WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - April 2020



  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    04/18 steps 9271
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,081 Member

  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,081 Member
    so glad I made 10,000 steps 5 days a week, yesterday i just made. yesterday i woke up it was snowing today its going to be in the 60's. i want to take the cover off the pool today, my liner ripped at the end of season, i want to see if we can save it instead of having to replace it. at least just for this season with everything going on. i just rather not spend a ton of money with me not working. i am going to go for a walk early today because the weekends the trails get busy. i also want to get some yard work in if i can.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Weigh-in day:Saturday
    Previous weight:178.8
    Current weight:178.8
  • timibotkin
    timibotkin Posts: 235 Member
    Steps 4/12-4/18
    S- 7,563
    M- 13,367
    T- 12,774
    W- 10,043
    T- 10,269
    F- 10,447
    S- 3,646 ...I slept until 4:30pm yesterday, I’m not sure what’s going on with me!

    I know it’s too late for last week, but maybe they can be counted for the month

    4/5 - 4/11
    M- 16,440
    T- 13,453
    W- 16,625
    T- 11,760
    F- 12,338
    S- 7,821
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 418 Member
    Steps for the week:
    4/12- 11,357
    4/13- 10,596
    4/14- 12,007
    4/15- 11,315
    4/16- 11,066
    4/17- 13,248
    4/18- 7,318
    Total= 76,907
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Will your team win the upcoming challenge this week? You can do it!! B)

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    All right everyone - a new Challenge is up!

    Let's get going on some serious and fun strategies to rock the next week or two -

  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Sunday 4/19
    Food: didn't track
    Water: not enough
    Exercise: 15 minute low intensity, 45 minute walk with friend

    I slept in this morning, watched my church's service online, went for a little shorter walk today. My friend's family was going to meet her at the park so they could get together so we didn't go quite as far. I slept for a couple of hours this afternoon so I can stay awake for work tonight. The plan this week is basically the same as last week.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Week 3 Step Challenge Winners!

    1. @ljdanny - 84,138 steps
    2. @Annliz23 - 78,327 steps
    3. @Zumba_Luvah - 76,907 steps

    Together this week, 5 team members had 354,072 steps!! Congratulations everyone!

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited April 2020

    Congratulations to our team for coming in first for week 3 lbs & % lost!! Way to go team!!
    Congratulations to our top 3 “losers”: @Gingerpwr, @CassieGetsFit2013 and @Zumba_Luvah!! All 3 of you also made it to the group Honorable Mentions!! Way to go!!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    We are all going through a really challenging time. If you need to be excused from your weigh in for the week, just let me know by posting here or messaging me. If you don’t do that, after missing 2 weigh ins, you are marked (NWI - no weigh in) and are moved to the team drop list, which we don’t want to see happen.

    Also if you will be late with your weight in, it is fine to post it later, as long as you do so by the Saturday evening at the end of the week.

    Just in case you are moved to the drop list, I will message you at the end of this month to see if you want to rejoin the team for May. You can message me too if there are any issues.

    Week 4




  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    @Cafelelia that sounds stressful, I hope you can rest up and feel better soon.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 My weight has jumped up today because of sodium I think, +800 grams or almost 2 lbs. It's not a true gain, just a fluctuation. I track my weight daily so I look at the trend, and I'm consistent and accurate with my logging. I have just altered my daily calorie goal however, as with the lockdown and working from home I'm not moving as much and not losing much. Set myself to Sedentary instead of Lightly Active which took away some calories, but at least now I can log my exercise and not feel guilty if I eat some of the calories back. also set to lose 0.75kg per week. Hopefully I'll have a nice balance now between not starving and losing consistent weight - when was the last time you set your goals? Are they still realistic? Are you weighing and logging everything consistently? Just a few suggestions because I know going back to the basics can sometimes help.

    Here in NZ we're moving out of Level 4 lockdown next week and into Level 3. Which is just Level 4 with takeaways open really. And schools, but only up to Year 10 (of 13) and for children of Essential workers. The rest learn online still. And mine are driving me insane. Right now it's almost 11pm and my Year 12 daughter is stressing about Shakespeare. She has Aspergers and I'm trying to help her (one of my majors was English Literature) but far out, this hell cannot be over soon enough. Okay, end rant. My food is under calorie, I drank enough water and I exercised.

    And now I'm going to go to bed. If I can evade Shakespeare long enough that is.
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    04/20 steps 3013
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,010 Member
    Username: jedaschultz
    Week: 4
    Weight in day: Monday
    Previous weight:199.8
    Current weight: 203.6

    WOW!! How embarrassing! I am back on track starting right now. Too much Easter candy and being cooped up.
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