2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member

    Once you figure it out, let me know! 😂

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    The closest i have come... is that when i log in.. if i click on the bell in the top right corner of the page, it will take me here lol

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hmmm…that doesn’t work for me. I use the app on my phone. They said they’re working on the bugs and one of them had to do with new posts or something.

    I may have updated my ticker but I haven’t been very successful at minding my eating habits. I really really need to start logging again. Still no results on my blood work.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    ohhhhhh sorry i use a laptop as my phone app constantly wants me to log in each time! i'll maybe give it a go and see...

    I haven't gotten mine back either yet

    If your plan is to start logging again Suz... perhaps you could try the baby steps plan with that?? as in.. aim to log just one meal every single day for one week? if you can just log one thing every single day, it will give you that sense of accomplishment and success at week's end, and get you a little more used to the logging life again at the same time? plus.. bonus points... it wouldn't be too stressful right now to just commit to logging one meal a day while you are already anxious about the bloodwork and the estate sale etc? Just a thought.. I only have one thought a day so ya know... lol figured i'd share!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    So I tried the phone app and I had to click on communities then click on the three bars in the top left of the screen and choose groups and then come in here it’s a pain there’s got to be a faster way
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    But I do like the recipe discovery it’s broken down into groups like gluten-free vegetarian etc. and has a bunch of recipes but looks of it I’ll have to check that out
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’ll have to check that out, too. I feel like there must be all kinds of features on MFP that I’m just not aware of or don’t take the time to really understand.

    I think I’ll start with just logging my breakfast every day. One more week and this estate sale will be over. Then it’s just boxing stuff up to take to a donation center. My son is coming for Thanksgiving so I really need to get at least a guest room set up before then. After Thanksgiving I should have my life back. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I got my results this morning. My A1C is 5.6 so it’s high but not quite prediabetic high…not quite but very close. My cholesterol numbers were elevated so she’s recommending a calcium CT that determines if there’s build up in my arteries. My rheumatoid levels were slightly elevated and I am having joint pain (especially in my hands in the morning) so she’s recommending that I see a rheumatologist. Oh, and my vitamin D level was really low! I’m going to have to take a prescription for that for a bit. She was really thorough in the testing and the write up she did for me. I don’t think I’ve ever had a doctor give me this much information and follow ups. I am 60 now so I guess I need to start paying attention to my health. 😂
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - your A1C is 5.6 and they think that's high?? here in Canada at least 5.6 is a perfectly normal A1C level.. its what "normal" people have for their A1C... its not even insulin resistant level (pre-diabetic) level here. Above 6.8 here is diabetic so I'm not getting why they think 5.6 is high at all?? Maybe it's different there..?

    I am SO glad she was so thorough and sounds like she is willing to ensure you have proper medical care if its needed for anything (like the Vitamin D) and investigation with the RA and the CT! That's really great IMO.. it sounds like she is very willing to be a partner in your health with you and for me, that's the best kind of doctor so I'm very happy you found her...

    I had a consult with a rheumatoid arthritis doc about 8 yrs ago i think now but in my case was just regular osteo type that comes with age... but i was very glad my doc sent me to check it out.. it's far better to have a doc who keeps an eye on things and cares about your health so I hope you are glad you had the bloodwork done in the end and that your follow up appointments happen soon!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks Snoozie. I am pleased with her and very glad that my husband and I are both getting checked out. They say that 5.7 is considered pre-diabetic here. I’m not sure what the number is for diabetes. I did get down to 5.4 once upon a time. I’d like to get that number down a bit.

    So…time to get serious!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I hope Vail and Gail find their way here !
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I know you’re busy but we’d love to hear from you!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    This is confusing, isn't it? But will hopefully be better!

    I've been MIA, this time because my cat became very ill. Everything has been on hold while I've been nursing him. He has been on lots of medication and syringe feeding, in and out of the vets and really unwell. It has been hugely stressful as I am probably overly attached to him and I was just beside myself with him being so unwell and the thought of losing him. Anyway, with no expense spared, he now appears to be on the mend, fingers crossed.

    I have actually lost weight because I was so stressed about it (and believe me, I have to be REALLY stressed to lose rather than gain!! :D). Of course, the first thing that happened when he started showing improvement was that I got my appetite back, lol!

    He is now diagnosed as diabetic, so I'm still having to give up all engagements while I sort out his insulin, etc. I'm worried about overdosing him, and of course I've been cancelling everything (social, vaccinating work, voluntary work) as I need to be with him as much as I can. It's going to be quite a commitment, for the rest of his life, but at the moment I'm just glad that he seems to be recovering and that there's hope for him.

    Anyway, if nothing else, if I'm really working to keep him healthy, I've surely got to try to do the same for myself. I need to step up the exercise and eat healthily too, and carry on losing weight instead of just letting it bounce back up again!

    I'm confused by your numbers because here 41 is pre-diabetic, so obviously on a different scale!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Oh Vail.. i'm so sorry to hear about all you have been thru with your fur baby... anyone who's ever had a pet knows they are part of the family (and often the only ones in the family who always give us completely unconditional love!! ) It must have been so scary for you - I AM glad to hear he appears to be recovering and no doubt learning the new routine in caring for him with diabetes will take a while to get comfortable with - but how lucky he is to have you as his mom!! I hope his recovery continues quickly!!

    LOL @ the numbers... i actually tried to convert the UK # to US or Canadian (cause i think we are different between even that too).. but i couldn't read any of the conversion charts that came up hahaha.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hello! to everyone! I do not like this new set up they call improvement...It took me forever to find the thread. lol

    I tried to read the posts quickly.

    Glad everyone is still okay.

    Can't remember what I posted last, but I had a great trip, both of them !!

    Later on around the end of Sept. I caught Covid...not so great. but I made it through without having to go to the hospital . The way I see it, if you are admitted to the hospital, you don't have to worry about be un-admitted. (if you know what I mean)

    So glad to hear you have moved in, Suzy. I forget where you moved to. It must feel wonderful.

    Snoozie, are you all still under lockdown?

    We have to be vaccinated here for work, but I have to wait 90 days since I had covid and then the infusion of antibodies.
    I don't want the shot though...but I have to work.

    So, Vail, it seems your son has married...Congratulations to him !!

    I just have no free time with this job!! I don't know how they expect me to function...hahaha

    Be safe,

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Good to hear from you, Gail! It must have been scary to be diagnosed with Covid. I’m so glad you’re over it and especially without having to be hospitalized. What a relief!

    Vail, I’m so sorry to hear about your kitty cat. It’s really hard to go through that and feel helpless when they depend on you so much. I’m glad they figured out what it is and there’s a way to help him. It will take some getting used to but you sound like a very dedicated cat mommy. I hope he’s doing okay now and adapts well to the treatments.

    We’re holding the estate sale at my parent’s house this weekend. I’m so ready to get my life back. This has been just awful. Hopefully by this time next week it will all be gone; either sold, donated or trashed.

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    It's lovely to see you, Gail. You sound as busy as ever! I'm so glad you've recovered OK from covid. That must have been such a worry to have it. I know what you mean about going to hospital. Although I think a lot more people are recovering in hospital now. I do have some hope for better treatments.

    Good luck with the estate sale, Suzy. It all sounds like a very stressful and exhausting business.

    Thanks for your congratulations for my son. He was a child at secondary school when I started with MFP and now he's married it seems like he's really properly grown up! We have all had so much going on since joining all those years ago!

    Thanks for your comments about my cat, Snooozie and Suzy. I have had pets over the years and yes, they are like family members, but I've got particularly attached to him above all others. I think I feel even more attached now after spending all this time cuddling him and syringe feeding him and cleaning him when he couldn't do it himself. He has lost so much weight and feels so light when I pick him up. He is better again today, more like himself, so I'm holding out hope that he is going to fully recover and it will just be a case of managing his diabetes. Which is going to be an expensive business!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh my gosh. This estate sale is so frustrating and exhausting. So much work and time for so little money. 😭 Tomorrow is the last day. I have an antiques/thrift store owner coming at the end of the day to hopefully make an offer on what’s left. I hope they take the majority of it and we can just move on.

    I want my life back.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy I was thinking of you all day yesterday with the sale.. it's been 20 years for me and I still remember how exhausting it was.. mentally and physically and emotionally! If i recall people really started to annoy me around noon the first day lol! I'm glad you have a thrift store owner coming in at the end and fingers crossed they will take as much as possible. I don't know if this is an option for you, but when I sold all my BIL contents online, after the last in person sale I took home some smaller things like lamps, small tables, and a few wall hanging pictures and sold them online over the next few weeks from my own place... at my leisure so to speak. But I only took small things that i could store easily and was pretty sure would sell. I'm not sure that's an option for you but thought i would put it out there for you.

    Sending hugs for today...
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks Snoozie! We’ve been listing quite a bit of it all on Facebook and Nextdoor. We’ve been able to sell some that way. I always think about your posts where people would just not show up after making arrangements to sell something of your BIL’s. Luckily we’re not going out of our way to meet them somewhere but why can’t they just send a message saying they changed their mind? Today we’ll get the people who want us to take a quarter for something marked $5. You know what? Sure!!! Just take it away! Lol.