2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    That’s awesome! Just think of everything you can try! I would love to have a veggie garden but I’d want a contained area, like raised beds or something. We tried tomatoes and peppers at our old house and the squirrels got most of them. I would think you wouldn’t have that issue? We found out that our new house has pear, apple and peach trees. They said that you have to pick the fruit promptly though because the wildlife in the area will strip it bare overnight.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    It will be interesting for sure and at least give me something else to do lol... i think they are all raised beds and its surrounded by chicken wire... altho i know from fellow gardens critters are the biggest enemy ha.. they will have rain barrels and apparently everything from the water and hoses and tools will be available - you are expected if you are there to help out and water other plots i think.. which is fine... but if i get one tomato or one pepper i'll be happy haha.. i confess i did google last nite fall plantings.. apparently cabbage and carrots actually do well in cooler weather so maybe i'll get a little crop this year hahaha.

    ohhhhhh how lovely to have the fruit trees! my parents had a couple at the house they retired to but yes they didn't pick them as such and the wildlife had quite a feast! I think fruit trees have to be really looked after too.. .but then all i know about gardening is you stick a seed in the dirt and watch it grow lololol...
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I made a contact at the farmer’s market today who is willing to answer questions for me about fruit trees. I’m hoping for the best. Lol.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning! I decided to leave a few days early to avoid most of the rain sched across the 3 provinces for this week lol.. so i'll be heading out tomorrow morning..

    I'll be logging in but won't be weighing myself til i get home end of August LOL.. that should be fun.. NOT! giggle snort..
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I hope you havea wonderful time, Snooozie! Relax and enjoy!

    Good luck to you both with your fruit and veg growing projects!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Drive carefully and have a fantastic time! I can’t wait to see a beautiful lake photo or two.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yea! Snoozie, that sounds like so much fun...and work...but mostly fun! I wish we had a bit of a garden.

    Still working too much, no time for myself. I hope we are still friends! I miss getting to connect with all of you.
    Hello to you all!
    OOPS, sorry for the caps...not yelling, just no time to rewrite.
    Break is over.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Hi Gail! Sorry you’re still so busy at work. I hope you get a break occasionally to recharge. Hang in there!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I hope your drive is going (went) well. I feel like I spend a lot more time in my car these days. It’s over an hour one way to my parent’s house. I went to their old house today to clean out some stuff and then to their new apartment. I need to remember to pack a lunch on these days. I end up being so hungry that I stop for fast food and that’s not good. I keep saying it but not doing anything about it but I have got to get my eating under control.

    I hope everyone is doing well health wise. Scary times don’t seem to be over quite yet. Stay safe out there Hatters!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I hope your vacation is everything you hoped for, Snoozie! Have fun!

    Nothing much new here. We’re trying to get contractors lined up to do everything before we move in. Looking for appliances, countertops, backsplash…all those expensive things.

    I’m getting worried about the number of Covid cases being reported and the hospitals filling back up. When is this ever going to end?

    Going over to my folks house this coming week for a couple days to clean out more stuff. We’re getting closer to estate sale time. Now I’m wondering if Covid will shut that down.

    I’m still not eating well. Some days I feel like I’ve just given up until we have our own house again. That’s not a good idea though. Just having a hard time coming up with the willpower necessary to avoid the sweets.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Hi Suzy & Vail! I got home a few hours ago... had a wonderful time and the Airbnb I rented for the 2nd week was perfect - got to see all the cousins and spend some one on one time with my sister the first week; I didn't want to come home LOL..

    We totaly lucked out and had fabulous weather the whole time - one afternoon of rain and a morning shower another day but otherwise hot and sunny and perfect for beach walks and exploring!! I'll catch up on the posts and replies tomorrow.. and i may get brave enough to step on the scale then too .. we'll see as i ate and drank my way thru the whole province ha. But i did get a lot of walking in too.. so fingers crossed!

    I am going to post one picture after this.... i was out in a little town called Black's Harbour in New Brunswick.. just wandering around.... and saw this .... apparently I need to move there because they have a WHOLE STREET ready for me!! hahahah
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Lol 😂


  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Oh my gosh!!! Our own street!!

    That vacation flew by! I thought you still had another week. Meanwhile, my time feels like it’s dragging and maybe going backwards. I just want to be in my own home again! We’re having our new bed delivered on September 27, so that week is our planned moving date now. Having the interior painted the week of the 20th.

    I’m so glad you had a good vacation and good weather! I know it had to have been wonderful to see everyone. Welcome home!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    LOL i wish now i had looked around for a place to stay another week Suzy - it was actually 2 weeks total but that included the 2 days travel there and 2 back.. so 10 day of joy :)

    I did laugh when i saw that sign tho.... it was too funny!!

    I can only imagine how time is dragging while you wait for your new home... but with an actual date in mind now its really only 4 weeks away - hopefully the time will start to fly now!!

    I braved the scale today and it appears i actually lost a pound LOL.. GO FIGURE! But i really didn't go crazy; actually i didnt even think about what i was eating and drinking while i was away.. we did eat out a lot but I tended to go with appys a lot over meals.. i think i ate my weight in fish tacos one day tho.. but i'll wait a few days before changing my ticker to see if its real or just a fluke weigh in hahaha

    Vail how are you doing??? Gail??
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi, girls! thanks for the wishes for less work. This is just my life from now on in this job...not laidback like my other position....but the work hours fly by!1

    So glad you had a wonderful trip Snoozie. I know you needed to be near friends and family since covid has been so bad. with you having to be in shutdown so long.

    We are planning a trip to near Pelham Tn. There is a Cavern there that they hold concerts in and hubby made the mistake of saying he liked a group called the Mavericks from back in the 80's maybe....so they just happen to be having a concert there, so got two birds with one stone as they say....but with the new covid scare, we may not actually get to the concert, hubby doesn't want to be around too many people. can't blame him....but the stay at the home is still on....looks like beautiful views.

    Suzy, I haven't read enough to catch up on your move...not sure if you are still with your daughter or not. best wishes sent!! No, I just read you are getting new bed and painting is going to start soon....so sounds like you got your new home!! awesome news!

    Vail, Hello, hope all is good with you and your son.

    Stay safe everyone!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I’ve wanted to go the Bluegrass Underground cavern concerts for years now. I think that’s what you’re talking about…or something similar. You’re right about the views in that area, too. I hope you get to go to the concert but if not, just enjoy the area and relax! You’ve been way too busy!

    We are still living with our daughter. One more month!!!

    Way to go on not overindulging on your vacation, Snoozie!

    Did I tell y’all that I got on the scale and I’ve gained seven pounds!!!!!!! I’ve lost my ever lovin’ freaking mind!!!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Your trip sounds just perfect, Snoozie! I'm glad you had a such a great time. Very much needed!

    My son is fine Gail, thank you! Working hard so I'm trying to help with organising the wedding. I do sympathise with your husband: I'm still not going to events like concerts. I just this week bought some FFP2 masks which are a bit better and wondering if I could do a bit more if they give more protection, so maybe that's an option? I hope you have a great trip whatever you do. I bet you need a break too!

    Good luck with all the stuff you have going on, Suzy. I need lots of work doing on my house and it's a nightmare getting it arranged, never mind the money! Trades people seem to be really really busy at the moment. I'm sorry your cases are going up over there too. The vaccines still seem to be pretty good at preventing serious illness, thank goodness, but still don't want to catch it! So frustrating, with the winter coming. I hope you're moved in and settled soon and can relax - I understand being in limbo over eating/weight until you do.

    Love the Senior Citizen street! Congratulations on the lost pound, Snoozie! Amazing, after a vacation!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member


    Did I miss something or am i just losing my mind... i don't remember hearing anything about a wedding Vail! I'm assuming its your son getting married?? When?? where?? lol inquiring minds wanna know... i'm sorry if its my brain that isnt remembering .... i can claim covid brain, senior brain, and maybe if i push it menopause brain??? lol...

    I'm not attending anything in large groups yet either... i'm barely into sitting indoors in a restaurant.. i still prefer outdoors to be honest... as long as the weather holds i'll always choose outdoors but then again, having been locked inside for so long could play a part in that.. and with winter not to far away (blech)... i guess i'll decide then what to do... but cases are on the rise again here so i've no desire to see anyone other than close friends right now

    Trades are very busy here too Vail and the prices for a lot of stuff have gone thru the roof.. people who had decks and fences scheduled before the price of wood went sky high are now having to not only wait a few months, but pay much higher prices. I have to replace all the carpeting in my entire unit and everyone is telling me to go with hardwood for potential resale value.. but honestly.... i much prefer carpet under my feet... yes i do... and i'd love to move but trying to get something bigger anywhere here is out of the question financially.. but i would really like a balcony or a small yard like in a townhouse but i'd have to move pretty far away to be able to get anything... and as i get older moving to the boonies while on my own.. worries me a little... here at least everything is in walking distance... so im finding i cant make a decision on the flooring because i cant decide whether to move or not... so i just end up doing nothing.... sigh..

    as far as not over indulging on my vacay btw.. i did a few times when dining out or at one of the cousins... they had a little dinner for my birthday celebration but it was pretty healthy overall - chicken skewers, corn on the cob, asparagus and potato grilled on the bbq and a blueberry and cream topped sponge cake.. not really bad on the big scale but my sister bought all kinds of chips and dips and of course.. i've been weaning myself off my "crack" habit of chips sigh... but they were there... sooooooooooo in my mouth they went... i did do a lot of walking but i'm also thinking it could be my thyroid acting up again causing the bit of weight loss... i have blood work scheduled for next week so i guess i'll find out lolol

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Suzy... I meant to say re your 7 lbs.. keep in mind you've been thru such a stressful time with the waiting on the sale of the house, finding a new one, and living in someone elses home for a few months (yes i know she's your daughter, but it's still someone elses home) ..not to mention everything with your parents.. so its no wonder you may have seen a wee gain as you have had so much going on... i know once you're in your new home and settled in, you will drop those couple of lbs off asap... be kind to yourself right now... we've ALL also been thru 2 yrs of hell with the pandemic too... so i think we all deserve to cut ourselves a bit of a break... and just start to move forward with our health goals in small steps... kinda like the "DOT" theory... "Do One Thing" change wise... for me it was the chips... just the one thing... and now i have to start all over with that! argh... but that's ok... i'll just move forward from here with that goal.. slowly and surely :)
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Yes, it's my son getting married in October, and everything's a bit last minute because we didn't know how things would be - still don't! I'm really excited for them, but as is the norm for me, I'm stressing out about all sorts of things! Including what on earth I'm going to wear! I had hoped the wedding would be something for me to lose weight for - well that hasn't happened, lol! Actually much to my horror I went to look at outfits yesterday and took a couple to try on (even going into shops to try on clothes is a bit of a big deal for me, as no masks now and cases high), went for a size up from usual size, only to find even a size up was too small! So demoralising. Not really an issue as I can just buy bigger clothes, but just really struggling to find something that suits me. Anyway, that's just one of the more minor things I'm worried about, lol!

    I'm having the same issue as you with flooring in my house. All of it needs replacing. Hardwood is too expensive. My cat tends to pull up carpets. I had luxury vinyl planks put in in my tiny kitchenette (it's so small that I thought I could buy something a bit more expensive!) and have had issues with it although I like it. It's nice to walk on, and really easy to clean. I would think about getting it throughout the house but can't afford it.