WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - April 2020



  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Friday 4/3
    Food: on track
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 minutes low intensity bodyweight exercise, 60 minute walk with my neighbor, 20 minute walk by myself

    I didn't do a lot with my day. Didn't have much motivation. I did go through some papers, which was about the extent of being productive. Tomorrow needs to be more productive.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    Hi, I am new here. My weigh-in day is Wednesday. Today is April 1st so I started today. I am an online professor and I also own a small ad agency. I have been working remotely more or less for the past 5+ years minus teaching a few face-to-face classes or seeing clients. My husband works from home as well, he is a systems administrator and luckily we are both still working. All three of our kids are home from school and homeschooling. It has been challenging finding enough food and certain kinds of foods to cook healthy meals for the family. We live in NY which is the hardest hit in the nation and almost everyone at this point has a family member who is ill or has passed away or both. It is a very scary time. My only saving grace is my running which I can, for now, do outside early in the morning. If we are forced to stop that, I do have a treadmill that I am not as enthused about but it will do. Anyway, I am happy to meet everyone and hope this group will keep me accountable during these challenging times. I did the challenge of tracking my food ahead of time and earning my shower with a long run. I so far have stayed the course with the food I tracked today.

    Anyway here is my weigh-in info:

    User ID: ProfDawnLee
    Week Number: Week 1
    Previous weight: * (this is my week 1)
    Current weight: 142

    So glad you're here with us Dawn! You'll be fast friends with this group. They are wonderful, wonderful people. I know things are hard in NY right now and feel for you. Everyone, I've been friends with Dawn for such a long time now and so happy she's here with us. :blush:
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    I've had a pretty stressed and slothful week. A couple of days I was a bit loose with my logging, and started drifting towards nibbling between meals, that's a big no-no for me. Old habits, but food doesn't make me feel better any more so there's no point in eating it just because it's there. With all that tension and headaches I triggered some nerve pain and had to take a couple of rest days from exercise too, and wound up with a few days only around 2000 steps. Ugh.

    So, the past two days my goal was to move more and tighten up the logging, which doesn't mean I can't have whatever, just that I have to weigh and log it and stay within calorie goal. Which I am doing. I had a little bit of ice cream last night, but I must say that I've cut so much sugar out of my diet now (trying to eliminate migraine triggers) that I didn't really enjoy it all that much. It was easy to stick to a portion!

    Job update - it looks like my job is going to be deemed "safe" and my hours not reduced, but this is all for now and dependent on what happens with the world over the next months. So a little relieved, but this is still not confirmed.

    @Cafelelia The song is just around 3 mins. Or it might never end. I dunno. It got stuck on my Spotify in the car while I drove to get groceries just before, now it's in my head forever. As an aside - the proper form for planks is resting on your elbows with your spine in complete alignment. @podperson1 & @nstephenson01 My right upper body is where I have nerve pain, so I just discovered that I can't do this exercise any more. Sadness. However hubby and I always work out together and we often get the kids exercising with us too. I have a particular endorsement in training children, and I've been giving my 15 year old son (in the photos) personal training sessions for a while. He's my kid that plays rep basketball, so we work on cardio fitness, endurance and strength. My daughter also plays, so they're both quite fit (she's 16). They expect me to make things harder! :smiley:

    @Mrsbell8well I love your profile pic, and the photos of spring you keep posting. It's autumn here on the opposite side of the world!

    @KUMEcyclingteam I think I might borrow that new look for my next ride! Now that we're in lockdown everyone's a cyclist and think they own the road.

    @tryingagain5 I was laughing over your walk taking so long, you must be popular! I was thinking that manufacturing really is an essential service - my work is deemed essential and we design, service and support our payment terminals, but our manufacturer is in Malaysia and shut down right now and it's a disaster for us. If you take all precautions then it should be okay? Although we're essential, we only have the people that are absolutely necessary going into our building, and only then under strict rules. Nobody wants to get sick.

    @pacsnc6 I am happy that your first chemo went well, I hope you continue to feel okay.

    @sleepymom5 Good news that Jim is recovering, I am sending all positive thoughts your way!

    @lennoncpa We never have any of the same brands here, but I didn't realise you were so petite! I'm 5'7" and my 15 yr old son is 6' - he pats me on the head and calls me short! Also, I realised long ago that I don't know how a 'normal' person eats, so I guess I'll just have to eat like me and accept that it's okay.

  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    04/03 steps 5754
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 419 Member
    My steps for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday:

  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx I remember when my sons needed me to reach things from “high” places and how one day the tables turned and they were reaching things for me! My boys are only 5’9” both, but in my family that’s a big deal so I’m glad they didn’t take after me!! It seems like all the women in my family are 5 feet and under. I guess your son is still growing since he’s so young. You must have tall people in your family. So cute he pats you on the head 😀
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm glad I talked with my boss too. Thank you for the suggestion about talking with my doctor about it but I don't plan on doing that, at least not now. I know I'm not the only one with concerns about it and I don't want to bother him unless I have to.

    Wow, I didn't realize your city was that large. I didn't look it up but I think my town maybe has 10,000 people in it. Several grocery stores in the surrounding area have limited their hours so they can clean, disinfect and restock their shelves. They also have special times available for the older folks and immune compromised folks to shop.

    There are no restrictions on the age of people going out for essential items, take out food or exercise.

    Michigan's stay at home order is supposed to expire April 13th but I wouldn't be surprised if that gets extended. The projection for the surge in cases in Michigan is supposed to be in a week or two.

  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I am enjoying my walks, I know it's good for me to get outside for some fresh air and to get a little social time.

    Hugs to you and your teammates at work.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I don't know if we have anything here like you described. Those of us that are not volunteering right now are still being paid for 32 hours per week while the stay at home order is effect. That way we also get to keep our benefits. I'm grateful for that.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    No, I'm not really popular.🤣 Just social. I live alone so unless I talk to the neighbors who are out I'm probably going to start talking to myself. There are some memes going around Facebook about people talking to the curtains, dishwasher, iron, washing machine, etc and those items talking back to the person. It's actually quite funny.

    From what my boss told me, work is taking a lot of precautions so it probably would be ok but since I haven't felt comfortable with it I decided not to go in for now. He also said that they only worked 2 days last week and are only doing the minimum needed to keep up with the customer demand. If the stay at home order gets extended until the end of the month, I may volunteer then.

    I hope your headaches and pain go away soon. Glad you're still going to be able to work. Stay safe!

    That's great that you get your family involved in the exercise. Good activity for you all to do together.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I can't do hummus. I've tried homemade and store bought and just don't like the taste.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    edited April 2020
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Theresa and I live in Toronto, Canad, not too far from Lisa (Cafelelia)

    I have a grown daughter and son. My daughter lives nearby with her partner who is working on his PhD. He's a poet and she's a marketer.

    I have a son and daughter-in-law who live in a small town about an hour or so away in a little house built in the 1800s. They have two children who are Pippa, almost three, and Gil, almost one. My son is on paternity leave, which has turned into a challenge being housebound with two little ones. His wife is an ASL interpreter which is essential right now. Though she is trying to buy enough high tech equipment to do it solely from home.

    I can't see any of them right now but that won't be forever. I am a germaphobe, so have been experiencing some anxiety. I'm combating it by keeping myself involved. One thing I've been doing is appearing three days a week virtually as Neighbour Theresa:Interactive Games with Nana, which occupies neighbourhood children while their parents try to work at home. That really helps.

    I work for myself now, after having had a career as an advertising and publishing executive. A good friend and I are launching a start-up, which has to do with the genealogy trend that's going on now. I'm also a family historian myself. Luckily our business may just be pandemic proof. We will see.

    Welcome, @ProfDawnLee! Already you've been such a good MFP friend to me. I'm so excited that you're here!

    Welcome, @srw32 and great loss!

    Welcome, @annliz23 Alphie is a beauty.

  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @tryingagain5 I don’t know if you remember 2 months ago when I did the homemade hummus. So funny that it didn’t occur to me that a bag of dried beans would blow up into a month’s worth of hummus. That was good but quite a learning experience.

    I go through different cravings in my life as you might also. A year and a half ago I had to give up all sweets because I can’t eat them in moderation. I tell you how far I’ve come - I actually was able to pick up Dairy Queen ice cream for my son without batting an eye. It’s just totally out of bounds for me. I also have an issue with mixed nuts. I mean they are healthy- but not in the quantity I end up eating them!! I haven’t been buying any because I know what will happen. Before all of this when I was still able to eat at restaurants, I would occasionally have a salad that has nuts in it. I’m like a little kid who needs to be monitored 😀.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Yesterday was a much better day in terms of how I was feeling. I exercised and felt good. I am starting my food planning again tomorrow and hope all is back to normal. The bread turned out great and was delicious! I will post a couple of photos after. I have a bunch of starter left so as long as I feed it each week, I can keep making bread. I had some anxiety yesterday from our provincial government projections about this virus, but I feel better today. I am backing away from the news cycle this weekend as it just gets to be too much. At 7:30 pm every night in our city, we bang pots and make noise for our health care, front line and essential workers. It has really taken off in my neighbourhood and it is so fun every night to do this and wave to neighbours. I will try to film it and post.

    @1theresamcvean - Nice loss this week! I cannot wait to meet you too! We are so close by! I love business concept and cannot wait to hear more about it when you are ready!
    @lennoncpa - If that hummus works for you, keep going with it. I always have to get the grocery store people to reach top shelf stuff for me too (I am 5’3”). So awesome that you could just stroll on through the Dairy Queen! How are things going with the nuts? I assume well because you have not been posting about it lately. The ancestry stuff is really interesting. I did the 23 &me kit and got one for my mom. The results were fascinating!
    @tryingagain5 - It is really great that you are keeping up with getting exercise, fresh air and socializing. This is exactly what we all have to do to keep going during this difficult time.
    @Zumbah_Luvah - So fantastic that you had a another loss! Way to go!!
    @brown6267 - Sometimes it is hard to figure out what the right maintenance range is. Aside from BMI, you can consider how your feel, how your workouts feel and how you feel in your clothing. In any event, it is awesome that you are either at maintenance or close to it!
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - That is good news about your job! I love how you train your son! My older son will absolutely not listen to me, other than when we run together.
    @hope002 - Fantastic loss!
    @KUMEcyclingteam - Fantastic loss and so happy that you came back on the team! Your photo is hilarious! Hope that you mom is doing well!
    @Mrsbell8well - Having to go out to work right now would be stressful and it sounds like you have a good coping mechanism. Financial services are essential here to and it is tough for my friends in the industry.
    @pacsnc6 - I hope that you are doing well after that first chemo session. Amazing that you could sleep during it! Thanks for checking in with us and take care!
    @nstephenson01 - I keep forgetting that you lost 50 lbs, which is so incredible! You are so right about losing it in a way that you can live it long term. Love how you did not tell our husband about the healthier muffins and he loved them! The sourdough was quite easy, it just takes longer because of the long first rise and then letting it rise again. Making the starter is quite easy and you just have to remember to feed it once per week if refrigerated. My loaf disappeared between last night and today, but I have more starter and will do another one or two next week.
    @GingerPwr - Thanks again for the info about the weights & hope that Noom continues to work for you!
    @ljdanny - great goals for April! I total forgot to ask everyone about goals. A lot of people are using this time to tidy & purge, so go for it!
    @podperson1 - I hope the parcel gets o your parents on time. So great that you are doing Zumba via live stream!

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