Downsizers - November 2020 Team Chat



  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Welcome New people... I'm sure you find this group inspiring, I try to be, but kind of in a downward spiral at the moment. Much work at the desk so activity is way way down. Why I can't find an hour to jump onto the treadmill is beyond me. My hours just slip from me this week.


    checkin 11/24
    weigh in day is Friday
    Steps 1135

    You can workout abs if you are at the desk ;)
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Nov 24th Check in

    * Track food ✅
    * Stay under calorie goal ✅
    * Not restrict ✅
    * Drink 2L water minimum ✅
    Exercise sessions this week- 2 (goal of 4)

    Steps- 10.745

    The steps are extra awesome for me because I was only at 3,668 before I started my workout. A pretty lazy, overwhelming day up until workout time.

    I was planning on exercising earlier but the guy doing the bathroom, bless him, was there from 9am- 7pm. And he is back tomorrow morning early. Hopefully he will be done by lunch, for his sake. We are without a sink but the bath area and he medicine cabinet both look wonderful!

    Had Takeout Tuesday and still stayed within my calories! 75 min or so workout on the wii. Still tackling cramps and all that jazz, only for a couple more days though!

    Going to try and get an early night- work on that sleep hygiene! I had to move my dentist appointment from thurs to tomorrow (another 2 or 3 fillings -_- ) so i could sneak in an appointment with my therapist which I'm really super happy about.

    Anyway, that's it from me,

    welcome again to all the newbies!


    Wii! Isn't it satisfying to stay within your calories even if you eat takeout?
    We are having muscle ache from the wii but so happy.
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    CW :187.6
    PW: 185.6
    SW: 187.2
    LTD: +.4

    Tracked No
    Under calories No
    Steps 6888 tracked
    Exercise back/biceps strengthening workout

    I don’t want to post this weigh it but it is what it is. Yesterday I did great until late afternoon when I started my unplanned snacking. Dinner was leftover chili which was fine. Not many steps but did do a short dog walk and my workout.
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    I can't believe I forgot to say it during my daily update this morning. My parents got released from quarantine! They are feeling much better. Thank you to everyone who gave them well wishes during the last few weeks!

    That is awesome news! Hope they feel better soon!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    CW :187.6
    PW: 185.6
    SW: 187.2
    LTD: +.4

    Tracked No
    Under calories No
    Steps 6888 tracked
    Exercise back/biceps strengthening workout

    I don’t want to post this weigh it but it is what it is. Yesterday I did great until late afternoon when I started my unplanned snacking. Dinner was leftover chili which was fine. Not many steps but did do a short dog walk and my workout.

    I am glad you posted. We are here for the struggles as well as the triumphs.
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Hi hi Beautiful people. Today is Wednesday! Almost weekend!
    They say that when you are not working you don't notice what day of the week it is but they lie! Weekends are the days that I don't have doctors appointments, physiotherapy, dentist, school.... And I'm whiling to arrive to my Saturday :D
    I'm getting a beautiful nice morning routine with the Wii and we went all crazy adding people. Yesterday we add our cat to the Wii and the cousin of my girlfriend came and we made one for her too. We saw immediately that as she is 7 years old, even if her BMI is similar to ours, the Wii didn't bully her as it does with us. That was a really positive point to see.
    On a funny point, my girlfriend is the queen of the laziness and she discovered yesterday that she can play the games sitting on the board using her buttt. And she is good at it! She gets higher scores ever! Unbelievable! But really fun to watch.
    My steps from Monday 23 were 8.525 steps and Tuesday 24 12.759 steps. Today I'm not sure because my steps are not being counted. I keep forgetting to pick the phone B)
    Tonight we are going to pick to packages from Too Good To Go so we will see what we will eat. I friking love to use Too Good To Go.
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Tuesday’s check in
    Calories: over by 66
    Water: ✅
    Sleep: ❌
    Steps: 4,805
    DBF: 1
    Walk: 10 minutes

    I didn’t binge last night! It was so hard but I managed not to. My sleep was messed up as I didn’t take the medication that helps me sleep and I was genuinely hungry. I woke up at 2:30 am with pain and I was up for an hour. I really wanted to binge at that point as I was feeling sorry for myself. I have binged so many nights in a row that one night without a binge might not seem significant but it is huge. I will beat this and being in this group is my big weapon.

    I am going to finish up here and then I am going to attempt a walk. I did 10 minutes yesterday so my goal is to get more than that. It is just under 5 weeks to our move. I am so excited! I am doing a little each day so I am not scrambling just before the move.

    Almost forgot, my food scale died last night. I ordered a new one but I am going to be lost until it comes in.

    Happy Hump Day!

    Weekly goals
    1. Stay within calorie goal
    2. Drink 80 ounces of water
    3. Sleep 7.5 hours daily
    4. No binge eating/late night snacking
    5. Walk 15 minutes every day

    An applause for Linda!!! I'm proud of you! I'm really happy that you didn't binge.
    If you get up in the middle of the night and you are hungry, drink a Melatonin tea. It does miracles. Also the sleepy soap from Lush helps a lot.
    And about the scale. Sometimes it even helps to be without.
  • eaturpasta
    eaturpasta Posts: 84 Member
    11/24 check in
    drank water...yes
    6895 steps plus 34 min on stationary bike
    Close rings... yes

    November Goals
    LTG 155.0
    Lose 1lb/week
    Drink 90 ounces of water daily
    7,500 steps/day
    Close rings every day this month

    Weigh in Day: Tuesday
    SW 197.0
    LTD(loss to date) 25.8
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member

    You are doing so well with those workouts. I must see exactly what my granddaughters have. Maybe I can borrow theirs when my leg improves. Sounds like you are going to have a nice bathroom when it is finished. Sleep hygiene is so important. I know you should avoid blue screens about an hour before you go to bed. I have a hard time with that one as I love to relax and wind down by playing a game on my iPad.

    With the dance games I modify it a little bit because of my body not being the most nimble. I don't jump off the ground for example but my upper body does it's part. Even doing twirls are hard because of my balance. I still do a full on workout though! I am proper sweating after, which is a great feeling.

    I struggle to stop screentime at night too.... I am going to maybe ban myself from playing games in bed, just set my alarm before I even go into the room and then charge it and leave it. That's a hard thing to do for me though.

    Tuesday’s check in
    Calories: over by 66
    Water: ✅
    Sleep: ❌
    Steps: 4,805
    DBF: 1
    Walk: 10 minutes

    I didn’t binge last night! It was so hard but I managed not to. My sleep was messed up as I didn’t take the medication that helps me sleep and I was genuinely hungry. I woke up at 2:30 am with pain and I was up for an hour. I really wanted to binge at that point as I was feeling sorry for myself. I have binged so many nights in a row that one night without a binge might not seem significant but it is huge. I will beat this and being in this group is my big weapon.

    I am going to finish up here and then I am going to attempt a walk. I did 10 minutes yesterday so my goal is to get more than that. It is just under 5 weeks to our move. I am so excited! I am doing a little each day so I am not scrambling just before the move.

    Almost forgot, my food scale died last night. I ordered a new one but I am going to be lost until it comes in.

    Happy Hump Day!

    Weekly goals
    1. Stay within calorie goal
    2. Drink 80 ounces of water
    3. Sleep 7.5 hours daily
    4. No binge eating/late night snacking
    5. Walk 15 minutes every day

    I am so so happy for you Linda! You got through the first day binge-free! Sitting with the discomfort is so painful, but the feeling you get for achieving what you did can make up for that moment of "insanity" for want of a better word.

    When I am wanting to binge, I play the tape through as best I can. What will eating feel like- great for 3.2 seconds, instant gratification. But then I feel guilt and remorse. and bloated, very very bloated. Then the next day the craving comes back with a vengence because the sugar, carbs, whatever is leaving my body and it wants mooooooooore. Aaaaaaaand the cycle happens over again.

    Also- white-knucking helps lol. Done that many times- just gripping on to the chair, willing myself not to eat.

    Oh- and doing something with my hands too. knitting helps me a tonne. it curbs the need to keep busy, slows my head down, and eventually there's a nice blanket at the end of it! haha

  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member

    You are doing so well with those workouts. I must see exactly what my granddaughters have. Maybe I can borrow theirs when my leg improves. Sounds like you are going to have a nice bathroom when it is finished. Sleep hygiene is so important. I know you should avoid blue screens about an hour before you go to bed. I have a hard time with that one as I love to relax and wind down by playing a game on my iPad.

    You can download an app (or your iPad might already have a setting) that switches your screen to a red one when the sun goes down. It's better for your eyes and won't keep you awake longer
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post November 24
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 128oz
    Steps 10629
    Exercise 45min walking video

    We have decided we are having Thanksgiving, so I spent some time cleaning up my house and went shopping last night for ingredients. Got my workout done in the late morning so I could focus on other stuff during the day. Today I'll be baking healthy versions of some desserts and getting anything ready that doesn't have to wait until tomorrow!
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    CHECK IN: Tuesday, Nov. 24
    🏃🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    💦 Water ✔️
    🍽 Calories /Tracking ✔️
    😴 Sleep ❌

    TUES. 11/24: 3,045 (rowing) +. 11,500 (Spin) + 15,216 = 29,761
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    363days wrote: »
    363days wrote: »
    I need to do a much better job tracking and would love to hear how others are successful at doing it. Do you use the online tracker? I have found it a little cumber some but maybe it is because I'm new at it. Do you track separately and then add to the online? What works for you? Thanks for your advice!

    Literally what Linda said lol. I typed up a response this morning and then pressed "done" which just closed the page... which happens way to often. And it made me so angry (it took me forever to type it out lol) that I just put my phone down lol

    But honestly, I echo everything that Linda said, that was practically word-for-word what I said

    Ahh, thank you so much for your advice, and yes, I know that frustrating feeling, as well. I'm impressed you are typing this on your phone - never comes out right for me. It is good to know people are using the tracker successfully, I'll go back and try. Yesterday I made rotel dip and chips, ate almost al of it and thought "How do I even start to track something like that!!!" I decided today will be my new start.

    I use the recipe maker a lot. I don’t know how that dip is made but you can create a recipe by entering all the ingredients in the recipe maker. The harder part of logging something like that is we tend to eat it without measuring. The weekend I stayed at my daughters logging was hard. We did a lot of snacking while playing games and I ended up with no clue how much I had eaten.

    Thanks, Linda. I haven't tried the recipe maker, yet but that sounds a great idea because I eat a lot of the same things and then I wouldn't have to keep putting it in over and over. Playing games and snacking...sounds like a great way to spend time with family...
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member

    What is one small change you can make this week to help you on your weight loss journey?

    My one small change is to track, then track and then track. A second change (although you didn't ask for it) is to be accountable on this site as to whether or not I tracked! I think I started this challenge with too many goals, I'm glad you asked this question.
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    Good Morning Everyone.....I hope everyone is doing good ....Once again I over did yesterday....we walked just shy of 10 miles...Steps were 27, 157 non screw foot is swollen and hurts like H3LL....When Will I Learn? (never)

    I need the following steps from:

    @TracyKlaft1 11/15-11/21
    @lcfa5317 -11/15 and 11/18
    @eaturpasta -11/17-11/21
    @mari_moulin 11/21
    @363days 11/19
    @shortyjmorgan1 -11/18-11/21

    11/19 - 7099
    11/20 - 4579
    11/21 - 5100
    11/22 - 8293
    11/23 - 5237
    11/24 - 6382
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    Hi all!

    It’s recruiting time for the F2F group. You do not need to register for the December challenge as you are carried over to the next months challenge. Share the link below with your friends. Maybe they would like to try the group.

    I just want to say I think this group is wonderful. I'm enjoying getting to know you all and starting to figure out it is important to get on here every day! I look forward to December with this fun crowd.
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    Case0099 wrote: »
    CW 218.6
    PW 220.2
    LTD 26.4

    Great job!!
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    Hi! I'm Don and thank you for the add to your team starting in December...I have been on mfp since 2012 and am looking forward to supporting my teammates!! I'm a relatively new runner (my first 5K race was in May 2018) and a relatively new cyclist......

    Let's do this!

    Glad you are here, Don!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    Morning awesome team ....I hope everyone is doing good .....I go to my Dr. Appt. this afternoon......I need to talk to him about my food .....I am gaining gaining gaining ... I am thinking about taking a break from low carb ...I haven't been measuring all my food ....I am missing certain foods but I also do not want my blood sugar to go up I am at a crossroad .......I am soooooooo unhappy with myself ...I do this to myself every time ......Sorry for the disappointment post ...scale said I gained another 7 lbs....(old scale before I took a shower) :'(:'(
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    heeeeeeeey @Megan_smartiepants1970 please don't kill me lol. But I made a booboo doing my updates on my steps (I realised I wrote dates wrong I'm sorry!)

    Sunday- 22nd my steps were 7805
    Monday- 23rd i got 12,650

    Sorry again for being a pain lol

    I would never kill ya ...we all make booboos happens .... I can change it are not being a pain :)

    That's sweet of you to say, thanks hun!

    Honestly, I'm in awe of the work that you and Linda do behind the scenes, especially in spite of all the life stuff that's being thrown at you both! <3 Grateful for both of ya's! <3

    Awww thanks <3<3 and I am also recruiting for new members to join.... thank goodness I am not homeschooling this week ... well my daughter is in H.S so she knows the routine on her own now ...been doing it since she started school ...10 years and counting LOL

    Reel in those newbies, heehee!

    10 years of homeschooling, that's quite a challenge! But great that your daughter has her routine :)

    If there's anything I can do to help in terms of, well, anything, let me know! PM me or whatever. I probably spend a good half hour a day on here before bed as part of my relaxation routine/me time, so if I can be of service, I'd be more than happy to be! Might keep me from getting bored and running off (lol, not that I've ever done that before!! :o )

    I have been on and off on this site since 2009 ... I had a really bad habit of giving up and deleting my accounts ughhhh....I would been at my goal if I had not given up soooo many times ...I know I spend waaaaaaaaaaaay to much on here but I love it here :p ....

    SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME. Oh yes I feel that. When I started my recovery journey with food, I came on here and joined a few challenges but there was one that was so bloody complicated that I just got overwhelmed and gave up! They had like games and stuff to win points, idk. It was a fun concept but I just didn't have the energy or time to dedicate to it.

    And I just think- if I stuck with it when I did, I would've been at a healthy weight by now and I wouldn't have prolonged my misery.

    However, I know I'm exactly where I'm meant to be. And I was meant to meet you guys when I did!

    I may be a little *obsessive* with this group and MFP as a whole, lol. But it is keeping me motivated and I just need a kickstart. It's like I said a few weeks ago, it's so easy to get caught up with the number on the scale, but in reality, it doesn't matter how much I've lost as long as I do my best and push past my comfort zone.

    And anyway, I lost nearly 15lb in a month, that's frigging amazing! I have jeans waiting for me in the next 2 sizes down (thanks to a sale online lol) and I'm feeling better moving around, being at work.... my feet not killing me as much when I am on them for 8 hours. Like all of that stuff.

    Anyway I am going off on a tangent (or a Tanya as friends used to call it) and waffling hahaha

    This is so motivating and I think it is helpful to get a little more obsessed with the group. I have treated the group the same way I do my tracking "don't have time, I will later, etc" and I think staying devoted (better word than obsession? haha) will help me be more accountable. You have given so many positive results from losing weight and it reminds me why I'm here. thanks!
This discussion has been closed.