2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Happy Easter!

    Restaurants are closed here, but will be opening soon. Would you believe, there was a government funded scheme in August last year which paid people to eat out at restaurants (often without distancing or masks). It's now thought that scheme is what started our infection numbers rising again. Hopefully it will be safer this time with so many vaccinated. I'm planning on going out with friends to outdoor restaurants when they open up, as it seems outdoors really reduces the risk. I'm quite lucky in that I'm in walking distance of various eateries, although at the moment we seem to be choosing according to covid safety rather than cuisine, lol!

    Hope you enjoy your turkey dinner, Snoozie! Sounds like you are getting good value making it last a couple of days!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail that govt incentive sounds insane!! I can't WAIT to be able to eat on a patio (outdoor restaurant) - it's funny because our hair salons, gyms and all restaurants in or out have been closed here since November - and yet the cases keep skyrocketing... so obviously it isn't either of those kinds of places that are responsible since the cases have steadily gone up the whole time they have been closed..

    the only things that have been open throughout are the grocery stores and "big box" (Costco, etc) - so I can completely understand why the restaurants and salons are feeling targeted, and even my little pea brain can figure out if everything else is closed, the only places for all this transmission are the community spread from factory type workplaces with huge numbers of employees.. and people breaking the rules and getting together enmasse spreading it thru the communities. and the scary part now the variants are outrunning the vaccines here..

    and our govt in all its wisdom.. has decided on continuing our 'lockdown" for another 28 days.. EXCEPT.. they are allowing ALL retail stores to remain open at 25% capacity; and the big box ones to stay open at 50% capacity. ????? HOW is that going to stop the spread and why are they calling it a lockdown??? Honest to god I seriously wish they would simply shut down everything except absolutely essential services for the month like they did last March.. and let's get this over and done with.. all these "half measures" aren't doing anything in my opinion.... oh wait... that's right nobody asked my opinion !!!

    On a brighter note.. my meal i got was excellent.. even the stuffing and I'm pretty picky about stuffing lol.. the green beans were still crisp and the turkey was moist and the choc cake was one of the best i've ever had.. adn i've had a lot hahaha.. There was absolutely too much food tho so I easily filled a plate with only half and enjoyed every bite.. I also picked up a tub of soup they had just made.. a potato, onion and collard green one.. never had it before so that will be dinner tomorrow after the pig fest today. For logging i simply chose "full turkey dinner" x2 from the food list lol...

    Andrew Lloyd Weber is live streaming one of my favourite performances of Jesus Christ Superstar free all weekend on youtube... Tim Minchin plays Judas and does an amazing performance.. i think it's at Albert Hall in England Vail?? Anyway.. while the original remains my fav, I did love this live performance and have watched it twice already today while I puttered lol... if you love musicals its on youtube under "the show must go on" or go to ALW's FB page and the link is there too.. I am an unapologetic lover of all musicals I admit lol.. I used to love going to the theatre for them pre pandemic and the last one i saw was Come From Away which was also amazing.. funny enough the only one i didn't like was Bat out of Hell... go figure!!

    OK i'm boring even myself here.... lol Happy Easter all!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Happy Easter! I’m so glad your turkey dinner was a hit! It sounds delicious! And you got a bonus second meal from it!

    Our restaurants have been open for quite awhile here. They’re not at full capacity and most also offer curbside pickup. I honestly stopped watching the news a few months ago. I just couldn’t deal with the constant negativity and crisis reporting. So I admit to being in the dark about our Covid numbers.

    I’m packing boxes again today. That’s going to be my life for the next two weeks. I’m so stressed out about this move. What if our house doesn’t sell, what if it sells but for way less than we expected and then we can’t afford the type of house we want? What if the inspection finds some major issue that will cost thousands? Ugh. I just want it to be over and done.

    I saw JCSS in London back in 1975/76? It’s always been one of my favs as well. I’ll check that performance out on YouTube. Thanks!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I WAY overindulged tonight. We grilled steaks and I was starving! Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Snoozie, I can so totally relate to you selling your brother-in-law’s stuff online. I’m giving stuff away free and still have flakey people. It’s so exasperating!!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL Suzy..... i learned a lot from that experience.. what i would and wouldnt do again.. my big mistake at the beginning was arranging different times..... half way thru i thought nuts to that... and from then on i would pick two days every week... usually the weekend as people were off... and said if you want to pick it up you HAVE to come between 10am and 4pm on one of those days.. and you tell me now which day... it was just getting too crazy having to be up at his place at different days and hours... so when i put the ads on FB marketplace i specified right in the ad.. PICKUP DATES FOR ALL ITEMS ARE SAT OR SUN NOV 22/23 between 10-4 ONLY. I made one exception only for the big dining room set (because we were afraid we wouldnt get rid of it lol) and the lady could only get a truck one evening so it was to our benefit to accomodate her. But

    it was much easier when i did it that way.. i just kept a notebook with the name of the person, the item they were picking up and the price lol.. the worst part was dealing with the people making inquiries about the stuff... for some reason they all seemed to do it at like 10pm at night online... ??? so i would go over whatever the item was... say a dresser.. answer any questions, and have them confirm the price and time in the message ... i had a few no shows or cancellations.... but as soon as that happened i just put the item back on sale online and we were lucky that we got almost immediate requests for the stuff... but it's an experience for sure!!

    I made a huge mistake getting that big dinner.... my tummy was just getting used to smaller amounts and less food... and since then i am starving all the time and eating all the time!!!!! omg... im mostly back on track today thank goodness.. but man that was a dumb idea .. it was good but bad timing considering lol

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I don’t know....we all have to get used to occasionally splurging. It sounds like you handled it well and really appreciated the meal at the time. The worst is when you eat indiscriminately, just to be eating, and none of it is really satisfying.

    My biggest obstacle right now is that I feel like I deserve a G&T at night before dinner after packing and cleaning all day. Then I make really poor decisions. I need to pour the gin down the drain! :D

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol...personally i think you earn a G^T every day with all that you are doing! but yes it's the choices AFTER the drink that tend to go astray lol

    im thnking there are less calories in TWO gin and tonics than in randomly eating after... so maybe the answer is 2 drinks and no food after dinner lol .. you might sleep good too that way? haha
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Tonight it was TFP again!!!! Aaarrrgh!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I didn't have the TFP but... i walked over 7 km (almost 5 miles i guess?) today when i went up to the conservancy.. there was a break in there when i met a friend and had a SD visit .... but total walkies was just over 7km and all i had today was a piece of toast for breakfast (and my 4 coffees LOL).. so when i got home tonite i was starving.. thankfully i had taken out a tub of a casserole type thing from the freezer.. an individual serving.... but i added some corn alongside and while i was waiting for it to heat up, i ate some of the cold corn right out of the can!!! Yes I really did... and then i ate the whole tub of the casserole and the rest of the corn.... sigh... quantity wise ... ya not good!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    OMG, it could have been so much worse! I think you did great. And you got in a really nice long walk!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Makes me feel a bit better, I am not alone....I take it personally....smiles... feel like they are targeting me for some reason. plus I am using company computer for my food updates for our group thingy at work,,,,,,so it worries me to see something like that.

    I still can't find time to read posts. but know I am with you all in spirit! keep doing good things.

    Always friends virtually !! lol
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Nice to see you checking in, Gail! You sound busy as ever.

    Your Easter dinner sounds like it was really good, Snoozie! Although I know what you mean about eating a big meal making you hungry the following days! I know the Jesus Christ Superstar version you are talking about. I did think of going to see that tour, but tickets were very expensive and it only played a few venues. I have seen Tim Minchin live though (as himself!) and he was fantastic. What a talented guy!

    Jesus Christ Superstar I must have seen live at least four times. One was with Glenn Carter who was also in a film of it (not the Ted Neeley one, but a later one).

    Good luck with all the packing and sorting things for moving, Suzy. It does sound stressful and tiring!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Oh i know what you mean Vail - as much as I LOVE live musical theatre (well not just musicals but they are my favs lol) the cost of the tickets can be insane... when I saw Wicked i went with the "cheap" seats ... they weren't the greatest tho... and after I wished i had coughed up a little more for the "mid cheap" ones LOLOL.. of course that's all a dream now - i can't even imagine when shows will resume at this point.. I watched a documentary on the devastation of Broadway from covid as well.. and it made me realize just how many people besides the actors are employed in those productions... I was thinking of your son Suzy znd wondering hows he doing - if i recall he is a lighting tech for lady A?? i hope he's doing ok

    As for the dinner, I totally regret it... I have completely slid into hell again.. stuffing carbs and anything else i can get my hands on in my face... I've actually gotten more take out in the past week than i have during the entire YEAR since this started... i need to get my @#$ together ....

    suzy.. hope the organizing and packing is going well.. or at least only 1 G and T needed a day lol.... how are you folks doing btw.. have they found someone they will tolerate as yet?
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    We just got back from Kansas City for my husband’s mother’s memorial service. She passed back in November but we waited hoping that the virus would be less prevalent and people could travel. It was a small, close family, outdoor thing.

    I’m sorry to hear that the Easter meal idea backfired. My diet the last three days has been atrocious. Yesterday all I had was donuts until a dinner of chicken and salad. Ridiculous. We need to just say, “well, that happened” and move on, Snoozie. Let’s get back to our logging and vigilance.

    I went room by room before we left and made a to-do list. It’s two full pages. I’ve decided to not let outside influences stress me out and just do the best I can every day to mark things off my list. It will be what it will be. Que sera sera (I have no idea if I spelled that right, forgive me Doris Day!)

    I wonder what the scale will tell me tomorrow morning. Lol. Whatever. I’m not going to let it derail me.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited April 2021
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy I'm glad you were able to go to the memorial for your mother in law.. Great idea on the lists... at least you can work your way thru them one at a time and as you said.. just carry on

    I KNOW for me the insane out of control eating is emotional... things are so out of control here now with the pandemic; these variants are wreaking havoc and we have now been in lockdown the long of anyone in North America.. and its getting to me .. i was doing ok but now with the resurgence of stuff.. im finding im stressing again and getting angry again at lots of little things..and people.. and i dont even want to read or watch tv or anything.. normally i can get myself out of a slump but this time i can't seem to ... then i get angry at myself (as well at at everyone else lol) for eating all the crap - well, you ALL know the cycle that happens.. so yes i have to slap myself upside the head.. or kick myself in the butt... or just pull up my big girl panties and say enough..

    So yes.. tomorrow... I will tell myself im done with the poor me thing ... and get back at remembering i AM worth taking care of!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Snoozie, I’m so sorry that you’re going through this for so long. It would wear on anyone’s mental health. I wish there was something I could say or do to lift your spirits. This will end one day. You will be able to get out and about. Your health and well being is definitely worth fighting for! Stay strong!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Thanks Suzy.. I'm trying to pull up my big girl panties - but they won't go over my hips!!!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member

    Tomorrow is a new day! Let’s get back to logging and get focused on our health. 60 is right around the corner! We can do this!!!