2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    ohhh....I am struggling ! but not giving up!! Every time I weigh it is the same, no matter what, but it will go down. just got to keep focused.

    Yea, glad you are okay milove. I can't imagine how it must be for you out there helping with this stuff. Prayers and hugs sent.
    Praying all is ok with vail.

    That is wonderful to be doing a challenge with your family, snoozie. such a good bonding exp. with this going on.

    Suzy, glad your hand is better. You must surely be missing that baby. I know it is nice to have your home back to just you two...but it must be tough. I still miss mine. lol ....not gonna let them know though....in case they want to move back! hahaha

    Be sweet and stay safe. time to go home.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    Suzy.. this is the beginner chair yoga one i liked best of all so far.. keep in mind i've never done yoga in any way, so as you have it may be too simple for you ...

    Senior & Beginner Workout - 15 minute Gentle Chair Yoga - YouTube

    I found that one on a youtube called Senior Shape Fitness.. and i just discovered they have about 15-20 different videos with her, from bodyweight to resistance bands to low impact cardio etc... so i will definitely be checking out a few of those for sure.. specially the bodyweight one..

    Senior shape fitness on youtube SeniorShape Fitness - YouTube

    These are two other ones I did that i liked as well.. keeping in mind for me i have to like the instructor LOLOL.. so we may have different tastes that way haha..

    20 minute chair yoga - Relaxing and peaceful, great for seniors and beginners! - YouTube

    Gentle Chair Yoga for Beginners and Seniors - YouTube

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    ok the links didnt post and i can't edit it so i will try again lol
    This should be the link to the chair yoga i liked best from Senior Shape Fitness

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    OK.. the link directly above this post is the RIGHT one..

    it is the SeniorShape Fitness channel on youtube and has all the videos there, including the one i liked best so far for chair yoga... i'll attempt to post the other 2 i liked as well later LOL.. i need more coffee!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks Snoozie. I’m going to do the chair yoga one tomorrow. I spent about four hours today just cleaning my laundry room! Lol. I went through all the cupboards and cleaned everything that could be cleaned. My husband came in at 4:00 and asked if I wanted to go in a walk. I was finishing up and was no where near ready for a walk. He ended up going alone. I told him that I need more notice than that. Lol.

    Gail, I do miss the baby! I see her maybe once a week now and I’m so afraid she’s going to forget me. We certainly are enjoying having our house back but it seems so quiet. Hang in there and stay the course...the scale is not the only measure of how you’re doing. I know it will reflect your efforts soon though. Just don’t give up!!! You can do it!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    Just popping in to let you know I heard from Vail - she's physically fine just overwhelmed with everything going on so very relieved to hear from her..

    back in a few to post but Suzy holy cow lady.... wanna come to my place?? I'll lend you a parka while you clean LOL
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’m so relieved to hear that Vail is okay but hate that she’s so overwhelmed. Hopefully she and Milove will be in the first wave of people getting the vaccine to give them some protection.

    Still trying to limit my daily calories to 1400 and not making it. Some days are definitely better than others. I used to send all the leftover candy to work with my husband for his coworkers but now that he works from home I’m his coworker!! Lol.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    Suzy I'm not hitting my calorie goal either most days - but i do find that logging is helping me see just how much i'm eating and how many calories i'm taking in.. I was thinking this morning that i would normally be playing pickleball a few times a week over the winter, which would help burn off the excess but as i'm really not doing anything except a few online classes here and there, its going to have to be my fork that does most of the work to get to my goal - as in putting it down...

    i was actually kind of shocked to see a few days i'm over 2000 cals (as I'm being honest about what i'm eating as much as possible) .. and the weird thing was a few of those happened on days when i thought i was doing well.. but i'm considering it a positive as seeing it in black and white so to speak, will help me keep paring it down to get closer and closer as I progress. I AM making better choices more often, but one of the biggest issues still is boredom eating (like everyone else) and it's hard during lockdown to find something "else" to do besides munch lol

    But it's hard to believe i'm already one week in to working towards my goal.. i weighed in this morning as for me, I'm going to update my weight every week and altho the scale hasn't moved down, it has stopped moving up for a change. So that's also a positive right now :)

    Today i will work on some mini goals for this week and decide what to address.. our "one a day" challlenge started 3 days ago so that has helped motivate me to move a bit more too..
    Its been so grey and dull outside for the past few days that can also affect my mood but today the sun is supposed to show up at some point and i'll bundle up and head out for walkies if it does..

    I am quite liking the chair yoga recently as i mentioned, and i'm going to try to get into a routine of doing a session after my coffees and breakfast, and before i shower and dress. So I'm off to do that now and then figure out whats on the menu for the rest of the day lol

    Have a good day people... and remember Suzy.. we ARE making progress and that's good on us!!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I actually showed some movement on the scale today! Yay!!! I’ll log my weight every Friday morning. I’ve definitely been much more aware of what I’m eating and have stopped myself from some mindless noshing several times. The boredom eating is a problem for me in the evenings. That’s something to work on. I’m so sorry that you’re still on lockdown. We probably should be here. As for me and my husband, we rarely go out...just groceries every other week and to see the grandbaby. Luckily we have very moderate winters so we can still get out for walks and hikes. I really feel for you with those cold winters. Hang in there! Spring will get here eventually.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Happy New Year everyone and sorry for not checking in earlier! Thank you all for thinking about me and for checking I was OK!

    Things are just awful here in the UK and I've felt so stressed with it all. I am terrified at work. You have probably heard we have a new more infectious strain, so it's not even clear how much the vaccine will work - however I have had one dose! But don't know if/when I'll be getting a second dose. I'm feeling quite isolated, to be honest. And of course have been comfort eating!! Which doesn't help! I had actually been pretty good through the pandemic at exercising, did gain weight at the beginning but had lost it. I think it's the fear and stress - which is no excuse, but just a reason.

    So lovely that you can still see your granddaughter, Suzy!

    It has been cold here too, but not as cold as with you, Snoozie! But I haven't been out much for a few days as it's seriously icy. Lots of people have had falls and I almost did a couple of times. Today it's just sleet.

    Good to see you logging. I need to do something and get to grips with it! Unfortunately, practically nothing I buy comes in packets so no bar codes to make it easy. I will need to make a plan .... but will start right now by eating more veg and less of other things and I will try to avoid snacking in the evening! I did the 800 calorie a day diet last year and that did work very well.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Vail, don’t be down on yourself for stress eating. My gosh! Just look at what you’re going through. I’m so sorry you’re feeling isolated but it’s totally understandable. How is your son? Can you FaceTime or zoom with him? I’m up for a group zoom if y’all want to branch out. Just let me know! We’re all thinking of you and sending hugs!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    edited January 2021
    Here’s a pic of who I’m hanging out with today. I hope it makes you smile.
    She has discovered how to stick out her tongue. Lol
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    oh my gosh Suzy... what a sweetie!!! Sticking out your tongue is a valuable skill when you're a kid it will serve her well for a long time LOL..

    I just saw your post OMG CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss this week... well done YOU!
    i HOPE you are doing the happy dance with your little grand daughter right now.. excellent work on your part and great results!!!

    Vail - yes I've been watching things around the world and have seen how bad your country is..ours is getting wildly out of control here too now, over 4K new cases every day and even tho i've been staying home for months im still scared when i HAVE to go out.. they are even considering a curfew now and i'm so frustrated at all the morons who are keeipng this virus spreading around the world. I'm very glad you have had at least one dose of the vaccine and fingers crossed they have scheduled you for the 2nd within the recommended time frame (i think its around 3-4 weeks?)

    As for the isolation.. I can totally relate. I am lucky that 2 of my friends have started the virtual wine therapy chats once a week for me.. but truth be told... as much as i crave the human contact, sometimes its hard because they are not following the rules - they think if they "only" go see their sister or their daughter its ok.. we are in the "same household only" mode since November) and sometimes listening to them, its hard to keep my face from showing how i feel hearing about the visits. They aren't holding the big gatherings but they seem to think they can "bargain" with the virus and just do "one or two" people outside.. well if all 14 million of us ALL think that... it explains the insane rise in numbers, right??

    So between the feelings of isolation, anger at those breaking the rules, frustration at being kept at home because of them, yada yada.... there are moments i think im gonna lose my mind. And that's when i turn to the bag of chips or plates of nachos etc.. so yup its a vicious circle.

    As you know i have always found the logging to be a huge PITA; being able to scan is the only thing that makes it bearable but like you i have a lot that cant be scanned. I know you mentioned before that you kept a food journal - maybe that would work better for you than trying to log or at least be less frustrating, but still give you the picture so to speak.

    I follow a webinar thing on FB called My Weight what to know, it's a live event every few weeks and they had a psychologist on there talking about how our frontal lobe responds to stress by kicking the "caveman" gene up a few notches.,, survival mode has us reaching for those comfort foods to soothe us, but the after effects when we do add MORE stress (we feel guilty for eating those chips or cookies or pizza or whatever) AND the frontal lobe stays engaged constantly pushing us to survive whatever is stressing us out.. so she was saying while we do have to take some personal responsibility for our actions, we also have to be KIND to ourselves during these unprecedented times.. (as Suzy said above).

    So your decision to increase your veg and work on your evening boredom grazing (me too btw) seems to me like an excellent idea - and will give you a specific goal which will in turn give you a bit of control in a world where we have very little...

    So I say a group hug is in order lol... it's good to know we're all here for each other !!!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Group hug!

    Gorgeous picture, Suzy, and yes, it did make me smile! Thank goodness for babies in all of this. They don't seem to be so badly affected and are just getting on with their job of bringing joy!

    A group Zoom would be fantastic, if we could ever co-ordinate it!

    I do have some contact with people on Zoom/Skype, and actually although it's not the same as face to face, it's a good substitute. Even phone calls are good. I think I partly feel isolated due to not knowing anybody in my specific situation (of being particularly vulnerable and in a risky job).

    As I'm living alone, I'm allowed to "bubble" with one other household, which has been fantastic as it means I can see my son! He is working on a covid ward, so I'm being careful, but it's good to know it's within the rules. Technically we are the same household and so could get close and hug, etc., but we're not doing that because of the risk. But it's nice to be in his presence at times, lol!

    Thanks for the advice on comfort eating, Snoozie. It helps to understand it. I'm finding it's not even boredom, it tends to be late at night and feels a bit compulsive to be honest. I feel on edge until I do it. The survival thing makes sense. It's as if I feel something bad will happen if I don't eat. I'm wondering now if it's almost related to a winter SAD type thing, as it's last thing at night, as if I'm eating before hibernating! Which reminds me that I bought one of those SAD light boxes - I will put it on right now! Maybe the answer is going to be the old trick of going to bed a bit earlier to avoid that danger point!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - i'm so glad you get to bubble with your son!! We are allowed to hook up with another family if solo as well, but all my friends have big families lol ... so there's no room at the inn!

    One of my good friends who is being super careful like me and following the rules (we met before Christmas in the parking lot of a train station in our cars so we could stay apart and still yap) has suggested a walk next week if the snow holds off... they recently opened a golf course near us as a trial run over the winter and as you're walking on the course itself, there is ample space to keep well apart to walk (most trails are too narrow to be able to do it) so i'm looking forward to that.. i'm tired of my own company!!

    i found your comment about the compulsion and being on edge if you dont eat intersting for sure because im trying to wean myself off potato chips.. it may sound goofy but during this pandemic i have literally been eating a large bag almost every day... (yup i'm admitting that here and now)... and if i dont have any in the house, i start feeling twitchy and on edge.. almost like an addiction. I actually went almost a week without any, and then i thought ok i can buy them and just have them here.. knowing that should be enough. But no... sigh.. i ate the damn thing. So i know i can't have them in the house... but i dunno how to deal with the twitches except to go cold turkey... i decided i was going to allow myself a bag a week.. so technically i guess that was my bag for week one... uh huh.

    anyway i hope the SAD light box works!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks for the congrats Snoozie. I can’t imagine how many calories I must have been eating before for me to be able to show a loss now. The logging really is helping me to make some better choices though.

    When you know that you have some availability for a zoom let us know, Vail. I’m on the Eastern time zone so I think that’s five hours behind you? I think it would be awesome to put some faces with names. I think I’ve been chatting with y’all online for five or six years now! Wow!

    I’m so glad you get to see your son, Vail. It’s got to be scary for you in your job but also as a mom with him working with COVID patients. They’re telling us that the current vaccine is effective for the new strain. I certainly hope it is. Stay vigilant!

    As far as the nighttime eating? I’ve started getting in bed early and reading. I’m lazy enough that I won’t get up and walk to the kitchen and I won’t eat in bed because...eeewww. Lol. Yesterday I was so hungry and it wasn’t time for dinner so I had a hot cup of chai tea. It seemed to help. I’m worried that the eating before bed will become a habit for you and we all know that habits are hard to break. Maybe a new nighttime routine? I’d tell you to choose veggies instead but let’s be realistic, that’s not what your brain wants. I hope the light helps.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    edited January 2021
    Ugh! I’ve been hungry all day! I just want to eat everything in sight! Nothing seems to help. Maybe I’ll try the hot cuppa again. This is ridiculous.

    ***Update*** Four hours later and I freely admit to completely blowing my calories today. Oh well. Today apparently was not THE day. I’m not going to let it get me down. I’m back on it tomorrow. The only good thing is that I did log every bit of it. I need to figure out a way to handle hunger days though.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning.. I'm still on my first coffee so i don't know how coherent this will be lol..

    Suzy omg... that was so ME last night!! (ALTHO it was the night before i ate my way thru the kitchen)..

    but last night I was actually on track to hit my calorie goal for the very first time; i logged my day in the morning and when i saw my plan i was like omg.. 1474 cals.. (my daily one is set to 1400). So i went into the day pumped.. i stuck to the plan and i even got in a lovely long walk and had a nice dinner.. and even had my cookie after dinner as planned.. i was feeling pretty smug by then..

    By 8pm i was peeling an orange.. by 830 I was rooting thru the cupboards desperately looking for SOMETHING.. but there was nothing junky.. i SWEAR i opened every cupboard at least 3 times, moving cans rummaging around.. i had some tortilla chips but that wasn't going to cut it... i was like a SEAL on a mission.. and i was getting angrier by the minute when i couldnt find anything!! i even opened the freezer - and my eyes darted to some chicken wings left from my NYE feed.. it was probably around 930 then.. i started calculating how long to pre heat the oven, how long they would take to cook, yada yada... and it was too much WORK to make those.. i shook out a handful of chocolate chips while i rummaged some more..

    i finally gave up around 10 and sat and pouted on the couch... and the fire alarm went off in the building LOLOL.. WHICH just annoyed me even more because it went on and on and on and the concierge kept coming on the speaker yelling "attention..attention...attention.." (which they always do updating the fire dept is on the way etc.. our alarms go off frequently btw) anyway.. after listening to the ear splitting horn in my unit for almost 40 min i was so crazed i wanted to pop those wings in and add some spring rolls and other crap still in the freezer lol... seriously ... but i was too tired by then so i just went to bed...hungry and angry LOL..

    But I was hungry a few times yesterday .. i honestly think its because my tummy is used to so much more food coming in - so im just gonna have to get used to being a bit hungry now and then... i also realized im going to have to make sure i have some quick and healthier snacks like veg and dip or a small chunk of cheese on hand to keep me from hitting starving before meals - because thats something else i notice.. when i'm starving i of course eat a lot more, gulping it so fast because im starved and i just keep gulping without thinking about am i full - i am like the energizer bunny in a bad way.. i jsut keep going and going lol.

    But then i hopped on the scale this morning and was down a little for the first time in a long time - so i decided for me i'm going to do the check in anytime i lose rather than once a week.. i think im going to need seeing that to stay consistent and keep me positive..

    So Suz.. remember one day is just like one tree in a forest.. and since weigh loss is linear one day won't derail you from this week, or next week or this month.. we're doing so much better than we have over the past year right now and we're making progress, and that's what we're looking for right?? Not perfection just progress!! hugs
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    P.S. that same shrink that was talking about the frontal lobe reacting to stress by kicking up our "need to eat" mode..

    She also mentioned that even thinking about what to make every day can be a stressor (ya big surprise) lol. but one way to avoid some of it was to have a morning routine where you have the same thing every morning for breakfast - it takes the stress of trying to think about what to have off the table..

    only problem with that is, im not one of those people who can have the same thing every day lol.. but right now??? I'm hungry and i'm wandering around wondering what to have for breakfast LOL.. and i AM stressing!! ha..