2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh Snoozie, the picture you paint of your mad dash looking for snackies! Lol. I don’t mind being hungry but yesterday it was just that big black hole of hunger. I think you’re right and my stomach is trying to get used to less food. I also figured out that I wasn’t keeping busy so I had nothing to occupy my mind. Today is going better.

    I am one of those people who can eat basically the same thing every day for breakfast and even lunch. I like not having to think about it. I hate thinking about food all the time. Will we ever get to the day where it’s just not that important anymore?
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I had a sort of epiphany this morning when I stepped on the scale. I completely wasted two days on my good health journey with mindless eating. This morning I’m almost back to where I was Friday morning. Mentally, when I show a loss and record it I have this feeling like I can splurge a bit because I’m not recording my weight again for another week. Then I spend two or more days just trying to get back to where I was before I can start making progress again. I’m sabotaging myself every time. So, I’m thinking that I need to record my weight every other day or something like that. Not give myself time to “celebrate” a loss in an unhealthy way and then have to recover from it. What do y’all think? Do you ever have this issue?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy.. i am absolutely the same with the self sabotage.. as soon as i see a loss my head says reward yourself .. with crap... ????? it makes NO sense at all why i do it.. logically you would think showing a loss would spur me to keep doing well and being on track... but emotionally for whatever reason i still think that..

    I think i need to remember that saying about dont reward yourself with food if you're not a dog!!

    I was reading a bit about the self sabotaging.. seems we aren't alone and there are a myriad of reasons we all do it and most of us have different ones, but some that seem the most common bouncing around in our brains are not having changed some old bad habits to new ones, not feeling worthy of the weight loss, struggling with delayed gratification when it comes to food yada yada.. i don't know the exact reason i do it and im not sure i wanna dig deep enough to find out to be honest lol.. but i do know that if it's just a habit, i can change it..

    so i'm glad you posted that... the next time I find myself about to sabotage my loss, I am going to try to remind myself.. its just a habit and one i need to break.. it's worth a shot anyway cause i'd much prefer to think it's just a bad habit i can change than to pay for a shrink to find out why LOL...

    I DO hop on the scale every other day at least.. precisely for that reason - to keep me focused on remember my goal is to LOSE weight.. and for me checking every other day helps me see i'm doing ok or straying...

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thank you for the advice, both of you. You are so right about habits, Suzy. Although it's not even a habit so much as a compulsion ... I'm not sure what's going on psychologically except that I'm stressed. Maybe just that craving for short term reward, and the evening is when I'm most tired and less able to resist.

    Thank you for your confession about the crisps and rooting through the cupboards, Snoozie - it makes me feel better! That is so like me at the moment! Yes, I bought treats with the idea of rationing too. I'm all for having the odd treat. But not good if you're feeling the way I am at the moment! I don't seem to be able to resist and ration it! I did try putting the treats in a different room, jus so that it's more of an active decision to go and get them. That used to work, but now I find myself making that active decision every night, lol. Or I won't get treats, but I will make a snack, either way I'm eating.

    So annoying because I've managed in the past with this, and even recently was losing weight. I've got out some recipe books and have been making healthy, nutritious meals. But it doesn't stop me wanting to eat too much!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Just a quick note but Vail I had to laugh when you said you put them in a different room - I actually put the bags of potato chips in a closed armoire in my sunroom so I couldn’t see them thinking that would help and no it did not ...be back in a bit From computer easier to type
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh the games we play when trying to keep ourselves from snacking! I had ordered some Dutch food from a catalog back in December and had completely forgotten about it. We lived in the Netherlands for a couple years and fell in love with some of their treats. Well....it arrived yesterday. Surprise! We now have the most delicious aged Gouda and almond cakes and snack crackers. Those almond cakes were actually calling my name last night. Loudly! I ate three of them yesterday. THREE! Two of them were late night snacking. So I totally understand where y’all are coming from. If it’s in the house, I’m eating it.

    I’m taking my dad to get his Covid vaccination tomorrow. I’m really hoping they are organized and we can get in and out but I’m not very optimistic. It will most likely be May before I’m eligible for it. My mom’s appointment is next week. My daughter is convinced that she has it even though she tested negative. Her school told her to quarantine anyway so she’s home until next Tuesday. She’s been pretty sick since last Friday but is feeling a bit better today.

    I went back to the foot doctor yesterday. I’m so tired of my foot hurting. She gave me another cortisone shot and I’m supposed to stay off it as much as possible for the next two to four weeks, depending on how it feels. No walks more than 15 minutes at a time. I’m to wear this little splint thing except for when I’m asleep. If this doesn’t work then she said the next step is surgery and I’m not a fan of that idea. I absolutely know that losing weight is the key for my foot and my knees. Why isn’t that important enough of a reason for me to stop eating? I’ve got to keep TODAY in mind, not someday.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’ve not met my calorie goal even once in the past week. Obviously I chose “one day” instead of “today” this entire week. That changes now. I CAN do this!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    waving a quick wave...as I run out the door to go home! Stay well everyone!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Waving back! Looks like you are busy! Hope you're finding some me time, and managing to keep safe.

    Suzy, I love a good aged Gouda. I think because it's so flavourful you eat less, or at least that's my theory until I start eating and can't stop! I also visited a local cheesemonger yesterday and picked up a couple of yummy cheeses. I'm trying to remind myself if I'm going to eat cheese I need to be eating less of other things, lol!

    I hope your daughter is better soon. There are some false negatives with the tests, so she could well have had it. Good news about your dad getting an appointment. I was extremely lucky to get mine so early on - I was due to have one soon anyway as a frontline health worker, but I think I got it early because a batch had been defrosted and needed to be used up that day. Unfortunately our second doses have been postponed, but I'm thinking we still probably have some protection.

    You must be so frustrated with your foot. I hope the splint sorts it out. It feels like it has been going for ages now! It's true about losing weight being so good for you, but it's just so difficult to do! I know perfectly well that the best things I could do for my health is lose weight and exercise, but I'm so half-hearted at both!

    Anyway, I'll try to keep "one day or today" in my mind. I think part of my problem is that I think it's OK if I slip up today as long as I'm back on it tomorrow, lol! I'm going to try turning it round and trying to think that if I stick with it today then I'm banking a slip-up for tomorrow, if needed.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    sorry i couldnt come back.. i overdid the exercise thing with some overhead presses and ended up messing up both shoulders.. could barely move my arms yesterday but today have better range of motion so hopefully fine by tomorrow.. stupid move on my part tho

    Suzy i really hope the shot and splint and STAYING OFF your foot will fix it so you can avoid surgery!! im glad your parents are getting the shot; and hope to god your daughter is recovering well whether it was COVID or something else...

    we are now in a stay at home order since yesterday - altho frankly we've been in supposed lockdown since November but sure as hell didnt seem like anyone was doing it.. even with the SAH ORDER there is no enforcement and no consequences, unless its a private party being held or a business caught with too many people - and as long as there are no consequences people will just keep being stupid. But I can't control that so i try not to let the anger and frustration build up too much.

    Vail im glad you were able to get your shot.. i think there may be a prob here with the 2nd dose happening within the allotted 3-4 week time frame? They have said that about 21 days AFTER your first dose, you are pretty good for immunity but 2nd dose is vital .. at first they were holding back vaccines here to ensure everyone who got the 1st could get the 2nd within the set time, but then decided better to give everyone 1 shot at least.. so am hopeful as the vaccines keep coming in they will be able to do the 2nd within the time frame for everyone

    its kinda a miracle i think tho.. that we actually have a vaccine already... I was just thinking yesterday i can't believe it's been a year since we first went into lockdown.. an entire year.. and its worse now than then... seems sometimes its just not real.. but the fact we do have a vaccine in such a short time is truly miraculous when you think about it..

    I haven't logged the past few days because of my shoulder and because i've basically been living on toast and pb.. but i havent been eating a lot of crap just because i dont have any at hte moment lol... and i have told myself getting some isnt an essential trip - i will wait til when i have to go get something for real and hopefully by then.. i wont want it anymore.

    My goal is for 4 lbs a month.. which is 1lb a week.. i think my focus is also going to have to be on just eating less of whatever it is... im still eating a LOT in a day .. whether healthy or not... so thats one good thing about the logging is being able to see that.. and hopefully will help me see i just need to eat less.. i would normlaly be playing pickleball a few times a week over the winter and doing 2 classes a week - and i was just holding at my weight when i was doing that... so figures that if im eating the same amount and not moving.. its going up.

    so that's what i'm going to try to focus on for a bit.. the "are you really hungry or just bored" idea... because frankly the answer most times right now is i'm bored out of my mind lol

    hang in there guys.. let's remember that we need to be kind to ourselves no matter what.. we got enough stress going on so no recriminations - while keeping in mind our goals and what we want to get for ourselves .. hugs all around

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Yep, eating more and moving less seems to be my norm now. I’m definitely more aware of how much I’m eating and I’ve cut down a lot. I would have been fine if I hadn’t gotten that darn package of treats. Lol. I’m still trying to stay busy to deal with the eating because I’m bored trap that I fell into over the weekend. Today I’m tackling bathroom cupboards that have been neglected for years. Y’all wouldn’t believe how much junk we’ve accumulated in there. I’m feeling more focused today on eating less and healthier.

    Having a vaccine so soon really is incredible. I’m just hoping that it works as well as they say. It’s also kind of scary because of the lack of experience with it but we need help. This isn’t just going to go away on its own. I hope your second dose is available soon, Vail. Also that people wise up and actually Stay At Home, Snoozie.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Just checking in, Hatters.

    How’s the shoulder, Snoozie?

    How’s the late night snacking going? Any better for everyone? I’ve started just getting into bed early and reading to stop me from wandering into the kitchen. I’m still not meeting my calorie goal every day but it’s getting better.

    I hope things are leveling off or even getting better at work for you, Gail and Vail.

    Hang in there everyone! Sending virtual hugs!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Sorry about your shoulders, Snoozie. It is so frustrating when you do it to yourself.
    I feel that way when I over extend my back while exercising then have to still go to work.

    Suzy , I hope your foot is better with the shot and splint and no surgery needed.
    Mine has been better. Stretching the arch and then using compression boots helped mine. Not sure if we had the same problem or not, but I was told to roll my foot over a frozen bottle of water could help. Haven't tried it yet. I have the frozen bottle, just not the time to think about trying it.

    Vail, glad to see you are okay. It is so hard to stay coped up without the urge to eat showing it's awful face. If I am stuck inside , it's all I do. I ramble in and out of the kitchen getting a bite of this and then a bite of that trying to find what it is that I am wanting. Never succeeding cause I'm not hungry at all ......just BORED! lol

    The Scale was nice to me today....must have gotten tired of hearing me swear at it.... 2 lbs down......if I can HOLD ONTO IT...I need to lose 3lbs more to be at the very least back under 200 lbs. I have been trying soooo hard to curb my nighttime eating after getting off at midnight. If I can keep it up it may be promising, fingers crossed xx

    take care everyone.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    morning all

    Gail glad to hear all is well in your world and huge congrats on the loss! i have no doubt you will get those additional 3 gone soon! I can totally relate to the bored eating, believe me!

    Suzy also hope your foot is responding to the treatment; I wish i could motivate myself to tackle the chores i never got to in the FIRST lockdown lol.. but i still have no interest sadly!

    i've been struggling the past week with the shoulder issues but i think now it actually stems from my neck because one day its the left shoulder/arm i can't move.. the next day its the right.. yada yada... i know at some point there were some issues with discs in my neck and i've been spending a lot of time at my laptop, which i know from my working days - the "turtling" of my neck happens the longer i'm on it..

    Our family fitness challenge is going well but its a lot of work keeping everyone motivated and coming up with different themes and keeping them engaged and interested lol.. but its not like i have anything else to do .. the funny thing is i've been googling a lot about fitness challenges and fun fitness stuff for seniors (my aunt is 74) .. and so the data mining gods are responding with ads all over the place for all kinds of stuff for seniors ... no matter what screen i'm on theres an ad there for either fitness or seniors, and my FB feed has all these suggested posts from fitness places - where everyone is 19 and climbing mountains lol.. so i either feel old and decrepit with the young uns, or resenting everything telling me i'm a senior hahah..

    I've been doing better with the boredom crap eating simply because i dont have anything in the house right now... i'm trying to go cold turkey with the chips... i have no control at all if they are here and while it sounds funny, its scary in a way just how many i was eating!! so my plan to wean myself off wasnt working so its cold turkey time now lol.. I think its been 5 days now without - not that i'm actually counting ive just not bought any

    on that note.. remember earlier i said i ran across some thoughts on why we self sabotage when we're doing good... and one of them was that we havent ditched some bad habits.. i started thinking about that.. and its kinda true for me in different ways.. one example.. every time i have a tuna sandwich, i HAVE to have chips on the side.. i've done that since i was a kid and my dad would serve it that way.. so habit wise.. if i think i should have tuna for lunch.. if i dont have chips in the house, i automatically change my mind... same goes for the evening boredom eats..like clockwork around 730 or 8 i start grazing... not of of any kind of hunger as we know.. but it has honestly become a habit.. a few other things have since come to mind that i realize contribute to my sabotage; because its become a habit too as soon as the scale makes a move, it's habit to "reward" myself with a treat... hmmm

    anyway.. im looking into this a bit more for myself.. i got a book online from the library called atomic changes.. tiny changes, remarkable results. Its pretty boring LOL.. but i'm flipping thru it and some of the ideas are interesting; about how with enough practice, our brains will pick up cues that predict certain outcomes without even consciously thinking about it..

    and how once habits become automatic, we stop paying attention to them. so you need to be aware of your habits before you can change them.. So more about not focusing on goals, but focusing on changing bad habits that are keeping you from reaching that goal (i.e. if its weight loss or fitness or businesss or whatever)

    Anyway.. there are some interesting points - one being you don't need to change the behaviour to start... the first step is just to be on the lookout for them...

    its about just simply becoming aware of bad habits... and it can help to speak a bad habit out loud when you become aware of it.. .. like if you go grazing at 8pm out of habit... and take a cookie... just saying out loud.. "im about to eat this cookie but i dont need it. Eating it will cause me to gain weight" reinforces that the grazing its just habit .. theres no judgement, its just recongizing that some actions with food responses are just habit.. (it doesnt mean you won't still eat the cookie lol) but by becoming more aware of what are just habits.. you can start to change the behaviour..

    Anyway its something to do lol.... cause unlike suzy i am not motivated to clean hahaha..
    I have been eating better but the scale isnt moving at all... thats ok tho.. i know my portions are still too big even if healthier so it will catch up :)

    Right now that i've bored everyone to sleep - i got nothing else lol... i AM enjoying the videos from that seniors site i posted Suzy..there are all kinds of different ones she does on there, i did a barre one yesterday for the first time .. it was nice to try and i was able to do it and good to try something different... and thAT one involves both stretch and strength training so i get 2 in 1 LOLOL... but our family challenge i'm running has helped me too get used to doing some exercise every day... so that's a habit i want to keep doing for myself.. its not like i dont have time these days.. sigh..

    hugs all around .. we have to believe better times are ahead so just keep hanging in and know we're all here for each other!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    You can do it, Gail! Two pound loss is awesome! Well done! I’m sure you’ll get that three pounds off in no time. What a great feeling it will be to be back under 200! Focus on that when your late night munchies hit. Getting off work at midnight has got to be so challenging.

    Snoozie, I’m hoping the videos you’re doing will help with your neck/shoulders. I’ve had excruciating neck pain before because of extremely tight muscles and sitting at an awkward angle for long lengths of time. It’s no joke. I recommend getting a tennis ball and putting it in the toe of a long sock. Then you place it behind your neck/upper back where it’s really sore. Hold onto the top of the sock to keep it in place and then lean against a wall to give yourself a deep massage in that tight muscle. It really does help.

    Bad habits and emotional eating are what got me into this shape. I’m going to really try to analyze why I’m eating to see how much is habit and/or comfort and how much is hunger. Have any of you looked at Noom or know anyone who has? I’m wondering what it really is. I’m thinking it’s kind of what you’re talking about with habit awareness. I just know I don’t want to spend the money. Lol.

    My husband’s family is planning an April 10 memorial service for his mom. It will be outside at the graveside but we would still have to travel to get there. It’s twelve hours by car and we do it in two days or we fly. I’m wondering what things are going to be like by then. Maybe we will all have our vaccinations by April?
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I know Snoozie! ....a sandwich is so lonely all by itself!! Can you stomach pork skins? no carbs

    oooohhh...air travel... I don't know...to close for comfort.

    scal es showed .02 loss lol I will take it! at least not a gain.

    The outloud reasoning before eating sounds like it could work.

    Stay well all!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy i don't know ALL that much about noom - except that it's basically the same idea - its teaching you to replace bad habits with good ones.

    you still have to log your food, weigh yourself and check in with your group; the idea behind the whole thing is to teach you how to figure out your own triggers or cues in things like boredom or stress eating, etc and to make you aware of \w'hat you are eating by using color codes, i.e., when you log a meal it will assign green yellow or red codes to what you ate.. the idea being green is better and that seeing a lot of red will make you aware of just how much "red" you are consuming in a day.. and also supposed to make you aware of what treats are actually "worthy" for you - so you can still have treats, but you have to differentiate ones that are just "so so" to you, and one that is "i love this i must have it".

    so for me.. not worth forking over money for what i pretty much already know.... but like any other plan, it may be the right thing for you and obviously has worked for many..

    TY for the tennis ball sock thing.. i actually have a lacrosse ball my physio had me get (its not as squishy as a tennis ball i gather) and im supposed to use it everywhere with the pressure thing on the muscles - til it doesnt hurt any more.. the problem is at first it hurts like hell of course... so i kinda gave up on it... but i may give it another go with the sock... they didnt tell me about that part and the ball often drops on me lol... so ty for that

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I think I’m having sympathy pains for you, Snoozie. I woke up with a painful neck. Lol. Probably slept wrong.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    while i appreciate the "support" Suzy - thats not the area i want it in!! So sorry about your neck... ow ow ow!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    How is everyone doing? Staying safe and healthy, I hope. I’ve been trying to keep busy so I don’t get bored and mindlessly eat. I take a few days off from cleaning and work on my parent’s scrapbook. I was completely lazy one day and binge watched Bridgerton on Netflix. That day I definitely went over my calorie goal. It proved to me that when I’m not busy, I eat out of habit and boredom. So the habit I need to change is being idle.

    How’s your neck/shoulder pain, Snoozie? I hope it’s better.

    Big hugs all around Hatters! Take care!