2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I have to admit that I’m struggling to understand why my weight has gone up (granted it’s only a pound but that’s a lot when it takes forever to lose it) when I’m not eating way over my calorie goal. I swear I’m logging everything I’m eating and, yes I am going over a bit but not a huge amount. I’m having flashbacks to when I would lose some weight then just stall. Usually the weight I lost was more than the little bit I lost in January though. It’s those “stalls” that usually make me give up and eat something loaded with calories and that starts a downward spiral. I’m NOT going to do that this time. I know I just have to hang in there and keep doing what I’m doing.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy... just an idea.. but maybe go with seeing how much you have lost this month in February at the end, rather than as you go? We know weight loss is linear and sometimes just eating something salty can make you retain or gain... but maybe if you just focus on the whole month rather than a weekly or daily loss it might go easier? (That said i am a scale hopper... and i know how just seeing any increase can play with your head...) but thats why i'm thinking maybe just tell yourself to keep doing exactly what you're doing, and at the end of the month you will see your progress? Just a thought.. but you're right.. we all do that spiral thing.. as soon as it takes a left turn we start to self sabotage, and if it goes down we do the same thing!! But it truly what you said.. its about committing to it and sticking with it even when the mind games start... and thats the hardest part for sure. You're doing great so yes just hang in there and know you're doing everything right!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    How is the February Family Fitness Funfest going Snoozie? I applaud your efforts to make it fun for everyone. You could start your own YouTube channel!

    I’m hanging in there and staying the course. I’ve been able to fight the downward spiral. I choose TODAY!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    love that Suzy - the "i choose today"!! Yes !!! I have got to print that and put it on my cupboard door!!

    you've been inspiring me too - trying to do better every day - i think this is the longest i've gone since the start of the pandemic without a daily dose of potato chips LOLOL.. i am truly still fighting that demon every day ha...

    The feb challenge is going ok.. the 2 youngest have already completed the half marathon (21 km) LOLOL.. but the rest of us are still plugging along... its hard finding things that are kinda "equal" for all.. but altho there was some resistance to the Tai Chi session, this week it's "Tabata" and i picked a 6 minute video for them to do - and it's going over MUCH better LOLOL.. it also has 3 people doing it in various modifications (one even sitting) so I suspect the fact its only 6 minutes is it's true appeal - not actually trying something new LOLOL..

    i have the one for next week (Essentrics) but i'm not sure i like the one for the last week.. its something called "muve" which is basically kind of a dancy sort of thing to hawaiin music.. i may replace it if i can find something else.. i checked out Soba but its too hard on the hips and joints for some lol.. but i have 2 weeks so i'll come up with something... im running out of ways to google ideas tho...but i will perservere! hahaha

    I'm trying to stay off the scales for this week - taking my own advice to keep working hard and waiting for the woosh lol..... hope the hand and foot are doing ok btw and that you got your dads' 2nd jab trip done ok

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Every time I stay off the scale I end up gaining weight. I become an ostrich and hide my head in the sand. It gets easier and easier for me to not get on the scale and the next thing I know, I’ve gained ten pounds. It’s definitely a motivator for me. The problem is when I get impatient or my weight loss efforts stall.

    I just realized today that my supplements add up to almost 100 calories that I haven’t been logging. I use the gummies and chewables because I can’t stand swallowing huge horse sized pills. I also drink a packet of Emergen-C every morning. I sometimes wonder if any of it makes any difference. It’s certainly not cheap to keep taking all this stuff.

    I guess Tai Chi isn’t for everyone. The impressive and important thing is that you’re giving them new things to try!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I totally get it Suzy... i'm not going to lie my scale hopping is indeed what keeps me from going down the rabbit hole sometimes lol... its so damn hard to find the happy balance of using it to keep us in line with our goals, or hating the tiny piece of plastic that rules our lives at times!

    omg on the supplments tell me about it!! I take 2 CoenzymeQ10 pills a day (because i'm on a statin for cholesterol and it protects your heart) and a fish oil supplement on top of my regular meds... i HATE that i have to use a daily pill holder with 5 spots in it to cover everything!! It totally makes me feel OLD .. and every Sunday i sit and fill them all up for the week.. and i feel like i'm 100 those days!! So i have to force myself to say nope it's all keeping you healthy! But none of them are covered under any insurance plan i have.. and it probably costs me about $60 a month. which doesnt sounds like much til you realize thats like $720 a year! arghh.. I also have an orange every single day for my vitamin C, the price of them is prolly close to or more than the EmergenC so I feel for ya!

    LOL @ the tai chi.. nope... however the Tabata is getting props right now ha...
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    We had a perfect Canadian winter day today - it was about -3C And the sun was shining in a perfectly blue sky so I went to the golf course they opened and had a lovely long walk - sorely needed as lockdown is starting to get to me today but I was all alone and it was just 😍 948npemv3a05.jpeg
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh my gosh!!! -3?!!!!! That’s like 26 degrees to me. Kudos for getting out in that! Brrrr! I have to admit that I’ll have to google Tabata because I have no clue what that is. Lol.

    I’m not on any prescription drugs, yet. I probably should be. I take calcium with D3, multivitamins, krill oil, B12, and Turmeric (as well as my Emergen-C) every day. Whenever I start wondering if they’re really helping I remember a time when I was visiting with my brother’s entire family at Christmas. We were all discussing which vitamins we all took when my sister-in-law told us that vitamins don’t work. My nephew laughed and said, “Says the only person in the room who is sick.” Lol. She was sick the entire time and none of us caught anything. Coincidence? I don’t know.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy.. this is the link to the Tabata for seniors - picked because of my aunt being 74 and the SIL having the broken hand and foot lol .. its only 6 minutes and my aunt had to do the chair version shown on the right... but to save you having to look it up here's the link to the one we did.. of course there are much longer and harder ones too

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Ha ha ha Suzy.. right now at just before midnight, its -18C which i think is about 0 farenheit... so it was downright balmy this afternoon!! i agree with you about the vitamins and supps tho.. as long as they are good quality - i remember a nutritionist telling me once about making sure they were "3rd generation" ones.. meaning whatever they are encased in is easily absorbed by the body like food so the vitamins can actually get in your system.. a lot of them have binding agents that are too hard for our body to break down so you dont get the benefit of the vitamins before it passes thru you ...
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    My husband is out hiking and here I sit on the couch. I’m so tired of not being able to get out there and walk or hike. So instead, I had a little pity party and invited some chips. I’ll have to eat less for dinner than I had planned. Ugh. I hate being a whiner. Sorry.

    Thanks for the link, Snoozie. I’ll check it out.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suz.. i'm a little miffed i wasn't invited to your pity party - i would have brought a present!!

    There's nothing wrong at all with having a pity party occasionally - remember we're living thru a freaken pandemic along with all the other stuff we're dealing with... so the fact that you can't do one of the things you enjoy right now because of your foot is definitely a reason for one! We just have to remember when we have them, that like cinderella... it ends at midnight and the next day, get right back to working on recovery and staying strong and flexible til we're there.. hugs...

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Suzy..

    Hope you had a good night and are feeling better today. I was up at 5 and just realized its only 9am and i'm all done my usual morning play time on the computer, showered and dressed and did a 30 minute balance video LOL.. but im thrilled i finally found a video for next weeks "weekly" challenge that will work for my aunt - it's a 7 day balance challenge.. the first day is a fun assessment doing diff balance moves to test your balance, and each day is only 10 min after that.. phew... so i'm relieved thats done since i had to change from the ones i had already picked lol

    I was talking to a friend last night who recently re joined WW.. sh'es been kind of a life long member but basically we were saying how we all KNOW at this stage of the game what works for us and what doesn't.. all of us here could prolly write a book on nutrition and healthy eating lol...its the actual "doing" of course and following thru.. anyway we made a mini pact for a week.. mine is to log all my food for 7 days (since i know logging works for me, and i struggle with it) and her's is to move in some way every day.. so this morning i faithfully logged everything and hopefully, knowing it's only for 7 days as such will help keep me on the straight and narrow.

    Otherwise, i got nothing new - today is cold but sunny so i am goin to try to venture outside for at least a short walk... the temps are going to dip to frigid over the weekend into more of a regular winter (i was really hoping since we had such a mild time up to now that perhaps it would just skip us this year LOL.. but alas...) however there are only 40 days TIL SPRING.. actually only 37 now!!!! wooooooooooooo so THAT is gonna be my rope to hang onto lol...

    Let me know how you're doing today when you get a chance suz? thanks!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Wow! You got so much accomplished before I even rolled out of bed today! Good for you! My pity party is over and I managed to see the scale move just a bit this morning. Thank goodness I weigh out my chips or else I would eat the whole bag.

    Logging is definitely helping me but it’s such a pain. It helps me plan my day so that I don’t have to think too much about food.

    I love the idea of a balance challenge! I think people totally underestimate the importance of balance as we age. Great idea! Kudos for getting out in the cold weather. I’m really hoping that by Spring I’ll be able to do some hiking again. I go back to the foot doctor next week.

    Today was my day to pick up my grand baby and spend the afternoon with her. She is so darn sweet! I do that once a week or else I’d never see her. We had a wonderful time!

    I hope Vail, Milove and Gail are checking in once in awhile. Let us know how you’re doing. We’re thinking of you!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi!~! quick check in before heading home..have to return in the morning...ugh! we are having our 2 week extreme winter season this week and part of next....may have a bit more snow! take care girls!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks for checking in Gail! Stay warm!

    Happy Valentines Day Hatters! The only chocolate I’m having today is a chocolate protein smoothie. Lol. We are celebrating with a grilled steak tonight so I’ve got to reserve some calories throughout the day for that little splurge.

    I hope you’re all having a good day!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy hope you enjoyed the steak and hope you saved enough cals to enjoy a glass of wine with it too!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Well i may have found the slap i needed to keep me motivated - i went to the reports tab and ran the last year - i never considered myself a visual learner but seeing that chart and the LONG upward line to my current weight... yup... i wish i had a printer so i could put that on my fridge!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’ve never looked at the reports or at least I don’t think I have. I’ll have to check it out. I did not save enough calories for wine. I ended up over by a LOT! So much for planning. I cut back yesterday and am trying to today to make up for it. Have you ever tried the Yogi Blueberry tea that’s supposed to help with hunger pangs? I had some in the cupboard from last year and am trying it. I made a pot of it yesterday morning and drank a cup whenever I started craving something. It helped so I’m trying again today. It’s green tea but has some caffeine so I can’t drink it after late afternoon. I kind of like this idea so I’m going to look for an herbal green tea without caffeine that I can drink without adding anything. It doesn’t replace chips but it makes me feel full.

    I went for my recheck on my foot today. She says it’s progressing well and that I should try walking. Start out with 15 minutes two days in a row and then rest one day. As long as it’s not hurting I should do that for a couple weeks then increase to 20 minutes...etc etc. So, fingers crossed! Now I just need some decent weather!

    Are you getting slammed with all the snow and ice that hit the US? Luckily, it went just north of us.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I wouldnt worry too much about going over - life is about indulgences now and then, and you've obviously already gotten back on track right away so sounds like you're doing just fine.

    Nope i don't drink tea at all - except when I'm sick LOL... it's actually how i know i'm sick if i want tea!! After almost 40 yrs of working 3 shifts I still drink coffee at all hours of the day.. i can literally have a coffee a 1/2 hour before bed and still sleep.. I'm having one now actually ha... but i have cut back a lot since i retired.

    Is it a hot tea or a cold tea? Hey if it works go for it!! They do say often when we think we feel hungry its actually thirst altho we dont realize it... so go for it.. (and nothing replaces chips lol... ever)

    Oh that's great on the foot news!! Woo hoo... and that she gave you a kind of schedule to start with - just make sure you dont push it so it ends up hurting but that's such great news!

    I can't send you any decent weather = we didn't get a ton of snow here altho parts around me did.. temps are still brutal cold tho. My sister lives in the Maritimes and they are getting the freezing rain.. i'd take snow over that anytime.. i think we're gonna get a bit more snow so my dreams of winter actually skipping us are no longer likely lol.. before these past 10 days we had a pretty mild one.. but.. it's only 33 days til spring so we really can't complain this year with what we've had.. lord knows there's been a lot worse ones!