2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Lol. Note to self: take bear horn!

    When I made the appointment all the early morning times were taken until late December. So I got an afternoon appointment. I’m actually happy about that because we can do the physical and discuss which labs to order. I’ll go back for the bloodwork the next morning after fasting. I know the biggies: triglycerides, cholesterol, A1C. I think I want my thyroid and kidney levels as well. Is there anything else that you can think of that would be helpful?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I think you have them all covered - but from previous experience?? Do NOT eat a huge pork chop and several glasses of wine the night before the cholesterol check LOLOLOL..

    yeesh i wrote that at 10am this morning, just got home and realized i never hit post LOL
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Sorry for not checking in for so long! I've just caught up on this thread today and it's so nice that you were asking about me, thank you! Yes, I've been trying to log in every day, but just to update my weight without reading anything.

    Yes, I did finally get a dress for the wedding! Although I bought a couple of dresses planning to return them if I didn't use them but have missed the return window. Anyway the dress I ended up wearing was a dress that I already had, but hadn't had an occasion to wear to yet. I tried them all on and my son liked that one best. I was really unsure about it and had to adapt it a bit, but in the end I did get compliments about it and even got asked if it had been tailor made for me.

    The wedding itself was just wonderful. We live in a small city, so could walk everywhere, from the couple's flat, to the registry office to the reception, through the very picturesque town centre and gardens. The reception was in a medieval hall, with candles. It was beautiful! The bride wore her mother's wedding sari, and my son wore a kilt, and they looked stunning in my opinion! It was all very informal, and understated but elegant. And actually very much cheaper than most weddings!

    I hope your bloodwork is OK, Suzy. I hope your mom is OK too. You have so much going on, no wonder you are expecting your BP, etc., to be higher! Hopefully things will settle down for you and you can de-stress. Enjoy your hiking trip - don't overdo it, but have a lovely time. Sounds like it's just what you need at the moment!

    Hope your hand is getting better, Snoozie. It's great to hear you're getting lots of pickleball in and found a new trail to walk.

    Back to reality for me after the wedding, and I need to get my act together with my eating. I had bloodwork done recently too. Not great, and I think it has become really important for me to lose weight for my health. I haven't really been tackling it properly. My BMI is in the overweight range, but I've noticed it's edging closer to obese (what a horrible word!). I have a lot of work to do to get it into the healthy range!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail i'm so glad to see you and we completely understand you have been "just a little busy" lately LOL... I know you looked lovely too and i've never had anyone ask me if anything i was wearing was tailor made for me... so that tells me you were quite a picture yourself!! The wedding sounds amazing!!! How beautiful the bride must have been and how special she was able to wear her mom's sari.. and your son in a kilt?? WOW!! I love weddings like you described.. far more intimate and in a medeival hall with candlelight?? it sounds absolutely stunning im so glad and even more perfect everything was so close you could stroll from place to place... any chance we might get to see a picture or 2? i know not everyone is comfortable posting pics here so no worries if not... I'm so happy for you everything went so well!

    It seems like we are all gearing up mentally to look after ourselves better now... and all our bloodwork at the same general time? I think its a sign lol.. I'm sorry your results were not great.. some of mine werent either but for me, it's just another tool and a bit of a motivation too..

    I have done well with cutting out the junk food, mainly because of that new med i think rather than any willpower... my doc did say a side benefit was it would stop the cravings and it has.. but that doesnt mean i'm eating healthier.. im just too darn lazy to cook so i just pick at stuff.. and lately i've been horrified at the food waste again.. i buy veggies and dont cook them and end up tossing them out...or everything is still frozen at dinner time so it's like nope can't make that.. i can't seem to shop "cohesively" or plan meals. i think i may google 1400-1600 cal meal plans or something again and try to start doing better ..

    We've had a lovely few warm days so trying to get in pickleball every day while we can.. none of us want to go indoors to play with the pandemic; even tho all facilities require vaccination they are enclosed spaces with people breathing hard and running around.. there are 4 of us who are happy to play as it gets colder - as long as it stays dry on the courts we can handle the cold.. i just dont want this winter to be a big "s" one (I can't actually use that 4 letter word for white stuff lol).. But... as the control freak side of me realizes i can't control the weather.. we'll just take it one day at a time.. I'm not sure i can handle another winter of doing online exercise videos tho gak!!

    Today i am getting my 2nd hair cut of 2021 LOL.. our salons didn't open until July this year and I got in then... but my stylist convinced me to keep letting my bangs grow out since they were already hanging down to my nose and change the style... they are driving me crazy being in my face but they need to be long enuf to "incorporate" into a cut.. so we shall see what today holds! I've had bangs almost my whole life so I'm not sure at all I like this side part thing... but I can always cut them again I just can't grow them out again lol.. so i promised to give it a try at least. But it will be nice to get a cut and i'm going to get a few highlights as well... i've given up trying to cover the grey.. and since i have light colored hair anyway, in my head i believe the hilights just let the grey "blend in" better... (I'm not sure thats true.. but in my head it is hahahha)

    ok... i should actually get dressed before noon today lol..
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy I think you leave today for your family hiking trip - hope you have a wonderful time
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thank you, Snoozie. We’ve arrived in Arkansas and are spending a day in Hot Springs, just the two of us. We’ll hike up the “mountain” (it’s more of a really big hill, lol) tomorrow and then join our family in the afternoon at Petit Jean State Park. I really wish my foot didn’t hurt. Oh well.

    Vail, so good to hear from you! I bet you looked stunning for the wedding. It sounds like the perfect setting for such a special occasion.

    Enjoy that outdoor pickleball while you can, Snoozie!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Hope the trip is going well, Suzy. I can't believe you are still having problems with that foot. It has been so long. It seems particularly unfair for such an active, outdoorsy person like you.

    Thank you both for your comments about my son's wedding. I'm not sure about uploading pictures with them publicly as they are quite private, and there aren't any pictures with just me (very few of me at all, actually). I will have to see what to do, as offline I've been sharing them with anyone who will look!

    Snoozie, I had bangs (what I'd call a fringe) for years but changed at around age 40. I often wanted to go back but it somehow didn't feel right until a hairdresser explained it's because I wear glasses all the time now and the bangs can be too much with the glasses.

    Well done on the junk free eating, Snoozie. I've been making more of an effort over the last week or two, but have slipped up over the past couple of days. I'm working in the office sometimes now and it's slightly stressful as masks and distancing have gone, and it seems like everybody is catching covid! And worse, the office is full of chocolate and cake! I like the social side, but health-wise - not so good. At home I've always been big on buying things fresh and cooking from scratch, but I've recently started putting a few of those microwave in the bag veg things in the freezer, just so that I don't have an excuse to not cook veg!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail i totally get your reluctance to post pics of any family members online.. so pls don't worry about it.. it's just it all sounded so beautiful!! OMG no masks indoors there now?? Wow... we are still 100% masks required anywhere indoors; work play etc.. and oh yes i remember the good part about working was the socializing and the treats LOLOL.. and im not gonna lie.. if osmeone brot in treats.. store bought or home made.. yup i was there.. (i was usually put in charge of actually putting out the goodies most times... the guys would drop off the tin or box and say can you put them out for me ... (so of course.. i was able to also stash away a private selection for myself then!!) The only reason im not eating junk at home is honestly because i've just stopped buying it... i did buy my first bag of chips since August the other day... but the thrill seems to be gone... same with chocolate.. altho i do still like my cake.. i will buy one slice of cheesecake at the bakery, or these mini tiramisu bites as i do like a sweet after dinner still... i actaully bought a pkg of fresh baked shortbread the other day.. i do like a nice shortbread cookie now and then.. but these were not very good.. they've got lemon in then and seem more like a thick sugar cookie than a shortbread.. i was quite disappointed lol..

    Funny on the bangs (fringe) eh? I also wore glasses for all my life til my 50\s when i had the cataract surgery and now don't need any - but i have such a long face i always felt the bangs helped make it not look quite so long... so i dunno... everyone tells me they like it but they're my friends.. i can't trust them LOLOL.. BUT i promised my stylist i'd stick it out til the bangs are at least chin length to be able to incorporate them into the cut..... so far they are just at my ears - i can almost tuck them behind my ear but not all so pieces still hang in my face and make me crazy lol.. but ive stuck it out this long so...

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hi y’all! Sorry I’ve been absent but things got a bit hectic. We had a really nice time in Arkansas. I hiked with everyone one day and the second day I took the day off. The others hiked (in the rain) and I put my feet up and read my book for a few hours. It was awesome!

    As soon as we returned home I had to get to work on my parent’s house. We moved a ton of heavy huge wall units to my sister’s house. My aching back but it was some good strength training! I’ve been unpacking my house when I can and that’s going okay.

    I had my doctor appointment today and I really like her! I’ve got to go back for lab work now that we know what all to order. I’ll probably do that on Monday morning before heading back to my parent’s house.

    No indoor masks here either, just government buildings and doctors/hospitals. They’re giving booster shots in some areas. I don’t know if I can get one or not here. I just got my flu shot and they want me to wait 3 to 4 weeks before getting any other vaccine. I’ve scheduled my shingles vaccination for 4 weeks.

    I keep asking my eye doctor when I can get cataract surgery because you don’t have to wear glasses anymore. He said I don’t have any sign of them yet. I hate wearing glasses now.

    I’m slowly getting my eating under control and starting to feel like I can handle it again. It’s slow going but I’ll get there. Baby steps.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy! Lovely to hear from you - im so glad your family trip went well, and you were able to pace the hiking with some down time for yourself!! Best of both worlds! Yikes on the moving.. i don't even want to try to move my bed cause it weighs a ton lol...

    YAY on the doctor apt.. I'm so happy you like her and feel comfortable with her.. !! Did she mention what she is going to order for the blood tests or just doing an "all around" kind of baseline for everything? That's awesome..!

    It's so weird for me to hear there are no masks for either of you lol.. ours is still in effect everywhere indoors, stores, restaurants, everywhere if its indoors; that law is in effect at the moment until March I believe.. or maybe January lol.. it will be nice I admit when that changes here!

    I'm getting my flu shot this morning.. i had to wait 2 weeks after the tetanus shot i got at the hospital when i cut my hand. I had my shingles done 2 years ago.. the one i got was Shingrix i think... 2 shots 4 months apart? I think... some days i can barely remember my name!

    Im actually glad you have no signs of cataracts yet Suzy!! (That said, i wore glasses my whole life from the time I was 4.. and they were "coke bottle" thick lens lol) so they never bothered me, but if you never wore glasses and now have to, i know it can be annoying because my best friend who is 65 is supposed to wear them for driving and reading and refuses lol.. I've had both eyes done for cataracts now and I'm only 60.. :( Is it only for reading or distance you have to wear them? What about laser surgery, is that a possibility? I guess it depends on why you need glasses tho, if any laser surgery could help get rid of them?

    I'm so happy you can now settle into your new home and keep unpacking and arranging things the way you want - and have more control over everything now rather than living in your daughters home, so no doubt that control ability is carrying over into your eating choices now and that's great!! and absolutely agree baby steps is the way to go.. remember when we ALL first even started on our weight loss journeys it was baby steps.. the one thing i absolutely still remember is forcing myself to change my coffee.. I was a "double double" (2 cream 2 sugar) for years and just the thot of cutting any of that out gave me heart palpitations lol. I think it took close to 6 months if i recall... going 1.5 cream, 2 s to 1.5 cream, 1.5 sugar lol.. until I got down to "regular".. one cream, one sugar! And that's where I'm staying... and i love my coffee now - on the rare occasion when they mess it up and give me 2 creams?? I can't even drink it!!

    So just remember its those baby steps that will bring change! One choice, one snack, one meal, one day.. whatever step it is they are ALL moving you forward!

    i'M REALLY happy for you it sounds like you are in a pretty good place all around right now and after all you've been through with everything this past year, very glad to hear it!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks Snoozie! Things are gradually settling down at home. We’re having an estate sale at my parent’s house on November 20 and I’ll be super busy with that until it’s over but then the house goes on the market and we’ll be done with anything having to do with my parents abundance of stuff. What a relief that will be!!!

    I’ve only been wearing glasses full time for a couple of years. I’ve been using reading glasses a lot longer but now I need them for distance, too. Since it’s just old age then laser won’t work.

    My labs will be the usual whole rundown plus an inflammation test of some kind. I’m not quite sure what the test is called.

    Our daughter invited us to a family photo session tomorrow. So I’ll be able to get some professional photos with my grand daughter!! I wish I wasn’t so big right now but it is what it is.

    I’ve got to get back on the scale tomorrow. I guess I’ll reset my ticker on MFP. Ugh.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I hope you have a lot of help with the estate sale Suzy.. we had one at my parent's house and there was only the 3 of us .. should have had more even tho we had priced everything ahead of time it was hard to keep an eye on everyone in the place and help those (or argue with the hagglers ha).. gotcha on the eyeballs... excellent on the labs... im so happy she is doing them and you''ll get your baseline info!

    Today is the photo session oh wow how awesome!! My cousins' daughter arranged a surprise one for their whole family when they had christmas in July this year (as nobody could come for the real one in Dec lol).. the photos turned out beautiful.. and i guarantee you nobody is gonna be looking for anyone's size in them - they are just going to see a beautiful family who had the opportunity to get a group photo done! i hope you'll maybe share one when they are ready?

    One of my friends has been doing this meal plan thing (for weight loss) you prep all 3 meals for the week on say a Sunday... which is great for someone who is ok with eating the same thing for several days in a row... which would NOT work for me... but i am so sick of trying to come up with actual meals so i googled 1600 cal meal plans just so i/ could see any ideas lol.. so tonite im making a small meatloaf with a few carrots and marble potatos... and enuf leftovers for tomorrow. im good with the same thing 2 days in a row.. .but thats the most i can handle!! But at least its giving me ideas and taking away the stress of what the hell to have for dinner
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I absolutely hate making out my menu for the week…every single week….52 weeks a year. Ugh. That’s why I fall back on easy meals that aren’t very healthy or we just order pizza. I want to find some time to look up recipes but I’m just too busy right now. I’ll get creative when things settle down. Right now I’m just trying to make more veggies and eat out less.

    Photo session went okay I guess. You never really know until you see the pics. “Sweet P” (that’s what we call her) would smile and laugh until the camera was turned on her then she was so serious. Lol. I felt so huge, y’all. How did I let myself get back to this size? I swore that I would never weigh this much again. The important thing is that I’m aware and ready to take the weight off and work to get stronger. I’ve just got to get serious and stop making excuses.

    Are you able to still play pickleball outside? It has really cooled off here. We still haven’t had a chance to check out the walking trail near here and now it’s going to get dark so much earlier.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I hear ya Suzy. i've never been good at using meal plans - by the time "chicken" day comes I don't want chicken anymore lol.. im just looking at different ones right now to get ideas for meals I honestly find that so stressful every day which is ridiculous really i suppose - but i find myself actually standing at the fridge or cupboards staring into them like some brilliant idea will strike.. (it doesnt btw) lolol

    Keep in mind Suzy - we're ALL here because we've done exactly the same thing.. ended up back at a weight we didn't want to see again! But now we have more knowledge and the support of others who know exactly what you're going thru right now and it sounds like you might finally have a bit more time and control being in your own place to get what you want for yourself. Mini goals worked for me at the start - like aiming for 2lbs a month and the success from that kept me going, but we all have to do what works for us right? And it sounds like you are ready to move forward with your own plan so know that we're cheering you on!!

    Yup on the pb.. it was down to 7C (about 40F) the other day but we're determined not to go inside until we are forced to lol. We have a few lovely days of about 60F right now so we're playing every day that we can. As long as it doesnt rain or snow and the courts stay dry, we'll just add layers like earmuffs and gloves and keep playing as long as possible lol. Last fall/winter we lucked in and had a very dry, mild winter so we were playing in January too.. so we're just going to keep our fingers crossed and take advantage of every opportunity.. I'm already dreading the thought of another winter indoors doing nothing!!

    One of my friends invited me to join her and her 5 sisters on a trip to Mexico in February.. I have no aversion to travelling by them (depending on how things go) but its to one of those all inclusive resorts and honestly... i declined because i can't stand the thought of just sitting around all day at the pool or beach doing nothing.. When i was working and pre covid it was fine.. enjoyed a week doing nothing but sitting in the sun and drinking... but now it reminds me too much of the lockdown doing nothing lol.. I realize now i would much rather do a trip to somewhere like Italy or Spain or Portugal and explore the cities; I think over a year of sitting on my butt inside during the lockdown here has changed me forever from wanting a resort style vacay...

    Of course come February if we're 10 feet deep in snow and bitter cold temps, i'll probably be hating her while she's there LOL...
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’d love to sit on the beach and just read. Give them my name. Lol.

    Spent the entire day starting to organize all my parent’s stuff into something that resembles an estate sale. I think it’s going to take every single day until the 19th and even then I’m not sure we’ll be ready. I’m so sick of all this stuff! Do yourself a favor and get rid of anything you don’t need or love.

    I still haven’t stepped on the scale. I’m a chicken. I’m going tomorrow morning for my lab work. I’m really dreading the results.

    Pickleball in gloves and earmuffs? Lol. We need pics!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I don't know if it helps Suzy.. but they have places here like Maxsold which will sell the contents of a house for you online.. they come in and take photos and group stuff into lots and then auction it off.. but they take a huge cut.. we looked into it when my BIL was moving back to the UK but figured I could do it myself as i had nothing BUT time then (i had just retired lol). I did learn as I went to "group" things... like the dishes and stuff.. sorry you can't buy one tea cup... you want it you buy the lot LOL.. But with my parents one, we did that in person too.. i did get a book guy to come in and buy all the books as my dad had floor to ceiling bookshelves in the basement but it was a massive undertaking - a lifetime of possessions! Hang in there... a few more weeks and it'll all be over.

    As for the lab work.. I won't say dont worry because I know we all do.. but try not to worry TOO much.. it's better to know where you stand right now so you can take any steps if they are necessary, right? I don't know if i mentioned i've had to go for bloodwork every other week since i got back from vacay because the results keep coming back wonky and my poor doc has tried every blood test known to man to try to figure out what's going on.. she's still doing them but hasn't been able to figure out whats happening so she has referred me to a hematologist (blood doc).. and they called the other day with my appointment date.. its in MAY... yup.. 6 months away lol. That's a first for me here I must say.. i've never had to wait that long for any appointment even with a specialist, but i guess with covid everyone is so backed up.. i put it in my calendar on my phone, but i also set an alert for the day before to remind me as i can barely remember my name most days let alone an appointment 6 months away ha...
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Six months is a long time! Whatever’s going on could have worked itself out by then. Let’s hope for that! I wonder how many days before I get results. The doctor also wrote orders for me to get a mammogram, bone density test and a low dose lung CT since I’m a former smoker. I need to schedule all of those but it’s going to have to wait a couple weeks, I guess.

    We made some good progress today. I brought up having a company do the estate sale but my sister said they take too much money and she doesn’t trust them. So….here we are.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I don't know how things work in the US for lab results.. here its just 2-3 days usually before they send em to your doc so fingers crossed! That's awesome she has ordered those other ones.. I have my mamo in March and I love the bone density test.. you just get to lay there with a triangle sponge pillow under your knees and nap!! Last time i said if i had a glass of wine too it would be perfect hahah... you might want to start calling to book them because of covid a lot of places are backed up (just a suggestion) but i know you have so much on your plate right now i get it.. i really do!

    and yes i can't remember the exact amount they quoted us to do the estate sale but i'm thinking it was upwards of 30% of the take if not more.. i'm glad you made good progress.. i'd totally come and help you on the sale date if i could !! :)

    Oh and on the 6 months? Weird conincidence i was telling one of the women i play pb with about the hematologist referal and she said omg my doc is sending me too cause of wonky bloodwork.. i wonder if it will be the same guy lol (we live in a city with over a million people) and today she sent me an email saying guess what when i got home there was a msg.. i have an appt with the same hematologist you got.. and mine is in May too LOLOLOL... just so weird within a day or 2 same doc, same month!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member

    Oh my gosh! They’ve changed this whole community discussion feature. Now we’ve got to figure it out.

    Updated my ticker weight….bummer. It’s a starting point. Now I’ve got to try to start logging. It definitely helps me to log all my food so I’ve just got to do it.

    Nervously awaiting my lab results.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    omg... what the hell?? took me forever to figure out how to get here... now i gotta figure out how to bookmark it or make it quicker.. i hate this change!!!

    Suzy good for you on being brave enuf to update your ticker... its the first step and indeed a starting point moving forward... well done you!! I hope you get your results soon as i know you're so anxious !! Hugs