2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’ve been drinking the tea hot but I guess you could drink it cold. I’m just the opposite, can’t stand coffee. I love the smell but it’s just too bitter for me. I never used to be bothered by caffeine but now I try to avoid it after around 4:00. Lol. I’m getting so old!!

    I recorded a loss today!!! Yay!!! I decided to log it so that I have added incentive to stay on track. It’s all mind games but whatever works! Lol.

    We’ve had a mild winter (she says while knocking on wood). It’s just so cold! Come on spring!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I crawled around on the floor playing with my grandbaby yesterday and in the middle of the night, when I got up to go to the bathroom, I couldn’t even put any weight on it. It hurt sooooo bad! It’s all okay now but, wow! It really hurt! I am getting so old! Lol. I’ll have to get some knee pads.

    I am craving pizza for dinner. What do you do when you have a craving like this? I don’t want to give in. I’m planning on making chicken quesadillas with my low carb 45 calorie tortillas and fat free cheese. Somehow it just doesn’t sound as good as pizza. Lol.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Made it through the snow-magedden! more details later....
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Glad you’re okay, Gail! I have family in Texas and have been so worried for them.

    Well, I gave in tonight and ate the damn pizza. Lol. It’s all good. I got it out of my system and can stop obsessing now. I just have to cut back over the next few days to make up for it. If only I could stop eating once I’ve had one piece instead of eating three huge pieces. Self control....if I had mastered that then I wouldn’t be in this mess.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi .. sorry i've been MIA it was one of those weeks - my washing machine broke and between cleaning up the flooding and removing everything from the shelving units (floor to ceiling) and pulling the shelves units out and gettting a repair guy in yada yada.. but turns out its not worth repairing and had a to order a new one but didn't realize a lot of appliances are hard to get during pandemic .. anyway then my back and leg gave me probs and my hand also so it was just a busy time.. hopefully the new one will be here by saturday if not before so it's all sorted..

    Then i decided to empty my fridge freezer.. i piled everything on the counter separated with meat, veg, etc.. because it has been jammed full of stuff for so long and i keep digging thru it trying to use up stuff... you would NOT believe how much stuff i have in that tiny little freezer lol. anyway then i made a list of everything in there by category and moved the rack around and put everything back in and stuck the list on the fridge... i am hoping it will make food prep easier and simpler cause i can base it on what i know i have now.. so that's kept me busy... i've done pretty well with staying away from crap but i'm not losing any weight.. i wont weigh in til the 28th this month and we'll see by then... and i have bloodwork tomorrow... so we'll see what happens there..

    anyway things have calmed down so im back... :)
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh my gosh! That’s a lot to have happen all at once. My daughter had to buy a new washer and dryer when they moved and she was shocked at how long she would have to wait. This pandemic has shown us how we’ve taken availability of pretty much everything for granted. They ordered a new couch in November and just found out that it will be ready in June! Wow!

    I hope your bloodwork goes well. I really need to do that myself. Fingers crossed for you!

    Great idea on the list on the fridge. I tried to do that for my parents because they have a side by side freezer/fridge and another freezer in their garage. Nothing is in its original packaging. They use old Splenda bags to freeze things so everything looks the same or is a frozen block of aluminum foil. Lol. Anyway, the key is to keep the list updated, which they did not. Ugh. Total frustration.

    I took my first fifteen minute brisk walks on Saturday and Sunday. Today was my “off” day. It’s going to take me forever to work back up to all day hikes. I’m just praying that I can do it all pain free eventually. Baby steps, indeed!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm just checking in so you know I'm alive and well. I have been coming here often and reading your posts and thinking of you, but can't seem to get my head straight to post myself! I do really love reading your posts so just thought I'd let you know that you are being helpful and entertaining even if you're not getting feedback from me!

    Just have to say I'm also trying to use the freezer more. I kind of stock it up, then just buy fresh stuff to cook. Then eventually I'll end up throwing stuff away because it has been there for months and I think it won't taste so good any more and I don't want to waste the calories. If it's packaged I keep the original packaging, so that I know what it is but also because the picture often looks more appetising than the actual frozen thing inside. With things I cook myself, I am very guilty of putting them in without a label then not knowing what they are, and if I don't know what they are they get chucked. What a waste! I have never done a list, but I think it's a great idea!

    I hope you are all OK! Glad to hear you are able to get out walking, Suzy and hope you're back to pain-free hiking as soon as possible (it does sound like a long haul). Good luck with your bloodwork, Snoozie, and with the other health issues.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Good to hear from you, Vail!

    What a day! My mom is back in the hospital. She fell in the wee hours this morning and broke her hip. They’re operating tomorrow to do a partial replacement. She isn’t allowed any visitors and she can’t understand a word anyone says. My sister was able to stay with her in the ER to get all the admission details done but now she’s on her own. It’s going to be a long rough recovery for her and I’m not very optimistic that she’s up for it. My dad’s memory issues are getting so much worse. I went over tonight to pack mom a bag and to help dad pack a suitcase to go stay with my sister. She insisted. He’s not thrilled but it’s for the best. She lives in an estate...seriously, it’s huge! So she has plenty of room.

    On a more positive note...today was my day with my granddaughter and she was such a joy!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm so sorry about your mom. Hoping for good recovery for her, even though you are prepared for it being long and rough. It's good that your dad is going to your sister. Thank goodness for that little face to keep you smiling! She looks such a joy!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    So much going on in our lives!! but we are still kicking it looks like.

    Sorry to hear about your trouble Snoozie! It seems to all happen at one time.

    Suzy, sorry to hear your mom fell. and broke her hip. That is such a hard thing for them to get over....wishing her the best. We are lucky with Will's mom. She falls all the time, but no broken bones so far.
    OMGoodness!! That may be the cutest baby I have ever seen! Adorable!!

    Vail, hoping things are looking up for you all in the UK.

    We went through the Snow-magedden just fine....only out of power for 28 hours . Other were not so fortunate. Especially Texans, they were having no power, no water, no food and some had pipes burst...destroying their homes...so sad. Warm weather areas are just not built to withstand such trauma.

    I did take a ride on the ice....it was over in a split second...one minute upright , next flat on my butt on the ground! looking around to see who saw me. I imagined every window had someone looking out just waiting for me to bust it!! Wrenched my arm and shoulder with the way my arm tried to catch my fall.. Instinct. But I quickly got up and walked around on the carport, so anyone watching would go..."eh she's ok" Then went inside to put BenGay on my arm and shoulder so I would be able to work...when we got back... it is better now .

    Now we are back to warm weather and short sleeves, air conditioner on... Mississippi weather for sure.

    Be sweet girls!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy.. omg i'm so sorry to hear about your mom's fall... and the broken hip... that's horrible and i can't even imagine what she's going through... i'm glad your dad is going to your sisters in the interim... will they send your mom to a rehab place after the surgery while she recovers? I hope they wont be sending her home without any support there as she recovers!! Wow.. im really sorry to hear about it... poor thing... and we all know when your recovering from surgery you don't hear half of what the doctors do say when they pop in for 2 seconds... oh wow.. sending hugs

    LOVE that pic of you and your grand daughter its SO cute!! you both look so happy lol!! bet it was a nice bright spot in your day for sure...

    Vail glad to see you .. miss having you around!

    Gail.. i was thinking about all my "internet" friends in the states affected by the snowstorm.. especially those in Texas it was such a horrific situation.. i am glad you all came thru ok but i can't believe you're in short sleeves and air conditioning now!! Slipping on the ice is something that happens to us a lot here and we do the same.. everyone looks around as if to say "ya i meant to do that" in case anyone is watching lol... then we limp off to see what hurts... most of us use crampons on our boots but of course you'd have no use for those lol.. but we've all done it.. im glad you're better now cause anytime i hit the ground, it always feel like i got hit by a mack truck the next day..

    i spent the day removing the other shelving unit from the laundry room in prep for the new washer... its a very small space maybe 4 x 6 room.. so i figured i should take it all out now clean everything and put it back after the new machine comes in.. there were boxes on the shelves i havent looked at for 20 yrs cause i cant get at them once the washer is in there lol.. so i managed to condense 3 boxes of stuff into one big rubbermaide plastic bin... if we get out of lockdown on March 8 as planned, i can drop of a bunch of xmas decorations to Goodwill and free up some room. I found one box that literally had 2 pkgs of tinsel and a few plastic ornaments.. in a huge box otherwise empty lol... so at least its done and once its back no doubt i wont take it out again for another 20 yrs lol...

    anyway... that's all i got.. gonna be an early night for me so will check on all of you tomorrow...
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh Gail, you gave me good laugh! I hope you’re okay after your fall but the visual was priceless. I think we can all relate to that at least once in our lives. I do hope you’re not too sore. I have family in the Dallas and San Antonio area and was so worried for them. What a mess!

    Snoozie, don’t you just love getting neglected areas cleaned out and organized? I know I do! I hope you can get back out after March 8th. This has got to end sometime!

    My dad ended up staying with me last night and tonight. We went over to his house all day and he finally, FINALLY, let me help him start getting his desk cleaned out and all the stacks of paperwork organized. We spent hours! We’ve got a lot left to do. The good news is that I was so busy today that I didn’t eat much!

    Mom had her surgery and it went well. I wish we could visit but it’s not allowed. She will be moved to a rehab facility on Monday. I wonder if she will recover enough to go back home. Time will tell.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’m very disappointed in my progress this past month. I had a goal of losing just three and a half pounds and didn’t make it. I only managed two and a half but at least it was a loss and not a gain. I continue to self sabotage by doing so well and then having a day of total meltdown. On the positive side, I think the meltdown days are getting further apart so that’s good. I’m continuing to log absolutely everything and it has helped me to look back and see the trends. I know I’m an emotional eater so I’ve really got to keep an eye on my calories with everything going on. I wish I could get out and go for a really long walk or hike but that’s just not possible with my foot hurting. I was on my feet almost all day Friday and I’m paying for it.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy... just a suggestion but maybe a wee change in your thinking could help - you LOST weight in February.. period!! That was your goal to lose weight right?? So maybe for March just keep your goal to "I want to lose weight".. that way without a specific number you will strive for losing it but wont have to deal with any perception that you didn't meet a specific number goal?? I honestly think it's great you had a loss!!! I GAINED in Feb.. and i was actually afraid to step on the scale this morning!! I've been playing ostrich and diving into the emotional eating and it's showing.. and i don't have anywhere near the stress you're under!! So congratulate yourself on having lost weight in both january and february, and use that to keep ya doing the same thru March... Im very impressed you've done so great on the logging too... so i think there's lots to celebrate for you!! :)
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks Snoozie. I know, I know... I am happy with a loss. I’m just a very goal oriented person but if I start falling behind on my goal weight for each month then I will reevaluate and make my goals more realistic for me. I can only imagine how hard it is being stuck at home with no outlet for all your energy and emotions. Of course you’re eating! Who wouldn’t?!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Lol I get it I think I forgot about the specific goal aspect being a big one for you 👌. You really are doing good though showing a loss for both months so just keep doing what you’re doing!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    It’s been a really tough day y’all. I got to see my mom and give her a hug as they transported her to a nursing home/rehab facility. It broke my heart. I really think there’s a possibility that it could be the last time I get to hug her. I’m a wreck. Damn the calories; I had a gin and tonic. This is so difficult.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm so sorry, Suzy. No wonder you need a drink. Nothing I can say - just hoping for the best outcome possible, that the nursing home is good and she's being well looked after and that you do get to have another hug soon. Thinking of you x x
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy thinking about you tonite - heart wrenching situation for you and your mom....hugs