2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I hope your lunch went well and you all enjoyed catching up with each other. Good luck with the prep.You have every right to be as grumpy as you want!

    I did not do well today with my eating. I need to find my motivation. I let myself off the hook waaaay too easily. I have this dangerous attitude of “I’ll do it tomorrow.” I need someone to kick my booty into gear.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    How did it go, Snoozie? I’m sure you’re glad it’s over!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Well.. it was a hellish 24 hrs (as anyone who has done the prep knows lol) but at least i was actually unconscious for this test vs the last one ... guess they had better stuff in the IV this time around ha..
    doc said it looked good but he did do a few random biopsies just to make sure and i gather i will hear back from him a few weeks (or he'll call my doc if anything..) my friend who picked me up tho brought me a coffee for the ride home god bless her little heart.. 2 days without coffee and she knew i would be jonesing for one.. thats a good friend lol

    Today they announced new restrictions here because the omicron variant is sky rocketing.. everything indoors is going to only 50% capacity again on Sunday to try to control it cause they are very worried about the health care system being able to handle it.... from grocery stores to personal care and shops etc.. I'm ok with that to be honest.. but i can imagine the lineups at the grocery store at least are going to be bad the week before Christmas. I will prolly do an early morning shop next tues or wed for some fresh veg but otherwise i think i'm good.. At this point im still good to go to my friends for dinner.. there will only be 4 of us and all have had 3 shots except their adult daughter who has had 2 but isnt eligible for the booster yet..

    It's so hard to believe that 2 years ago life was so very different than today.... who would have really thought this could happen...

    Hope everyone is well and managing in their parts of the world !! Hows it going with your goals re dairy and gluten suz?? Vail - how is kitty and how is you ???

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I can’t imagine being awake for that procedure. I’m glad the drugs worked better this time. Fingers crossed for good results.

    I need to get my booster. I had to wait two weeks after my shingles shot so I can go next week. It seems like we’re hearing about a new and more transmissible variant every month. I do wonder if we’ll ever get past this or is this our new normal. We have plans to drive to Mississippi the second week of January to see our great niece compete in a state wide drama competition. I wonder if it will be canceled for the public. Time will tell.

    My dietary changes are happening very slowly and it’s like a roller coaster. I do great until dinner and then some nights I just say, “oh what the heck,” and have a piece of bread or something. Tonight I ate half of my husband’s waffle. Lol. The inflammation in my right hand is getting painful so I have a constant reminder to eat better. I sat on the floor with my granddaughter yesterday and the rest of the evening my hip joint was screaming. I’m wondering if I may have bursitis. Damn. I’m getting older and more out of shape by the minute.

    I worked my bootie off today and got the main level of the house completely set up. Everything is hung and put where it belongs! Whew! I’m exhausted. I’m driving down to pick up my parents tomorrow to bring them here for dinner, to see our new home and to see their grand and great grand daughters. They’ve only see the baby twice. Then I drive them back and come home. Just over four hours of driving to do this but I think they’ll appreciate it. Or at least I hope they will. Lol.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Oh wow Suzy this is going to be a long day for you today for sure.. but how lovely for your parents to be able to see the house, have dinner and see the kiddos!! That's a lovely gift you're giving them for sure... and you'll know you gave it to them even if their reaction may not show up as appreciative at the time.. its a good thing you're doing for them!

    I hope you can get in for a booster soon.. tomorrow they are opening it up to over 18yrs old and already the lineups are getting long and appointments harder to find until mid January for some.. I've decided to take the week off pickleball even tho its outdoors .. some of the people also play indoors where masks arent required... so i thot nope just keep to home this week I don't want to put myself or my hosts for xmas dinner at risk unnecessarily.. i'll do an early morning grocery run tues or wed for some fresh veg and perhaps a bit of meat for the freezer but otherwise i have more than enough in the pantry and freezer to keep me going, This new variant is just spreading so fast - one of my cousins down east got a call from public health yesterday as one of the kids she watches at home tested positive, so now her whole family is in isolation til the 27th.. her parents had planned to come up to spend Christmas with them and the grandkids and now they can't and im devastated for them.. they will do it after the 27th now but still.. they were so excited to be together..

    I will keep my fingers crossed for your trip in January!! I am going to have to figure out some way to keep myself a bit active for the next month. I really dont want to go back to the videos but I have decided that I will have to do at least one a day; even if its just the seniors ones from the Lauren chick I liked.. some of those sadly are even too hard for me which tells me... at 60... i better get my *kitten* in gear

    I feel for you with your hip screaming.. I remember either last year or the year before sitting on the floor wrapping presents for maybe an hour and omg.. i had to crawl to a stool to heave myself up and same thing.. ow ow ow. I think thats also why i dreaded those mat exercises in the class.. just the thought of getting down on the floor for any length of time and having to get up now scares me!

    I bet too Suzy.. if you really think about it.. you've done much better than you think with the steps towards cutting gluten and sugar.. if you compare the last 2 weeks to what you were eating 6 months ago in that area.. i suspect if you really think about it you've cut at least 50% if not more of those substances out of your daily intake ... so thats more than a baby step already!!! More like a giant step.. remember it's not perfection we're always after - it's progress.. and you are definitely making progress so give yourself a high 5 for that!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    P.S in case anyone needs a giggle today? i woke up this morning and thot hmmm something isnt right... then realized the entire sheets and mattress under me felt wet. I had a moment of panic thinking omg... wth.. so i jumped out of bed and ripped back the sheets thinking did i wet myself in the night?? is this really happening???

    then i found the open, empty water bottle in the bed LOLOL.. i was really pushing the water yesterday and took a bottle to bed with me.. i guess at some point during the night i took a drink but didnt push the top back down and fell asleep with the bottle still open... anddddddddddd yup.. tipped over and soaked the whole bed. yeesh. Needless to say i was greatly relieved to find that water bottle HA.. so i've stripped the bed and am letting the mattress air dry LOL. Panic over! :p
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh my gosh, Snoozie! That’s hilarious! We aren’t that old…..yet. Lol.

    Now that you mentioned it, I remember when you had that problem with getting up off the floor. Was it your hip? What did you do for it?

    Yesterday went well with my parents. It was a very long day for me but I’m glad we did it. They loved seeing their great granddaughter. It was a good day.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
    Thanks, I am better , but still trying to get it all back together after Covid.. Chest or something is bad at times. Hope none of you have had it.

    Suzy, that baby girl has grown so much!!
    Snoozie, Love the picture of you!
    Vail, so sorry to read about your kitten. Hope it's still doing well... I still cry when I think of mine.

    I miss you all!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hello Gail!!!! I didn’t know you that you were down with Covid! Oh my gosh! I can’t imagine how sick you’ve been. I’m so glad you’re on the mend. Hopefully you’ll be 100% soon. Merry Christmas!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail - so sorry to hear you are still struggling with the after effects of covid - here's hoping for a full recovery and wishing and yours a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2022
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    edited December 2021
    Wishing you all the best for your recovery, Gail. I hope you get over it soon. How worrying to have caught it. It seems impossible to avoid at the moment, my friends who have had boosters and being careful are still catching it! Take care and hope your chest improves soon.
    Thanks for asking about my cat. He is actually doing much, much better than anyone expected. I can't believe the difference in him! I will keep monitoring him and of course, buying him the best, most expensive food, etc., but I am so incredibly relieved and grateful. And so glad I didn't go ahead with euthanasia as suggested when he was very ill. My worry now is that I just don't think I'm going to cope when the end inevitably comes, hopefully not for a few years now. But I'm going to enjoy him for now. Thank you for understanding. I still get upset about my dog who died years ago. But I also think the pandemic has been a bit of a lonely business and my cat has been my constant companion and become even more important to me.
    I'm glad you had a nice day with your parents and their great-grandaughter, Suzy! That must have been wonderful for them. I hope you have some time to relax now after all that you have had going on! I'm with you on the joint pain, unfortunately. I hope you can find something that works. I got a memory foam pillow thing from Amazon that you strap to your thigh at night: it aligns your legs better if you are a side sleeper. Not the most glamorous but it does seem to help a bit with hip pain. As long as you don't trip over it when getting up to the loo in the night!
    Talking of which, thank you for the laugh with the water bottle, Snoozie! That must have been an unpleasant awakening!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - I'm so glad kitty is doing so well.... our fur babies are definitely gifts who become members of the family and it's just as hard when we have to say goodbye. We always had doggies and the only thing that would bring me any comfort when they crossed the rainbow bridge, was reminding me i gave them the best life any pup could ever wish for!

    I actually am a side sleeper as well, and i have a very old pillow so is so flat now that i always put it between my knees - i find anything too thick is too uncomfortable.. but there has to be enuf padding too ...i've tried folding a hand towel and using a small throw pillow but they were all too thick.. this old pillow does the trick well for me.

    My friend gave me a down filled mattress topper... she bought it, tried it for a week and it was too soft for her. She was going to throw it out and remembered i had talked about trying one because my hips and shoulder are often sore in the morning. Anyway i put it on top of my mattress about a week ago and I have to say..i haven't had any pain in my shoulder or hips on waking for a change.. I actually have a really good mattress - i spent the money on it a few years ago because i wasnt getting good sleep, but even with that i had owies. So fingers crossed this topper will do the trick!

    I am feeling a lot like a slug these days with lack of movement.. i don't want to go out for a walk because its cold and windy lol.. but without even pb my parts are definitely feeling the lack of movement. Worse case I am going to have to walk in the underground parking lot here.. it has open grates in the walls so its technically "outdoors"... but its boring as hell lol.. and i'll have to start doing a few videos here and there. I just need to get my head in the game cause its gonna be a long winter and with the current variant making the rounds, I'm not going anywhere near any kind of indoor exercise!

    Oh... and now i only put about an inch of water in my bottle at night LOL.. just enuf to pop the pill on waking hahahaha...

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Merry Christmas Hatters!!!

    I hope you all have a wonderful day and that Santa is good to you! I’m thankful for each one of you!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! I had a solo Christmas, which was actually quite enjoyable. My son and daughter-in-law were working which put paid to any family meetup plans. I was very worried about putting my cat in a cattery, so I was kind of glad I didn't feel obliged to. I had a traditional Christmas dinner, but with carrot and swede mash instead of potatoes, so fairly healthy (apart from the Christmas pudding with brandy cream!). I'd bought a small (serves 4) turkey crown that fitted in my tiny halogen oven, so it has lasted for a few meals.

    I bought a wool mattress protector recently, a bit thinner than a proper topper, but it does seem to help. I have a very expensive mattress too, but I'm like the Princess and the Pea! I get hot at night and the mattress has natural fibres, so I didn't want to spoil it by adding a synthetic topper. I have a down duvet which I love. Really convenient that your friend didn't want their topper, Snoozie!

    I have signed up for the paid version of Fast800, as it was on offer. I did it last year and it did work, although I gradually put the weight on again. I could do it myself, but thought I'd go for the old trick of paying for it so that I want to stick to it and get my money's worth. It has meal plans and shopping lists if you want, but I think I'll do a lot of my own thing as far as food's concerned (the recipes are for one, but will often have things like small quantities of say, halloumi or cannelini beans which are impossible to buy in small quantities and I don't want throw most of the tin/packet away). I like that there are exercise videos every day. I spend far too long just deciding what exercise to do, and then sometimes not getting down to doing it, so I can maybe just do the set daily ones and then at least I've done something.

    It also has other exercise videos, including pilates which I'd always meant to try. I gave the introductory video a go, and my cat insisted on trying to sit on my whatever position I was in, which was hysterical! Sore abs this morning, so I think it must have done something! I haven't been back to any indoor exercise since the start of the pandemic, Snoozie. It just seems too risky, as no masks or distancing, and lots of heavy breathing! I did find a dance class that encouraged masks and testing and I'm thinking about that, but maybe for after the winter. I've still been paying my gym membership all this time, lol!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    " I spend far too long just deciding what exercise to do, and then sometimes not getting down to doing it, so I can maybe just do the set daily ones and then at least I've done something."

    Vail - that is SO me!! omg.. I have the one site of exercise videos for seniors i really like.. but i will sit there and check out the 20 or 25 .. and end up not doing any!! Nice to know misery loves company so thank yo for posting that!! Its funny .. with this stupid variant out there now any plans i had to go indoors for exercise class are out the window and i think just the thot of having to do videos at home AGAIN reminded me too much of the lockdown.. so i need to do an attitude adjustment - and instead look at it as at least being able to DO something thru the winter until either spring arrives or the variant ends, AND THEN actually doing it! When i was doing the challenge with my family across Canada during lockdown... it was sometimes just guilt that got me doing it every day lol.. and sometimes was a little of the competetive spirit.. the goal was to do just ONE 15 min set of any exercise a day.. either cardio/balance and stretch/or strength training.. you got to pick which kind and how many a day you did... and you got one point for every set you did. Some days i would do one.. then one of the family would report they did two LOL.. so i would do another one just because i didn't want to be outdone! Without that motivation this time tho.. i'm going to have to really push myself to do something every day.... i noticed when out for my walk the other day i've really lost any endurance i had.. i get pooped after 30 min .. with winter here now i can't say i'll be able to improve that anytime soon but i can at least do the videos, right??

    i'm usually solo for xmas too and do the same thing.. a nice dinner for myself. But it was lovely to join my friends (only 4 of us) this time .. we had loads of veggies and i pigged out on them yes i did lol.. (of course on the stuffing and gravy and everythign else too) but it was lovely for me to have so many veggies at one meal because i dont bother often for one person..

    Vail have you considered calling the gym and just asking for a suspension of your fees for a few months? Most places here are doing that here with cases going up again.. allowing people a 3 month suspension of fees.. and they just add it on to the end instead?

    I've never heard of the Fast800, but kudos to you for taking that step and putting things in place to get what you want for yourself! It sounds like it has so many great resources!!! I'm like you - opening a can of anything i have to figure out a few meals to use up any beans cause of just being one person! I hope you keep us posted how its going for you - well done!!

    lol @ the princess and the pea... i'm kinda the same .... i sleep with only a sheet and my thin electric blanket on top.. sometimes i have it set to high and snuggle in.. other times im ripping it off and just laying there in my altogethers in the cold lol.

    Suzy i hope you had a nice Christmas and were able to get together with some of the family at least.. and im so glad your parents had a nice time on the day they came out!

    Today i am bound and determined to get out of my pajamas before 2pm (that was yesterday lol) so I'm off to shower and dress and then figure out what to do with myself.. we're getting a bit of a snowstorm but im going to bundle up and try for at least a short walk
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I haven’t heard of Fast800 either but it sounds like a great plan. Sometimes I wish I had someone to tell me what to eat every day and plan my exercise for me. Of course, then I’d want them to do the shopping and cooking too. Lol.

    I did have a very nice Christmas. We spent the day at our daughter’s house. Played with our granddaughter and all the new toys, did some unhealthy snacking and eating, played a new board game called Trails that’s based on hiking (gift from our daughter) and just enjoyed hanging out. It was great! Yesterday we went for a 5 mile hike near home. My stamina is definitely lacking. The trail was beautiful but a bit treacherous at places. We did find a really nice swimming hole we want to try this summer.

    I’m thinking that I’m going to try a new weekly menu plan. Every week: fish 2x, red meat 1x, chicken 2x, veg 1x. I’ve decided that I’m not going to be so extreme that I give up foods that have some gluten derivative on the label but will try to not eat breads, cereals and pasta. I’m going to avoid sugar and sweets but will still have my morning tea with sweetener. So I’m starting that today.

    We’ve been paying for our YMCA membership all this time. We went for a bit last year. We’d go at 6:00 am when only a couple people were there. Since we started all the moving madness, I haven’t been once. And I am feeling the effects of not going. I’ve not been good at using online exercise. I’ve got to figure out something to do though.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - it sounds like you've made some great decisions about your next step - and i think cutting down on the "big" known glutens like the bread/cereal/pasta (altho i do hear they make a pretty good gluten free pasta in penne only... but i bet its super expensive) etc is a far more doable goal than going too extreme.. as you know i will never give up my morning coffee with cream and sugar lol.. thats the ONE "no compromise" area for me and im just fine with it... i'd much rather limit sugar and sweets elsewhere and i can do that as long as i have my morning coffee the way i like it :)

    I also like your plan for aiming for the 2/1/2/1 switch with the fish/chicken/beef.. I am still hunting for some good vegeterian main dishes.. just to have for a change but most have pasta in them which i don't want... or weird stuff i would never use anyway.. or they are things like chili or soup.. blah... i did see a nice looking stuffed acorn squash one.. and i love acorn squash so i might try that.. i did buy a can of stagg vegetarian chili that i will use on years eve maybe to make up some nachos on corn tortillas with salsa lol. but im thinking thats not exactly in the healthy range ha...

    So i FINALLY got up the guts to try this short 20 min low impact cardio video.. i know one reason i was avoiding it was because i was sure i wouldnt be able to make it through all the way and i didn't want to know that was true. But i finally sucked it up .. and sure enough.. i only made it to 14 minutes... omg... it really bummed me out to be honest.. but after a while i thought ok.. then for the next couple of weeks i will just do that one video every day.. until i can FINISH it... then i will move on to another more challenging one... i have to do something to start building my endurance back up so i figure if i stick to the one til i can master it, then at least i'll have some idea of progress.

    Im not doing too bad with overeating (except on Xmas day) because my guts still off and i find if i eat more than a little at a time, i just feel like crap. So i'm eating just a little but more often thru the day.. my biggest problem is still making sure i have healthy stuff to eat at a moment's notice.. because having to prep anything is where i get led astray... so i'll work on that too moving forward.

    So just checking - do we want to continue our little group into 2022? I know we are down to basically the 3 of us now.. with occasional visits from alumni here and there.. but i'm good to keep going if you two are.. i really do find the sharing of info and support helpful!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Count me in on 2022! I don’t know what I’d do without this outlet and supportive communication!

    Great approach with the cardio video. I need to find something to do. I really need to work on my flexibility and strength. I feel like the endurance will come if I can work on those two areas.

    I bought a new vegetable cookbook and it has some entree recipes. I’ll let you know if I find any good ones. My husband isn’t too excited about the fish and vegetarian nights. Lol. He was raised in Kansas City and likes his red meat and potatoes. So far I’ve gotten him to eat Mahi Mahi and salmon filets without much complaining.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    edited December 2021
    I would like to carry on into 2022. I know I'm often absent, but I do like to catch up and I feel that you are friends.

    I forget what it's like to have to work eating around someone else! Good that your hubby liked the Mahi Mahi and salmon, Suzy. I think fresh tuna and swordfish are also a bit "meatier" if he likes that sort of thing (although I think you're not meant to eat too much of it because of mercury or something). I like the idea of having a certain amount of fish, red meat, etc. I have been having mostly vegetarian food but on the new diet it seems to be easier if you include meat.

    I do use a soya meat substitute for some vegetarian dishes, because it's quite high protein. That works quite well in a chilli.

    Well done both of you on the exercise! To me five miles is a long way, particularly if it's not on the flat! Good luck with repeating your exercise video, Snoozie. I did something similar a while ago with a particular video and it was heartening to gradually get further with it - although some days were better than others. In the end, I got really bored with it, lol! But I do think it's a good plan because you can easily measure progress.

    My gym did suspend fees while they were closed in lockdown, but now I think you can only suspend for one month, which I've already done. I'm on a special rate, and if I left and came back I'd have to pay a bigger sub. So that keeps me subscribed. They know what they're doing!

    Fast800 is a Michael Mosley thing, if you've watched any of his TV programmes. It's a mixture of Mediterranean, intermittent fasting - 5:2, and a low calorie one, with a keto version, and you can choose or get assigned to a diet depending on how much you have to lose, etc. As I had quite a lot to lose, I've been assigned to the low calorie one. It's quite low calorie, and I don't think we're meant to say too much about it as the core calories are below the MFP limit (but there are quite a lot of free vegetables so you do end up eating more than the set calorie amount). It's evidence based though. Similar to the Blood Sugar diet if you remember that from a few years ago. I've managed to do a day and a half of it now. I did have quite a good weight loss this morning, but I weighed on my smart scales and they told me that my water was under what it should be, so that will be why I'm weighing low!

    Anyway, it's not gluten-free, but it works out being low gluten as we don't tend to eat rice, pasta, potatoes, etc., so similar to what you're doing, Suzy, and I do think it's easier to just avoid the big things rather than worry about what might have a trace of gluten in it. So I'm back to using courgettes to make fake pasta strips, portobella mushroom "pizza", (honestly nothing like pizza, as the best bit of pizza is the crust), cauliflower "rice", cauliflower and carrot mash, celeriac "fries", etc. Can't say my mouth is really watering at the thought of it all, but needs must!