ll help. Exercise will, too. I need some inspiration so will take your writingss to heart!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,261 Member
    This is the most hilarious hand washing video imaginable. You must watch it! With your kids, your old ones - anyone.

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Good morning friends! Hope everyone is feeling well. Pollen is super high here today. The leaves have popped overnight and there is a green cloud in the air. The cars are ridiculous. Maybe I'll post a picture later. LOL.

    Just finished 33 minutes of pilates. It was yesterday's class, but whooweee those side planks are ridiculous!! I just watched for part of it because it was not happening here. I earned my shower @jugar. Now, I need to get going today. I'll check in later. Make it a great day.
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    Tenants in my childhood home moved out and I'm trying to organize repairs & cleaning. Cleaning is usually last but alot of things need to be clean prior to repair. They didn't even vacuum, much less scrub anything. It was brand spanking new condition when they moved in and the zero effort on their part - plus the multiple holes, worn down baseboard corners, the more I think about it, the madder I get. I'm venting, thank you. So much work on this place, and it's hard not to be personal as do this for my mother.

    Anyway, my mental reminder is to stay on topic & focus. I've been yakking the ears off everyone that come into contact with!

    We're trying to eat from our cupboards and freezer, and there's starting to be some space.

    @cory17 I'm so sorry your tenants had no regard for your property, especially one with so much meaning to you! Sometimes you wonder if owning rental property is really worth it, but it's something I'm really interested in doing in the near future.

    I too am trying to "eat from our cupboards and freezer." I'm doing really good except when I run out of the essentials that you can't stock pile like eggs or almond milk, I run to the store and end up getting a "few" things more. LOL
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    @Terytha I loved the googly eyes! Too funny! Do whatever you gotta do to stay sane, right? Enjoy your day. :smile:

    @micki48 I super loved your enclosed porch! I'd be there all the time if I could!

    @conleywoods BEST. DATE IDEA. EVER! I love it!

  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    @jugar that handwashing YouTube was insane! LOLOL. A prime example of how creative (or crazy) we get when we've been couped up in the house for too long! Too funny! Thanks for sharing.
  • offitgoes
    offitgoes Posts: 755 Member
    PW: 175.8
    CW : 176.4
    Earlier in the week I weighted 178 so thrilled going back down.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,261 Member
    Hi gang!

    I like that "truth about losing weight" graphic @matthewsfive . It is so true - the doubts, hard work, slowness of the process - all that is invisible. Especially if the person making the comments needs to lose weight and is still at the bottom step! It is common to believe that it is easy for other people. This team gets it!

    We had another gorgeous sunny day here today, cool but lovely. We were able to get the tree off our vegetable garden. A huge spruce tree fell on the garden a few weeks ago during a storm, and we finished cleaning it up today. One section of the fence got squished, but it looks like it will be possible to pull it all back up and make it critter proof again. My garden's nickname is "Sing Sing". Without the crazy fencing system, it is overrun by all kinds of beasts who love the same vegetables we do, it seems. Or who just wander through with their huge feet (thanks, moose). The fence is my friend. Now the work of cleaning up the garden, turning under the cover crop, and getting the soil warm begins! I did plant one small part with kale and mini purple daikon radish in hopes that they might survive. It is going to snow on Friday, but they won't have germinated by then, right? I have never planted anything this early. No pollen here, @micki48 !

    So, friends. At this point we are going to have to work really hard to succeed at losing 20 pounds as a team this week. So far, we have put ON 1.3 pounds, but there are 15 people yet to weigh in for the week. Let's keep giving it a try! We need to catch up to the teams who are losing more, or go check out their team threads to see what they are doing to keep losing during these hard times! I'm not sure I'm going to register a loss this week, but being on the Fitrokr team has been helping me push through more exercise than I would have done on some days.

    Whatever happens, we'll keep on doing the best we can, every day!
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