Santa Sprint 2020 Challenge



  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Calorie deficit- ate more at a maintenance level but could have a small deficit based on activity. Would have been better had the Saboteur not struck which lead me to want and partake in additional sweets, much to my stomach’s chagrin.

    Carbs/ protein- good protein day over 100g and ok on carbs. Still a work in progress.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    So far this month... trying to squeeze in burst workouts but it’s tough working in office FT that requires sitting all day.
    I went OTF last night and I have one booked today. Looking forward to sweating out!!
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Calorie deficit- yep, a small one!

    Carbs/protein- good on both counts. Now to make it a trend!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member

    on-plan: :innocent:
    exercise: :innocent:Just warm enough for a walk (1.25 hr ish)

  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Yesterday (12/9):

    (1) Logged and under goal -- check.

    (2) Eat 80ish g net carbs and at least 85 g protein -- about 90 g net carbs (finishing leftovers from the dinner the day before) and 100 g protein.

    (3) Over 10K steps and all rings closed -- check, hit 14K steps.

    (4) Did planned workout -- yes, 30 min run (32 min, since I mistimed when I'd get back to my place) and 15 min on the bike trainer. Gorgeous weather (nearly 50, sun) -- it's supposed to be similar today, and if so I'll try to get in an additional walk after my run.

    (5) Morning meditation/evening journal -- check.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,591 Member
    I've had two slacker days in a row, mostly because I'm cold. Rational me knows working out would have warmed me up. Instead I curled up with a blanket and my cats. My job is going well, I'm being productive on my home tasks and am Xmas cookie baking. I really can't complain. Hubby even made a delicious Asian chicken salad tonight.

    Back to the grind tomorrow.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I've had two slacker days in a row, mostly because I'm cold. Rational me knows working out would have warmed me up. Instead I curled up with a blanket and my cats. My job is going well, I'm being productive on my home tasks and am Xmas cookie baking. I really can't complain. Hubby even made a delicious Asian chicken salad tonight.

    Back to the grind tomorrow.

    Sometimes we all need a slacker day or two :)
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    My December Goals: (12/06 - 12/12)

    Stay under my calorie goal every day (of course, track every.single.thing) ✅❌✅❌✅
    <50g net carbs per day ✅❌✅❌✅
    13k steps every day (I've raised this from 10k last month) ✅✅✅✅✅
    40 mins walking ✅✅✅❌✅ Yes, including w4d2 of c25k.
    20 mins some other exercise (other than walking!) ❌❌✅❌✅ Did w4d2 of c25k on the treadmill as well as 90 mins of giving massages tonight at work.

    Weight Goal: to lose 9 lbs in Dec.
    SW: (12/01) 184.7
    CW:181.6 FINALLY!!
    GW: (12/25) 175.0 - (My first mini goal is to weigh in at 175 on Christmas Day 2020)

    I sure didn't feel like it, but in the early afternoon, I MADE myself get up off my recliner and get on the treadmill! Ugh. But I'm so glad I did. I soooo felt much better afterward. I think that the "SAD" seasonal disorder is beginning to effect me too, so I'm going to up my vitamin D just a little, and see if that helps some. Keep marching on fellow warriors! We KNEW this month was going to be difficult..... just keep showing up. As they say in AA, just keep coming back! I hope y'all have a great day.

    @elize7 and @tishsmith101 Don't give up ladies! We need to do WHATEVER it takes to try to motivate ourselves and each other!! I keep telling myself that the SECRET is just NOT TO GIVE UP! To NEVER EVER EVER give up! Lol. That's what I've always done in the past, and I (personally) know with CERTAINTY where THAT decision gets me every single time! (Ok, mini pep talk was more for me than for you, but I am trying to encourage you! Lol.)

    @rfsatar I'm so sorry to hear about the job prospect fizzling out after chasing it for 18 months. Ugh. I can't begin to imagine what you're going through. I wanted to at least acknowledge you and your struggles. It's great news about your bloodwork, but I get it - it's hard to be excited about anything with so much crap staring you in the face. For what's it's worth, you are in my prayers. No seriously - I've added your name to my prayer journal and will be praying for you every morning. Please keep us posted. 💛💚💓💜
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Yesterday (12/10):

    (1) Logged and under goal -- check.

    (2) Eat 80ish g net carbs and at least 85 g protein -- at 54 g net carbs and 110 g protein. Today will be interesting (and likely I will be over), since it is my work (Zoom) holiday party.

    (3) Over 10K steps and all rings closed -- check, around 12K steps.

    (4) Did planned workout -- yes, took advantage of the second amazingly nice day (for December) and did my planned 30 min run. I had planned to add on a decent walk after that, but had a lot of scheduled stuff that didn't allow for it.

    (5) Morning meditation/evening journal -- missed my evening journaling since I waited until I was too tired. Will do sometime this morning.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    I'm not the type to give up on a challenge; but, man.
    Its the 10th, I've had maybe 2 or 3 days of food plan success, and zero activity success. Not the great sprint I was so hoping for.
    Scale still not set up.

    Holiday Blues? Seasonal Depression? Isolation Regression? Hibernation? I don't know. I'm just not thriving. At least I have Prime Video for companionship. And i do love reading everyone's posts: trials and tribulations of my fitness pals.

    That said: so far, so good for today. And, i will just keep at it. Every day is a clean slate. I hang on to that thought.

    Yes, just keep at it. Mindfulness usually helps even if the specific goals set aren't working for you right in the moment. If you want to write about the specific daily struggles, I sometimes find that helps too.
    I've had two slacker days in a row, mostly because I'm cold. Rational me knows working out would have warmed me up. Instead I curled up with a blanket and my cats. My job is going well, I'm being productive on my home tasks and am Xmas cookie baking. I really can't complain. Hubby even made a delicious Asian chicken salad tonight.

    Back to the grind tomorrow.

    Doesn't sound that bad, really! And I know what you mean about the cold -- when I was cold during my (brief) furnace saga, everything seemed more difficult to start (even though I knew moving would help).
    rfsatar wrote: »
    Been absent after a job set-back for a role I had been chasing for 18 months. So have felt pretty fed up with the world.
    Not sure what to do next as there is no freelance work on the horizon, and getting sirely tired of well meaning folk sitting in well paid jobs or with ther pension cheerfull telling me that next year is bound to be better. Really does not help when I have no income now. I feel like screaming at then 'so are you suggesting I eat AIR for the next four months then?'

    I have reskilled once before with the benefit of redundancy money but now that my second career has ground to a halt, and I have no funds to reinvent myself for a third time, I am afraid I basically checked out for couple of days and did nothing.

    Even the news that my bloods came back and my HbA1c levels have gone:
    HbA1c (06/17) 111 | (09/17) 59 | (03/18) 45 | (09/18) 59 | 02/20 82 | 12/20 48 gives me absolutely no joy. I am like 'yeah whatever....'

    That's really hard. Hugs, and you will be in my thoughts.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    rfsatar wrote: »
    Been absent after a job set-back for a role I had been chasing for 18 months. So have felt pretty fed up with the world.
    Not sure what to do next as there is no freelance work on the horizon, and getting sirely tired of well meaning folk sitting in well paid jobs or with ther pension cheerfull telling me that next year is bound to be better. Really does not help when I have no income now. I feel like screaming at then 'so are you suggesting I eat AIR for the next four months then?'

    I have reskilled once before with the benefit of redundancy money but now that my second career has ground to a halt, and I have no funds to reinvent myself for a third time, I am afraid I basically checked out for couple of days and did nothing.

    Even the news that my bloods came back and my HbA1c levels have gone:
    HbA1c (06/17) 111 | (09/17) 59 | (03/18) 45 | (09/18) 59 | 02/20 82 | 12/20 48 gives me absolutely no joy. I am like 'yeah whatever....'

    Anyway hopefully next week I will get my mojo back but for this week... just really cannot be bothered.

  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Calorie deficit- a small one so I’ll keep working at this. Could have made better choices to get this in line with goals.

    Carbs/protein- carbs a bit high but protein on point. Another growth area!

    Everyone hang in there. This time of year is hard, this year more so. Lean on each other to get through the rough patches and keep coming back here- it really does help see you aren’t alone.
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