2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Well i'm back at the weight I was on April 1st when I updated everything to start again... so here I go.
    omg.. thanks for the reminder 60 is around the corner!! ACK
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I think I mentioned that my husband is planning a surprise trip for my 60th. I had no idea where we were going. My nephew slipped up and sent me a text asking about the beach trip in June. I acted like he texted the wrong person but now I know that we’re going to the beach. Apparently my hubby has invited family along as well. That means I’ll be wearing a bathing suit in front of lots of people that I know and there will be photos. ACK, is right!!! Time to get real and back on track! I have seven weeks. I’d love to lose another ten pounds by then. Of course that won’t happen with stress eating and G&T’s every night.

    I get my second Moderna vaccination tomorrow! Hubby got his yesterday.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Suz i don't remember you mentioned he was planning a surprise trip for your bd??? that's awesome.. too funny on the slip text tho... does hubby or your nephew know that you know??? That's so awesome... honestly i can't even imagine what it would be like to be able to celebrate with a trip, let alone with other people!!!! So you know what, don't worry about pics - it will just be so great to be able to be with everyone after this past year that trust me absolutely nobody is even thinking about what any of us look like - and we are our own worst critics after all!!

    omg you're getting your 2nd one?? you are doing so much better than us in the states with the vaccine rollout... we have run out again here so people are waiting and waiting.... i haven't even gotten a date for my 2nd but there are still so many that haven't even gotten a first here... i think out of the 14 million in our province, we have done just over a million so far... :(

    Im trying desperately to stay positive... we've been in lockdown since november, then upped to a stay at home order a week ago and today they are talking about even more restrictions - altho i don't know what more than can do. I'm so tired of this and people just ignoring the rules and spreading it ... we are the worst we have ever been since this started and right now it just seems hopeless... but at least seeing some places opening up around the world helps a bit... but it just sucks right now.. I'm tired of being alone, i'm tired of nothing to do and i'm tired of being stuck at home 23 hrs a day... so that's my whine for the day - could somebody please pass me the cheese to go with it.... :)

    Anyway.. enuf of my moaning... sorry to vent... siri is tired of hearing me *kitten* so you guys will have to bear with me lol
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Snoozie, I had no idea that the vaccinations were rolling out so slowly in Canada. All we hear on our news is that the US is doing a terrible job and people are having a hard time getting their vaccinations. I don’t understand how they can say that when everyone I know has gotten at least their first and mostly their second shots. I really hope that it starts getting better where you are soon. It’s been way too long to keep people so isolated and in fear. I feel so bad for you and can feel your frustration in your posts. It’s remarkable that you’re still so positive and upbeat most of the time. Hang in there! You will get through this!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    lol.. here we think the US is doing a great job... and we wonder why we're so far behind !! I guess it all depends on how the media portrays it and where you live as to what you hear on the news

    This afternoon our province put into effect the most stringent stay at home orders ever since this pandemic started a year ago

    - as of midnight they will close our land borders between our province and those on either side (our provinces are like your individual states) so no travel outside Ontario; absolutely no gatherings outdoors with anyone outside your household, and given police emergency powers to stop people on the street and require them to produce an address if they are out of their home... (that sounds draconian but it really isn't.. they won't have time to do that sort of enforcement between calls for service); it is really being put in place to allow them to finally do something about the crowd demos and backyard / rave parties that continue to go on despite the stay at home order. As well, they have extended it for 6 weeks, and have closed all golf courses, all outdoor sports and playgrounds, etc..and grocery stores and essential places like pharmacies have been reduced to 25% capacity too..

    Honestly I'm happy with the decision to do all this - I just wish the Federal government would also stop all the flights still coming in from overseas because where i live is one of the few large international airports that still accept hundreds of flights coming in..

    Anyway... MAYBE by doing this, it will finally move us toward some light at the end of the tunnel.... we're only getting 1/2 of the vaccines we were scheduled to get this month, but hopefully things will ramp up in May. fingers crossed!

    We can still go out to exercise - well, walking and biking is about it ... but for me it's definitely a positive move and makes me feel better so that's a good thing! I think the relief that something is finally being done is a big relief... so I feel a little more motivated now... :smile:

    So as you said, we basically have 8 weeks to make a difference, so I'm in!!!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I'm sorry things are dragging on over there, Snoozie. The combo of the fear of catching it, plus the lockdown and isolation is really difficult I think.

    The post about planning the evening meal then eating rubbish is so true for me!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    My second vaccination was rough y’all. I was okay that afternoon but Friday night I started with the headache and night sweats. Yesterday I had a terrible headache, nausea and was so dizzy! By last night I was alternating between shivering and sweating along with the dizziness and a brutal headache. This morning I’m feeling better though. My husband had a headache and fatigue after his. It’s a small price to pay if it really prevents the virus and has no long term side effects. It made me think how trusting we all are that these vaccinations are safe. Fingers crossed that we don’t all end up zombies. LOL!!!!!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Suzy - a lot of people have had reactions to either first or 2nd one very similar to what you described.... and from different vaccines... one of my friends had almost the exact symptoms as you.. lasted from about 8pm the night she got it til after midnite.. she was fine the next day but scared the crap out of her that night..

    How long inbetween your vaccines was it btw? Here they have moved 2nd vaccines to 4 months after first as they want to use all the vaccine we have to get everyone their 1st shot before moving to 2nd....

    I hope by the end of today you are feeling much better!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    It was Moderna so it was 28 days later (just like the movie about zombies! Hahaha). I’m feeling better now. Time to get back to packing and doing some home repairs.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    I finally braved the scale this morning.. it wasn't pretty. But i updated my weight and today I am going to look up some 1400 cal meal plans etc to help me out - i know how MUCH i shoudl be eating, its coming up with meals thats the tough part for me... so ready to get back in the game... am def going to have to increase the movement too as walking isnt enough .. so today while i am cleaning the pit here i will have to come up with a definite plan for that instead of just winging it as i've been doing...

    i wish you hadnt given me that damn reminder about 60 around hte corner suzy LOLOL
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    They have decided against the 28 days here.. people are a little worried about the extension of 4 months for the 2nd vaccine but agree its better to get everyone at least one shot first.... weird tho how some people have had reactions to first shot of various ones (my 2 friends who had reactions on first were astra zeneca and i think moderna) i have some online friends in the states who have also said after their second one only they had a similar reaction - most seemed to have lasted a couple of hours of pretty brutal symptoms like u described but were fine by the next day... im glad to hear you're feeling much better!

    Have you set a time line for the move btw? Or an appoximate one..?
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I did have a headache after the first shot, but it wasn’t that bad. They’re telling us that you’re not fully protected until two weeks after your second shot. Pretty much anyone who wants one is eligible for it now.

    I have to admit that I’ve been pity party eating lately. I got on the scale this morning for the first time in over a week. I was absolutely shocked that I had lost weight. I’ve been logging and been over my calories a LOT! So...tomorrow is my new start. My goal is to stay under my calorie goal for the next five days. We’re supposed to go to the mountains next week for our annual trip. We have a timeshare and go on day hikes every day. I’m really really hoping that my foot can take it. It still bothers me but I’m itching to go hiking again. We’re hoping to get our house on the market sometime the first week of May. Lots left to do though.

    I hope you find some good meal plans. I tend to eat the exact same thing for breakfast and lunch and then different things for dinner. Sometimes it’s just soup for dinner. I get tired of cooking.

    Btw, I didn’t let on that I know the plans for my birthday due to my nephew’s text. My husband has worked hard to keep it a secret and I didn’t want one person’s carelessness to ruin it for him. It’s so sweet of him to plan something like this. He’s the best!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Suzy... yup same here... protection 2 weeks after 2nd shot. My first was March 18th so I'm assuming sometime in July i should be getting my second.. of course that's just a guess its all about supply and demand for the vaccine .... and with our current status of lockdown "plus" lol.. my protocols will remain the same when i do have to go out amongst people for groceries and meds :)

    I have decided I'm going to deal with one week at a time right now.. my current weight logged is what I was this morning, and my goal for this upcoming week is to lose one pound. (congrats btw on your loss suzy!! awesome!) We're heading for a week of cold and rain and/or snow coming up... so I'll do a workout video at least 2x this week as well to up the movement.. log my food and plan on one pound gone. I'm not going to look further than this week for the moment and see how that goes..

    Oh im so glad you didn't let on you knew.. i totally agree he went to all that trouble it would be such a shame if he found out someone blabbed lol...

    I really hope your foot holds up for your hiking trip... my only unsolicited advice is maybe for the first day, make sure you keep it a bit shorter time than you normally would.... just cause you dont want to mess it up on day 1 ... so perhaps doing a wee bit less than usual on each hike, especially at the start will let u hike every day ? so lovely you are getting away too... i am a wee bit jealous but only about 2%.. the other 98% is totally thrilled for you lol

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I hope you're feeling better soon, Suzy. It has been mixed here, and I think depends on whether you've had Covid or not. I don't think I've had it, was fine with the first, but not so good after the second for quite a while. My son who thinks he's had covid felt pretty unwell after the first. As you say, it's so worth it to get it done!

    I'm actually vaccinating now in my days off from my day job. It feels nice to do something practical!

    We have three months between the vaccinations, so similar to you, Snoozie. I would rather have had mine closer together, but it does seem to have helped in getting a lot of people some protecion quickly and bringing the cases down. I tried to look at it as, the more people who have had a first vaccination, the more I'm protected outside the home. But I know there's that wait for the second one which seems to go on forever. You are right to still be careful. I still am careful after my two doses.

    Hope all goes well with your trip, Suzy. It will be lovely to get away, even if you do have to take it easier than usual. Fingers crossed for your foot!

    Good planning and goal setting, Snoozie. I'm thinking of going back to some old recipes I had on a previous diet: lowish carb, Mediterraneany. I'll have a look and see if there is anything simple that I can post here (I only tended to do the simple ones, can't be bothered following complicated recipes!).
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail - I belong to a couple of FB groups including the Med Diet and a few others.. and it slays me every time I see someone post "simple dinner tonite... blah blah blah" and you can TELL that dinner took like 5 hours of prep work!!!

    So for sure if you have any SIMPLE ones I'd love to see them. also geared towards smaller sizes - some of them give recipe to serve 6... i'm all for freezing some stuff but.. ya know... lol. I've found some ok receipes for two from googling..

    That's got to feel awesome to know you're vaccinating others Vail!! and yes ... as much as I'd like my second jab asap .. i'm fine to wait if it means more people will at least get one in them.. they are starting to do more pop up clinics in the hardest hit areas here... some people brot lawn chairs and sleeping bags and camped outside one of the sites to be there as soon as they open this morning! There is some vaccine hesitancy here as there is all over of course... but thankfully the majority of people here realize that protection is absolutely essential if we have any hope of returning to normal :)

    I weighed in again this morning just to make sure i hadnt gained overnight as i'm starting out today lol.. phew... all good ha.
    I'm really comfortable with going one week at a time so feeling pretty pumped about this week .. but ya know.. its only 730am lol
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Yes, please share any simple recipes! I’m with you, Snoozie...some that I see online are so complicated that I can’t even get through the ingredients list!

    What a great feeling to know that you’re doing something so direct to help people, Vail! Good for you!

    I was going to ask if there are people in Canada and England who refuse to get the vaccine. My daughter doesn’t want to right now because they’re trying to get pregnant again and they’re worried about a lack of studies done on the effects on fertility and fetuses. I completely understand their concern. I think I would feel the same if I was in that situation.

    Good advice on the start slow hiking approach. I looked up some shorter trails with less elevation and there are several in that area. We’ve been so busy with getting the house ready that we haven’t even walked in weeks! My plan is to pack lunch, take our time and have picnics. I’m looking forward to the break from the house and some solitude with my hubby.

    I found out that my son is coming back to the US on May 7. He’s been in Canada (Vancouver area) since before Christmas. His girlfriend works for Little Big Town and has a few concerts coming up so she can get her visa renewed. He was working for Keith Urban and was paid half salary until the end of the year but isn’t employed right now. He’s hoping to get back on tour by the end of the year but who knows what will happen.

    It sounds like you have a solid plan in place, Snoozie. I think one pound a week is reasonable for our age. It’s attainable but still a challenge. You can do it!

    Gotta get busy on my to do list for the house. I’ve been up for over two hours and done nothing. Lol.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Suzy its 11am here and i'm still in my pajamas... and this was going to be my "get cracking ont he chores day" lolol

    yes we do have some anti vaccine people.. most of them honestly are the same ones who are anti maskers and feel the whole pandemic is not real.. some however like my best friends daughter - she is pregnant due in august and for the same reason as your daughter, has chosen not to get vaccinated. I completely understand those who have medical issues choosing not to have it but i'm g lad i have mine to protect me from those "anti vaxxers" who keep having the big demos and keep spreading it around

    i love the idea of shorters hikes with longer breaks for picnics and just enjoying being with hubby! im sure those plans will ensure you can can get the most of both the hiking and time together

    I'm glad your son is coming home! Vancouver is one of the hot spots in Canada right now (not as bad as it is here in Ontario) so perhaps good he's coming back now...

    and yup im only looking at the next 7 days right now lol.. for whatever reason its just more manageable for me at the moment so fingers crossed. I made a nice beef stir fry last night and added a few leftover veg from a veggie tray i had and have enough leftovers for lunch so im a happy camper.. any day i dont have to cook something is a good day.. dinner will just be soup or a sandwich on the whole grain bread tonite

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Here's a couple of simple recipes from my old diet that I used a lot:

    Thai fish cakes: mix 400g tuna, lime zest, 2 tbsp thai green curry paste, one egg, 60ml coconut cream, 2-3 tbsp cornflour. Whisk egg, mix together, make small patties and fry till golden brown.

    Spinach stuffed chicken. Melt a little butter with a little garlic. Mix with 3 tbsp cream cheese, chopped spinach, a little lime juice, salt pepper (and chilli if wanted) and use to stuff the chicken breast. Wrap it in proscuitto and bake for 25 minutes at 200C.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail I will def try the chicken - actually its very similar to one i used to make on south beach and i forgot about it - you stuff it with spinach and some proscuitto and cheese if u want, and roll it in a beaten egg then roll in parmesan and bake.. i have the laughing cow cheese which is close to cream cheese so that would work and sounds good!

    but those fish cakes aint ever happening here.. LOL... there are maybe 5 foods on the whole planet i hate... liver, snails, and anything with coconut or curry are 4 of them!!! LOLOL

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    edited April 2021
    I forgot that you didn't like curry, Snoozie! I sometimes used parma or serrano ham to wrap the chicken. I also have a recipe similar to yours but it has a mix of parmesan and polenta.

    I haven't been eating a lot of meat recently, and have been eating a lot more tofu and soy protein. Not really planned, it's just worked out that way. I'm not a big tofu fan but I love crispy tofu so have been making that a lot. I'm not sure how it all fits with Meditteranean eating but they are made from beans, so that's OK, isn't it? I made a really tasty, I suppose a cross between a stew and a bolognese type sauce with onion, courgette, mushrooms, carrot, tinned tomatoes and soya mince. Have added lots of flavouring like a bit of pesto, chicken stock, herbs, tomato puree, Worcestershire sauce, olive oil, etc. It would work as a pasta sauce, but I am just microwaving it with some cottage cheese to make it creamy, and a bit of parmesan, so lower carb.

    Yes, there are some people here who don't want the vaccine. Some because they are trying to conceive, and I understand that. Especially as for young people the risk is not so great from getting the disease as it is for us. But there is a lot of misinformation out there, and yes we have the anti-lockdown views, the anti-mask views, etc. too.

    I'm quite excited to be giving the vaccines! It has taken ages to sort out as needed lots of checks. It also feels a lot safer than my "day" job (which I'm still doing), as everybody is wearing masks!