Downsizers - November 2020 Team Chat



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    Weekend Challenge: Saturday

    Track All Day: Yes
    Stay Under Cals.: Yes
    Take 5: Yes (deep breathing, being grateful)
    20 Mins Exercise: Yes
    Fruit: Yes (frozen raspberries, frozen blackberries)
    5 Points

    November 7:
    Steps: Yes 7,455 so far.
    At/Under Calories: Yes
    Water: Yes
    Sleeping: No (well, you know the story)
    Eating Time: Yes

    I hope tomorrow is a better day for you as well. :)<3

    Let's all stay determined, dedicated, and disciplined to become/stay healthy and fit for life :):)

    I think you did really well with your goals all things considered. Love your quote!

    Check-in: Saturday Nov 7

    • 30 active minutes - 67 min ✔️
    • Water 2L - 2,740L ✔️
    • 10,000 steps - 10,237 ✔️
    • no carbs for dinner - fail ✖️

    Happy Sunday team!

    I allowed myself to celebrate a bit last night with a small individual bag of chips and a beer. I also had a few of the boys Halloween treats putting me way over for the day. I was sure to be up this morning but to my surprise I had a 2 lb loss. I’m sure this will go back up by tomorrow as last night will catch up with me. This loss could also be due to swelling going down and really getting my water in. Fingers crossed I can keep this number down.

    I’m happy I got to go out for a nice long slow walk yesterday. My son came with me so he walked the dog and kept me company. It was such a nice moment with him and he was very patient with my pace. I got my steps in and some active minutes for the day. I’m still working on eating no carbs for dinner but this has proven to be very hard for me. I’ll get there. If anything I just need to cut back a little.

    I’m happy to be feeling better. Yesterday was one full week post-op and I can feel myself coming back to my old self. It was quite a scare this time around. Doctor said I lost a lot of blood and they were getting ready to transfuse me but managed to finally get the bleeding under control. This is why I had to stay hospitalized for 5 days rather than getting out the next day. Just glad it’s behind me and now I’m healing. 🙏🏻

    Blessed Sunday everyone ❤️

    November goals:

    •Achieve at least 30 active minutes daily.
    •Drink at least 2L water daily.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps daily.
    •No Carbs for dinner.

    Mari, I think you are doing awesome after a big surgery! You deserve a celebration. It is so nice to spend one on one time with your kids. I know with my oldest granddaughter that is getting harder so I try to take her to lunch once a week. Just the 2 of us. With the carbs set yourself a goal to cut back. After you reach that, you can then think about cutting it out at dinner. I am so happy you are feeling better.

    lelbarou wrote: »
    Check in for Nov. 7 (Saturday)
    Lelbarou (Laura)
    Tracked calories - yes
    under - yes ( by very little but yes)
    fruit - yes (lots of berries - love them)
    Time to self - yes (sitting in the park)
    Exercise - No (not really, just meandered with a friend)
    Steps - 3572 Steps

    4/5 points

    Had a good day yesterday. Went with a friend to a dog park with her two dogs. I hadn't seen her dogs or her in a while because she lives in a different city now, even though we text and talk on the phone a lot. I ate fairly well, but didn't exercise exactly so I have to try to get a walk in today for sure.

    If you meandered for 20 minutes it counts. So glad you had a good day!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Saturday’s check in
    Calories: over
    Water: ✅
    Sleep:❌ (22 minutes shy of my goal)
    Steps: 4,884
    DBF: 12

    Well I survived the weekend with my granddaughters. It was lots of fun and my daughter will be home in about 4 hours. We had pizza last night. The oldest decided to order pasta so I made the smart decision to order a small one so I couldn’t go crazy. Pizza is one of my trigger foods. Between the pizza and munching on chips I was way over but spending this time with them was priceless. I am back on track today. I will be happy to have my both my food and bathroom scale. Oh, I will also be happy to have my husband back. 😂

    I want to thank you all for your support. Without this group I don’t think I could have begun to tame the binge monster. Let’s have a awesome week!

    Weekly goals
    1. Stay within calorie goal
    2. Drink 70 ounces of water
    3. Sleep 7.5 hours daily
    4. No binge eating/late night snacking
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    edited November 2020
    lelbarou wrote: »
    Had a good day yesterday. Went with a friend to a dog park with her two dogs. I hadn't seen her dogs or her in a while because she lives in a different city now, even though we text and talk on the phone a lot. I ate fairly well, but didn't exercise exactly so I have to try to get a walk in today for sure.

    I’m so pleased you were able to spend some time with your friend and her doggies. Sometimes a little friend time does such good to the soul. ❤️ Enjoy your walk today 🚶🏻‍♀️
    dabbers18 wrote: »
    I was taken away for my birthday and after my friends death for a break. Loved it and feel so much better and refreshed. Walking the forest and on the beach. Even better were nights in the hot tub drinking wine while looking at the star filled scottish sky.
    Ready to do business now 😁😁

    Welcome back! Sounds like you had a nice relaxing and well deserved break. I’m sorry to hear you lost a friend. Glad you are now feeling a little better and refreshed after your little escape.
    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    Well clearly we can see what I need to work on. With the long walks I am doing I am
    So hungry after I come home and snack prior to dinner. Yesterday was a 5.4 mile walk with a friend on a beach in a different town. I didn’t love it, it was way busier than I thought it would be, I should have known based on the weather. Off for today’s walk with other friends soon.

    That’s usually the problem when the weather is nice. We all get the same brilliant ideas and wind up all at the same place at the same times. Still that was a nice little workout walking on sand. Enjoy today’s walk! 🚶🏻‍♀️❤️

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Well I survived the weekend with my granddaughters. It was lots of fun and my daughter will be home in about 4 hours. We had pizza last night. The oldest decided to order pasta so I made the smart decision to order a small one so I couldn’t go crazy. Pizza is one of my trigger foods. Between the pizza and munching on chips I was way over but spending this time with them was priceless. I am back on track today. I will be happy to have my both my food and bathroom scale. Oh, I will also be happy to have my husband back. 😂

    I want to thank you all for your support. Without this group I don’t think I could have begun to tame the binge monster. Let’s have a awesome week!

    The most important thing is that you spent priceless time with your granddaughters. With COVID and lockdowns happening it’s best to make the most of the time you get to have with them. You are doing so well keeping your binging under control. I’m so proud of you Linda. ❤️😘

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    Good Morning/Afternoon Everyone ...Well I am hecka sore today from that lonnnnnnnng walk yesterday .... I worked out 7 days this week ... I will be doing nothing today except watching the last Nascar race of the season and lots of relaxing :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    edited November 2020
    Will the following people please send me their steps:

    @darleenturner I need 11/3 & 11/7
    @eaturpasta 11/6-11/7
    @363days -11/4-11/7
    @TracyKlaft1 11/5-11/7

    Thank you so much :)
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    CHECK IN: Saturday, Nov. 7

    🏃🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    💦 Water ✔️
    🍽 Calories /Tracking✔️
    😴 Sleep ✔️

    SAT. 11/7: 14,225
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member

    Username : azkunk
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 186.5
    CW: 185.6
    LTD: 21.4

    I know the check in shows a loss but I am actually up today 😠 My low this week was 184.7. I have been really good this week and was even under calories every day. I started my strength training on Friday and took a long hike yesterday. I am pretty sore from both workouts so maybe I’m retaining a little fluid. I check in with coach tomorrow and see what she has to say.
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    I know I"m really behind on posts - my apologies. My son is in town from Alaska and only here for 3 days. I am just sitting down for a few minutes alone and want to chime in.

    tracking calories - above (didn't track but something tells me I've been enjoying the meals a little too much!
    Steps:11/7 4008
    11/6 11,914
    11/5 6609
    11/4 5521
    11/3 4502
    11/2 10162

    I have the Fitbit and the Garmin - I bought the Gamin thinking my Fitbit had broken but it had not! I have the low end Garmin and I think I like it better. What I KNOW is that I need one because I am so over the board and when I am "busy" I think I've gotten my steps. Yesterday I only got 4008 and I seriously thought my watch was wrong, I was so buys!
    @lelbarou - even if I'm sitting most of the day working, when I quite work I have about 2k steps. You are getting something, for sure, even if you don't get out and walk.
    @littleflutterby Bread and a two pound loss!! I say life couldn't get much better! But I totally get you when you said your stomach hurt because you weren't used to it. I'm noticing that happens with more and more things (daily).
    @lindamtuck2018 My mind thinks like yours, haha. And thanks for sharing that you got counseling for binging, I'm working through that with my counselor currently.

  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Weekend Challenge: 10 points

    1. Track all day ✅✅
    2. Stay under calories ✅✅
    3. Take 5 minutes for yourself. ✅✅
    4. 20 minutes of exercise ✅✅
    5. Eat a piece of fruit each day ✅✅

    Yesterday, was a BEAUTIFUL day so we went for a 2+ hour hike in the desert. I am so happy the the weather is finally starting to cool off. This is my favorite time of year. Here are a couple of pics from my hike


  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member

    Steps11/7= 14,255
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @azkunk Just beautiful!! Where do you live? I have noticed that after a long hike or bike ride, I weigh more, not less. I was wondering if I get inflammation due to the extra push in exercise.
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 You are doing fantastic with your exercise! It's very motivationg, thanks!
    Steps:11/7 4008
    11/6 11,914
    11/5 6609
    11/4 5521
    @mari_moulin Family is the best medicine -I realized after I wrote that -it's not true for everyone! It sounds like it was "what the doctor ordered", in your case!
    @ihustle4muscle Love it! I just bought a kettlebell yesterday to start building muscle!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Well I survived the weekend with my granddaughters. It was lots of fun and my daughter will be home in about 4 hours. We had pizza last night. The oldest decided to order pasta so I made the smart decision to order a small one so I couldn’t go crazy. Pizza is one of my trigger foods. Between the pizza and munching on chips I was way over but spending this time with them was priceless. I am back on track today. I will be happy to have my both my food and bathroom scale. Oh, I will also be happy to have my husband back. 😂

    I want to thank you all for your support. Without this group I don’t think I could have begun to tame the binge monster. Let’s have a awesome week!

    The most important thing is that you spent priceless time with your granddaughters. With COVID and lockdowns happening it’s best to make the most of the time you get to have with them. You are doing so well keeping your binging under control. I’m so proud of you Linda. ❤️😘

    Thanks Mari! I will be so upset if we go into lockdown again. Not seeing the girls almost killed me last time.

    Good Morning/Afternoon Everyone ...Well I am hecka sore today from that lonnnnnnnng walk yesterday .... I worked out 7 days this week ... I will be doing nothing today except watching the last Nascar race of the season and lots of relaxing :)

    Don’t overdo it as you could end up with an injury. You are working hard!

    CHECK IN: Saturday, Nov. 7

    🏃🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    💦 Water ✔️
    🍽 Calories /Tracking✔️
    😴 Sleep ✔️

    SAT. 11/7: 14,225

    Amazing check in and steps!

    azkunk wrote: »

    Username : azkunk
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 186.5
    CW: 185.6
    LTD: 21.4

    I know the check in shows a loss but I am actually up today 😠 My low this week was 184.7. I have been really good this week and was even under calories every day. I started my strength training on Friday and took a long hike yesterday. I am pretty sore from both workouts so maybe I’m retaining a little fluid. I check in with coach tomorrow and see what she has to say.

    I think the spike is from exercise. You still have a nice loss this week anyway. Your pictures are beautiful.

    363days wrote: »
    I know I"m really behind on posts - my apologies. My son is in town from Alaska and only here for 3 days. I am just sitting down for a few minutes alone and want to chime in.

    tracking calories - above (didn't track but something tells me I've been enjoying the meals a little too much!
    Steps:11/7 4008
    11/6 11,914
    11/5 6609
    11/4 5521
    11/3 4502
    11/2 10162

    I have the Fitbit and the Garmin - I bought the Gamin thinking my Fitbit had broken but it had not! I have the low end Garmin and I think I like it better. What I KNOW is that I need one because I am so over the board and when I am "busy" I think I've gotten my steps. Yesterday I only got 4008 and I seriously thought my watch was wrong, I was so buys!
    @lelbarou - even if I'm sitting most of the day working, when I quite work I have about 2k steps. You are getting something, for sure, even if you don't get out and walk.
    @littleflutterby Bread and a two pound loss!! I say life couldn't get much better! But I totally get you when you said your stomach hurt because you weren't used to it. I'm noticing that happens with more and more things (daily).
    @lindamtuck2018 My mind thinks like yours, haha. And thanks for sharing that you got counseling for binging, I'm working through that with my counselor currently.

    Getting help sure is a good thing. I knew I would never beat it on my own. The first time I did therapy it helped in many areas of my life. I never would have lost weight without doing that program. I wish you the best in your counseling.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    :star:The Green Challenge :star: Percentage of people who lost weight this week. No matter how small the loss the weights are recorded in green. Remember that even if your team doesn’t rank the highest in weight loss for the week you can still be the Green Percentage winner by having the most losses in your team! So keep it up!! B)

  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @Showkitten 3.10%
    2nd @simbersea 2.99%
    3rd @ksandberg561 2.73 %

    1st @Showkitten 7.6 Lbs
    2nd @heatherbluebell 7.2 Lbs
    3rd @SisuMom2019 6.0 Lbs
    3rd @lelbarou 6.0 Lbs



  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post November 7
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 128oz
    Steps 8387
    Exercise 60min walk

    Now my mom has tested positive for Covid as well. Not really surprising considering my dad was in the house with her. They are both having symptoms now though and don't feel good at all. Hopefully they get well soon. Things are well in my house and on the health front. Got to walk outside which always feels great. My husband and I decided we were getting Indian for dinner so I fit it into my calories and it was delicious.

    Saturday weekend challenge 5/5
    1. Track all day Yes
    2. Stay under calories Yes
    3. Take 5 minutes for yourself (deep breathing, journaling, etc) I took my walk by myself so I could have some decompression time and just think
    4. 20 minutes of exercise Yes
    5. Eat a piece of fruit each day I chose a banana
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @tazaria87 It sounds like there is a lot going on in your life and I'm sorry to hear your Mom tested positive. I hope she is able to kick it pretty quick.
  • darleenturner
    darleenturner Posts: 79 Member

    11/3 5679
    11/7 6540
    11/8 10697


    Weekend challenge

    Tracked all day yes
    Stayed under calories yes
    Meditated for 15 minutes
    Went out for 2 walks over 30 minutes each
    Ate raspberries and cherries

    5 points

    Tracked all day yes
    Stayed under calories yes
    Went for a walk
    Ate a banana

    5 points

    Hoping to get in 10,000 steps a day with being on flexi furlough
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @363days - I live in Arizona, just outside Phoenix. I’m hoping the gain is from inflammation.
This discussion has been closed.