Santa Sprint 2020 Challenge



  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    My December Goals: (12/20 - 12/26)

    Stay under my calorie goal every day (of course, track every.single.thing) ✅✅✅
    <50g net carbs per day ✅✅✅
    15k steps every day(I'm raising this through the end of the year!❌✅✅
    40 mins walking ❌✅✅ 40 mins on the treadmill which included my c25k (w5d1)
    20 mins some other exercise (other than walking!) ❌✅✅ 20 mins of yoga.
    Weight Goal: to lose 9 lbs in Dec.
    SW: (12/01) 184.7
    CW:178.5 (*Yippee!):smiley:
    GW: (12/25) 175.0 - (My first mini goal is to weigh in at 175 on Christmas Day 2020)
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    FBG Adventures with Swipey: 6.4 ➡️

    Up early to get prepped for last day of tournament coverage and aiming to do spinbike tomorrow to get C25K variant done so that next week I can repeat as planned.

    Gave in to an Indian takeaway yesterday and didn't actually finish work until 21:30... hopefully today will not be as gruesome as there is one less match to be played.

    Have a good day everyone
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Yesterday (12/22):

    (1) Logged and under goal -- check.

    (2) Eat 80ish g net carbs (maybe lower) and at least 85 g protein -- 70 g net carbs and 90 g protein.

    On food related topics, I ended up eating dinner late yesterday (leftovers, so it didn't matter), because I was watching a cooking class I signed up for from a local business (one of those things that would have been live pre covid but are now virtual) re a Christmas Eve 7 Fishes menu, except in light of the smaller Christmases expected, it was only 3 fishes (clams, mussels, and bronzino). The class was cook-along, which I thought was weird (and didn't expect when I originally signed up, but watching the others and seeing the questions they had was helpful), since my plan was to be inspired for Christmas Eve. Anyway, this is what I'm doing for Christmas Eve, and it won't be especially low carb (which my sister will appreciate, as she's all about the bread and pasta). My own plan is to have the bronzino later in the week or maybe for NYE (that dish will be low carb), and have the third fish dish be a smoked salmon appetizer. We are still discussing Christmas itself.

    (3) Over 10K steps and all rings closed -- check, over 11K (days I go to the office tend to be harder with steps, despite a short walk and some household tasks -- guess it's not as far from my back door to the alley as I like to think, as I brought out a bunch of boxes to recycle).

    (4) Did planned workout -- yes, but pretty light day: bike trainer for 20 min, plus a walk.

    (5) Morning meditation/evening journal -- yes.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    on-plan: :innocent:
    exercise: :innocent: my regular hilly yard-stomp

    Elbow deep in baking. Have to do a drive-by this afternoon and then continue more baking. The kids aren't helping like they said they would. But as they mess around a fair bit more than I care for, then I guess that's fine.
    That's all. Just survivin'.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    12/22 Food on point and we walked 5.15 miles in the fog :)
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Happy Christmas Eve to all Santa Sprint folks who celebrate Christmas!

    Yesterday (12/23):

    (1) Logged and under goal -- check.

    (2) Eat 80ish g net carbs (maybe lower) and at least 85 g protein -- 72 g net carbs and 85 g protein.

    (3) Over 10K steps and all rings closed -- check, over 13K.

    (4) Did planned workout -- yes, bike trainer for 20 min, and longer walk than yesterday. Considered doing my usually Thursday run instead, since the weather report for today was not great, but the day (before dark) ended up pretty busy and stressful, so it didn't work out. I intended to try to fit in some strength stuff or pilates, so will see if I can do that today.

    (5) Morning meditation/evening journal -- yes.

    Not sure if I am going to log dinner/dessert tonight or tomorrow. Tonight's dinner will be not too high cal, but won't be within my carb goal -- I'm making mussels with some bread to mop up the sauce and some clam linguine. Not exactly sure about dessert -- likely just some Christmas cookies and ice cream and pears. It's quite likely I will at least sloppy log, as I don't think it should be too tough, but I don't feel strongly about it being important to do so.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Swipey said: 4.6 ➡️
    Spin Bike ✅

    Most likely the last session for the week.
    Merry Christmas one and all and catch you all on the flip side of the wrapping paper!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    edited December 2020
    on-plan: :innocent:
    exercise: :rage: No time. Between the drive-by, the baking, and a drop by from Hubby's jerk brother (who insisted on coming by to give the kids the presents he and his wife got them, deliberately wearing a mask saying: "This mask is USELESS." His wife wore none but stayed back at least. Yeah, cuz we've curtailed our entire life since March for no reason. :unamused:)

    So :expressionless:
    Anyway. I hope to do strength today.
    We are getting rain right now, but it looks like the temp is going to crash and we'll get a White Christmas.
    Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    12/23 Food was on point and we walked 6.11 miles .... Planning on walking today and tomorrow ....come the 1st my plan is to do the 30 day shred again but do it for the full 30 days and if I am not too sore to continue walking :) I can not believe I will be 50 years old in 5 days ...Where the hell does the time go? LOL Merry Christmas Eve everyone :)
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Mere Kirihimete from New Zealand, friends :)

  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,593 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 my bday is the day after yours! I'm older lol
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 my bday is the day after yours! I'm older lol

    That is awesome ... Happy Early Birthday :)
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    My December Goals: (12/20 - 12/26)

    Stay under my calorie goal every day (of course, track every.single.thing) ✅✅✅✅
    <50g net carbs per day ✅✅✅✅
    15k steps every day(I'm raising this through the end of the year!❌✅✅✅
    40 mins walking ❌✅✅✅ 40 mins walking around the buildings at work (Inside!)
    20 mins some other exercise (other than walking!) ❌✅✅✅ 20 mins on my trampoline.
    Weight Goal: to lose 9 lbs in Dec.
    SW: (12/01) 184.7
    CW:177.9 (*Yippee!):smiley:
    GW: (12/25) 175.0 - (My first mini goal is to weigh in at 175 on Christmas Day 2020)
  • al4374
    al4374 Posts: 44 Member
    Got off track for last little while but I forced myself to log everything anyway. My goal was to stick with less than 100g carbs and within 100 cals of mfp recommendation. Went over cals and carbs but because I forced myself to log, Was enlightening to see that often I beat myself up over something I ate and discovered by the days end that my total carbs was at 150g - not nearly as bad as I’d thought it would be.
    Getting back in the game now and hoping to see at least some water weight coming off. Yesterday and today so far so good
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Another multi day check in for me, I think last I updated was Sunday :o

    Have gotten in some really good walks this past week, though last night's neighbourhood walk to see Christmas lights was a bit foolish due to length. I was determined not to drive, it's not the same, and could have done a lovely and perfectly satisfying circuit of around an hour, which would have been fine, but decided to go see one (that ended up not that great) that was walkable for healthy me, now not so much...walk ended up 100 minutes, I got to bed very late (downside of Christmas in summer), and paid for it today. A two hour nap late afternoon seems to have picked me up again though, fingers crossed. Wednesday was the only day I didn't go for a walk.

    Food all good. Still slightly behind on total deficit for the week due to Sunday's maintenance day, but still tomorrow to go, so I may make it up.

    Christmas day was uneventful, just me and the cats. They were/are completely uninterested in their new toys. Ingrates. I was going to make mushroom and spinach pie for dinner (first thing with eggs since the eczema outbreak), but due to the falling asleep that didn't happen.

    Oh! And hit my 8kg total loss mark this morning :)

  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    edited December 2020
    Happy early birthdays, Megan and Tish! (I was 51 earlier this month, seems crazy.)

    Congrats on the loss, Nony. I've stopped giving my cats presents, as they never care. Christmas for them is the fun of wrapping paper and, especially, bows. My sister spent the night (she lives nearby), and they like that too. (We are joking that her own cats also liked it, as they could have a wild party -- meaning opening every cabinet in her place looking for things to get into. They are young and like to do such things.)
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Yesterday (12/24) was lots of fun.

    (1) Logged and under goal -- I logged as normal prior to dinner and then this morning I tried to replicate dinner (I cooked, but didn't measure or specifically track what I ate). I am, of course, over my normal goal, but if my estimates are on point, it was around maintenance.

    (2) Eat 80ish g net carbs (maybe lower) and at least 85 g protein -- again, I don't trust my logging, but I have around 150 g net carbs (mainly french bread and linguine) and 120 g protein.

    (3) Over 10K steps and all rings closed -- check, over 14K (and I felt tired than that from all the cooking).

    (4) Did planned workout -- did planned 30 min run (despite it being cold, but it felt fine when I started running). Had intended to look at some online pilates videos, but did not end up having time.

    (5) Morning meditation/evening journal -- yes, although I was so tired last night I did the evening stuff this morning.

    Dinner was the mini Feast of the 3 (rather than 7) Fishes -- appetizers of mussels with french bread to sop up the sauce, some cucumbers with cream cheese and smoked salmon, and then linguine with clams, zucchini, mushrooms, and asparagus, in a cream sauce. All delicious and we were very full (I have leftover linguine), and didn't even think about any dessert after. In keeping with the Italian theme, dinner also was a very leisurely affair. I suspect we will have dessert today (but will report back after).
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    Thank you for the early birthday wishes @lemurcat2 :) Merry Christmas Everyone

    12/24 food was okay... we walked 7.29 miles .... Plan on walking today as well :)
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    12/24 (I know I'm behind a day!)
    My December Goals: (12/20 - 12/26)

    Stay under my calorie goal every day (of course, track every.single.thing) ✅✅✅✅✅
    <50g net carbs per day ✅✅✅✅✅
    15k steps every day(I'm raising this through the end of the year!❌✅✅✅✅
    40 mins walking ❌✅✅✅✅ 50 mins walking on the treadmill.
    20 mins some other exercise (other than walking!) ❌✅✅✅✅ C25k and giving massages.
    Weight Goal: to lose 9 lbs in Dec.
    SW: (12/01) 184.7
    GW: (12/25) 175.0 - (My first mini goal is to weigh in at 175 on Christmas Day 2020)

    I didn't make it to my first mini goal..... but I'm not going to be discouraged. I'm gonna regroup and plan for New Years Day instead. Then it'll be on to my next mini goal.
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    My December Goals: (12/20 - 12/26)

    Stay under my calorie goal every day (of course, track every.single.thing) ✅✅✅✅✅❌ (PASS on Christmas)
    <50g net carbs per day ✅✅✅✅✅❌ (PASS on Christmas)
    15k steps every day(I'm raising this through the end of the year!❌✅✅✅✅✅
    40 mins walking ❌✅✅✅✅✅ 40 mins walking on the treadmill.
    20 mins some other exercise (other than walking!) ❌✅✅✅✅✅ 20 mins on the trampoline.
    Weight Goal: to lose 9 lbs in Dec.
    SW: (12/01) 184.7
    GW: (12/25) 175.0 - (My first mini goal is to weigh in at 175 on Christmas Day 2020)

    I didn't make it to my first mini goal..... but I'm not going to be discouraged. I'm gonna regroup and plan for New Years Day instead. Then it'll be on to my next mini goal.
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