2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL.Vail - no reason you should remember i don't like curry - i know it's actually very popular in England... and here too I must say...

    its too funny.. when we USED to go out for fun there was a popular pub downtown we would meet at when everyone finished work.. but the most popular choice of meal was butter chicken for my friends... blahhhhhhh hahaha

    i've never eaten tofu.. don't really have anything against it it's just not something i've ever bought or made.. i'd eat it if someone served it to me as I'll pretty much try anything (except the aforementioned 4 things!) and weirdly.. i LOVE coconut cream pie when it's made from the Jello coconut pudding and without any actual real coconut in it lol.. how strange is that??? I don't know why i have such an aversion to anything coconut except I think whenever i smell it, i think of suntan lotion from when we were kids and i can't put it in my mouth lol

    i made a smiliar type thing as your stew/sauce... but i lost my mind and just shoved a big container in the freezer instead of splitting it up.. so i'll wait til i have something i can use it in for an actual meal then freeze that in individual servings. I am finding Im doing much better using stuff from the freezer now that i use the jamie oliver method of freezing everything flat... i made a good pot of chili the other day and put in freezer bags flat... and one of them i marked a line down and across.. scored it into 4 pieces in the bag so i can easily break off a small amount if i want it.. sometimes i use leftover taco shells to break up and put a little chili on with some sour cream as a snack

    and yes tofu is def med compliant... i have been trying to eat more grains and legumes and beans but its the breakfasts on the med that i struggle with... people just eat weird things on it for brekkie lol...

    Suzy - i meant to tell you - i read somewhere that having the same thing for breakfast every morning is really helpful when you're trying to lose weight... that we don't realize the unconscious stress of trying to figure out what to have every morning can release cortisone which we know is not good for weight loss.... i wish i could do that but i don't like eating the same things .. maybe its all the years of shift work having everything from roast beef dinners to bacon and eggs at "breakfast" time lol.. actually it used to drive me nuts on evening shift.. we would order out for dinner almost every night.. and the guys i worked with... i swear would be happy ordering the exact same thing (usually portuguese chicken with little roast potatoes!) for 7 days in a row..... by day 3 i was like omg can we please order something else LOLOL.. but i was usually outvoted ha.. now i think about it that was probably why i started making my own meals to take to work - self preservation!!

    Vail i really think it's awesome you are able to work administering the vaccine.. that would honestly give me such a feeling of ...work satisfaction maybe??? knowing i was vaccinating people.. and im glad its far less stressful for you than your regular work since its a much safer environment with everyone in PPE...

    I did pretty good yesterday with my eating.. i wasn't able to log everything simply because of the things like the stir fry and the home made soup i had for dinner would have required hours of logging all the individual ingredients lol... but this morning i realized i could have simply chosen those from the main food lists and just picked "home made soup" someone else had entered... it wouldnt be exact but i figure if i did that and used the highest calorie count one, it would at least be close. So i'll remember that moving forward :)

    we;re having a short spell of colder weather so i'm going to hold out for my walkies til it warms up (as such) a bit lol.. I have added doing 2 short workout videos to this week's goal.....and again just looking at one week at a time.. I'm a little embarrassed im doing rather easy workouts for seniors online... but i will work up to doing the videos my instructor put up from our in person classes we did.....

    right then.. apparently i've written a book... lol so i should go away and leave you 2 in peace for now hahahaha
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    That’s what I do when logging something difficult. I do a search and look at all the different entries. Sometimes I take the average amount of calories but if it’s something really complicated then I take the highest. If it’s something I make often then I’ll add a recipe and use that from then on.

    I have yet to eat below my daily calorie goal. I’m so tired by dinner time that I end up going over.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Breakfasts, I have got round by just not eating breakfast, at least hardly ever. I was having a tiny portion and there was no point. When I did eat it, I was another one who tended to eat the same thing every day, usually some variation on porridge!

    The diet I was on before had a lot of egg based breakfasts, like omelette, shakshuka, savoury egg muffins, etc. Then a lot of oat things like porridge variations, overnight oats, oatmeal pancakes. Basically eggs or oats in some form seem to be the popular thing on these diets! But no reason why you can't eat leftovers, which is what I sometimes did when I did eat breakfast.

    Good idea to just pick a homemade soup from the entries. I get so frustrated with logging (which I'm not doing at the moment) because I cook almost everything from scratch, so it means weighing and measuring every little thing. Which is a pain if your cooking style is of the throw in a handful of this and a glug of that variety! A simple meal can be a whole load of paperwork!

    Last time I counted calories seriously it was the Fast 800 diet, and that one they suggested not bothering to count the really low calorie greens, things like lettuce, cabbage, even mushrooms, etc. So I've got out of the habit of that and it's probably a good thing because they are not foods you really need to limit intake of.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail i completely agree with you about the veggies - i can guarantee that any veggies i eat have NO impact on me going over my calories for the day LOLOLOL... its everything else i shove in my mouth that does that!!

    I was thinking back over ALL the different types of diets i've been on over the years .... and the number of them i can count is quite sad really... by now honestly all of us could write our own "nutritional guide" i swear.... we all pretty much KNOW what we should be eating and how much so you would think...... it would be easier!!!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    So true!!! So why is it that I can’t just do what I know I need to do? Why do I put so much emotional importance on “bad” foods? Why do I think my difficult or stressful day should be rewarded or comforted by excess calories? It’s really so simple when you think about it but I still (after ALL these years) just can’t make myself stick to my calories. At what point do I do the right and intelligent thing and just eat healthy?

    My frustration level is high, y’all. Lol.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    That's a really good point about using food as a reward after a stressful day. Maybe that's key as well: finding something else that gives a reward? I've thought of that before but find it difficult. Food is such a pleasant and immediate reward!

    I used to smoke many years ago. I remember one of the difficult things about stopping was that smoking gave a really, immediate, tangible reward several times a day! It's difficult to replace! And the same thing with food, I suppose. There is definitely the short-term gain of the pleasurable experience and it's difficult to set that up against the longer term, less tangible goal of weight loss and health.

    So you've got me thinking about what to turn to instead of food for reward and comfort. You are so right, Snoozie, that we do know what to eat and how much - that's not the problem, lol!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    You're both so right on the "instant gratification" - as an emotional eater, I not only "reward" myself but use food for all my emotional needs.. solace, comfort, celebration, reward... it's instant and it never judges... and Vail you hit the nail on the proverbial head with the "short term gain of pleasure blinding us to the longer less tangible goal..

    And yes a lot of stuff i've read has talked about finding alternate options for whatever reason you reach for food... (other than nourishing your body of course!) but they make it sound so easy... and for me honestly ... i have yet to find something that will give me the solace (or reward) of a bag of chips!! And i think the fact that for me at least, its a completely emotional response.. logic plays NO part in that decision to rip open a bag at all..

    throw in a world wide pandemic that has impacted us mentally physically and emotionally too... and honestly it's no wonder we're struggling right now... we struggle at the best of times and this past year has truly been the worst of times for everyone.

    I couldnt sleep last night .. just one of those nights (oh and just so you know.. watching a pbs specia at 2aml on bullet ants and rituals of people in the Amazon subjecting their sons to rituals of getting stung by multiple ones to prove their manhood?? Ya.. not conducive to sleep LOLOLOL

    Anyway.. I was also just thinking in general about my health... and reminding myself here i am putting so much emphasis on getting the vaccine to protect me from Covid,.. and kinda letting the rest of my health "go" if you will.. the eating and physical exercise... when in truth... this should be the time to really focos on it overall - not just the weight loss.. i seem to make great mindful discoveries and goals at 2am but carrying them thru at 8am the next day.... not so much. But it did make me think at least... that maybe if i try to stop focusing on keeping away from what's "not good" for me - instead try to look at it more along the lines of "I'll eat this cause its good for me and i like it" (so kale won't be making an appearance lol).. But definitely you're both quite right about the reward system not being the right choice ... just gotta figure out how to start breaking it!

    It helps to bounce stuff off each other too I think.... so im glad you two are here for me !!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’ve never been able to find anything that is as rewarding on a bad day as something ooey gooey and salty sweet. I’m sure people who have been thin all their lives don’t even think about eating when they’re having a bad day or emotional turmoil. I wish I was one of those people who turn to exercise to work off emotional lows or stress. Maybe that’s what I need to work towards, using exercise to take my mind off things or reward myself instead of G&T.

    Well, I did it!!!! I hiked a five mile trail today that had 1112 feet elevation gain!!! My knees are trembling but my foot seems to be okay, just a bit sore. It was a bit of the Appalachian Trail that led to a 360 degree view near Franklin, NC. It was slow going and we stopped at the top for awhile and ate lunch. The downhill was the most painful but I took it slow. I’m so darn proud of myself!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy I didn’t realize you and hubby were on your hiking trip already!!! That’s an amazing accomplishment holy cow !! Well done you indeed 👌👍
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi, Snoozie ,Suzy & Vail....another quick pop on...glad to read you are ok..

    no, I haven't been able to catch up on all the posts I have missed. second shift is busier than 1st sometimes....lol

    Congrats on the hike ,Suzy! Your foot must be better....

    Great idea on the midnight thoughts , Snoozie…. I tried to like Kale ,sometimes it's ok...then other not so much.

    Vail, wishing you all kinds of safety while administering the vaccine.....coming into con\tact with so many people for a good cause.

    Had another crude picture friend request. I am going to cancel this one and start a new one....
    If you want still want to be my friend , give me a yes! (sounds like a 3RD grader asking "do you want to go play?")
    I will let you know my new info...may take awhile...you know how slow I am about getting stuff done!

    Always virtually friends!
    Be safe

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Yes! Definitely! I’m sorry you’re getting those types of requests. I realized that the ones I get are on Fitbit not MFP. There must be some setting that got triggered for you. Some people can be so awful. I don’t understand why they go out of their way to be so crude and rude.

    My leg muscles are sore today and my knees are still tender but surprisingly my foot seems to be about the same. I’m relieved that it’s not worse for wear. Today will be an off day and tomorrow we do one more hike before heading back home on Wednesday. We may go to a local winery today that has an outdoor tasting area.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    ohhhhhh yes go to the winery LOL.. and take me with you! so glad to hear your foot is doing ok.. no doubt the leg muscles are screaming a bit lol.. and good you are having a down day in between the hikes! It must feel good to be able to get back to it

    Gail I dont know why u keep getting targeted either.. do you go to the message boards at all ?? I'm just wondering if that's where they are trolling.. i never go there anymore even to look at the topics... which means sadly sometiems i do miss someone posting a loss or doing some exercise (so apologies if you dont see a like on any of those there).. i really only come here now lol... i deleted a lot of the people on my friends list who havent logged on for over 6 months and im not looking for any new friends so really its just here for me..

    I weighed in this morning and have managed to gain a pound this week. Yup. So obviously assuming i could guesstimate what i was eating was incorrect.. so this week the only change to my same goal of losing a pound a week.. will be scrupulous logging.
    Onward and downward not upward hopefully! I didn't change my ticker tho... not ready to do that again
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Gail, I've just had one of those friend requests too. No idea why.

    Congratulations on the hike, Suzy! I'm so glad it went well with not too much pain. Enjoy the winery!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’m really dreading getting on the scale tomorrow morning. I may have two pretty strenuous hikes under my belt but I’ve also got some caramels, wine and pizza under there, too. Lol. I absolutely know that I did not make my April weight loss goal. On the positive side, my foot held up pretty good though!

    Like you said Snoozie, back to scrupulously logging!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I updated my ticker weight today since it’s the last day of the month. I can’t believe I gained over three pounds in just a few days. It took me weeks to lose that much. I’m going to have to rework my goals. Bummer. 60 is looming!!! Time to get serious again.

    How’s everyone else doing?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - not that its much consolation, but I can totally relate to your frustration at having gained a bit after working so hard to get rid of it... Unlike you, I haven't been working at losing weight, but i have noticed that its not just the weight that i seem to be out of control with - i've let slide other stuff too - its like i just can't be bothered with anything. I know part of it is the never ending pandemic lockdown we're in here, its screwing with my head and my emotions (like everyone else has gone thru at some point) but i think i'm finally done with using it as an excuse for letting everything go, including my weight and overall health..

    So tomorrow I plan to start turning things around - I know it won't all happen overnight but I fully intend to start gettting serious and putting the work into it... .. i know you HAVE been putting the work in tho... so don't let the fact you saw a gain while you were away get you down.. it may just take a few days of pushing some extra water into your day to get right back where you were. :smile:

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hard to believe another month has gone by this year.. some days it seems like forever, others it seems like the year is flying by

    I got on the scale this morning (I had to wipe the dust off the face so i could read it.. what does THAT tell you! ha) I have set out an exercise plan for the month and a mouth plan.. as in keeping crap out of my mouth :) I am going to reset my calories to 1300 and go with CICO for this month from logging; at least i feel more comfortable that I have a plan and I'm prepared to put the work into following it.

    and to get started with it, i should go get showered and dressed before noon for a change lol!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I had been doing quite well, in that I was a slow and steady loss, but in the past couple of days I have bounced back up again! It doesn't get any easier, lol!

    I have been doing an online yoga programme, and I think that is doing me some good. The gyms are open here now but I'm still not feeling like I want to go back. There are no classes, so it would just be going on the equipment. I think the risk is low now, but I don't feel like I would enjoy it.

    I have just got back from meeting up with friends, having pizza and beer at tables outdoors, all wrapped up in our winter coats with rain threatening, lol! I ate far too much, but it was good for the soul!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    ohhhh my gosh Vail!! That's SO exciting you met up with friends and were able to enjoy food and drink together too!! I honestly cannot even imagine what that will be like anymore.... i think i heard the other day my city has been in lockdown the longest of anyone in North America (not the whole country mind you.. just my city and a few others) so you honestly have no idea how thrilled I am for you - I know it has been such a difficult time for all of us and i can only imagine how much you enjoyed - honestly the last thingi would have worried about was how much i ate if i could get together - and i would have bundled up and even brot an umbella too!! That's so exciting for you and i couldn't be happier, really!!!

    Right now not even golf courses or tennis courts are open due to the 3rd wave hitting us - no camping either and i'm ok with that cause i know people end up crowding and socializing .... but i do hope by summer at least we will be able to at least play tennis (in my case pickleball) outdoors at least... hope springs eternal lol

    but now im in a great mood after reading how you were able to get together with your friends.. and with someone ELSE cooking and serving you LOLOL
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Snoozie it has GOT to get better soon for you. I think the vaccinations are going well almost everywhere or at least as well as can be expected. I read that about 1/3 of the US has had their full vaccinations. So vaccine should be even more available, I would think. I know there are places in the US that are still pretty strict but it is easing up here. I really hope the trend makes its way to your area soon. Soon enough for pickleball!

    I’m having my typical delay on getting back to better choices and logging after going off the rails for a bit. It takes me awhile to slap myself into gear. We unexpectedly stayed for dinner at my daughter’s house tonight and ordered pizza, so I know what you mean Vail. By my calculations, I ate 900 calories of pizza which was three pieces. I could have stopped at two but nooooo. At least I got to see my granddaughter! She makes everything better!

    I’m almost done painting and packing. After that is the cleaning and then we list the house! So tiring and stressful! I’ll be glad when it’s all done and we’ve found and moved into our new home.