Santa Sprint 2020 Challenge



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member

    @lemurcat2 Sorry about the heat. I workout in the unheated basement now. I was worried about it but it rarely gets colder than 50 deg in there, which is warmer than outside sometimes right now. I just have to wear my jacket or pullover for longer before I rip it off. A nice long warm up helps, too.

    @brenn24179 Welcome! Sounds like you're doing great!

    logged and on-plan: :innocent:
    exercise: :innocent:5 miles of Sansone vids. Was supposed to do strength today but was still sore and just not feeling it. The inlaws insisted on popping over to drop off my youngest daughter's b-day present. At least they wore their masks and respected distance (outside of course). They had literally just come from eating out and walking around stores shopping. They are not at all careful. Our COVID positivity rate here is atrocious. Anyway, their visit disrupted my schedule. So blah blah.

  • al4374
    al4374 Posts: 44 Member
    Late to the party here but my goal for this month is literally just logging all food and staying under 100g carbs. Need to keep it uber-simple while I get back into this dieting thing. Haven’t been careful for the longest time and really regretting it obv.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    As we all know, it's been a nutty year. Eating has been okay, but fitness took a hit when we transitioned to working from home.
    I've been slowly been creating new fitness habits.
    10k steps a day
    Close all rings on Apple Watch every day this month, and get December award.
    Do at least one timed workout a day either treadmill, outdoor walk, or VR fitness.
    Eat slow carb every day.
    Don't let the discretionary calories creep up over break as they sometimes do (this includes wine).

    Day 1, may have been over in calories, but the rest was spot on. I got about 11k steps, I did 2 timed workouts, one was a treadmill walk, one was Supernatural on VR. Slow carb, yep.

    Day 4. Ok. It's going okay? The biggest challenge right now is eating. It's crunch time for both hubs and for me with work, and take out dinners have become too frequent. BUT I'm getting the steps, and I'm closing all the Apple Watch rings, so there's that. There will be wine tonight, so there's also that. 😂 Hey, not bad for finals week, all things considered.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,700 Member
    Still need to lose 35# of the Covid-50#; but the weight is trickling off consistently now that my metabolism has adopted keto again:
    • carbs <50gm
    • cravings diminished
    • nighttime snacking stopped
    • 13# lost since 10/3/2020
    Next goal is to get re-hooked on that adrenaline rush you get from regular workouts.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Today (5/12)
    Swipey says: 6.3 ➡️ after blood-letting day. So now I have that 5-7 day wait for the results to get to the GP and then I need to ask for an appointment with the nice GP and not the ....-hole who diagnosed me and then told me basically never to monitor my blood sugar, and when I told him I had brought my bloods down from 111 on dx to 59 in three months eating Low GI and Low carb, he told me that was wrong, and also that I was wasting my money on my Libre sensor.

    Thankfully (!) having an allergy to the adhesive meant an emergency appt one Saturday where I met the other GP who had heard of 'Swipey' and wished he could prescribe it to all his T2s and now I see him because he encourages me to be proactive in managing my diabetes.

    OK he may nag me to take more metformin, and we spar occasionally on the subject of statins (Him: Go on, try them - Me: That's a hard NO)

    I have gone 111-59-45-59-108 so my OCD feels it should be 59 just so that it looks like a sequence of numbers from The Da Vinci Code! (UK mmol/mol) so 12+%-7.5%-6.5%-7.5%-12% or thereabouts for ease of conversion!

    Wish me luck as I try and get to the physio and beat some other client who parks his monster LandRover SO BADLY even the receptionist has to get him to move so she can park at the back!

    Then... GOLF finally after Lockdown 2.0. Cannot. Wait!
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Yesterday (12/4):

    (1) Logged and under goal -- check.
    (2) Eat 80ish g net carbs and at least 85 g protein -- check.
    (3) Almost 19K steps (goal 10K) and all rings closed.
    (4) Did planned workout (weight training plus brief warm-up on bike trainer).
    (5) Morning meditation/evening journal -- check.

    Given that I didn't run or even go on a nice long walk today, I'm amazed at my steps, as it was mostly pacing around the house (and going up and down stairs) while on 80-trillion work phone calls, plus one long evening call with a friend. I guess I really don't have any excuses when the weather is dreadful out (which it wasn't, just for future reference).

    I've basically spent the week finishing up leftovers and some other food I wanted to finish off, so today I get to start planning and preparing fun meals again. Today's will include eggs (at one) and salmon (at another), but otherwise I don't know yet, so am looking forward to it.
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    My December Goals: (12/01 - 12/05)
    Stay under my calorie goal every day (of course, track every.single.thing) ✅✅✅✅
    <50g net carbs per day (*NEED to do better on this one) ❌✅❌✅
    13k steps every day (I've raised this from 10k last month) ✅✅✅✅
    40 mins walking ✅✅✅✅
    20 mins some other exercise (other than walking!) ✅✅✅✅ (Did a YouTube Core workout today)
    Weight Goal: to lose 9 lbs in Dec.
    SW: (12/01) 184.7
    CW: 183.2
    GW: (12/25) 175.0 - (My first mini goal is to weigh in at 175 on Christmas Day 2020)

    I WON in my fitbit workweek hustle group challenge this week. I got 103,772 steps M-F this week, but those young girls WORE ME OUT! 😜
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,808 Member
    12/4 food on point.... and walked 8.17 miles...and I finally lost weight 2.1lbs :)
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    This is what happened ever since I went back to work... Glued to the desk at the computer 9hrs a day! Seriously I am not happy!!!

    Trying to squeeze in OTF whenever I can but boy, it’s tough.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Finally got the first of my container gardens done! I'd stalled because I realised I would need to rabbit-proof as well, and then days with energy for garden activities haven't coincided with suitable weather. Today I just went for it, got the soil in this morning, then the plants early evening once it was cooling off. Spot the container where I couldn't be bothered teasing apart all the little plants from the mesclun seedlings :lol: Almost forgot the rabbit-proofing, and had much fun untangling bird netting to do that. It's very makeshift currently, as I'd had enough, but is fit for purpose.

    Good food day, and enough pottering that I will actually be pretty close to my 750 cal deficit goal for a change.

  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Swipey says: 6.4 ➡️ and that was on top of sharing a plate of chips with my friend after golf, and half of a proper Napolitan pizza (super super thin) for dinner. So I will take that gladly.

    18 holes of golf today so probably a good 4-5 miles of walking, chasing a bright green ball and cursing a lot. It was cold yesterday, and I was wondering what I would ever do with my former ski hat and neck warmer.. now I know!

    I saw my physio yesterday - he has helped almost resolve a torn rotator-cuff (shockwave therapy - painful but by god is that effective). So I got a full body MOT and he reviewed my training plans. I suspect my cartilage-less knees will be a lot more painful as The Oaks course is quite hilly, so I might switch around next week's training and do the bike first, then treadmill and boxing to give them a day to settle. He was very happy with the progress and we are going to try and leave the gap to 6-8 weeks to see him which is good on so many levels - physical and financial!

    As it is the first Monday of the new month, this is broadly my plan for working out in December
    MON - Rehab and Conditioning, Spin Bike
    TUE - Rehab & conditioning, Treadmill
    WED - Rehab & conditioning, Cardio Boxing
    THU - Rehab & conditioning, Resistance Bands/weighted work
    FRI - Rehab & conditioning, Wii Fit Muscle Workout, and Yoga
    SAT/SUN - Qi Gong - Golf driving range.

    If I can squeeze in a round of golf in the week then I can shift stuff around and replace Friday with whatever gets missed to play golf.

    Food wise - a lot of batch cooking this week as I reckon I can eke out my veggies for another week or so. So just need to pop to the express supermarket on the way back from golf to get some greek yoghurt and honey roast ham to take care of breakfast and lunch and I have enough bacon for this week! If I play my cards right I can go shopping next Sunday or Monday and have enough to see me through to Christmas and avoid going anywhere near town until afterwards!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Yesterday (12/5):

    (1) Logged and under goal -- check, actually a bit lower than intended, but rest day, so I don't mind.

    (2) Eat 80ish g net carbs and at least 85 g protein -- 81 g net carbs/76 g protein, so good enough (Cron numbers overall were good). Total carbs were 119 from (in order of net carbs, not bothering with foods under 1 net) a pear, cabbage, winter squash, 2 clementines, a beet, green bell pepper, carrots, onion, radishes, asparagus). Protein was a bit low again as I am eating 2 big meals and still figuring out how to get my protein in that format -- meal one was lower than it needs to be for that purpose, since protein was from eggs plus whatever was in the veg/small amount of feta. Ideally could have added some cottage cheese or greek yogurt on the side.)

    (3) Over 13K steps (goal 10K) and all rings closed.

    (4) Rest day, so only planned workout was a walk. That was nice, but fewer overall steps (which is fine) since I wasn't pacing around the house so much.

    (5) Morning meditation/evening journal -- check.

    I think I need to add one on sleep (which has not been good), although since it seems out of my control -- I either sleep well and through the nice or not -- that will be frustrating. Saying it's out of my control ignores the things I could do to help, however. Will think about this.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Ugh, I forgot one can't edit in groups -- "through the night," not "though the nice." ;-)
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Clearly, I do too!
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    Ugh, I forgot one can't edit in groups -- "through the night," not "though the nice." ;-)

    I brought this up to Alex in the end of Oct as the #1 improvement in Groups function. I don't know what they did to it to make it not edit...but I often post before coffee so I need that functionality back.

    You CAN edit your post within 1 hour after posting. You have to click on the date/time in the lower left of your comment box.... then a little "settings" wheel appears in the upper right corner of your post box. If you click on it, then the box re-opens and you can edit it. I've done this before from my laptop, but never tried it from the phone.
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    My December Goals: (12/01 - 12/05)
    Stay under my calorie goal every day (of course, track every.single.thing) ✅✅✅✅✅
    <50g net carbs per day (*NEED to do better on this one) ❌✅❌✅✅
    13k steps every day (I've raised this from 10k last month) ✅✅✅✅✅
    40 mins walking ✅✅✅✅✅
    20 mins some other exercise (other than walking!) ✅✅✅✅✅
    Weight Goal: to lose 9 lbs in Dec.
    SW: (12/01) 184.7
    CW: 182.9
    GW: (12/25) 175.0 - (My first mini goal is to weigh in at 175 on Christmas Day 2020)
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    edited December 2020
    Mrs_Hoffer wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    Ugh, I forgot one can't edit in groups -- "through the night," not "though the nice." ;-)

    I brought this up to Alex in the end of Oct as the #1 improvement in Groups function. I don't know what they did to it to make it not edit...but I often post before coffee so I need that functionality back.

    You CAN edit your post within 1 hour after posting. You have to click on the date/time in the lower left of your comment box.... then a little "settings" wheel appears in the upper right corner of your post box. If you click on it, then the box re-opens and you can edit it. I've done this before from my laptop, but never tried it from the phone.

    Ooooh, must test, because also frequently wish for the edit function in here!

    ETA: okay that is bizarre!! Thank you, @Mrs_Hoffer, you have saved the day :):flowerforyou:
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Okay, actual check-in this time :lol:

    SUCH a good day! On all fronts (aside from the gloomy weather, but oh well...). To start, was pleasantly surprised that there were no ill effects from gardening efforts yesterday. Then, I actually finished work for the day because I was hungry (and had no food at work), rather than running out of steam. Even went for a gentle walk this afternoon after eating.

    Food all good, and once again achieved my deficit goal (actually slightly ahead of the game between yesterday and today).

    Something to add to my goals is re-learning to fidget/increasing NEAT. I've down-regulated so much since getting sick that I'm practically a statue. But I'm thinking I may be able to sneakily increase cals out. My primary way of achieving this initially is going to simply be to have music playing, because I move more, even if it's just my head, when there's music on.
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