2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’m so glad that retirement is treating you well, Carol! So many people just look at it as a chance to do nothing. Good for you for choosing to be more active!

    Gail is right, things are really almost back to normal here. Full restaurants, no masks, parks are all open and numbers are really down. I hope that you get there soon, Snoozie. It must be even more frustrating when you see other parts of the world making progress. Hang in there, you’ll be playing pickleball and meeting with friends soon.

    Vail, I’m always thinking about food. We’re going to the beach in a couple weeks and my husband is planning the whole thing. I’m already wondering what we’re going to eat. Lol.

    Our home inspection went okay. We have a binding contract and close June 18. We’re planning to move in with our daughter on June 19. We haven’t had any luck finding a house even close to what we want. We can stay with them and take our time looking. Instead of making a house payment we’ll be paying for our belongings to be in storage. I’ve got about 10 days to get everything packed up in boxes and ready to move. I’m looking forward to going to the beach! It will be a welcome break.

    Back to logging today...finally.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy im glad everything went fine with the closing of the sale... that's great you can move in with your daughter while you continue to look for your perfect home.. wow what a perfect solution! 10 days to get everything packed and ready to go.. omg lol.. but i know you did so much before hand so this is probably the easiest part of the whole prep!! And you get the reward of the beach too - woo hoo!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Snoozie! Two more days!!! I hope things are looking up for you. I’ve been thinking about you so much lately and hating that you’re still under such strict restrictions.

    We went to see houses on Saturday. Found one we loved. The sellers won’t even consider an offer with the contingency of our having to wait until our closing on June 18. They received so many offers that they don’t have to take that risk. I get it but come on!!! We’ve put our looking on hold until after we close on the sale of our house. It’s futile to find something you love and then that happens. We’ll be moving to our daughter’s house and placing our stuff in storage when we get back from my birthday beach trip.

    Oh well! We decided to go hiking today and not think about all that for a bit. It’s a beautiful day here and not supposed to be too hot. I hope y’all are having (had, in Vail’s case) a good day!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy so sorry about the frustration on finding a new house and not having them accept conditional offers.. so i get why you're going to wait until after your own place closes.. leaves you kind of in limbo right now so additional frustration for sure!

    I'm glad you got to go out and get a hike in to distract you a bit... i hope you had a lovely time!

    They lifted the ban on outdoor singles tennis and golf only here... still in stay at home order but govt bowed to pressure to open some outdoor that alllows SD... so been able to play some pickleball with my same partner from last year.. of course right away there are people playing doubles and breaking the rules.... never fails.. but thats ok.... it ain't me and im just grateful can get some play in and the weather has been co operating so very nice break for sure.

    I weighed in at the end of May; i did lose 4 lbs but i can't take the credit.. i had a really bad stomach bug .. basically lived on water and crackers for 4 days..... so i know it will come back now that i've started eating again.. but im keeping it to small portions until i know 100% its over.... but i still logged it for the motivation lol...
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    That’s a good one, Snoozie! How are things with you? Have any restrictions been lifted? Are Covid numbers dropping?

    The beach was wonderful! A week was a bit too long with that many people but we had a good time. So...I’m now sixty years old and still sixty pounds overweight. I had such high hopes to have lost at least half of that by now. Oh well, I guess I’m setting a new goal for the end of the year. I just need to figure out what it is. Lol.

    Back to packing up the house! I have about a week to get it finished. We close on the house on Friday and move in with my daughter next Wednesday. My son and his girlfriend are coming down next Tuesday to help me. Thank goodness! I just want it to be over. Then we have to find a new home. Easier said than done in this market.

    How is everyone doing? Gail? Vail? Milove? Snoozie? Carol? I hope everyone is having a good summer so far!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Wonderful photo, Suzy! I think I missed that it was a BIG birthday: happy 60th birthday! And where are you hiding that 60lb - I can't see it in the photo? I wish I had your slim legs.

    I'm glad you're getting sorted out with the house. Hopefully it will be easier buying the new one now you've completed on the old one?

    I'm just popping in quickly to say hello to everyone. Hope you are all OK. I have been so busy at the moment, working two jobs - so funny that I expected to be retired at this point but am doing two jobs instead! It's tiring, but I love doing the vaccinating and will almost be sad when it's all done (not really, I'll be delighted! But will miss the job). I will be checking in more often after that!

    The less said about my eating and exercise at the moment the better. Lots of good intentions and lots of weak moments!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy!! love the picture omg HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! I'm so sorry i missed the actual date.... i do love the pic and you look great!!!! Honestly you do!!!!

    I know exactly how you feel.. my 60th is next month and I just wanted to be in a new set of numbers..... which means i have to lose 5lbs in a month.. and so far the scale is going UP again not down!!! gakkkk

    Thank goodness your getting some help coming up and im sure it will be lovely to see your son too!!

    Vail I totally get the almost wishing it wouldn't end job wise... i've been looking around for some kind of volunteering to start up but with everything still closed (the only thing allowed right now is 10 people outside socially distanced, and outdoor patios) there isnt much there to do... I was thinking about volunteering at one of the vaccine clinics (marshalling) just to fill up some time to be honest, but right now the Delta variant is really big here in my city... and altho i just had my 2nd shot, i still have another week before i reach immunity... and i just heard about a local hospital outbreak, where 10 people got the D variant virus, and all 10 had been fully vaccinated... yikes!!! Can only hope they got very mild doses of it... but perhaps once my 2 weeks of immunity building are complete i'll consider a clinic ...

    I am able to play singles pickleball now so im grateful for that... even if we can only get 2 sessions in a week its a nice change so counting my blessings..

    I still have no idea whether i'll get to see my family this year; it wil depend on if they lift the quarantine requirements for fully vaccinated people at some point.. and if i can bring myself to get on a plane too LOLOL..

    AND Suzy remember 60 is the new 50!! So technically you're only 50.... my plan is to stay at "59 and 1 day" when i get there hahahaha
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I really hope you get to see your family, Snoozie! I’m glad your able to play some PB though. That’s something, right?

    Vail, good for you for doing the vaccination work. I’m sure it feels good to be contributing to the solution.

    That 60 pounds is around my belly, my arms and thighs. That shirt hides a lot! Lol. We’ll, we are officially homeless. We closed on the house today and are moving next Wednesday. Here’s some big news. My parents are actually moving into an assisted living home. They’re moving the exact same day that I am. Of course they are. I sometimes feel like their goal is to make my life more complicated. Lol. At least they’re moving!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy.. congrats on the closing being finalized - woo hoo!! LOL at homeless... hope the move to your daughters is pretty painless... and omg on your folks.. even tho its inconvenient to say the least that its on the same day as your move, at least its happening and in the long run, will be so much better for them and you!! Now you can relax and spend some quality time with your daughter and grandbaby and enjoy the hunt for the forever home
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks Snoozie! I’m just focusing on getting through next week. I’m actually looking forward to living with my daughter for awhile. I’m hoping to have time to go for a walk every morning and to the gym in the afternoons. I won’t have any home projects to do so I should have time to do what I want. I’m thinking that we’ll share the cooking and I’ve never had that luxury either. Her neighborhood has a pool so I may hang out there and just read sometimes. It will be such a relief to have a break after all this packing!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    We made an offer on a house tonight. I think it’s been accepted. More news when I know for sure.

    Meanwhile…we’ve been eating out for probably an entire week after eating out at the beach for a week. It’s not pretty, y’all.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    fingers crossed for you suzy!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Good luck with the house offer, Suzy! Hopefully this is it!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    We must all be incredibly busy. I don’t think I’ve seen us this quiet before. We had the new house inspected and it passed with flying colors. We close on August 3 and will move in late September or early October. The sellers wanted some extra time because they’re building a house and we were okay with that. I think that put us on the top of the list because they received seven bids. We want to do some updates before we move in also.

    Meanwhile…I went over to clean out the old house and get the few remaining things. Guess what I forgot to pack….my scale! Lol. I guess I’m going to be weighing after all. I’m hoping that next week I can start planning healthier meals and practicing better choices.

    How is everything and everyone? I miss your posts!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Congrats on the new house Suzy!! Excellent!! and you get to spend the summer with your granddaughter - double bonus! Did your parents get moved into the residence??

    lol on the scale... maybe a freudian slip ???

    I'm not busy at all.. we're moving into stage 2 next week where hair salons can open to limited 25% capacity, so i emailed the salon the minute i heard to get put on a waitlist lol.. they are going to honor everyone who had appointments back in september-nov first tho.. so im not holding my breath - thankfully as i have fine straight hair, its just been in a ponytail for 11 months lol.. and i never go out without a hat

    I've been able to play pickleball a few times a week.. youd think with the increased exercise and honestly i havent been eating a lot of crap ... that something would have moved on the scale... but nope.... nada... its a little frustrating to say the least... but i have one pair of shorts and one pair of capris that i can squeez into from last year so that will do me as i'm still not going anywhere as yet

    I got woken up at 2am this morning by persistent loud knocking at my apartment door.. my car had been broken into and the police were on scene as its a caged secure underground.. i guess while the officer was taking the elevator down to the parking lot, the bad guy was coming up in another and running out lol. Anyway... in the end its just a major inconvenience but its just a car - not a people so not getting too worked up over it.. hopefully the insurance adjuster will call tomorrow and it will be a quick replacement..

    but i had to get one of the most stupid bad guys... he had to break 3 windows to get into my 10 yr old SUV.... and mine was the only one with the windows smashed.. ??? the guy next to me had his car unlocked, and the video shows bad guy going down the whole line of cars.. there were real fancy ones down there.. lexus and what not.. but no damage to them...

    He was sadly disappointed in the haul from mine tho.. there was nothing in there but my backpack with the pickbleball stuff... which go figure he didn't steal LOLOLOL
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    My parents did get moved in! I managed to go to a welcome reception for them last Friday. I don’t think mom is very happy but it’s done now.

    I got on the scale yesterday for the first time in weeks. I was pleasantly surprised that I’m only up a couple pounds from my last recorded weight! I’m sure it’s because this has been such incredibly hard work I’ve managed to get 12,000+ steps almost every day that we’ve been moving. I’m doing a final cleaning right now of the old house and waiting for the junk haulers to come get a ton of stuff. Then one final vacuum and I’m done. Whew!

    I’m so sorry that your car windows were broken. Whether they took anything or not, it’s just such a violation and hassle. I’m glad they didn’t take your PB stuff! You’re going to feel so much better once you get your hair appointment. It makes you feel like things are getting back to normal, somewhat.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL... I WAS playing pickleball.. and MISSED the call from the hair salon!!! arggggh lol

    i'm glad the scale is good to you suzy. i honestly dont get mine... i have been eating way less overall and way less crap.. and moving my parts 100% more and nada... grrr

    so glad your parents got moved in ok... she may indeed come to really enjoy it there - fingers crossed anyway!!

    ohhhhh i bet you'll be glad to have all that hard work behind you suzy and hopefully u can just spend some time chilling with your granddaughter while you wait for the new place