WaistAways - November 2020 Team Chat



  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    @CanadianGiraffe So Sorry about your cat, what was her name ? Big Hugs to you !
  • snakagawa11
    snakagawa11 Posts: 13 Member
    So sorry to hear about your pet -- it is very hard to lose a family member. We had to put our dog down a couple of months ago. He was only five years old but had a brain tumor and was going blind -- he started to turn on family members and as he was a very big dog, we couldn't take the risk of what he might do. We still think of him every day and know that he is not suffering.
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    eggfreak wrote: »
    @Pearl4686 HI, your earlier post regarding calorie counting...For most of my life I was never interested in calorie counting - just not for me. I did very well at one point with the 'Sonoma Diet' (less of a diet, more of a portion control tool) but then that mental trick wouldn't work for me again and I finally gave in to calorie counting. Not for everyone, I know. But an added bonus by logging and using MFP is that it will break down the nutrients of all that you logged, not just calories- it's very cool. At the bottom of your day, on the phone app, tap on Nutrition (I don't see the option on the computer) and it gives you the numbers. It's where I realized that I am consistently too low getting my potassium and iron and helps me try to pay attention to what I'm eating to try to boost those. I just accidentally discovered last night that if I tap on 'potassium' for instance - it brings up a pie chart showing the potassium percentage of all the meals in that day. Like I said, calorie counting not for everyone, but MFP makes it a much more useful tool. The first column is what I logged, the second is the daily goal, and the third is the amount over or under (not sure why they choose to show a surplus for the day with a minus symbol).

    That is very helpful thank you
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    eggfreak wrote: »
    @Pearl4686 HI, your earlier post regarding calorie counting...For most of my life I was never interested in calorie counting - just not for me. I did very well at one point with the 'Sonoma Diet' (less of a diet, more of a portion control tool) but then that mental trick wouldn't work for me again and I finally gave in to calorie counting. Not for everyone, I know. But an added bonus by logging and using MFP is that it will break down the nutrients of all that you logged, not just calories- it's very cool. At the bottom of your day, on the phone app, tap on Nutrition (I don't see the option on the computer) and it gives you the numbers. It's where I realized that I am consistently too low getting my potassium and iron and helps me try to pay attention to what I'm eating to try to boost those. I just accidentally discovered last night that if I tap on 'potassium' for instance - it brings up a pie chart showing the potassium percentage of all the meals in that day. Like I said, calorie counting not for everyone, but MFP makes it a much more useful tool. The first column is what I logged, the second is the daily goal, and the third is the amount over or under (not sure why they choose to show a surplus for the day with a minus symbol).

    That is very helpful thank you
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Happy Tuesday!
    I forgot to send you the virtual tiara yesterday for completing C25K! That is amazing, and I'm glad to hear also that you are continuing to work on that 5K and more. It is a good program - and tough!

    Thank you. I'm wearing it with pride!
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Steps and exercise update for 2nd November:

    Steps - 3496
    Exercise - 37 mins Total Body Strength workout
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,243 Member
    OK - who has been eating all the chips????
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,243 Member
    I am falling behind today! I love it when the conversations get going - lots of good thoughts. The beginning of each month has such a good energy. Let's keep it rolling 💖

    So sorry to hear about your cats. I'm sure they had as wonderful a time living with you as you did with them. It is such a special bond - simple and deep.

    You're off to a good start! As you get to navigating around the MFP boards and all - I suggest you make one group your #1 go to group. Ours I hope! Getting to know the people in the team, posting often, and writing out your goals and daily commitments is the way to success. Your teammates' voices end up in your head when you reach for that trigger food, start snacking, or just want to sit on the couch instead of getting that bit of exercise done. You can also help your teammates with encouragement, ideas, etc. It is easy to move from one board to another, addressing all kinds of questions and subjects, but the accountability factor works best when you're in a steady group of people. I hope that works for you!

    hmmm. I wonder what the step equivalent of 3628 words is? Did your characters walk a lot? Have difficult climbs or battles? That's a great word count for one day! I'm doing my version of NaNoWriMo- Lite. Mostly just coming up with some ideas, starting an outline, etc. I'm not quite ready for the real thing yet! I am sure you will hit your word goal, though :smiley:

    Back on track! It's a theme these days. Many of you are feeling that right now - the honest food diary, more fibre, lifting weights, caring for yourself. As you know, if it were easy, everyone would be at their perfect weight and in great shape, right? So keep up the good work!

    I had my first really snowy walk for the season today. We had around 15 cm (6 inches) of snow, and it was great up in the woods. It isn't enough for snowshoeing yet, and it will all melt when it warms up in a couple of days, but I was happy to get out my winter hiking boots, put on my snow pants and jacket, and get out there to follow deer tracks all over the place. I was a little less happy clearing off my car, and tomorrow morning I'll have to drive down my crazy hill through the stuff (always scarier than coming up!) - but I'll take it. 🥾
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,243 Member

    Wednesday weigh-ins:
    @coffeetwist - has already started Wednesday ahead of the rest of you! DONE!

    So climb out of bed tomorrow, do your morning ablutions, and jump on that scale! Hoping for green for you :mrgreen:
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @jugar I'm sorry this is so last minute but can I change my weigh in day to Wed? I can wait until next week if this is to last minute. I am doing an eight week weight loss challenge and the weigh day for it is Wed. Thank you.

    @micki48 I would like to stay on the step challenge. 👍
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    Step update for November 3
    No exercise
  • jguldi11
    jguldi11 Posts: 201 Member
    @MandiSaysHey enjoy your week off! I'm sure it is well deserved 😊

    I partially met one of my self-care goals yesterday, I talked with my boss and she's helping me catch up. It's not a long term solution but I'll take whatever help I can.

    I did not meet my calorie or exercise goal for yesterday. I had good intentions of working out when I got home but ended up in front of the tv with a large piece of cake. Oops. It was my parent's anniversary yesterday so we stopped in to say hi and they had cake to share. My resiliency was low and I caved pretty easily. Fortunately the cake is gone now!

    My sleep has been very poor lately and that is making everything else difficult. Today will be a difficult day as far as energy goes but my hope is to make it to the gym. If I can just get out of bed 😴
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    Got new sneakers yesterday and forced myself out into the cold for a walk/run last night. As always it feels so good after I've done it. I am just going to enjoy my ignorance and first cup of coffee for another hour before I seek any news.

    @Terytha I looked up that writing challenge - that is a challenge, and a good motivator. Am I right you said you were describing rocks? Which rocks? Boston's Museum of Science has a great, free, mini park to walk through in front of it with amazing rocks and signs of what type, age, how they formed, what country their from, etc..I love it.

    @CanadianGiraffe Sympathy for your loss. Pets enrich our lives so much, I hope another enters your life soon.

    @jugar I've located my snowshoes and, although I do not wish for loads of snow, I'll be ready to ramble and burn those calories when it comes. The animal tracks are one of the few things I like about a snowfall.

  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Good Morning ! It's Hump day !
    I met all my goals yesterday, I still have that pain in my left flank, but I think it's related to my back it.. So I am just powering through although if it gets worse I will go to the dr...

    Todays goals are Yoga and 10K steps...

    I got my planner all worked out for 2 weeks, I honestly feel like I have some motivation going on right now...

    Feel good !

  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday
    PW: 219.8
    CW: 217.4
    LTD: 26.6

    @CanadianGiraffe so sorry to hear about the kitty. They had a great long life with you but it's always sad to let them go. My cats are my babies, I feel your pain.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,243 Member
    @jugar I'm sorry this is so last minute but can I change my weigh in day to Wed? I can wait until next week if this is to last minute. I am doing an eight week weight loss challenge and the weigh day for it is Wed. Thank you.

    @micki48 I would like to stay on the step challenge. 👍

    No problem! and good luck on the challenge :smiley:
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