Santa Sprint 2020 Challenge



  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    (((hugs))) to those who need them.

    Another couple of good days for me. Good energy levels are holding, though apparently don't extend to doing battle with stubborn weeds, I tanked pretty quickly attempting that, but seem to have rebounded. I have a new plan of attack for the garden tomorrow, that won't involve heavy pulling, though will pull loose weeds still. I have a rental inspection mid week, so need to get house tidy (it's far from terrible), and gardens at least looking like I'm trying to keep on top of them. In ME world that means chipping away at things a little bit at a time over the next few days.

    I don't think I've given a weigh update since the start of the month, but after the molasses that was November, things are moving nicely again. I was expecting ovulation bloat to have kicked in by now, but nothing so far. Down 1.7kg from the beginning of the month, so well on track for my 3kg goal (though, things can change on a dime and crawl to a halt with water retention, so not counting my chickens!).
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Yesterday (12/11):

    (1) Logged and under goal, and (2) eat 80ish g net carbs and at least 85 g protein -- nope. I knew this day would likely be off-plan, because of my office (Zoom) holiday party. I didn't log dinner (I ate light earlier in the day), and the actual dinner (delivered with some re-heating for us to do) wasn't too bad -- my choices were french onion soup (yes, with the bread), filet, and creamed spinach. However, there were also cocktails or mocktails (I don't drink so had the mocktails, and they still had plenty of sugar), and then a cookie decorating event (I decided to just enjoy this and eat the cookies). Very fun and worth it, and my weight was identical this morning to yesterday morning (I expected water weight gain at least), so yay.

    (3) Over 10K steps and all rings closed -- check, despite rain and wind which interfered with the longer walk I wanted to take, got in over 11K steps, which makes my goal. Also all rings closed.

    (4) Did planned workout -- yes, strength training.

    (5) Morning meditation/evening journal -- check.

    I have another Zoom party tonight, but this doesn't have any group meal aspect, so will be easy to handle (I'm planning to have a steak salad). I may have to move my planned run to tomorrow, however, as it appears to be raining or snowing with strong winds all day (pouring this morning). Not complaining about this, since it is December.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    on-plan: :innocent:
    exercise: :innocent: Gorgeous day so got a good leg-stretcher in. About 8500 steps worth.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Yesterday (12/12):

    (1) Logged and under goal -- check.

    (2) Eat 80ish g net carbs and at least 85 g protein -- I was at 85 g net carbs (I did eat my last Christmas cookie, so not bad considering) and 127 g protein (unusually high for me). This coming week may be a good time to start experimenting with some lower carb days, as I don't think I have any food-related holiday things until Christmas Eve.

    (3) Over 10K steps and all rings closed -- check, over 11K steps, despite the weather, and all rings closed.

    (4) Did planned workout -- yes, I even avoided switching the workouts around and ran in the cold rain (the wind had died down some and I added a layer, it was turning into snow by the end, but didn't seem likely to stick). I would have liked to walk more, but that was harder in the weather, planning to today.

    (5) Morning meditation/evening journal -- check.
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    Yesterday was day 5 for me having a migraine ... today I have a slight headache... food is okay working out is non existence ...I am hoping I can get out tomorrow and walk with my husky

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 I'm so sorry about your headaches. I can't even imagine how excruciating and debilitating that must be. I hope you feel better soon.

    My December Goals: (12/06 - 12/12)

    Stay under my calorie goal every day (of course, track every.single.thing) ✅❌✅❌✅✅✅
    <50g net carbs per day ✅❌✅❌✅✅✅
    13k steps every day (I've raised this from 10k last month) ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
    40 mins walking ✅✅✅❌✅❌✅
    20 mins some other exercise (other than walking!) ❌❌✅❌✅✅✅ c25k (w4d3). I'm going to repeat week 4 this week as well. Week 4 kicked my behind! Lol.

    Weight Goal: to lose 9 lbs in Dec.
    SW: (12/01) 184.7
    GW: (12/25) 175.0 - (My first mini goal is to weigh in at 175 on Christmas Day 2020)

    Walked on the treadmill today as it was just a little too chilly outside for me. Walked twice in fact.... because I thought I had gone over my calorie goal... but when I was just reviewing my diary to close it for the day, I noticed that I didn't eat the afternoon snack that I had pre-logged.... so it was a WIN, WIN! Lol. Got 20 more mins on the treadmill and didn't even need it! Lol.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,805 Member
    Thanks Mrs_Hoffer :) has been excruciating for sure
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Yesterday was day 5 for me having a migraine ... today I have a slight headache... food is okay working out is non existence ...I am hoping I can get out tomorrow and walk with my husky

    Hope today is better. That is awful. Hugs.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Yesterday (12/13):

    (1) Logged and under goal -- check.

    (2) Eat 80ish g net carbs and at least 85 g protein -- 71 g net carbs and 155 g protein (weirdly high for me).

    (3) Over 10K steps and all rings closed -- check, over 12K steps, from a walk to a slightly farther away grocery store I wanted to check out (oh, the excitement, but it was a nice excuse for a walk and the weather was pretty good for it), plus just doing stuff around the house. Generally tired from the past few days and less sleep than desired, so I want to work on the sleep stuff. Unfortunately last night was not better, as I started waking up quite early in the morning and then slept off and on until I gave up a little before 5.

    (4) Did planned workout -- yes, bike trainer plus walk mentioned above.

    (5) Morning meditation/evening journal -- check (evening was cut short since I was so tired, but I'll make up for that this morning).
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,591 Member
    edited December 2020
    I didn't log my food the last 3 days but was basically eating just once large meal a day to make up for some holiday cookie taste testing. Assuming carbs were relatively good.

    No intentional workouts but more active than I realized. Had over 6k step Sat and 5K yesterday. Last night was bowling as well.

    CW 172, no complaints
    Dec GW 169 I can do it, just need to make the dedicated effort.
    New day, clean slate opportunity.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Calorie deficit- broke even 2 days and a small deficit yesterday.

    Carbs/protein: too many carbs all weekend due to poor planning so that is an area of focus this week. Protein good two out of three days. I do have some achy joints this morning but I think is due more to my strength training rather than poor choices. Will still keep an eye on food this week to get back on track.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,805 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    Yesterday was day 5 for me having a migraine ... today I have a slight headache... food is okay working out is non existence ...I am hoping I can get out tomorrow and walk with my husky

    Hope today is better. That is awful. Hugs.

    Thank you ........ I am happy to report no headache today ... if the fog ever lifts I will be walking with my husky ..boy have I sure missed our walks :)
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Adventures with Swipey - 5.5 ↗️
    Treadmill ✅
    Carbs: 107g

    Thankfully had started a new cycle of my broken-down C25K on the Tready and SpinBike last week before my world caved in, so I can do the second week and then next week is the full week's session so I am pleased about that.

    Slowly getting back on the horse after latest work knock back. Has been difficult to really find any motivation. But having spent the week/weekend doing not a lot at all apart from watching films, TV.

    Chat with GP today - he is delighted with the bloods but has pushed again for the full whack of metformin. I really like this guy but I gently challenged him with WHY he is pushing the full whack when it is clear that RIGHT NOW (with no travelling, well... no job... time to cook etc) I am in good control. However I have noticed with Swipey that at midnight-1am I have a massive spike for... no reason we can think of whatsoever! So We have compromised.
    Metformin at night does smooth out my numbers for the rest of the night, and he knows he will never win the 'take more tablets' battle when it comes to things like statins.

    In terms of trying to get some motivation... I have decided to set myself one task a day so as to have something to focus on and hopefully over time I can be a little more positive (which I will need to be for when I eventually try and find more work but perhaps not in my chosen field).

    I did my tax self-assessment submission to my accountants but I had no stamina to do my expenses and bank reconciliation - that can be tomorrow's job.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,805 Member
    12/14 food is on point and I just got back from a 7.42 mile walk with Aspen my did that feel good to get back on there :)
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    My December Goals: (12/13 - 12/19)

    Stay under my calorie goal every day (of course, track every.single.thing) ✅
    <50g net carbs per day ✅
    13k steps every day (I've raised this from 10k last month) ✅
    40 mins walking ✅
    20 mins some other exercise (other than walking!) ❌ I'm not doing very well at this, but I refuse to take it off my list! Lol.

    Weight Goal: to lose 9 lbs in Dec.
    SW: (12/01) 184.7
    GW: (12/25) 175.0 - (My first mini goal is to weigh in at 175 on Christmas Day 2020)

    I'm not doing very well at my 20 mins of some other exercise (other than walking), but refuse to take it off my list - I need to push myself to do this! December is just a hard month to try to squeeze any more in! Lol. I'm doing well at everything except that!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Okay, three days' worth all at once!

    All going well.

    Haven't been for a walk the last couple of days, too tired yesterday, and pottering with housework today to get things looking ship-shape for rental inspection tomorrow (at this point I may be deploying the throwing things in the wardrobe technique for my bedroom :lol - or I could just go fold that pile of clothes and put them away like an adult...).

    Food has been gold star, and I'm easily achieving my 750 cal deficit again with being more active. Weigh currently stagnant due to ovulation bloat, should shuffle off in next couple of days.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Adulting achieved 😇
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Yesterday (12/14):

    (1) Logged and under goal -- check.

    (2) Eat 80ish g net carbs and at least 85 g protein -- 69 g net carbs and 98 g protein.

    (3) Over 10K steps and all rings closed -- check, over 12K steps, mostly just my run, pacing about, and stuff I had to do around the house.

    (4) Did planned workout -- yes, 30 min run (I am tempted to try to run more, but I have a plan to build a solid base to avoid injury and so am going to force myself to stick to the plan and push myself only as to the time I can cover in the 30-35 min until January). I also did 15 min on the bike trainer.

    (5) Morning meditation/evening journal -- once again evening was cut short since I was so tired, and I had to make up for that in the morning. One issue with my evenings being difficult is I tend to wait until I'm falling over tired, and part of that is inadequate sleep. It was a bit better last night.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    on-plan: :innocent:
    exercise: :innocent: 5.5 Miles of Sansone vids
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