Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    Where does the rhubarb fit with the raspberry or have you cooked them? Who toasts their corn???🙀😹
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,318 Member
    The raspberries are defrosted raw berries, the rhubarb is cooked...the cornflakes go super-crispy if you toast them in a pan with just 2g of butter (and therefore don't get so soggy when mixed with the yoghurt).
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    So - are the canned ones tasty???!!!!
    I eat these when I find them - friends making them or a greek/middle eastern shop. I was afraid to try the canned ones.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,188 Member
    So - are the canned ones tasty???!!!!
    I eat these when I find them - friends making them or a greek/middle eastern shop. I was afraid to try the canned ones.

    Obviously homemade is tastier and I prefer the ones with lamb. But the canned dolmas are in the pantry for quick meals and are pretty good. I do rinse off the oil though. Not so much to lower calories but because I don’t like the greasy taste.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,318 Member
    Dinner will be another homemade pizza.

    Lunch was last night's leftovers - pitta, salad, falafel and houmous. No halloumi this time though.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited August 2022
    I strayed... remember the discussion about ice cream on sale.... yup. Bad move! But "free" with points and on sale! :blush:

    Overnight HR went from 62bpm to 65bpm... let's call that a good overage! 473ml of B&J banana foster i/c clocks in @ 385g and just about 1057 Cal just in case anyone is wondering--which I would suggest they shouldn't be if they're interested in optimal nutrition for the Calories! :innocent:

    But started the morning today with almost three fruit bunnies for 100 Cal!
  • Tonight we're having chicken cutlets marinaded in a vinegar and oil salad dressing (it works nicely!) then broiled, and they get mashed cauliflower and green beans with bacon drippings and cracked black pepper. I'm having my usual rice pilaf.

    Fortunately it comes together really fast because just before dinner I have to spend an hour in the car fetching my boyfriend from work downtown. Sgt Pickles goes with cause he likes car rides.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,318 Member
    473ml...isn't that an entire tub? Wow, I'm in awe! My Friday night's three 35g (48ml) scoops don't seem quite so self-indulgent now!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,188 Member
    Breakfast at the hotel was scrambled eggs, sausage patty and a bagel with lite cream cheese. They weren’t serving any 🐰 on the buffet at 6am. Then a long day at two airports subsisting on 2 airline pretzel/cracker packets and a granola bar. Tonight a mini Healthy Choice bowl. At least is warm and has redeeming value.

    I didn’t bother trying to calculate the calories because I’m sure it’s ridiculous.

    Hope to do better tomorrow.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    473ml...isn't that an entire tub? Wow, I'm in awe! My Friday night's three 35g (48ml) scoops don't seem quite so self-indulgent now!

  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    I'm at the "everyone is living with me" stage of my son and family moving to the east coast. My kitchen - no joking, every surface - is currently full of the most dangerous treats. PackageS of cookies, so many boxes of cereal, several different types of chocolates, bags of various crisps, crackers, and a freezer full of ice cream and different types of bars. Did I mention the leftover pizzas? Oh thank the lord for small favours - they have pepperoni on them :)

    Food has become like breathing.

    I will come out the other side with less loose skin I think.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,318 Member

    I will come out the other side with less loose skin I think.

    Every cloud has a silver lining!

    Just do the best you can, enjoy this precious time and retrench once they’ve gone. Or ask your guests to stash their goodies in their room.

    Would your 🐹 🐹 comply if you told them the food wasn’t for you? That works for me if I avoid it completely, but if I take even a tiny sample the spell is broken...
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    Hamster control is no longer speaking to Major Tom.

    Next chapter starts next week. I'll pack the hamsters in one of their suitcases and send them on their way too.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    Laurie... you may want to pull some stops out? Maybe a total: "I only eat dark chocolate with rare himalayan salt crystals and red chili peppers made by MasterChocolatierLaurie and cookies are for riff raff only"... Oh look: there is none of that chocolate here.. so obviously nothing to see :wink:

    If you've been at a long term deficit and confronted with the land of plenty it is very difficult to stop at one. And it is NO real problem to NOT stop at one... if you stop at one day. And it is no real insurmountable problem if you don't stop at one day but stop at one week. But yeah... continuing past the 3 or 4 day mark... that definitely leads to a reduction in loose skin and we don't want the yo-yo!
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,318 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    "I only eat dark chocolate with rare himalayan salt crystals and red chili peppers made by MasterChocolatier Laurie and cookies are for riff raff only"... Oh look: there is none of that chocolate here.. so obviously nothing to see :wink:

    This works for me. I've turned myself into a foodie snob - if it's not top quality luxury Swiss, Belgian or Italian chocolate I turn my nose up...(ditto baked goods, puddings, savoury snacks etc etc...) This is learned rather than innate behaviour - I'm naturally not a food snob at all, but I've forced myself to set higher standards for myself...

    I'm too tight to buy such indulgent luxuries for myself, so it means there's never any temptation around.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    edited August 2022
    I like it. I think it is time in my life to become a food elitist! Though, now that I have written that I have been a natural/non-processed food snob for awhile - which kind of makes this stuff even more dangerous at the moment...were talking decades of not eating this kind of stuff...and now it is just feeding the dopamine desire!

    It is over tomorrow.
  • Dante_80
    Dante_80 Posts: 479 Member
    edited August 2022
    Wanted to share one of my go-to breakfast choices.


    It's less than 500kcal for the whole thing, weighs almost exactly one pound, it is ridiculously satiating and packs a lot of protein, Omega-3 and fibre, as well as a lot of other micronutrients. Might be less sweet tasting than some would like, but I actually like it that way! Just change the fruit toppings according to what is in season and you are set. <3
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,318 Member
    Looks yummy, Dante. I make a similar breakfast, but I use Weetabix Crunchy Bran instead of Kelloggs All Bran Fibre Plus.

    Crunchy Bran is 6 calories more than All Bran per 40g and has 2g less fibre, but the protein is the same. Personally I find it much more palatable than All Bran Fibre Plus.

    I had 40g Crunchy Bran this morning, topped with 100g stewed rhubarb, 50g defrosted raspberries, 100g greek yoghurt, 10g walnuts, a chopped apricot and a teaspoon of flax seed. It was delicious, and sustained me all morning.
  • Dante_80
    Dante_80 Posts: 479 Member
    edited August 2022
    Bella is it this one?

    I'll have to get me some to try out, it's not a widely sold brand here in Greece.

    Also stewed rhubarb is a nice touch, thanks for the suggestion!
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,318 Member
    @Dante_80 yes that's the one. It's nice enough to eat dry as a snack, as it has a nice malty taste. Pairs especially well with a banana!