2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    omg Suzy!!!! What a sweetheart!!!! I LOVE the "diva" shot with the sunglasses and tutu! And that is one beautifully happy cupcake face!!!! and you both look so happy in the one together - someone loves grandma for sure!! She's just beautiful - thank you so much for posting these!!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    She definitely owns my heart!

    I was looking back at my past week regarding my calories. I did an absolutely terrible job. I think it was the self sabotage thing like you mentioned with the Oreos. I recorded a couple losses and then decided that I could go over a bit. That bit turned into six out of eight days!! I didn’t even realize it! Wow! I’m so glad I’m religiously logging my food because it really opened my eyes. This week’s goal is to meet my calories for seven days in a row. No overages this week.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Update!!!!! I was just able to get an appointment for my first dose vaccination for this Friday!!! Yay!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Mine is going to be consistency goal - tonite i came SO close to ordering a damn pizza cause i was hungry and lazy... but i thought NO.. YOU WILL NOT.. so i made a nice havarti and turkey grilled sandwich with mustard on seeded bread which was really good and filled me up... i had bread for lunch so technically i shouldnt have had for dinner too but i figured it was still a much better choice than a friggin pizza .. and i just had a handful of walnuts cause i'm a bit peckish .. the oreos are safely still in the uppermost cupboard behind some cans of kidney beans lol
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY on the vaccine date!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Wellllllllll...... I ordered the friggin pizza. Lol. I’m not going to justify it. I knew it was a bad decision. I did it anyway. Like I said, self sabotage. This week is going to be better.

    By the way, my mom is going home on Wednesday. She’s able to do a bit of walking with her walker and the nursing home has been a horrible experience for her. So my sister decided to let her go home. We’re trying to get home care for morning and evening routine and meals and hopefully getting home physical therapy every day. It’s going to mean a lot more work for my sister and me but my parents don’t care about that. I just don’t know how this is going to work, they really need to be in a supervised living situation.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL Suzy... too funny on "thefriggin pizza" it shall henceforth be referred to only as "TFP"

    Hopefully once your mom is home she will recover faster if the nursing home has been a horrible experience for her... getting home care can be so difficult; i know here when i was arranging it for my parents at different times, it was split up into actual time slots for PSW (for the bed/bath dress routine) and sort of a cleaning lady except she only did things like stripping the bed sheets and making a light lunch ... but the hours avail were based on assessment and wasn't enough for our needs... hopefully the occcupational/physical therapist whichever will be able to be there.. i have no idea how things work in the States but i know you have mentioned before your parents are quite resistant to a nursing home.. does your state (or the States in general) have assisted living places? Its not a nursing home; its like a mini apartment for couples but with onsite dining if they want and/or monitored health care on site as well? Here there are waitlists for those that can be a year or two ... but just wondering if that IS an option if they would go for something like that instead of a nursing home?

    Vail did you try to make the chicken souvlaki? i'm making it for dinner tonite lol.. just gonna go throw the chicken into the olive oil, lemon juice and oregano now
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Your granddaugher is just adorably, Suzy! Thank you for posting the pictures. She made me smile: what a little ray of sunshine!

    Congratulations on your appointment! It will be so good to get it done!

    Well done on resisting the pizza, Snoozie! And on the logging, Suzy! I did make souvlaki and tzatziki (sp), and it was a nice change. Had it with some salad and a piece of garlic foccaccia (I know it's the wrong country) and it's stretching out to three meals.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I just made a chicken souvlaki dinner with roast potatos and a greek salad - no foccaccia tho lol! I had one chicken breast and a bunch of chunks of chicken i had chopped so i marinated it all and cut the breast in half lengthwise (horizontally) and tossed it on the cookie sheet with the potatos .. came out just as good as the pan fried pieces
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’ll have to get on this souvlaki train this week. It sounds delicious!

    Yes, we have assisted living places here. They are building new senior places on almost every corner it seems! My mom brought up the subject of assisted living today. I guess my sister and I will start looking for a nice place somewhere between the two of our houses. Right now our parents live 45 minutes one way from each of us. Hopefully she’s serious this time about moving. I was over at their house all day today cleaning out their fridge, two freezers and pantry. I made a menu and went grocery shopping. It’s just soooo much y’all.

    I had a drive through salad for dinner and it was delish! I have enough calories left for a gin & tonic but I’m not gonna do it. Hopefully it will make up a bit for TFP! Lol!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hi everyone 🙂

    Sorry that I've been absent...🤷‍♀️

    Just stopping by to check in.. I've been ok... one day at a time.

    Hopefully everyone is still ok.. weather, health, staying safe.

    Talk to you soon ❤

    Carol in Jersey
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    It's lovely to "see" you Carol. Thank you for checking in and I'm glad you're OK. I've been MIA now and then too over the past months. Such strange times we are still living through! I'm OK here. Weather - improving, health - a lot better than a year ago, staying safe - doing my best, lol!

    I hope you manage to get sort out care for your mom, Suzy. Assisted living sounds like a really sensible option at the moment, and great that she brought up the subject herself. I hope you find somewhere nice.

    It would be funny if we were all eating souvlaki after Snoozie's suggestion! I still don't have a cooker so using my kitchen gadgets. I cooked the souvlaki on a George Foreman grill, which worked well. It reminded me of a holiday in Greece many years ago. I might try it with lamb as I used to make something similar with lamb. Unfortunately I have been a bit hit and miss with eating. Last night was a miss. But weight edging down a bit on the chart I think.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Got my first dose of vaccine today! And I recorded a loss! Big day for me! Lol.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Congratulations, Suzy, on both counts! Well done on the weight loss. Really good news about the vaccine. I've had both doses now (three months between doses over here) and I know there is still a risk but it feels like the odds are more in my favour now. Hope you're feeling OK after having it!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - ditto on congrats on both counts!! LOL well done!

    I had my first jab thursday - right now they are estimating 4 months til the next one but that may change depending on supply of course... my arm was a tiny bit sore the day after but not as sore as my flu shot was lol..

    Vail for SURE it would be a tiny bit less stressful for you now with both jabs so im very happy for you!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I had quite a sore arm for a couple days and wasn’t feeling well, but I think that’s more from watching my sick granddaughter than the vaccination. I’m still nursing a headache and sore throat but it’s not bad. My second injection is 28 days after the first and I made that appointment at the same time. Are Canada and England spacing out the second shot in order to get more people in the first round? I’m just curious because I thought it was either 21 or 28 days.

    I’m so proud of myself for staying under my calorie goal for 7 out of the last 8 days! The one day I went over was just by 50 calories. I’ve definitely been seeing the results on the scale so that’s very motivating.

    So apparently my sister has decided that she wants my parents to stay in their house. It’s just an extremely frustrating situation with all of them and I have to keep my mouth shut. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. This situation is definitely insane.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Oh Suzy.. i feel for you.. i really do.. it's such a difficult situation - i hope if your sister has made the decision, she will also be responsible for making the arrangements that will be necessary to allow them to stay in their home... i think it's great if it can be done, but it can be expensive and frustrating trying to find the resources and people to make it happen... sending a hug!

    AWESOME job on the cals... so happy for you!!! Thrilled to hear your hard work is paying off !!! Doing the happy feet dance for you!

    /I got a sore arm the 2nd day after the shot, but it was quite minor, i only noticed it if i reached for something in a high cupboard. The flu shot hurt more and longer lol.. my arm was the wee bit sore with this one for about 3 days i think... but that's all i experienced..

    here in canada they are delaying the 2nd dose for about 4 months - there is some debate going on but they would rather everyone got one jab at least with what supply we have now... as we are "scheduled" to get a lot more between April and June... so right now there are no 2nd appts booked - they will get in touch with people as the time comes i guess.

    There's a mixed batch of research (as always!!) showing that actually 4 months is better than the 28 days (of course until they came up with that... it HAD to be within the 21 or 28 days) and of course a lot of the info depends on the source, right?? so honestly since it's all out of my control - i just take what i can get when i can get it lol..

    what makes me crazy here is that people think because they got one jab, they're "immune" and can return to living their lives like pre pandemic!! omg... To me, the vaccine simply ensures if i DO get sick (god forbid); the vaccine will prevent death or a horrific case of it..
    but they opened only outdoor restuarant patios here this week (i have no idea why since cases are rising and we are still in the highest restrictions just short of lockdown) and when they did it they said ONLY people from the same household are supposed to be together on the patios... of course everyone simply got together with a bunch of their friends instead.. downtown Toronto looked like Miami i swear in the photos.. so frustrating!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    we've had 4 days of gorgeous weather here.. and i've been trying to take advantage of it and hit some of the nicer trails that aren't as crowded to get my walkies in.. i had a sore foot for a while (thot of you suzy lol) but i think its because i've been wearing my orthotics with my sneakers and realized i haven't really worn them for about 5 months! So i think i should have paced myself getting used to them again... anyway i've been adding about 1/2 km every other day; still only up to about 3km but at least i'm moving... we're going back to more season colder temps friday along with the usual spring rain and storms.. but have really enjoyed this nice little break... and just being able to get away from the traffic sounds and screaming kids for an hour is lovely. I stayed off the main trails and just meandered today... will post a few pics just for the hell of it...

    im REALLY going to try to be diligent at logging.. i tried on some of my shorts that i had to pin last year to stay up while playing pb... and they are too tight now without the pin!! even my "fat pants" barely fit... which should be no surprise as i gained a full 19 lbs over the past 14 months.. i SO DO not want to hit my birthday in July at this weight - so in my head i have set until april 30th to be adamant about logging... i dont have much crap in the house.. i have a few chocolates my sister sent me (and by a few i mean exactly 5 in a box lol) for Easter.. so those will be my treat over the 4 days of easter..

    i have to go grocery shopping tomorrow and honest to god... i cannot get my head around any kind of meal planning right now... i dont know if im just sick of always trying to figure out what to make, or just "food tired" lol... but i know if i don't buy some decent stuff what will happen! So i better get to making the list.. i also know i'm still very anxious doing groceries so i think i'll set the alarm and do the 7am trip - at least that way there aren't as many people and its not quite as anxiety ridden for me :smile:

    hope you're all doing ok.. Vail did you ever try the lamb souvlaki???
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member