2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Is it cold enough to maintain the ice sculptures? Wow. We are so spoiled. We were wearing shorts the other day. It was 35 degrees last night though. It will be nice to spend some time with a friend outdoors, doing something fun!

    I did get my parent’s Christmas tree. It’s 7.5 feet and pre-lit. It’s in the back of my car right now. Here I sit, in my pajamas at 1:00 in the afternoon! It’s awesome!!! Lol. I need to get to the grocery store and get some healthy provisions though.

    So where do you go for good quality supplements? If I’m going to get serious about this and cut out gluten and sugar then I don’t want junk filled supplements. I also don’t want to give up my artificially sweetened creamer for my one cup of tea in the morning so I’m not going to. I’m just not. Lol. I’ll give up my one Diet Coke a day but not my white tea.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL Suzy.. it's not full winter yet here but its hovering around 15F ( -7C ) so cold enuf for the sculptures yes..

    Ha on the jammies at 1pm.. i was pretty close to that today myself! I put up my tree too.. but it's only one foot tall so that took about 30 seconds!

    I take Nordic Naturals Omega 3. because thats the one my doc told me she takes. This is a triglyceride form.. But you are absolutely right about the quality of the supplements.. this one has gelatin which i normally avoid but since its just for this one im ok with it. My nutritionist told me years ago that the binding on a lot of supplements is so "strong" (the stuff they use to bind the pills) that your body doesnt get a chance to absorb the nutrients because it can't break thru the binding before your body digests the pill or capsule so you're wasting your money..

    Most health food stores will carry 3rd generation supplements where the binding is made from soy I think.. something your body can easily break down to get at the stuff inside. That said.. i'm not sure Omega 3 comes in that form.. did she suggest a dosage for you? i'll post a pic of the one i take and I order them online actually from a place called Well.ca its an online drugstore somewhat like .. I can't remember the name of the chains of drugstores in the US.. Walgreens maybe? anyway they carry a lot of natural health products and they usually have good sales or discount offers and its free delivery lol..

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    P.S. with all the changes i've made and continue to make - i still have my 18% cream and sugar in my morning coffee... and i'm not giving that up either! Its funny tho.. when I think about how i used to drink my coffee with 2 creams and 3 sugars... (and i had about 8 a day!) it almost makes me gag now thinking about all that cream and sugar in each one lol. But i do love my morning coffee with my smidge of real cream and a sugar and that's not going anywhere ha
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thanks for asking about my cat, you two! Things are actually going quite well with him at the moment. It's now more difficult to stick needles in him because he's more like his normal self again! He is improving all the time, and put on tons of weight which he needed to do but I'm going to have to be really careful he doesn't get overweight, as he has no off switch when it comes to eating. I'm now having some work done on the house which is stressing him out - I didn't get a choice over the dates, and it's not easy to arrange it so have had to go ahead! I'm going to have to get some chocolates or something for the vets as I am constantly on the phone to them!

    I have heard the same about supplements, Snoozie, and in fact that there have been X-rays which have shown loads of vitamin pills in people's guts - I don't know how common that is!

    I have done gluten-free a couple of times for various reasons, and I have to say I find a lot of the substitutes disappointing. I like good, chewy, bakers bread and the gluten free type is mass-produced and nothing like. Pasta texture isn't as good. Unfortunately, I've had delicious gluten-free cakes!!

    I wouldn't worry too much about a tiny amount of something in a morning drink. I've done various diets where I shouldn't have these drinks, and it never seems to make any difference whether I do or not. I can't stand sweet drinks, but I do like milk in tea and coffee, and I think it's one of the treats we can give ourselves which isn't too bad! So if it was me, I'd keep the creamer, and work on all the other stuff first, then see if I really needed to give it up.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL Vail.... i can relate to your kitty not having an OFF switch when it comes to eating.. i'm the same!! haha! I'm glad hes doing so well tho.. and yes i imagine now that he's getting back to his old self, its getting harder to handle the injections cause he knows whats coming! My dog ALWAYS knew if we were going to the vets.. i don't know HOW she knew.. she loved going in the car for trips but every single time it was to to the vets.. she knew and balked at getting in the car...

    and yes omg on the work being done... Suzy just went thru that a bit with her new kitchen and we're so tied to when the contractors are available you have to take it when you can.. fingers crossed its done fast and both you and kitty can have some chill time together

    I don't think i could go gluten free unless i absolutely had to.. I don't eat a lot of pasta but I do have wraps and thin sliced bread.. I know gluten is considered an inflammatory substance and of course so is sugar.. i will say that since the new meds have killed off my desire for sweets, I have eaten a lot less cookies/cakes/chocolate in the past few months.. i havent noticed feeling better tho lol... but with my gut issues i wouldnt know.. but there are a few things i won't give up and one is indeed my morning coffee WITH cream and sugar!

    But i do remember in one of my diabetic classes when i was first diagnosed.. the dietician saying "I'm not concerned about the one sugar you have in your coffee in the morning.. its the rest of the day filled with sugars and carbs we need to control"... funny THAT particular thing stood out in my memory lol.. maybe that's why i feel no guilt about my morning coffee. I have cut way down on my coffee intake since i retired... i maybe have 2-4 a day now.. and i'm trying to switch to tea after dinner now but i only think of it while i'm making a coffee LOLOLOL..
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I can’t imagine trying to give my old cranky cat an injection. I’m glad it didn’t come to that before he passed. He would have tore me up! I’m glad he’s putting on weight and doing better. I’m with Snoozie, I have the same control issues. Lol.

    The doctor said 1500 mg of omega 3 twice a day. 1000 mg of turmeric twice a day. I have krill oil pills that are 500 mg each and was taking one a day. So I guess that means I now take six a day?!! That seems extreme. I have turmeric capsules that are 500 mg that I was taking once a day, so now I take four? I did see the Nordic Naturals recommended in an article about the top brands. I see that they’re 1000 mg, do you mind if I ask what amount you take daily? I don’t feel comfortable taking six gelatin covered pills a day. I could see how they would just sit in your gut. Gross!

    Apparently my mom now has shingles. She never went back for her second shot. My sister said it’s contagious but from what I read you pass on chicken pox not shingles. Let’s hope that’s true because I doubt I have any immunity yet.

    Vail, I really feel for you with having work done on the house. It’s no fun. Hopefully it will be done quickly and well!

    Oh, we accepted an offer on my parent’s house (over asking price, wow!) and are in the five day due diligence period. Whoo hoo!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    hOLY COW Suzy.... that seems like an awful lot??? I take one of the Nordic omega 3 fish oil capsules a day.. I AM supposed to take 2 a day .. which would be 2000 mgs a day.. but frankly i take 9 pills a day now for the diabetes, thyroid, and cholesterol .. which freaks me out if i think about it too much.. 9 PILLS every day?? And now i have to take the low dose aspirin as well every day.. so thats 10 PLUS the omega every day?? Frankly that's all i can handle .. 11 pills a day makes me feel like some kind of freak invalid if i think about it... so my choice is to only take one a day of the omega 3 lol.

    The Nordic btw.. dont contain any soy or gluten or milk, nor any artificial colors or flavourings.

    As for the tumeric.. i have heard its a good anti inflam supplement.. but i think i also heard it can be hard for the body to absorb for some reason... I found this article ranking the best tumeric supplements (and its not an ad by the companies that make them lol).. and explains the difference between them in how your body absorbs it in case that might help you decide?)


    And another thing i remembered from the nutirionist ... she said when taking supplements or vitamins, its best to spread them thru the day, not take them all at once... because your body would normally absorb the vitamins from food 3x a day...not just all at once.. so the supplments should be spaced out thru the day to closely mimic how you would get the stuff naturally (if our food had any vitamins and nutrients left in it that is lol)

    That said, your doc may have given you different instructions of course!! Just passing on the info i remembered lol

    omg on the shingles.. from what i remember..... shingles isn't contagious - BUT... if a person has shingles the virus can be passed to someone who never had chicken pox ..but it would only cause chicken pox in that person, not shingles.... so if you had chicken pox at some point... i don't think shingles can be "passed on" to you... i think.... lol

    fabulous news on the offer!! OMG and above price.. woo whoo!! I will cross every body part I can that the sale goes through and they want a quick closing!!!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I ordered the Nordic omega 3 in 1000 mg. So I’ll only take three a day and will spread them out. I also read a good article and ordered some turmeric where I’ll take two a day. I’m also taking the vitamin d prescription every Monday for another two months. I’m supposed to take extra calcium as well. That’s all I’m taking. So far I’m not on statins or high blood pressure meds. I’m hoping this new eating approach and supplements will help both of those.

    I haven’t managed to cut out gluten or sugar yet. I swear I will start tomorrow. I’ve GOT to go grocery shopping tomorrow.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited December 2021
    Suzy this photo is for you lol - you mentioned you were in shorts last week - this was me with my Pickleball partner behind me on our walk in the snow yesterday 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Not quite shorts 🤣


  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    The photo didn’t post! Now I really want to see it! Lol.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol i tried to edit it and add the photo (we can edit our posts now after we make them.. who knew??
    i'll try again
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member


  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh my gosh! I’m not going to complain about cold weather to you ever again! I debated this morning on if I should wear a sweater with my short sleeved shirt to the store. I did and it was a good decision. Lol.

    I finally went grocery shopping and stocked up on veggies and chicken. I splurged on a couple gluten free things like cauliflower pizza crust because I refuse to give up some form of pizza! Lunch is going to be my most difficult meal. I may just stir fry some veggies or eat hummus and carrots.

    How were the ice sculptures? Impressive?
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Seems like we all empathise with my cat and his lack of off switch. Honestly, he spends about an hour or more before his meal just sitting where his bowl goes, waiting for it to be put down. When I put down his carefully measured portion he inhales it in seconds then keeps going back and licking the empty bowl. He would love to just snack all day.

    Love the photo, Snoozie! It's cold here, but not nearly as cold as you are. It's hovering around freezing, so we've had some snow and we get frost overnight. I just want to wrap up indoors, so well done you on getting out in much colder weather!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol .. i can just picture him sitting there tapping his paw..... impatiently......

    As long as its not bitterly cold I try to get out for at least a walk altho i've been bad lately ... we havent been able to play pb the past few days cause of the snow.. but its going to go way up to 62F here tomorrow .. a weird warm day with rain... then back to normal temps so fingers crossed we can get a few more games in. But this aft its gone up to around 42F so I'm about to put on the sneakers and go for a hoof... but last night it was COLD and i put on my new Christmas pajamas I treated myself too and curled up on the couch too lolol
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    So….. I’m finding it very difficult to give up my gluten and sugar. Lol. I haven’t managed to make it through an entire day yet. I’m making very tiny baby steps and am consciously aware of when I make the choice to eat gluten and sugar. I’m hoping I’ll get there soon. I have a follow up appointment with the rheumatologist in five weeks so I need to get there pretty quickly. Lol.

    Did some Christmas shopping today and finally got the tree up. I haven’t decorated the tree and I may not. It’s the tree that my parent’s used to have in their house and it’s pre-lit so at least it has lights. Lol. I have also made some progress on getting things unpacked and hung up. Yay me! Lol.

    I hope you were able to play some pb in the warmer weather.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy I have a lot of friends who do gluten free but to be honest i wouldnt know where to start .. so kudos to you for setting a goal and working towards it.. i think the fact u r consciously aware of when u make the choice will help you considerably as you move forward, because you'll be able to recognize patterns and triggers and habits.. my sister had to go off dairy for her kidneys.. or very little and she switched to something else.. i'm thinking maybe almond milk?? she uses it for her cereal and coffee (apparently they even make it in flavoured cream for your coffee now) and she loves it now.. but i dont even know if that would be gluten free as im not all that sure of what constitutes it.. i do have a friend who actually has celiacs so gluten is absolutely banned in her house and i did learn from her there's a lot of prepared products like salad dressings and envelope gravies and that type of stuff that also have gluten as a thickener.. but i imagine you're pretty overwhelmed with trying to figure it all out .. it must be kinda like when we all started here and began to learn about overall nutrition.. i remember feeling very overwhlelmed at the start .. i love that you are taking baby steps because i truly believe thats the best way to make change.. slow and steady... big hugs !!

    Haven't been able to pb for one reason or another the past week but things are looking good weather wise for today... its the last day i'll be able to play this week cause of the dreaded scope on thurs.. anyone who has had one knows its actually the prep day thats the nightmare rather than the test itself hahaha.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Good luck with the prep. I know that’s the worst of it. On the bright side, maybe you’ll lose a couple pounds. Lol. Fingers crossed for good results.

    Right now I’m just trying to eliminate the obvious glutens like breads, cereals, flour. The guy stocking the shelves at my local grocery store showed me a trick. The little tag on the shelf with each product’s price has a purple “gluten free” sticker that I can look for. It saved me a ton of time reading labels. I seem to do okay until late in the day. I’ll work on that.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL yup i'm going to be a very grumpy girl tomorrow... i have to get up at 2am thurs morning to drink the last of the prep crap... it has to be finished at least 6 hrs before the actual test which is at 930.. so i'll prob be grumpy thursday too LOLOL.. its a good thing i live alone sometimes!

    I'm meeting my two oldest friends for lunch today .. its about an hours drive where we meet but i'm glad to be able to see them .. not just before Christmas but because with this new variant, i suspect there will be some restrictions put back in place soon..

    Oh cool on the stickers i had no idea.. we have gluten free "sections" in our grocery stores - both frozen and shelf stuff but i was only in there once when I went looking for something to take to my celiac friend for a snack lol.. but i did notice the things on those shelves are super expensive!! I guess its like anything.. here if you look for anything canned WITHOUT salt.. like beans or tomato sauce or canned veggies.. its 2x more for the NO SALT ones than the reg ones! It sounds like you're getting a really good start on your goals btw.. so well done you!