2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL.. omg i know sometimes the ones wanting something for nothing made me nuts! But we HAD to get rid of stuff so if it wasnt a big ticket item, i would usually cave.. but a few things i wouldn't budge on.. like the brand new Dyson vaccuum.. some lady offered $200 for a $500 machine which you can transfer the warranty on even.. my BIL wnted me to take it but i said no freaken way... so i held out and did sell it a few weeks later for $450 for him (i gave the really nice lady $50 off just beacuse she was quite willing to pay the whole amount knowing she was getting a great deal already on a 5 month old $700 vaccume ha. But yes... i had to go up to my BIL every time someone said they were coming to pick something up.. and it made me crazy when they didn't show without a text or a msg.... seriously?? i would even say if you change your mind let me know asap it wont be a prob.. so you couldnt take 2 seconds??? yeesh.. lol fingers crossed and hugs!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I've tried to give away a few things recently in a no-waste local group. I thought it was a nice thing to do, but wow, it is just so much effort trying to arrange pick-up and in the end, all of the things are still here because they weren't collected! I can't begin to imagine trying to dispose of a whole house full of stuff! No wonder you are exhausted! I hope the last day goes well and it all goes for a good price.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - I tried the same kind of thing with some of my stuff in a similar local group and same result! I ended up carting everything to the Goodwill store instead!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol i just saw this on facebook and thought.. yup... this is me!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    That is so true! I have convinced myself that eating food to get it out of the way is actually part of my diet, lol!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Thinking about you Suzy and hoping you survived the estate sale!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    The estate sale is done! Not gonna lie, it was awful. It was very close to the end on the last day when some woman came in with an attitude and was so incredibly rude that I had to call her on it. Anyway, it’s done. We had a thrift store/antiques mall owner come and look through what was left. She took a ton of stuff and gave us $300. At least it’s gone. Now we’re boxing up donations and getting a driveway dumpster. We have painters coming next week and the house goes on the market on the 4th.

    My son and his girlfriend are driving down tonight for Thanksgiving. I have today to put all the unpacked stuff somewhere and get the house halfway decent. I’m so looking forward to their visit! After they leave I have maybe three days more work at my parent’s house and then I’m done with that! Maybe I can get my own house in order then. I’ll probably drive down to see them one or two days a week after that.

    So I’m very close to being able to get some control over my schedule which means eating better because I can shop and cook more and hopefully an exercise routine! Maybe we can actually do some hiking!

    How cold is it getting up there, Snoozie? It’s been chilly here so I know it’s got to be cold there. Still able to play PB outside?

    How’s the kitty cat, Vail?

    Gail, any luck on things calming down or will it be worse with the holidays?
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm glad the yard sale is over with! Seems to be neverending, and you still have work to do. I hope you can relax and enjoy Thanksgiving with your son and his girlfriend.

    Kitty cat is doing very well, thank you! He's getting better by the day. It really looked like I was going to lose him and he was just such a pathetic little thing. Now much more like his normal self, although he does need to gain some weight, and sorting out his insulin dose (which he hates, needless to say) is going to be a long process I think.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - reading your post brought back all the nightmares of going thru that with my own parents home! I'm so glad the majority of it is over and i know once everything is finally finished, there will be a BIG bottle of wine opened to celebrate!

    How lovely your son can join you for TG!! Hope you have a wonderful time!

    Vail - I'm so glad your kitty is doing so much better! No doubt the routine of the insulin will be a wee bit of a challenge but i'm sure in a few weeks it will be a bit more normal for both of you!

    Its been getting steadily colder here but not too crazy yet.. usually around 40-50F most days so we're still playing outside.. as long as the sun is out and the wind isn't too bad it's actually great.. when the wind kicks up tho we spend more time chasing the ball i swear than playing! Have had to wear the ear muffs and mittens a few times lol. I will try to get one of my team mates to grab a pic next time I'm bundled up fully!

    Yesterday it was about 38F but beautifully sunny and my friend texted me at 815am to go for a walk at a local conservation area.. bundled up and we walked about 1.5 hrs and it was lovely not just for the walk but to catch up.. time seemed to fly by then i played pb for 2 hrs in the afternoon... i admit i was whacked last nite! i'm still having some gut issues and waiting for some more tests; had more bloodwork done monday for the thyroid/A1C doc (separate from family doc) so expect to hear from b oth of them shortly...

    Things are finally moving ahead with the "classroom" training for my Red Cross volunteer position - they are using a similar platform to Zoom only its called Adobe Connect.. apparently a lot of universities use it as its sort of a classroom set up and with covid, the RC aren't doing actual in class at the moment.. I confess i googled how to use it and watched a video on youtube so i don't look like an idiot for tonights first class ha... so i'm looking forward to the upcoming training session thru December.. there was a bit of a lull since i finished the online courses so I was starting to wonder what was happening .. so im happy its starting to move forward now.

    I AM a little worried about what im going to do for exercise this winter when the snow actually hits.. i am NOT ready to take classes indoors or play pb indoors either .. and i cannot handle trying the online videos again - reminds me too much of lockdown! Skating doesnt really appeal to me anymore.. so I dunno.. however I'll cross that bridge when I come to it lol

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Wow, a long walk and 2 hours pickleball! No wonder you were whacked! Good luck with your tests. I hope you manage to sort out your issues. Good luck with training too! I haven't used Adobe Connect, so I would need to look up videos first too - I bet you're not the only one!

    It's getting colder here too, but not really cold, kind of inbetweeny and quite nice for walking. I did a longish walk yesterday as I had a dental appointment, as my cat seemed OK, I decided to go the long way round so did a few miles just on the flat, anyway, after being on cat nurse duty at home, it was a bit of a shock to the system and I was so achy in the evening! Completely siezed up! I had a delivery and was struggling to get out of my chair to answer the door, lol! All of this is a sign that I need to do more exercise!

    My eating for the last few days has been absolutely atrocious, complete and utter unnecessary comfort eating! No excuse at all! As I have voluntarily bought all that crap and brought it into my home. Children's sweets, chocolate, family bags of crisps/chips, biscuits, cakes, instant noodles, microwave burgers, fries, cheese and biscuits, you name your junk food and it has passed my lips. Meanwhile I'm just watching the scale go up as though it's something that's happening to me rather than something I'm doing, lol! I don't think I have ever been so bad on the eating front.

    I had blood results recently and my kidney disease is progressing in the wrong direction, so I absolutely should not be doing this to myself! All that fat, salt and sugar!

    Anyway, I bought myself a beauty advent calendar. Not really my sort of thing, but I thought I need to stop rewarding myself with crap food! So this contains a small size of makeup, moisturiser, etc., every day, so I can feel I'm having a treat and it will be a suprise too.

    Hope you find something to do exercise wise, Snoozie. I still get reminders on my calendar for my dance classes, which have not started up again. I did see a dance event advertised from a group that encourages mask wearing and testing before events, so I might consider that (I had booked for one, but it seemed like masks were very optional), although one off events aren't going to do much for my fitness. I even signed up for a group that were meeting outdoors, only to find that they'd decided to go indoors again!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating it!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - i LOVE that advent calendar idea - would you mind if i asked where you got it? I'd love to get something like that for my sister so if it was amazon i could maybe order.. likely it was a local shop tho but im going to search for one now!

    Umm... the only thing i MIGHT disagree with you about.. is when you said you were eating all that crap and no idea why... i'm thinking perhaps emotional eating in response to the horror you went through with your poor cat recently?? It was such a scary and heart wrenching time when you weren't sure he was going to pull through - and then to find he has diabetes and have to learn how to treat him yourself.. thats a HUGE emotional toll you went thru and your response now in reaching for 'comfort" food is perfectly understandable! Especially from someone who is a total emotional eater here... that's exactly what i would do after such a difficult situation. So please be a little kind to yourself.. and maybe take a few baby steps to get a bit back on track.. like limit yourself to 2 food treats a day for a week.. then take it down to 1 a day.. all the baby steps we all take when we're trying to break that cycle..

    but just remember its a perfectly understandable reaction to a very stressful situation.. so tell yourself whatever you would tell ME under similar circumstances... like "no wonder you were seeking comfort food.. we all would have Snoozie... now that thankfully the situation has started to improve and things are heading towards a better place, you can start taking care of yourself again now with baby steps towards getting there"..

    As for being too stiff to get up and answer the door.. that was me after my walk and pb lol.. i was silly enough to come home and plant myself on the couch for a few hours rather than even putter about the house to keep moving.. so when i tried to move it wasnt pretty lol. And that's one of the reasons im worried about not moving over the winter.. i KNOW the less i move.. the stiffer i am. But doing everything in one day when my body wasnt prepared for it is just as bad.. i really need to find a way to move every day even if its just walking.. altho since the pandemic i must admit the joy has gone out of walking for me .. when it was all i could do during lockdown, it became a chore rather than a pleasure and i still see it as a punishment for some reason now..

    Suzy - hope you had a good sleep last night and that you have a wonderful TG with your family!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Vail, I ditto everything that Snoozie said. When we go through something emotionally stressful and feel like we’re not in control of what’s going on then we tend to eat all our emotions in something unhealthy. I mean, who goes looking for broccoli when they’re upset? Give yourself some empathy. You sound like you’re totally aware of it now and can start making better choices.

    After that estate sale, cleaning out the house and then chasing after my grand daughter yesterday…I too fall into the “too sore to move” category. I woke up this morning and could barely walk because my calves were so tight. Lol. I definitely have to start moving more.

    Thanksgiving was lovely. I didn’t eat as much as I thought I might. I was just so tired and had been cooking most of the day so when it came time to eat I just wasn’t very interested. I did have a couple drinks and a ice of cheesecake though.

    I don’t have to be back at my parent’s house until Monday and that will hopefully be our last day there working!!!! My favorite author just released the next book in her series (that I’ve been waiting eight years for) and I’m going to read for the next two days. I’ll probably be guilted into a short hike but other than that I’m reading! Lol.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    edited November 2021
    Thanks, Snoozie, for your understanding. Yes, I think it's true that my cat's illness had really got to me. And I suppose I'm on a bit of a rebound from losing a tiny bit of weight due to the stress. I like the idea of baby steps. Much better than just feeling a failure if I can't get right back at it!

    The calendar was from Marks and Spencers. I don't know if they are just UK? It was one of the cheaper ones, but loads of places seem to be doing them this year. You can pay hundreds of pounds! Oh, I've just now looked for "beauty advent calendar" at Amazon and they had some, including their own brand one!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Thanks Vail - I actually did go looking after I read your post... if i hadn't already bought the few presents to mail to my sister i might have done one of them but yes a few are quite expensive like $200 but there were a couple around $75 I would have done as her full present .. We used to have a Marks and Spencers here for a long time.. loved shopping there but it closed maybe 5 yrs ago . But im definitely going to remember that for next year and shop early so i can mail it off - thanks for sharing that!

    And yes absolutely no doubt the rebound eating after the stress loss, combined with the post reaction to all the stress are absolutely understandable!! And i know for me. the baby steps was the best way to get back on track when i was a little out of control... even now I still let myself have a little sweet after dinner with my coffee or tea... but now i only have one instead of 10 LOLOL... i laugh but it has happened.. i believe i told u guys i literally ate my way thru the pandemic with a family sized bag of chips every day, right??

    Oh Suzy.. ouch !! Im so glad TG was lovely for you - and honestly my best treat to myself is a new book!! It's my favourite past time reading.. sadly tho once i get into one.. i can suddenly look up and realize 4 hrs has gone by and i havent moved! So i hope you totally enjoy your down time with yours.. who's your fav author?? I'm always looking for recommends and i read every genre .. even the back of milk cartons if thats all i have !!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’ve been reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon for probably twenty years. It’s torture waiting on the next book because it takes years to write them. They’ve made a tv series out of the first five but the books are so much better and so involved. I love the book series.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I didn't see your post when I posted mine, Suzy! Sometimes that seems to happen on this forum for me. Thank you for your thoughts too. Just wish I could crave broccoli when under stress, lol! Funny that we've all been experiencing being too stiff to move!

    I'm glad your Thanksgiving went well. Funnily enough I know that feeling of having put a lot of effort into cooking and then feeling too tired to eat it. It hasn't happened often to me!

    I've been following the launch of Diana Gabaldon's new book, despite being WAY behind! I read the first couple of books several years ago, then I think stopped reading during the third book and have never picked it up again! So if I ever get round to it, I have several books to look forward to. I hope you enjoy the new one! Must be quite exciting if you are up to date and have been waiting for it.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Oh I've read all the Outlander series too...and yes i saw they made a tv show out of a few but im a book person.. never like movies or tv shows made out of books LOLOL.. i didn't realize she had a new one out.. i'd probably have to re read the last few first because its been a while!

    If you like series and ones that involve (somewhat) the same characters - i loved Jeffrey Archer's Clifton Chronicles... fell in love with all the characters and couldn't wait til the next book - and hated opening the last one LOLOL.. cause i knew it was going to end!

    and I feel like that most nights when i have to cook lol.. too exhausted to enjoy it.. even tho its just for one! Of course with my gut probs lately I havent been making any meals.. just eating bits and pieces here and there.. it doesnt seem QUite as bad the past few days.. still horrible but not horrific if that makes sense.. im seriously wondering if i got something like listeria .. i know its not salmonella even tho the symptoms are pretty close because i had that 20 years ago... and it has several distinct symptoms this doesnt.. but its pretty close.. gak... sorry prolly way too much info lol.. anyway... i still haven't heard from either doc with my results from monday which is kinda weird.. they've usually been pretty prompt so i'll call monday to remind them...

    Have you started taking your vitamin D supplements yet Suzy? I know its been crazy busy for you but wondered if your doc had recommended a certain dosage and if you can just buy them over hte counter to start getting those levels up? I'm like The Enquirer magazine.. "enquiring minds wanna know" hahah
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    She prescribed a once a week prescription strength vitamin d. I’ve had two doses now. I had to set a reminder on my phone because I’ll never remember that on my own.

    What’s going on with your stomach? You’ve said a few things here and there but I don’t think I realized that it was that serious. It sounds awful. I hope the tests reveal something concrete instead of them just saying “wait and see.” Keep us posted.

    I have my mammogram, bone density scan and my shingles shot this coming week. I still have a couple of scans to schedule.

    I’ll check out the Clifton Chronicles. I really enjoy long drawn out sagas. I can recommend the Wilderness series by Sara Donati to you. Loved that series! Outlander is my favorite though. I e read the entire series at least four times now (each time a new book comes out). Lol.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I meant to share this earlier:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Why doesn't MFP have a "LOVE " button??? Like just doesnt cut it for this photo Suzy!! Cause i LOVE it - pure joy on both faces!!!

    LOL on the phone reminder.. if it makes you feel any better, I have mine set 2x a day.. 8am and 8pm to remind me to take mine.. so I can totally get why you'd need a reminder if it's only once a week!

    I got my reminder for my mamo this month and when I called-they are booking for March! I had my shingles shots i think 2 years ago.. but mine was 2 shots - each 4 months apart if i recall? But I know there are a couple of different types of it - I'm glad you're getting everything done!

    The probs are with my tummy and ... well lets just say the end product of what goes in your tummy LOL! Anyway I'm waiting on another test to be scheduled as well as the results from the recent bloodwork and doppler ultrasound and the xrays blah blah blah blah ...

    I forgot to get one of the players to snap of pic of me in my earmuffs and gloves on the court lol.. its been hovering around 0C (which is think is about 32F) but sometimes the wind chill makes it feel like -7 .. but troopers that we are we will continue to play outside as long as we can..

    anyhooo if you love long sagas i think you'd really enjoy the Clifton Chronicles.. i couldn't put them down and like you was waiting anxiously for the next one... you just get so caught up in the characters and their lives (and deaths of course as it spans several generations in total) that you can't put them down.

    p.s. I swear... about 20 min ago a commercial came on TV for a new season of Outlander starting next week!! I actually laughed out loud... how coincidental on the same day we're talking about it.. and there it is!!