No-Nonsense November 2020 Challenge



  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    11/6 goals met .... no walk today ( hip feels a bit better today )... will be doing aerobics at home
    loss 2.7 lbs this week ..LTD 46.6 :)

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 that's an amazing loss! WTG!! I'm glad your hip is feeling better! :smiley:
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,050 Member
    Mrs_Hoffer wrote: »
    11/6 goals met .... no walk today ( hip feels a bit better today )... will be doing aerobics at home
    loss 2.7 lbs this week ..LTD 46.6 :)

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 that's an amazing loss! WTG!! I'm glad your hip is feeling better! :smiley:

    Thank you so much @Mrs_Hoffer :)
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Food - calories overall were a little higher than normal but still acceptable. Protein was good (128g) and carbs were good (101g net).
    Exercise - did a 25 minutes stint on the elliptical in the morning (with 15 minutes of that being higher intensith intervals) and finished the day with 5600 steps.
  • eneild
    eneild Posts: 198 Member
    @Mrs_Hoffer I’m five weeks in on training for a half marathon. I’m definitely a long distance walker; running is much more challenging for me. If anyone is a foodie/Top Chef fan, I’ve really been enjoying Richard Blaise’s ‘Starving for Attention’ podcast while running. The podcast started around the end of 2017, so it’s somewhat bittersweet at times to hear the chefs talk so excitedly about the future of food/restaurants knowing how things are now.

    1. Food as per logged.
    2. 3 mile training run plus another 7 miles walked wandering around Mall of America.

    An unexpected beautiful weekend will give us a chance to give our gardens a final clean out/outdoor furniture put away for winter. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Still feeling gross :grimace: , haven't eaten much, and when I do my stomach hurts. Not intensely, but definite noticeable pain. Keeping fluids and electrolytes up. I had pretty much the same thing happen three/four days in to the lower carbs - very unhappy tum for a day followed by a day of extreme tiredness (but, y'know, ME, so could have just been that for tired day) - so possibly this is just a dietary change blip?

    I did take a gentle walk up the street to the Saturday market (a convenient 10 min walk each way) so I could get my tomato plants. So tick and tick for walk and something towards veg garden, and not much else :D
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,593 Member
    Logged and kept under carb goal
    Steps this week only 26k but going for a hike today which should get me much closer to goal
    SW 175.5
    CW 174.0 I'll take it

    No nonsense 😆
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    edited November 2020
    Food - calories good, protein 124g, carbs 107g net, both good.
    Exercise - rode 18 miles before work, closed all 4 rings on the fitbit, ended with 8400 steps for the day.

    It was a good finish to a week that started out cold and lazy! Had some water weight from Halloween that has finally dropped off so that's a good finish as well.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Snacking👿 I wanted all the food yesterday so I grazed all day.

    Carbs:protein about equaled so had I upped the protein I likely would have been better off. Poor planning lead to poor choices. I had a good exercise day so maybe that along with boredom prompted the eating.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,050 Member
    11/7 goals met and I went on a 4 hour walk ...9.73 miles ..that was not planned ...just kept walking and walking
    11/8 Goals met ...I am hecka sore from my walk yesterday ....I worked out 7 days last week ... it is a much rested day today :)
  • gispi918
    gispi918 Posts: 26 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    gispi918 wrote: »
    I hope I am not too late to join in. I just started in late October to change my lifestyle with Keto, and getting more active. My November goal mirrors my regular goal but would like to find others who can help keep me accountable and motivated.

    My November Plans.

    • Research foods that fit my keto goals, to share with my family during the holiday
    • Keeping my macros at net carbs 20g / fat 133g / protein 80g, and calories under 1600.
    • Finding ways to enjoy avocados (which repulse me)

    • Walk every lunch hour, about 45 mins
    • Walk on the weekends, at least 5 miles
    • Start implementing core workouts, and squats

    • Weekly weigh in on Wednesday morning
    • Blog about it on a personal blog
    • Take photos every week
    • Look for support system on MFP and FitBit community for motivation and challenges.

    This may not work for you due to the carbs in cottage cheese, but I mix avocado with cottage cheese, garlic, dash of hot sauce, and salt, then eat it with celery sticks. It's my standard lunch. All up, with the quantities I have, it's 9g net carbs. I'm usually up around 40-45g net for the day though, so easy for me to fit in.

    Alternatively, maybe we can help you find something you do like instead of avocado? What is it in particular about av that has you forcing yourself to try to eat it?

    I don't like the flavor, texture, and overall mouthfeel. ut because it is a good thing to have on keto for healthy fat, I am trying to learn to adjust to reap the benefits. I never liked avocado or even guacamole. People always thought it was my childhood pickiness, but as an adult, I've proved it time and time again.

    I've tried using it like a milkshake, and guacamole, and by the time I'm halfway through either, I cannot go on. I'm still hungry after the halfway point as well.. or lose my appetite altogether

    Any ideas to a good substitute would help. I am currently getting 40g+ of saturated fat, and would like to lower that. My Calorie goal is 1600.
  • gispi918
    gispi918 Posts: 26 Member
    I haven't been keeping my daily walks up this week, but I have been getting much-needed rests. I'm now going to deep clean my house to count as my exercise today.

    So far, still, point with my goals. I'm starting to change up my fat intake as I'm noticing I'm going over my saturated fat goal.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    gispi918 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    gispi918 wrote: »
    I hope I am not too late to join in. I just started in late October to change my lifestyle with Keto, and getting more active. My November goal mirrors my regular goal but would like to find others who can help keep me accountable and motivated.

    My November Plans.

    • Research foods that fit my keto goals, to share with my family during the holiday
    • Keeping my macros at net carbs 20g / fat 133g / protein 80g, and calories under 1600.
    • Finding ways to enjoy avocados (which repulse me)

    • Walk every lunch hour, about 45 mins
    • Walk on the weekends, at least 5 miles
    • Start implementing core workouts, and squats

    • Weekly weigh in on Wednesday morning
    • Blog about it on a personal blog
    • Take photos every week
    • Look for support system on MFP and FitBit community for motivation and challenges.

    This may not work for you due to the carbs in cottage cheese, but I mix avocado with cottage cheese, garlic, dash of hot sauce, and salt, then eat it with celery sticks. It's my standard lunch. All up, with the quantities I have, it's 9g net carbs. I'm usually up around 40-45g net for the day though, so easy for me to fit in.

    Alternatively, maybe we can help you find something you do like instead of avocado? What is it in particular about av that has you forcing yourself to try to eat it?

    I don't like the flavor, texture, and overall mouthfeel. ut because it is a good thing to have on keto for healthy fat, I am trying to learn to adjust to reap the benefits. I never liked avocado or even guacamole. People always thought it was my childhood pickiness, but as an adult, I've proved it time and time again.

    I've tried using it like a milkshake, and guacamole, and by the time I'm halfway through either, I cannot go on. I'm still hungry after the halfway point as well.. or lose my appetite altogether

    Any ideas to a good substitute would help. I am currently getting 40g+ of saturated fat, and would like to lower that. My Calorie goal is 1600.

    Olive oil, avocado oil, nuts, seeds...There is absolutely no need to force yourself to eat something you don't like, though :) Where are your sat fats coming from? Anything you can just drop and have your fat goal a bit lower?

  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Do you like olives? Awesome little snack that is also good for keeping sodium up!
  • eneild
    eneild Posts: 198 Member
    1. Food on point
    2. Rest day from running but walked 6 miles mainly running errands and getting the yard a final clean before winter.

    1. Food good. Treated ourselves to some grilled NZ green lipped mussels tonight. Made my husband very happy as a taste of home.
    2. 5 mile training run plus another 8 miles walked, again mainly running errands. New winter boots purchased....ugh.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Belly seems to be all back to normal programming, so ticks across the board on cals, carbs, fats, protein. Micros looking good. I've come to the conclusion that zinc is something I'm going to have to supplement. It's nigh on impossible to get it higher being vegetarian. No walk as I'm still a bit fatigued.