2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Wow Vail - October! Of course you're stressing about all sorts of things lol.. i think you're allowed to be!!

    I hear you on going into the shops being a bit stressful - i have only been in 2 i think.. but everyone here still wears masks indoors everywhere shopping wise.. in NB tho people have a choice to wear a mask indoors at shops.. that kinda bugged me out a bit and tbh i did avoid those people lol...

    i get what you mean about the sizing too... its always a big discouraging to find the size we THOT we were.. may not be... BUT.... honestly... i find the sizing is all over.. i have shorts that are size 12 that are loose on me... AND i have pants that are a size 16 that i can barely zip up... and frankly can't wear cause they are so uncomfortably tight.. I have an XL top that is tight across the chest, and a M size that is so big the armholes go below my bra!! So keep that in mind when you're looking for what you want.. it really isn't about the tag size, its finding something you feel great in and are happy with!

    I haven't even started researching flooring vs carpeting as yet... it WON'T be real hardwood here tho its crazy stupid expensive... but there are from what i've heard a lot of options like the vinyl planks... if you dont mind me asking what kind of issues? im not planning to do the kitchen, its ceramic tile and can stay its the rest of the condo that all has to be replaced... BUT.. im a total klutz.. i spill everything .. and i usually eat my dinner on the couch so i'll leave that to your imagination.. but im always dropping things or knocking over stuff so im thinking fake wood would be a better choice for the living room... but i do like the feel of carpet under me feet lol.. anyway i guess i should really start actually starting to look at options... sigh... my carpeting is truly disgusting now .. its 25 yrs old to start with and i got flooded out from a unit above a few years ago ... so i'll leave that to your imagination too ..

    righto.. im finally on my last few loads of laundry from my vacay lol... and starting to feel a bit peckish so off to forage for some food

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Congratulations on the upcoming wedding, Vail! I know you must be stressed out with all that you’ve got going on. I completely agree about the whole clothing size thing. It’s not the size that’s important, it’s how you feel in the outfit. I still vividly remember trying to find something to wear to my daughter’s wedding and that was seven years ago. I hope you find something that you feel fabulous wearing!

    We had LVP tile in our old kitchen and I loved it. However I am partial to carpeting under my feet, especially in my bedroom. My only advice is that if you do get carpet then make sure to get really good padding. It feels great and extends the life of the carpet. That’s all I got.

    Thanks for the encouraging words about my weight gain. It’s just that I really saw my summer going so differently than it has. I was going to have time to go to the pool, relax, go back to the gym for yoga and cardio. I’ve been to the pool maybe four times and haven’t been to the gym once. My DOT (do one thing) tends to be eating ice cream not eating carrots. It will be fine. I will get back to a healthier routine when we get in our own house.

    Keep us posted on your trip, Gail!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol “I’m really craving broccoli“ said nobody ever !!!

    And now I believe I’ll have a small dish of vanilla ice cream with some melted chocolate chips!

    Did anybody notice there’s a new button - disagree ??? Or was it always there and I just never noticed ?? When would anybody use it lol
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    No, I've never noticed the disagree button. Wasn't there a wooo button that we were confused about as we didn't know if it meant "Woohoo!" or "Woo - bad science"? I can't see that now. I don't think we'll be disagreeing here, but I'm sure some will on the wider forums!

    My issues with the flooring are a very long story, but briefly it came apart a couple of times and I had to get the guy back. He seemed an experienced fitter, so I don't know what was up but it took about a year to sort out. The other issue was that something got spilled on it and stained it which I didn't expect to happen (again, long story, but just to explain why I don't know what got spilled I'd cleared out some cupboards and left everything in the side as I was cleaning and airing them, and my cat knocked it all over in the night, no idea why I didn't hear it, but in the morning there were various substances on the floor, oil, vinegar, etc. and I don't know which made the stain. I suspect the vinegar). It's probably fine if you don't leave vinegar on it overnight, lol. Another issue I have is that there isn't much variation in the planks, so you can see repeat patterns close together. Actually some other issues too, but I don't want to make a saga!

    I'm still really pleased that I got it done. I got more expensive ones which are also non-slip and waterproof. They feel lovely to walk on in bare feet and aren't cold (the floor under the kitchen is concrete, rather than wood like the rest of the house). It's very easy to clean, although it does show every crumb! I would be tempted to have it through most of the house, but it's too expensive. I could afford the kitchen because it's a tiny, tiny kitchen! A kitchenette, really.

    I had been going to get sheet vinyl which is what I've got in the bathroom, but got put off when the sales person mentioned that if I dropped a knife and damaged it I'd have to replace the whole thing, whereas with LVT I'd only have to slot in another plank. Well, it turns out new planks are expensive and hard to get hold of so it's not such an obvious choice. The sheet vinyl in the bathroom doesn't look great, but has been really practical, easy to clean, nice to stand on, waterproof, etc.

    I have the same worries as you about staining carpets as I'm clumsy! There's a reason I bought a wine coloured sofa lol. What about hard flooring but with some really nice rugs? Although cleaning-wise, it kind of gives you the worst of all worlds, lol!

    Thanks for the congratulations on the wedding! And for understanding the stress about what it a very happy occasion that I should just be looking forward to! Actually one of my friends was helpful when I said I was going to look at a particular place for my outfit and she said she didn't think it was me, and directed me somewhere else. Now, I don't think the new place has anything suitable for a wedding that I could see, but it was so helpful in that I honestly don't know what my "style" is and having somebody suggest somewhere else gave me an idea of what she thought I might like. Because I don't know what I like. I could tell you what I liked 30 years ago, lol!

    I hear you about the summer going differently, Suzy. But I suppose it's recognising that house moves and living with other people are very stressful things, as Snoozie says, plus all the worry with your parents. Thank goodness it's only seven pounds!

    It's so funny, my weight has been up and down and all over the place, but I just had a look at "reports" and it's exactly the same today, to the pound, as it was a year ago! That's only because I had an unexpected loss this morning. But it just makes me laugh the way I keep floating about at the same overweight weight no matter what I do, lol! I'm five pounds above my previous maintenance weight, so really need to focus on losing that and then some more. Really, really feeling the extra weight at the moment. It feels like I'm just dragging it around - and looking in a changing room mirror after two years was not a pleasant experience!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail YES there was a woo button lol.. I forgot about that one til you mentioned it!

    Thanks for sharing the tips on the flooring you chose.. i hadnt even thot about if one piece got damaged, knowing ahead if its just the one piece u would have to replace or the whole thing.. i am constantly dropping things.. i even managed to damage the ceramic tile in my kitchen (i can't remember what i dropped that chipped it. I guess i should start at least looking at the different options at least and finding out all i can about them - namely what i can afford first!
    Because i live in a condo, we're required by law to have a certain amount of underpadding for noise no matter what kind of flooring or carpeting, so that's going to add to the $$

    I am glad you are starting your shop for your wedding outfit now... i'm one of those people who wait til the last minute if i have an occasion coming up simply because i hate shopping.. and then of course... its panic buying and not what i wanted. I don't have a "style" at all.. im glad your friend offered some help i admit i'd be dragging one of mine with me to help lol

    I think its amazing yo'ure at the same weight you were a year ago Vail!!! That's pretty damn awesome! I gained about 20 lbs during the almost 12 months of lockdown here.. i lost about 10 of it .. im losing a bit now but i'm pretty sure its the thyroid doing it now.. i'll find out next week after the blood work but i am trying to eat better and eat a bit less now.. i'm finding almost that meals are too big and i do better with smaller meals or large snacks a few times during the day lately... it could be pure lazyness too i guess.. but i did make a meal the other night with meat and veggies and 1/2 way thru i lost interest.. that's a first for me lol.. (of course i finished the damn plate... childhood memories of starving children somewhere in my head i guess!)

    I'm thinking of Milove today.. i seem to remember her living around the area where Ida is scheduled to hit today and i'm praying she and her family are safe and well...

    I should get off my butt and get it down to the lake for a walk..... yes I should.. lol... but maybe one more coffee first! Have a good day ladies

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I hope Milove is okay. I think they had mandatory evacuations in her area. Very scary.

    On a much less important scale, I’m kind of in your situation Vail. I have a christening to go to on Sunday and I just tried on the dresses I brought with me for a “just in case” situation. Unfortunately, all the weight I’ve gained has apparently gone to my stomach. Nothing fits. I can get it on but I look like a pregnant 60 year old grandma. I guess I’m heading to a store this afternoon. Ugh. The only thing worse is having to buy a swimsuit.

    Portion sizes are so key, Snoozie. I find that I overeat at almost every meal anymore. I think that’s what I really need to be concentrating on until we get into our house. I hope your bloodwork turns up good numbers for you.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Just a quick note i got a msg from milove that she had indeed evacuated - praying for all in the areas affected.. more later
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm glad she is safe at least. How awful and frightening for everybody out there, especially after what happened a few years back. I'm hearing that the flood defences are better now, and hopefully a better outcome this time. I can't imagine living through it. Thinking of Milove, hope you and yours get through this OK.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    Suzy - happy new home month LOL... woo hoo!!! it's finally here (the month anyway if not the actual date for a few weeks!) but its still happy new house month!

    I don't have too much new to add... but i did get a call from my endocrinologist (diabetes and thyroid doc) about my bloodwork... no change in the thyroid (yay) AND my A1C was down to 6.8 woo hoo!! (under 7 is considered good control of the diabetes... i was at 8.6 before I started the new meds and started eating less crap so I was a happy camper last nite. I will have to do more blood in a week or 2 for my family doc for the cholesterol but i aint gonna worry about that this week im just gonna enjoy my blood sugar levels are much better..

    I've been able to play pickleball every morning for the past few days... we should be able to play til friday and my partner is going out west to see HER family finally after that.. she'll be gone a few weeks so no pb for me.. but seems only fair since i abandoned her to see mine lol. Im actually thrilled for her.. she hasnt seen her daughter and son in law since before Covid either.

    Cases are starting to rise a wee bit here... our province is at 76% FULL double vax, but school starts next week.... and as kids cant get the jab... i expect there will be a few issues. A lot of non essential businesses here are now requiring 2x jab to enter; all sports arenas and large venues like concerts etc, so they are finally coming out with a "vaccine passport" as such.. a lot of places like hospitals and essential services like police, fire, city offices are also mandating vaccines for employment which makes me happy - there are of course people not happy but i'm good with it.... it wont be required in places like grocery stores or pharmacies or banks but any large venue and most clubs and restaurants want to protect their own employees and patrons.. but like everything else it wil take a few months to implement em all. I just REALLY do not want to be locked up again this winter and at least this requirement will let me get out now and then comfortably.

    Vail - have you had any luck finding something for the wedding yet? I hope you let us know when you do!! I'd go shopping with you if i was there.. even tho i would be absolutely no help at all LOL

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I don't know if i already told you guys about the TV reality show they were filming on the beach in front of one of my cousins cottages.. if I did forgive me for repeating it.. its called "Race against the Tide" and its a sand sculpture show with contestants from all over the world participating... and getting eliminated. They only have a short time to create these masterpieces because once the tide comes in, they're gone lol.

    We couldnt see any actual work as the sand blocks are in front of the "huts" they have for each contestant and that part of the beach was blocked off from entry by the public, but the contestants huts they burst out of are really cute... so one of my OTHER cousins approached them about buying one of them after the filming was done... she wants it as a "bunkie" at her cottage which is just up the road... and they said yes lol... so she's a happy camper - i'll post a picture of the huts just for a laugh... the show airs next week so i can't wait to see it
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    The one my cousin bought is the 2nd from the right - the yellow one 😁
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Oh, that looks lovely, Snoozie! The first thing that popped into my head was "does it have a loo" lol! I bet it will be lovely for getting changed in or having a picnic, or retreating to when it rains! I'm going to have to see if there are any episodes online so I can see the huts on video!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Lol The first season of the show airs here September 9 on CBC channel so I’m sure you could probably see it online. They were filming season two this summer when I was there which is funny because they haven’t even aired the first one yet!

    I think my cousin plans to put some bunkbeds in for the grandkids when they come to visit and to use as a play area in bad weather maybe. But it will definitely be a perfect addition to their cottage
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    What a cute little cabin! I love that she was able to buy one. I never would have thought to ask.

    I hope you’re having some luck in finding something for the wedding, Vail. The stores here don’t really have a lot in stock. I was able to find a pair of palazzo pants in my closet that still fit. I think I found my dress for my daughter’s wedding online. Fingers crossed for you!

    Yay on your A1C numbers and thyroid results!!! That’s fantastic!

    I’ve scheduled our move for September 29!! I’m pretty sure that my daughter can’t wait. Lol.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - you'll have to let us know how the online dress purchase went.. i've never actually bought a dress online.. come to think of it i've never bought any clothes on line.. isn't that weird? altho to be fair i rarely buy anything online.. the closest i came during the pandemic was at a sort of hardware store where you ordered online and drove there and they put it in your trunk and away you went lol...

    September 29th!! Woo to the hoo... the goal is in sight Suz! Yay!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I order online a lot. There’s a store nationwide (Kohl’s) that I order a ton of stuff from and then return what I don’t want to the brick and mortar store. They actually also take back any Amazon order, as well. That’s how I buy swimsuits, bras, shoes…you name it. I ordered about twelve swimsuits and kept one. It’s awesome.

    We went to the christening today. I saw photos of myself for the first time in a very long time. It’s so depressing. I have gained so much weight.

    Vail, how is your shopping going for your wedding ensemble? Gail, when is your trip? Snoozie, I saw a sign up board for pickleball at our new local community center. I may have to consider it once we move.

    Hoping to hike tomorrow. We went last weekend and it was very humbling but I did it!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Well if this 4th wave happens here i may have to delve further into the world of online ordering lol! They discontinued my bra i loved... so now to find a new one i HAVE to go try em on.. cause as you know... they vary like crazy in the same size by brand... once i find one i can order it online but its finding one that actually fits first!

    I hope you decide to try pickleball lol.. its quite fun and not too hard on the parts as you usually play doubles so not a lot of running around.. and most of the play is at the "net" (as opposed to tennis which is the whole court) Most community centres also provide the paddles and balls too so you don't have to buy anything before you decide if you wanna play (and even then u can just keep using the community ones lol... i did buy my own, even Walmart carries them now and i think it's $10 for 3 balls (but there are different ones for indoor and outdoor play!) so it's a pretty cheap sport to play even if u do buy your own stuff.

    Well done on doing the hike last weekend - did you get to go again? Time seems to be flying this month.. maybe because its the end of summer coming (boo hiss) .. i'm really hoping we have a nice fall. My pb partner is leaving friday to finally go see her daughter - i can't complain as i got to see mine lol.. but they are driving to the west coast which will take about 5 days.. then the visit for a few weeks then back... so no pb for me for a bit.

    They finally announced today that as of Sept 22, ALL indoor sports type venues (like all the community centres) will require 2x vax ... so I'm thrilled for me because im going to hold out as long as i can playing pb outdoors.. but come january depending on the winter, if i'm forced to go inside at least i'll know everyone will be vaxed.

    Vail - I have a friend with a cousin who is a nurse in Scotland.. she was saying things with covid are very bad there.. even some 2x vac ending up in hospital and some waiting in ambulances outside the hospitals to be seen.. I hope things are getting better in England for you!! Will there be limits on the # for the wedding? have you had any luck with the dress? inquiring minds wanna know

    I cleaned out my freezer the other day.. it's just a small freezer at the top of my fridge.. but during the first wave and i froze a lot of stuff... im embarrassed at how much food i threw out.. frozen veg that had expired 6 months ago.... and things i had put in tubs rather than properly sealing for freezing.. sigh. So im buying less now more often.... hoping that will keep me from wasting so much stuff... one thing didn't change during the pandemic - i still hate cooking lol

    altho Suzy i imagine you can't wait til you can cook what YOU want when you want it in your new place! I can't believe its only 3 weeks away now!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    It’s kind of refreshing to know that I’ll be starting from scratch in my kitchen. It will be expensive but I’ll be buying all new food for my pantry and fridge. It’s an opportunity to start over and not have all the junk food in the pantry. I think I’ve found a doctor/practice for us to try. I’m looking forward to eating healthier. I actually logged my food for today! I haven’t done that in months. Now I just have to stick to it.

    I didn’t end up hiking. I woke up with a sore throat and was exhausted from not sleeping well. It’s always something. My allergies have really been bothering me this year. It’s either that or I constantly have a runny nose from being around my grand baby.

    Can you not find another pb partner for a little bit? Maybe a newbie who could use some help? I hate that you just started back and now have to stop.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy that's awesome that you logged your food - i suspect your getting ready mentally and physically to a fresh start when you move into your new home! ugh on the sniffles - i've literally given up on ever getting a good sleep... its a good thing i have nothing that requires any concentration during the day lol...

    as for pb... most have moved indoors and thats not something im willing to do yet... hopefully when my partner returns end of sept we will have another few weeks of being able to play before the "s" word starts ha.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I hit post before i was finished lol.

    I stopped at the seniors centre on the way home from pb today to see whats going on there.. they have started classes with reduced numbers and my fav instructor is still there.. but her classes are full already up to December.. which is ok as I'm still not comfortable being indoors for a fitness class... but i'll see in January if things are improving then i may consider doing one a week to at least move my parts over the winter.

    I had something else .. but now i forget.. story of my life these days!!