Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    edited September 2021
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    See Connie, you've moved over to the vegetetti dark side! :scream:

    I even bought a tub of plain Greek yogurt….what do I do with it?

    i make a chicken salad (like for a sandwich or a wrap) that uses greek yogurt instead of mayo. i actually do use a BIT of mayo - the all greek yogurt taste wise didnt work for me. the original recipe called for half yogurt and half mayo. i found about a 75/25 split worked well (more yogurt). i actually made it today. 141 grams (fills half a pita) came out to 158 calories, as I made it. You can cut back calories more by omitting some of the things like the honey or blueberries. you can also add in celery. i think the original recipe calls for it. i serve it with broccoli slaw for a bit of crunch. you could also add nuts to it it you wanted. lots of ways to personalize it to fit your calories or macros. add salt and pepper to taste and a dash of lemon juice. thats not on my ingredient list cause i dont count those calories

    dukes light mayo w/olive oil 60 grams
    chobani plain greek yogurt 126 grams
    onion (diced) 23 grams
    stone ground mustard (store brand) 12 grams
    honey (store brand) 21 grams

    * mix the above together then add in the stuff below

    (store brand) dried cranberries 38 grams
    fresh blueberries (chopped in half) 114 grams
    boneless skinless chicken breast (cooked and shredded) 317 grams (2 breasts worth)


    So, you can use yogurt in place of mayo (or partially replace). or sour cream. ive used it in place of sour cream in some baking. or just eat it. i dont like plain yogurt to eat, even when you add things in. i eat yogurt, but not the plain kinds lol. oh, tatziki sauce is made with yogurt. im the only one who likes that and now i just usually buy it, but its made with yogurt.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    edited September 2021
    Connie you can use 0% Greek Yogurt (depending on brand because they do have different sweetness/tartness levels and they're different down south than up here in the north too)... you can use it for pretty much ANYTHING you would use mayonnaise or sour cream for!

    For "beginners" you can sprinkle ranch dressing POWDER and it will become instant ranch!!! :smiley:

    I see call-z-ies' reply above. Tzatziki sauce commercially gets sour cream but home made would normally only use strained (i.e. greek) yogurt. My attempts to cook yogurt have generally failed due to curdling. The cook's prowess may have been partially responsible!!!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    Going to get back on track today.
    Had the scrambled eggs and veggie meal for lunch - that I honestly don't care for anymore (haven't for a long time) but it is so filling (for a long while) and nutritious that it makes me feel outright virtuous!
    I was wondering what to have for dinner and remembered @Dante_80 's Greek green bean and olive oil stew. That sounds like a great way to wrap up this day - maybe with some 0% greek yoghurt on the side to balance things a bit :)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    You could serve it over cauliflower rice!

    And even though it would be considered heresy yogurt would go fine with it... ask me how I know 😹😹😹

    The more garlic and oil the more staying power.... but I admit that I am biased for the higher volume possible with less oil!🤷🏻‍♂️

  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Oh yeah…and mix in some hot sauce, corn and Zuchinni….then stir it all up…..yuk….you two are a match made in someone’s kitchen!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I just read yogurt….you can’t mix yogurt with green beans,,,,,nooooooo
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    I just read yogurt….you can’t mix yogurt with green beans,,,,,nooooooo

    who would mix yogurt with green beans? WHY would they do that?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    edited September 2021
    Because TASTES GOOD, especially if you use enough hot sauce or chillies! And macros!😹 But more importantly, because the discussion starts from serving them with rice. And of course there is no rice without yogurt!!!! Even after rice has become cauliflower rice!!!😂😹😇😘
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Because TASTES GOOD, especially if you use enough hot sauce or chillies! And macros!😹 But more importantly, because the discussion starts from serving them with rice. And of course there is no rice without yogurt!!!!😹😇😘

    god youre weird
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    in other, much tastier and far more normal than rice with yogurt and green bean dinner for dinner news ...

    we are having bacon cheeseburgers for dinner.

    and we ALMOST bought a new couch today. it was expensive though. hubby said to wait a few weeks (ummm will it BE THERE in a few weeks probably NOT) after he starts his new job so we can just do it in cash instead of financing it.

    I also wanted the end tables. he said no. pucker. change the p to an f.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    He plans to get them with cash ❣️
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    Lol - my first "disagree" - couldn't resist, Callsit!

    I'm not disagreeing with the "pucker" though...just the other tastier dinner :)
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Because TASTES GOOD, especially if you use enough hot sauce or chillies! And macros!😹 But more importantly, because the discussion starts from serving them with rice. And of course there is no rice without yogurt!!!!😹😇😘

    god youre weird

    Finally!…..someone on my side of the table!….do you let your foods touch on the plate?……see way past posts!….
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    He plans to get them with cash ❣️

    some crazy talk about paying OFF debt and not taking more on. i dont know. crazy talk....
    (he does agree we need a new couch lol)

    Lol - my first "disagree" - couldn't resist, Callsit!

    I'm not disagreeing with the "pucker" though...just the other tastier dinner :)

    so... whats to disagree with? my bacon cheeseburger? new couch? what? I NEED TO KNOW! lol
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Because TASTES GOOD, especially if you use enough hot sauce or chillies! And macros!😹 But more importantly, because the discussion starts from serving them with rice. And of course there is no rice without yogurt!!!!😹😇😘

    god youre weird

    Finally!…..someone on my side of the table!….do you let your foods touch on the plate?……see way past posts!….

    I have (always had) OCD and almost all of it (has always) revolved around food. So. Many. Rules. truly. But no, I do not care if my food touches. not most things, anyway. The order that they are in ON the plate matters, though. And I never realized I did it until hubby pointed it out (he thinks its funny). At home its not obvious, because I dish up my own plate, right? But in restaurants, I will almost always rearrange the food. Apparently, most restaurants do not put food in the right order. LOL Dont ask me what that order is, I dont know. I could probably figure out the pattern but ive never thought about it lol
  • dcshima
    dcshima Posts: 529 Member
    edited September 2021
    Week 2 Mixed Berry Chia Seed Jam check in
    10 Oz frozen berries (may try other mixes)
    2T chia seeds
    1/4C sugar (could change to alternative sweetner)
    Playing with sugar ant to see if could go less, depends on fruit sweetness, your pref, could go hard core no sweetner at all, but should freeze to preserve

    Cook on low until thick, refrig or freezer
    20 cal / Tablespoon by my math

    I like the fact that it is fruit dominant. It reminds me of homemade jam use to make with my mother without the hassle to can it & waaaay less sugar.

    Anyone fan of keto eggloaf?
    Calorie dense, but creamy almost flan-like!
    Ratio 1 egg : 1 oz cream cheese ( can do Neufental 70%) : butter I skip for pre-bake mix then add on top post bake with syrup

    I use pyrex of water on lower shelf for pseudo ban-Marie while baking to prevent drying out. Do same method for Starbucks style egg bites (eggs + cottage cheese blended add in your choice toppings) in Lodge cast iron muffin tin (wider than normal muffin tin).
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    @dcshima a while back I ran into some cranberries that had been bought fresh and frozen by placing in the freezer for 2 or 3 years

    After thawing I found satchel of pectin to make jam and followed directions except used zero sugar if I recall correctly but a lot of liquid sucralose. Or maybe 1/4 suggested sugar? There is something where I scraped in the last of the solid brown sugar in the house .. ?

    But it turned out absolutely wonderful
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    Didn't do the green bean/olive oil stew with 0% Greek tonight. Sort of ran out of day! And with my calories from yesterday, that is not a problem.

    Did pick up a nice basket of green beans at the market though - so I'll be all set for tomorrow! I'll post pictures for the naysayers

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    You could try it Dante style first... then the changes! 😇
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    He plans to get them with cash ❣️

    some crazy talk about paying OFF debt and not taking more on. i dont know. crazy talk....
    (he does agree we need a new couch lol)

    Lol - my first "disagree" - couldn't resist, Callsit!

    I'm not disagreeing with the "pucker" though...just the other tastier dinner :)

    so... whats to disagree with? my bacon cheeseburger? new couch? what? I NEED TO KNOW! lol
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Because TASTES GOOD, especially if you use enough hot sauce or chillies! And macros!😹 But more importantly, because the discussion starts from serving them with rice. And of course there is no rice without yogurt!!!!😹😇😘

    god youre weird

    Finally!…..someone on my side of the table!….do you let your foods touch on the plate?……see way past posts!….

    I have (always had) OCD and almost all of it (has always) revolved around food. So. Many. Rules. truly. But no, I do not care if my food touches. not most things, anyway. The order that they are in ON the plate matters, though. And I never realized I did it until hubby pointed it out (he thinks its funny). At home its not obvious, because I dish up my own plate, right? But in restaurants, I will almost always rearrange the food. Apparently, most restaurants do not put food in the right order. LOL Dont ask me what that order is, I dont know. I could probably figure out the pattern but ive never thought about it lol

    Oh man, I rearrange my food,too….I didn’t really think about it until you wrote this!…in a restaurant it doesn’t matter how my plate is placed in front of me, I always turn it around completely to suit me….and I eat one food at a time….usually ending with the meat….really strange how OCD effects the way we eat…..I am not “ crazy” OCD but I do quirky things like with the food, checking to make sure garage door is down when I leave the house ( sometime this requires a spin around the block to make sure it is
    down ), or stove is off, shoes always in the closet as a pair, towels folded same way,books on shelves in alphabetical order…..maybe I am crazy….when I write it down, it seems worse….like my pantry has to be arranged in a certain way with all can labels facing forward….this is being efficient….PAV quit analyzing me!

    Oh and I have eaten way over calories today because it makes my knee feel better….
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    You're the good kinda crazy though, Connie <3