Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Today we are having hamburgers (with or without cheese, condiments, etc. as people please) for lunch, and tonight's dinner is shrimp scampi, wild rice pilaf, asparagus pan-seared with salt and pepper, and garlic bread.

    No, I have a hard time getting enough garlic. I have no shame. (grin)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,879 Member
    You green show offs are a pain in the *kitten* 😝

    I'm liking the British gals! And mashed swede is really really good!

    Wish dad was more soupy as I love me some soup!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,960 Member
    What is Swede? Assume it’s not some big old Swedish guy?
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,099 Member
    edited November 2021
    This is swede...

    Often served mashed jgkpy2vg6t1y.jpeg

  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,960 Member
    Ah! I believe it’s called rutabaga here. Thanks.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Well, this was fun trying to get here!
  • TheKookyKiwi
    TheKookyKiwi Posts: 68 Member

    Last nights dinner - Filo Pastries with Creamy Chicken & Spinach. Yummeh!!

  • Janatki
    Janatki Posts: 730 Member
    edited November 2021

    Sadly, no lump of butter on the top, but lots of white pepper! Delish! No room for the pud, so banking those calories….. I am so not sure about this new layout😵‍💫

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,879 Member
    edited November 2021

    Layout sucks. I can't even find the group on my phone. Using desktop.

    Yes @Yoolypr swede = rutabaga

    Under the top secret department, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, or, if you're me, a couple of drops of liquid sucralose (if generous I would mix drops of sucralose and a tiny bit of sugar)... actually brings out the taste real nice! And I find it a good caloric value too!

    Hey Kiwi accountant-farm-lady... if you don't shape up and stop making my jealous tummy rumble I may end up having to call Jacinda up and cash in a favour or two to drop by for dinner... so show some mercy already!!!! At least pretend it sucked or something!!!

  • Janatki
    Janatki Posts: 730 Member
    edited November 2021

    Sugar or sucksralose…or whatever & swede! No! Lots of white pepper .. & if you can afford it, lots of butter 🤗

    Rutabaga sounds so much better than swede!

  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,960 Member

    Definitely white pepper. I’ve had rutabaga long ago and can’t quite imagine it with sugar. But I’m willing to give it a try once. Assume you boil it like potatoes? What about roasting?

    Yeah swede is a hairy blonde guy who lives in Minnesota where it snows all year.

  • Janatki
    Janatki Posts: 730 Member

    Yes … lovely boiled with spuds too, love it roasted with Sunday roast …. Mmm … just love swede, but prob not the hairy blonde guy in Minisota 😉

  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,099 Member
    edited November 2021

    I agree, Jan, swede is particularly delicious when made into neeps and tatties.

    Just cook chunks of swede in salted water for 15 minutes, add chunks of potato (in a 1:1 ratio) and boil for another 15 minutes or so until the neeps and tatties are both cooked to mashing consistency. Drain, mash with a little white pepper, a little sea salt and a good knob of butter.


  • TheKookyKiwi
    TheKookyKiwi Posts: 68 Member

    LOL Pav <3

    IF you can get Jacinda to let you into this country anytime in the near future (good luck with that - even Kiwi citizens can't come home at the moment 😰 ) you'd be more than welcome to come and stay and I shall make ALL of the above recipes for you (and then some) - and you won't be breaking your diet piggy bank!

    I shall pledge a promise here and now though - I shall only post pictures of my meals on the first occasion of eating them (since I joined MFP). But I warn in advance, summer is coming, so this means there will likely be seafood dishes coming!

  • TheKookyKiwi
    TheKookyKiwi Posts: 68 Member

    Todays Lunch - Poached Bantam Eggs on Toast

    Plus Hot Tea - 1 Teabag Blackcurrant & Apple and 1 Teabag of Licorice (no milk, 1 fake sugar)

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,879 Member

    Oh it's OK @TheKookyKiwi Jacinda and I go way back ever since a Kiwi ARCHEOLOGIST linked me to one of her speeches!

    But I don't want you to stop posting pictures: that could impact my quest to expand the horizons of my Floridan Friend Connie, and that would just NOT do!

    I'll have to run Garfield's text through google translate if I can load both the Lilibet and Meaghan English modules just so that I can figure out what she's saying... but I suspect that swedes and potatoes go well together! Be that as it may, I was taught by a neighbour (so it's not my invention!!) that you boil the swedes, drain them in a non-obsessive manner, toss a couple of spoons of sugar on top and then beat the *kittens* out of them till they're mashed!

    Of course a philistine would add butter; but it is optional! And adventure puppies will find that sucralose works both there and in tomato sauce!

    That's really nice toast... and bantams!

    Now I will take advantage of MFP being a pain in the kitten and many of you not finding your way here yet... and admit that I nuked a large beef cannelloni frozen pack (370 Cal per two)... and then added the left over spaghetti sauces from the previous days! So dad got 2 pieces and his "sausage enhanced meatlike sauce". And I got 4 pieces and the remainder of the original extra spice meatlike sauce. I've actually left one piece for a late night snack! Oh I had a simple tomato and onion salad with mine.

    @Yoolypr the rutabagas I'm discussing are definitely boiled and mashed. The hardest part for me, to be honest, is cleaning and cutting the suckers without losing fingers and / or 20 hours to achieve!

  • TheKookyKiwi
    TheKookyKiwi Posts: 68 Member
    edited November 2021

    Well .. since this is quite the topic .. worthy of a literary Pulitzer nomination .. I'm going to add my few words on the subject!

    We not only have Swedes and Potatoes - but also Turnips and ... *drum roll please* Kumara (Aka Sweet Potato).

    Now my grandmother informed me many moons ago that the "proper" way to make mash is actually to use cream and not milk. Her answer to the calorie dilemma this would present would be to inform you that you should simply vacuum the house another time or two! Bless her.. I'm allergic to vacuuming.. so will have to improvise.

    Oh and you must season your mash - Salt is optional but cracked pepper is essential.

    Here's another mashie option that I've made once or twice: Cauliflower Mash - Boil it then mash/puree up with a portion of blue cheese (or tasty cheese if blue isn't your thing). If you like the cheesy flavour - but are not allowed the cheese (thinking Vegan or Non Dairy here) - then pop in some flaked yeast (Yes it really does give a VERY similar cheesy taste!).

  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971

    The only problem with the shrimp scampi is that it leaves me looking for more protein at 10 pm so I can sleep. (No, I don't do well with going to bed hungry, I get panic attacks and wake up with a migraine.)

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,879 Member

    But shrimp is calorically cheap? You can load oodles of it on your plate... like near the Cal a gram mark, right? I hope you find something!

    I love some good grandmotherly advice... but no, between skim milk and vacuuming the house again plain water with white coloring is likely to win!

  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,960 Member

    Pad Thai for dinner tonight. It was made with riced cauliflower rather than noodles. I got it frozen in portions from Sams Club/Walmart. Prepared it with a dab of sesame oil and lite soy sauce. Oh and a bunch of shrimp.