No-Nonsense November 2020 Challenge



  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,593 Member
    For 11/7
    Logged and under carbs
    7528 steps from the hike bring the week total to 33,409. Fell short but I know why-election fatigue. Will do better this week.
    Didn't get a 2nd strength session in last week same reason.

    Food prep yesterday included some egg cups, pepperoni chips, hard boiled eggs, chocolate PB fat bombs and beef veggie soup. Bowled great last night too!

    Today is a new day and new opportunity to move more :)
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Food was reasonable, came in low on calories, protein good at 128g, net carbs at 91.
    Exercise was really good, started the day with an 18.2 mile bike ride and then worked in the yard doing clean-up and hanging some patio lights. Finished the day with 12k steps.

    Food was decent, kinda hungry day making up for the low day on Saturday, protein was low (104g so lower then I am shooting for), net carbs at 121 (higher than I am shooting for).
    Active rest day for me, cleaned up around the house, did the grocery shopping, cleaned some more in the garage, cleaned out the garage fridge. Finished the day with 7200 steps.
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    Goals met. ✅ Under on calorie goal AND carb goal. I'd forgotten how difficult it is to eat low carb. Lol.
    12,540 steps

    I had to get on the treadmill again last night before bed in order to get back under my calorie goal for the day. It was supposed to be a rest day for me, but as I ended the day, I was over on my calories by about 80 calories. Ugh!

    And it seems that I'm starving all the time. Lol. I'm trying to drink at least 16oz of water before (or after) each meal. It does help me to feel a little fuller. But I'm used to grazing all day, whenever and whatever I want.... I've read that eating protein at breakfast will help you to feel fuller longer, but I'm looking for suggestions - what will help me to feel full? Perhaps more fiber?
  • gispi918
    gispi918 Posts: 26 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    gispi918 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    gispi918 wrote: »
    I hope I am not too late to join in. I just started in late October to change my lifestyle with Keto, and getting more active. My November goal mirrors my regular goal but would like to find others who can help keep me accountable and motivated.

    My November Plans.

    • Research foods that fit my keto goals, to share with my family during the holiday
    • Keeping my macros at net carbs 20g / fat 133g / protein 80g, and calories under 1600.
    • Finding ways to enjoy avocados (which repulse me)

    • Walk every lunch hour, about 45 mins
    • Walk on the weekends, at least 5 miles
    • Start implementing core workouts, and squats

    • Weekly weigh in on Wednesday morning
    • Blog about it on a personal blog
    • Take photos every week
    • Look for support system on MFP and FitBit community for motivation and challenges.

    This may not work for you due to the carbs in cottage cheese, but I mix avocado with cottage cheese, garlic, dash of hot sauce, and salt, then eat it with celery sticks. It's my standard lunch. All up, with the quantities I have, it's 9g net carbs. I'm usually up around 40-45g net for the day though, so easy for me to fit in.

    Alternatively, maybe we can help you find something you do like instead of avocado? What is it in particular about av that has you forcing yourself to try to eat it?

    I don't like the flavor, texture, and overall mouthfeel. ut because it is a good thing to have on keto for healthy fat, I am trying to learn to adjust to reap the benefits. I never liked avocado or even guacamole. People always thought it was my childhood pickiness, but as an adult, I've proved it time and time again.

    I've tried using it like a milkshake, and guacamole, and by the time I'm halfway through either, I cannot go on. I'm still hungry after the halfway point as well.. or lose my appetite altogether

    Any ideas to a good substitute would help. I am currently getting 40g+ of saturated fat, and would like to lower that. My Calorie goal is 1600.

    Olive oil, avocado oil, nuts, seeds...There is absolutely no need to force yourself to eat something you don't like, though :) Where are your sat fats coming from? Anything you can just drop and have your fat goal a bit lower?

    It's mainly from meats, mct oil, heavy cream, and cheese. I did just start keto, so I am not making all my things exactly from scratch. I do have breakfast sausage, not raw cheese, and put 30ml of mct oil in my one cup of coffee.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    A follow-on question for you:
    gispi918 wrote: »
    It's mainly from meats, mct oil, heavy cream, and cheese. I did just start keto, so I am not making all my things exactly from scratch. I do have breakfast sausage, not raw cheese, and put 30ml of mct oil in my one cup of coffee.

    Do you like your coffee this way or do you do it because 'THEY' say you should do it? Not trying to turn this into an inquisition, just rying to get info so that we can help.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    A follow-on question for you:
    gispi918 wrote: »
    It's mainly from meats, mct oil, heavy cream, and cheese. I did just start keto, so I am not making all my things exactly from scratch. I do have breakfast sausage, not raw cheese, and put 30ml of mct oil in my one cup of coffee.

    Do you like your coffee this way or do you do it because 'THEY' say you should do it? Not trying to turn this into an inquisition, just rying to get info so that we can help.

    GMTA - this is where I was going with my questioning too.

    Gispi, unless you're doing keto for medically therapeutic reasons, you don't need to aim for that 75% fat goal. If you enjoy it, absolutely fine, but if you're adding MCT, cream etc just to hit a specified goal, you don't need to. I'm accidentally keto (literally was not aiming for it because there were things I wasn't willing to compromise on to get carbs down, but tested with ketostix out of curiosity, and...), so anything I say should potentially be taken with a grain of salt, but my fat intake by % is usually around 55%, grams I generally hover around 80g. It's the low carb bit that's important (mine are generally 40-45g net, but I may have a higher 'keto threshold'), not the high fat. Eat fat to satiety, but you don't need to force it.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Mrs_Hoffer wrote: »
    Goals met. ✅ Under on calorie goal AND carb goal. I'd forgotten how difficult it is to eat low carb. Lol.
    12,540 steps

    I had to get on the treadmill again last night before bed in order to get back under my calorie goal for the day. It was supposed to be a rest day for me, but as I ended the day, I was over on my calories by about 80 calories. Ugh!

    And it seems that I'm starving all the time. Lol. I'm trying to drink at least 16oz of water before (or after) each meal. It does help me to feel a little fuller. But I'm used to grazing all day, whenever and whatever I want.... I've read that eating protein at breakfast will help you to feel fuller longer, but I'm looking for suggestions - what will help me to feel full? Perhaps more fiber?

    Fibre definitely may help. Chia seeds and avocado spring to mind as the obvious low carb ones, and push the leafy greens as high as you can within your carb goal for both fibre and volume (and micronutrients). Increasing protein will also help.
  • eneild
    eneild Posts: 198 Member
    1. Food on point
    2. 6 mile training run in the rain (snow tomorrow!) plus another 7 miles walked at work.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Snacking- I did snack a bit midday out of boredom but stopped when I realized it. I really wanted to eat after dinner but held strong and refrained.

    Carbs/protein- not bad on either front. A bit higher in calories than I would have liked but had a better day than most of last week so I’ll take it.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I know just how you feel, @elize7 . So easy to overdo it without realising (ME/CFS is very tricky in this regard). As much as we want to be increasing all the time, sometimes it's good to just sit at a new level for a bit. I haven't been for a proper walk the last couple of days due to fatigue. I could have, just knew it was a bad idea. I did pace up and down the hallway while dinner was in the oven today though, so my Fitbit thinks I went for a walk :lol:

    Macros and cals are looking stunningly good today. Deficit is a smidge lower than I'd like due to lower activity, but I know I need a couple of days of taking it easy. Micros good other than the stubborn ones, which are covered by supplements anyway aside from zinc.

    No further progress on the container garden. I need to go get potting mix ready for the weekend, and I know I should get good quality stuff, but I am fairly tempted to get the cheap stuff just from the cost perspective. Trying to remind myself that decent soil will yield better crops! I also need to make up my mind about what I actually want to plant :lol:
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Food - refeed day, lots of carbs, not much fat, but protein was reasonable at 120g. Still managed to stay under maintenance for the day so there is that (riding the bike in the morning was the saving grace for the day!).

    Exercise - rode 19.2 miles before work and finished the day 9700+ steps.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    logged and on-plan: :innocent:
    exercise: :innocent: hoofin' it out in the yard (1.25hr ish)
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    Goals met. ✅
    15,856 steps yesterday.

    Thanks @Nony_Mouse for the information. I did have a much better day yesterday when I had a bulletproof coffee mid-morning. I had forgotten (and was surprised) how it helped to stave off those hunger pangs until I was able to have lunch. Last time I did keto (2018) I purchased MCT Oil, but I haven't made that purchase yet... not sure if I will. I walked 6 miles outside in the sunshine. I know I keep saying it, but these beautiful days won't last forever! B)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,050 Member
    11/9 Goals Met and walked 6.25 miles
    11/10 Goals Met except no walk today ... I have to leave soon for my 3 month Diabetes check up ...will be doing aerobics when I get home :)
  • eneild
    eneild Posts: 198 Member
    1. Food goal met.
    2. 5 mile training run plus another 7 miles walked at work. Managed to get my run in before the snow started (4-7 inches expected), so a big win!
  • gispi918
    gispi918 Posts: 26 Member
    11/10, 2.2lb loss this week! I'm really keeping an eye on my nutrients, as I think this past weekend I was edging into Keto Flu.

    I took advice regarding my dislike of avocados and nixed them for now. I did get avocado oil and coconut to add to my fat supplies. This week really got me thinking about what my intake is, and what a keto calculator generated. I'm unsure if I should be eating more or less, as I either have my bars set very low, or not low enough. Any advice is helpful

    I haven't gone walking today for exercise as I got blisters from yesterday's excursion. I blame my work attire. In a few days, I should have new running shoes to break in. My goal is to start jogging around the middle of next week as I will have been strictly keto for 1 month.

    Almost has a perfect day eating wise, but things kept getting jumbled around as I didn't have a real appetite for most of my meals, and tried to incorporate fat bombs to hit the fat goal. Could be worse though.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    gispi918 wrote: »
    11/10, 2.2lb loss this week! I'm really keeping an eye on my nutrients, as I think this past weekend I was edging into Keto Flu.

    I took advice regarding my dislike of avocados and nixed them for now. I did get avocado oil and coconut to add to my fat supplies. This week really got me thinking about what my intake is, and what a keto calculator generated. I'm unsure if I should be eating more or less, as I either have my bars set very low, or not low enough. Any advice is helpful

    I haven't gone walking today for exercise as I got blisters from yesterday's excursion. I blame my work attire. In a few days, I should have new running shoes to break in. My goal is to start jogging around the middle of next week as I will have been strictly keto for 1 month.

    Almost has a perfect day eating wise, but things kept getting jumbled around as I didn't have a real appetite for most of my meals, and tried to incorporate fat bombs to hit the fat goal. Could be worse though.

    @gispi918 You don't need to be doing that unless you actually want to, and it seems like maybe you are making yourself eat extra fat just to hit a goal? As I said above, the important bit is the low carbs. That's what you need to get into and stay in ketosis. Currently you have body fat to spare, so it makes sense for the HF part of LCHF to come from body fat, rather than ingested fat. If you're not finding what you're eating appealing, that raises the likelihood of throwing the towel in exponentially. Whatever way of eating one chooses for weight loss, first and foremost it needs to be sustainable.

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