2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Okay, so I logged my meals but then we ordered pizza for dinner instead. I ended up 250 calories over for the day. I really expected it to be more. I think you’re right and I’m trying to gear up for a change in my eating habits….a welcome change. I miss veggies!!!

    I can’t believe her classes are full up to December already! Wow! Our local YMCA has classes with limited numbers and you have to reserve a spot no more than 24 hours in advance. I can’t seem to clear my Tuesday and Thursday mornings so that I can go. This week I was watching the baby on Tuesday and I have to go work on my parent’s house tomorrow. It’s always something. I need to make my health a priority.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy you've basically been living out of a suitcase for the past few months remember... i'm sure once you're in your own place and into your own routine again and your own space, you'll be able to have the TIME to focus on yourself .. right now you have your hands full (outside of the suitcases!) BUT you're still starting to log again... so me thinks by the time you do get in and settled you'll be raring to go with your health... but be kind to yourself til things settle a bit.. its only a couple of weeks left and then you'll be a little less stressed too!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Snoozie, thank you for always being so encouraging. It means a lot!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    SO glad you heard from Milove, I was worried for her. Excellent news on your A1C Snoozie!! That is a wonderful number for a type 2.

    Suzy, please don't let that number on the scale stress you out, you have been through so much these past months , with moving, new baby to help with( I know you love that part though) you will get back to where you feel better about your numbers. You know you will! along with us all, we have been through some things!

    The trips have been awesome!1 I ate so much food, I may not find enough stretchy thigs to wear though! lol That's the best part of Vaca for us, everyone except my hubby....he just eats to live. We live to EAT!!!

    The mountains or Bluff ,as it were, was beautiful!! so peaceful, even though we were a bit worried about not having a home to come back to ,if Ida headed our way, but she didn't. Houma took one for the team this time...it stayed there and slowed down, all while destroying them.

    I came home and left the next day for 4 days at the beach, by myself!! loved it!! Found a great little place serving fresh Thai Food...so yummy, homemade eggrolls out of Phyllo...so crunchy but not thick, chewy like Chinese egg rolls. I am won't to go back just for those. lol Beachtime is a close second.
    Time to go home...
    Take care my friends,
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Beach time by yourself?!!!! Oh my gosh!! That would be heaven!! I’m so glad you were able to go on your trips and have such a good time.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Glad you had a good trip, and definitely part of the experience has to be tasting new food! Those Thai rolls sound delicious. Thank goodness you did have a home to come back to. That must have been nerve-wracking! But maybe best to be away somewhere beautiful and relaxing.

    Well done on the logging, Suzy! I agree with Snoozie - I hope when you're settled into your new home you can focus on you a bit more. It sounds like you do an awful lot of helping family out. Which is great, of course, but must be tiring and make it more difficult. And then the weight will fall off! Well, maybe not, but it will be easier.

    Not that I can talk, as I have no excuse at the moment! I really need to go back to basics again. I went out for a walk with a group this morning, great, exercise! But we stopped at a cafe, and of course I had a slice of cake which I definitely didn't need, and to be honest, didn't particularly want, I just wanted to eat socially. There was only one other chubbier person there and when she saw my cake she had a slice too, which I encouraged, and it turned out we were the only two cake snafflers, so now I feel guilty for encouraging her when she's probably in the same position as me and trying to resist! Then I got home and didn't feel like doing anything else because I'd been so "active". Plonked myself down and it took an effort of will to get up and do the housework!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    edited September 2021
    Why do we do that to ourselves? Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. At least you walked and made yourself do the housework.

    My mom is back in the hospital. She has pneumonia due to aspirating while drinking fluids. My sister made a nuisance of herself until they let her in to see mom today. Mom can’t hear and has cognitive issues so it’s really exasperating to not be able to be there to help her understand what’s going on. I stayed with dad all day Monday and with mom all afternoon Tuesday while she was still in the ER until a bed opened up. She might get out late tomorrow because they need the bed so badly. Luckily the ER is a separate building and Covid patients are in a whole different area than where we were. I wasn’t thrilled about being anywhere near a hospital right now. Kudos and undying admiration and respect for all healthcare workers!

    We started work on our house today. It’s a mess and has to be thoroughly cleaned top to bottom. I can’t believe that we agreed to let them live there for 45 days, rent free and then they didn’t even clean up. Jeez. There’s no trash or anything, it’s just dirty. Add that to my to do list.

    I saw Seehe logged in today. I hope she checks in with us.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - I can totally relate to your cake episode!! While I was on vacay.. a few times i ate either dessert or snacks basically because someone went to the trouble of putting them out, not because i wanted them.. and like you i felt an obligation to be social.. food has always been part of any type of social gathering in my world... so it's awfully hard to have someone put out a plate of appys or a dessert and say no thank you..

    Even a few times. .as much as I love my sister... she would often put out chips and dips and a platter of veggies to munch while sitting on the deck with a glass of wine.. well .. like i'm gonna choose the veggies?? (i did actually.. but you KNOW i ate all the damn chips too!) I finally had to say pls don't put out any more chips... if they are there i will eat them.. if i want some i'll get them but ... and of course eating at the cousins they often went all out with the food... and like you.. i didn't necessarily even want some of the stuff... i remember one evening my cuz put out this amazing cheese platter with a bunch of lovely different cheeses and crackers... we were having dinner in an hour but did that stop me from diving in? Nooooo... can I claim it was because i was hungry? nope!! I felt pressure to eat.. but that pressure was coming from me not them... sigh.. i also say kudos you forced yourself to get up and do housework lol...

    Suzy.. are you SERIOUS????? who doesn't clean a place they are leaving, even every apartment i ever rented I cleaned thoroughly before i left!!! let alone a sale of a place i was living in... holy hell!! everyone knows you leave the last day for all the cleaning??? That completely sucks especially after you were indeed kind enough to let them stay there... grrrrr

    I guess the only consolation i can offer is that at least you'll know once YOU thoroughly clean the place, it will really be yours and all trace of the goofs will be gone!

    I'm so sorry to hear your mom is in hospital and kudos to your sister for bullying her way in.. not gonna lie i am just like her lol.. i am always super polite but i'm going in .. whether to recovery or just to sit in the room with my mom, etc... I am so glad she is separated from the covid area and I will send prayers and good thoughts she gets released soon! you must be exhausted with adding in the circumstances with your mom and being with your dad on top of everything else... be kind to yourself right now... just take one day, or heck one hour at a time.. try not to let everything overwhelm you at once (if that's even possible!) October may very well be your fresh start for everything including some potential down time (at least I hope so!!) Sending hugs

    Gail - lovely to see you and i'm so thrilled you not only got away, but got some time to yourself at the beach! Woo hoo!!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    edited September 2021
    Just stopping by to say hi and I’m still alive and kicking! Incredibly busy and will catch up in a few days! Have a good weekend Hatters!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I've been watching the calendar Suzy - only 3 more days til move in to your new home!! We'll have to have a virtual housewarming party for you LOL!! Can only imagine how busy you are =- hope you got all the damn cleaning they left you done and you're excited about move in!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Just got home and wanted to check in. My siblings are in town to see my mom because she told us all that she’s not going to be here next weekend. So I went to town to spend the afternoon/evening with all of them and my parents. Mom isn’t doing well at all.

    Most of the cleaning is done. Just the kitchen and guest bathroom left. Countertops and backsplash are being done so I’ll clean kitchen after that. Tomorrow I’m hanging all new shelving in the master closet by myself. Should be a treat. Appliances are being delivered tomorrow but the oven has been delayed and our (much needed) new bed has been delayed until mid October.

    Tuesday I’m going back to see my siblings and parents. Come on Wednesday! We’ll be in our own home after a very long day of moving, I’m sure! I sure am going to miss seeing my granddaughter every day though.

    How is everyone doing? How are things going for all of you?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy.. i'm so sorry to hear your mom isnt doing well.. sending hugs and prayers your way!!

    yikes on the bed and appliances delay .. i know here with covid many people are having a hard time getting appliances because of delays in shipping so fingers crossed it wont be too long before you get them.. especially the bed more than the oven LOL!!

    Nothing new to report at my end... near the end of next month i'm going to be getting together with my 2 best friends; we've been friends for almost 40 yrs and since covid havent been able to because we all live far away from each other but now restaurants are open indoors here for double vaxxed peeps, we've made arrangements to have lunch in our usual "mid way" point for all so im really looking forward to that. Also our Thanksgiving here in Canada is earlier than yours - Oct 14th so i ordered a TG turkey dinner from a local restaurant thats doing them up again.. i got one for Easter during hte pandemic and it was awesome.. turkey dinner with all the fixings so as soon as i saw them post they were doing it for TG, i ordered one for pick up LOL.. last time it was such a big dinner it fed me for 3 meals so im hoping for the same - no cooking for 2 days woo hoo

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - happy moving in day tomorrow!!!!! I hope today wasn't too hard with the siblings and your mom.... sending hugs..... i know you must be exhausted but at least tomorrow you'll be into your new home (altho no bed to sleep on... do u have blow up air mattresses at least or a spare bed???

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thank you so much Snoozie! We do have a guest bed that we can sleep in but no idea where the sheets and such will be. We decided that we’ll spend our last night at our daughter’s house tomorrow night after moving everything into our house. One last night with my grandbaby!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol that's a good idea!! After a day of moving, having a nice, made up bed to sleep in will be very welcome lol! Good luck with the move today - how far away (drive) are you going to be from your daughter in your new place btw??

    Happy housewarming... i was thinking I should send you some of our nice Niagara region wines as a housewarming gift!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks Snoozie! The move went well. We scheduled four movers for four hours and they sent two people. It took five hours and I was having to move stuff but we got it done. We have one truckload from our daughter’s house that will happen on Thursday of next week and we’ll be done. I definitely got in my strength training and steps on Wednesday!

    The backsplash in the kitchen will be done tomorrow (fingers crossed) so then I can clean the kitchen, go grocery shopping and start eating better. We’re both looking forward to that!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Yikes on only sending 2 instead of the 4 you ordered!! I'm glad you got it done even if you had to pitch in and help.... will keep fingers crossed the backsplash gets finished tomorrow and you can start relaxing (a tiny bit anyway!) and getting things sorted back to your own routine ... altho it will prolly take a little while to get everything where you want it and ready to rock!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Has your pickleball partner returned home yet? What have you been up to lately?

    Vail? How are things with you?

    Gail? Did we hear how your travels went and I’ve just missed it?

    Milove, we would love to hear from you and hope everything is well in your area.

    I’ve been so wrapped up in my own day to day that I feel like I’ve missed things.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Happy backsplash day Suzy LOL

    my pb partner got home thurs nite.. i've been playing with the doubles group while she was gone and quite enjoyed it i must say.. nice for the social aspect as well, able to enjoy while outdoors. This morning she and I are going to just play singles so i can hear about her trip to see her family and we can catch up tho..

    Not much going on here.. i did have lunch on a patio at a restaurant with a friend the other day.. it was a bit cool but quite enjoyed it.. even with just being on a patio you have to scan a code into your phone outside the place, fill in the contact stuff then u get a confirmation which u show to the host to get a table.. for dining anywhere indoors you have to show a valid vax card (which I'm all for, I'm just not really ready to eat indoors yet.. altho at the end of the month im having lunch with my 2 besties indoors.. the restaurant has said we can only have the table for 2 hrs .. which isn't going to be nearly enough for our catch up LOLOL.. but I'm quite looking forward to it!

    I recently decided to get back into volunteering but something a little more meaningful this time.. the LAC was fun and different for sure, but it wasn't exactly giving back lol.. so in June I applied to the Red Cross here for their Emergency Response Team positions.. both local and across Canada.. it took about 3 months to get the background checks and interviews (phone) done and I finally got accepted, so I've been doing a lot of online training courses for that.. its been good got my brain working again. I've just finished them so I'm not quite sure what comes next.. usually it's classroom work and role playing scenarios but with Covid I'm not sure so I'll just wait and see..

    other than that.. pretty much the same here.. Im not ready to start fitness classes indoors here yet.. but im thinking maybe in january depending on how things go.. i may take one at the seniors centre. The rec centres have them too, but they also have a lot of kids programs that use the same gym we would for pb and classes.. and with kids not vaccinated and being indoors... i figure at least at the seniors centre, there are no kids and everyone has to be vaccinated.. so might be a safer more comfortable route. But im hoping the weather stays decent enough through November at least that we can continue to play pb outdoors as long as possible!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    You’ve known your best friends for almost 40 years and haven’t seen each other since Covid started? Two hours is not near enough time for that reunion! I hope you’ll have nice weather and can continue your chat outdoors somewhere. That will be a wonderful outing!

    I’m so impressed with your volunteer efforts! That’s so awesome! When I finally get a bit settled I want to find something meaningful to do. I also need to find a way to meet people and get to know my new community.

    Backsplash guys were a no show today. I think it’s been rescheduled for Monday.

    We think we’ve found a doctor practice. My husband went already and I need to make an appointment. He liked the doctor he saw. She spent a lot of time with him and was very thorough. Supposedly they lean more towards a holistic approach as a first response to things like cholesterol, high blood pressure and such….more physical therapy and less surgery.