2021 One day, or today. You decide



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Nope we haven't been able to get together since Covid started - keep in mind we had the longest lockdown in North America here lol.. we did have video chats (aka wine therapy) throughout to keep us sane... but this will be the first "real in person" visit together :) So having also been able to see my family this summer, I'm a happy camper lol..

    I was also thinking of volunteering at our local food bank one day a week, but I think i'll take a look at the volunteer portal site again and see what else is out there.. i bet if you googled volunteer positions where you are living now you will find some kind of database (once you're at that stage i mean lol.. sometimes you never know what's out there til you start hunting!
    I think its a great idea to plan on meeting new people and getting to know your community; i had a plan before i retired to do 3 things.. volunteer, attend more social events to get to know more people, and move more lol.. then covid came along! i'm sure there's a community centre or a seniors center nearby .. they can be a great resource (especially if they have pickleball hahahahaha) There's also a site called Meetup - worth checking out (it's free!) and there are all kinds of events locally and you can scroll thru and see if there are any that interest you.. i went to a few pre covid (i think i dont have to say that anymore - we can all just assume anything like that was before covid ha) one was just a coffee meetup and one was a walking group (which is where i discovered i prefer doing my walking alone lol) but there could be hiking or photography or yoga or whatever near you)

    That's AWESOME on the doctor practice!! I love that she was thorough with a new patient and also that she leans more towards holistic and lifestyle as a first response!! Being thorough at the start means you will have a baseline of all your stuff moving forward, so I hope you schedule that appointment soon to meet her!!

    I also hope your foot is holding up ok.. any chance you and hubby will be able to get away on a day hike soon just to de stress from the past few months of chaos??? That would be lovely..

    Vail - this is the wedding month for your son?? I don't remember if you said what day - have you had any luck with the dress shopping? inquiring minds wanna know!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy did your backsplash guys show up yesterday?
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Nope. Didn’t show up today either. I’m waiting to hear back from the contractor. Have I mentioned how much I hate having work done on the house? I know everyone can relate. Last night all I wanted was a bowl of chicken noodle soup. We went to our local grocery store, got home then realized I didn’t have a pot. Found that, finally. I didn’t have a can opener. I eventually found one. I’m so over this move!!!! I feel like it’s been going on for a year!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    oh suzy... you poor thing!! honestly.. i hope the backsplash when it does eventually get done, is the last reno you have to face and then you can begin to actually enjoy your new home.. i prob would have lost my mind btw.. first the pot, then the can opener? yup... it would not have been pretty so kudos to you for not going insane lol
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I decided not to wait on the backsplash to unpack and set up my kitchen. I just want to be able to cook some healthy food. I need to find some new recipes. I usually use Skinnytaste but do you have any other websites that you go to? I may try and find the Skinnytaste cookbooks, too. I’m hoping to have it done and go grocery shopping today!

    We found a park of some sort about three miles from us that is supposed to have a walking trail. I’d like to go check that out after dinner one night. It has been raining for the last five days. I rescheduled our move (stuff from our daughter’s basement) to Tuesday hoping for dry weather.

    Have you been able to play PB with your partner? I would imagine that singles would provide a better workout than doubles?

    Vail? Inquiring minds want to know…did you find a dress?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good on ya for setting up the kitchen.. one can only wait so long to start getting settled.. and i hate being dependent on contractors!!

    Ooooo on the walking trail!! I actually googled one time "walking trails around Toronto" and "my area" (location based) and even though i've lived here for 30 years I found a few i didnt know existed lol.. so im glad you have one to check out and will pray for some sunshine!

    And yes my partner is back but we're actually able to play doubles now.. we've been playing almost every day and altho singles does have you moving around the court more, with doubles its actually much more fun an challenging, cause you're trying to score points now - when my partner and i play we try to hit it relatively close to each other cause its very tiring chasing balls lol.. so we don't try to score points off each other, just practice our serves/shots/etc..
    but we're definitely not used to trying to score points off our opponents so we have to move out of the "nice" zone and start remembering we wanna win ha.. i have to say its been lovely tho .. there are only 4-6 of us - the same people who all want to stay playing outdoors as long as possible .. the others have chosen to go inside so its good cause i know them all and know they are still following protocols and all 2x vaxxed.. and the social aspect of having others to play with has been really nice.

    So about the recipe sites.. lately i've been trying to add more "meatless" meals in.. so most of the searching i'm doing is for vegetarian recipes without weird vegetables ... or tofu .. lol I like most regular veggies but some of the recipes use stuff i'd never even buy...

    I did laugh this morning tho.. i googled "easy vegetarian meals for one"... and i swear to god.. the first hit that came up .. was BAKED PORK CHOPS!! i did a double take.. thot maybe i typed it wrong... or they were "fake" pork chops.. so i clicked on it just to see... but nope... they were real pork chops hahaha.. i just thot it was so funny the first thing that came up in a search for vegetarian meals was a pork chop!!!

    Tonight for dinner.. i put 2 russet potatos in the oven for baked potatos and did up some broccoli and cauliflower i had left from a veggie tray... then split the potato and dumped in the veg with some grated cheese and green onion and a little sour cream.. it was yummy and quite filling. I had actually planned to put some vegetarian chili on top originally with the sour cream... i used to get that at Wendys on the way to work.. a baked potato and a small tub of chili and poured it over the potato for dinner lol... but i had to use up the vegetables so tomorrow nite i'lll have the other potato with the vegetarian chili over it... so i'm not much help with new recipes for you!

    There is one site i used to use a fair bit called Supercook... you just click on the items you have (say, chicken breast..) and it will bring up receipes for chciken breasts, but it will also then show "do you have olive oil/butter/flour/onion/ etc etc.. it will suggest items or you can jsut type in say if you have red peppers or something.. but u can just keep clicking on whatever items it suggests if you have them.. and the more items u click saying yes i have it.. the more recipes pop up for the chicken.. and you can choose any type of meal.. lunch dinner dessert etc... it was pretty helpful when i couldnt figure out what to make.. i just said this is what i have and then it gave me a bunch of recipes to look over..

    if you're looking for "meat and potatos" kinda dinner... you might try searching "meals for two".. you should find some that offer smaller servings than feeding 6 people that way??

    But i do still like skinnytaste... that creamy balsamic chicken is awesome (just chicken broth in the sauce with some balsamic vinegar and a few tablespoons of cream to make it creamy but not calorie crazy".. its one of my fav go tos.. i usually add in mushrooms and onions too .. and i've done the same sauce with boneless pork chops and its divine...

    Vail - i hope all is well.. i know its a crazy busy month for you but hope you get a second to pop in and let us know if you got the dress... i'm not sure exactly when the wedding is but im sure it will be lovely!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I can’t find the creamy balsamic recipe. Can you share that with me?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy thats so weird - i just went to look for and can't find it either!! I think i wrote it out or bookmarked it i will look for it today... i know im not losing my mind lol.. its become a staple dish for me!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    ok maybe i am losing my mind lol.. this is the exact receipe i use but it's not from the skinnytaste site.. making the "cream sauce" with chicken broth instead of all ream cuts the fat and calories, but this is the one i had bookmarked on my puter and its the exact one i use.. and its where i learned to slice my boneless chicken breasts sideways hahaha..


    let me know if you try it.. i usually make it with rice cause it sops up the sauce but it is yummy!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    That looks delicious! I can’t wait to make it!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    It's really one of my fav's Suzy and it freezer well as there is very little cream in it :)

    This is our Thanksgiving weekend in Canada.. tomorrow is the official day but I ordered my turkey dinner from a local restaurant and pick it up at noon.. it's a huge portion size so I'll have a little for lunch and the rest for dinner tonite.. and plan to enjoy every bite!

    It's also World Pickleball Day.. hahaha yup seems like there is a "day" for everything now!! The rain has let up from yesterday so hoping to get a few games in this afternoon - we've been having some lovely weather for this time of year so i can't complain about a bit of rain.. altho i didn't get all the chores done at home i had planned ha. Thats the good thing about housework tho.. whether you get it done or not.. there's always more!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!! And Happy Pickleball Day!! I hope you got to celebrate by playing a few games. Always, always more housework to do. That’s something that never stops.

    Fingers crossed….they’re supposed to start our backsplash on Tuesday. Of course, he didn’t ask me what my schedule looked like and that’s the morning that we’re moving a truckload from our daughter’s house. I don’t know how I’m going to be in two places at the same time but hopefully it will all work out.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy did they give any explanation why they didn't show the first time?? I honestly don't understand sometimes why contractors seem to think they can just not show on a sched day .. my sister had a roofer sched to come for her condo building and the guy didn't show... said he had to be somewhere else which makes me wonder if he got a higher paying job and took that rather than keeping his apt. I hope they show.. do you at least have a time he is supposed to arrive?? Thinking maybe if its early in the morning you can let him in and leave him there while u move your stuff.. worse case stick a note on the door saying call me when u arrive?? im not sure how far you have moved from your daughters so dont know if that's a viable option

    My turkey dinner was yummy.. and no cooking and no dishes lol! And enough leftovers for yet another 3rd full dinner tonite.. We're having a lovely spell of nice weather and the leaves are starting to change here so this afternoon i think i will try to find a new trail or at least one i havent been to in a long time for my walkies... being a holiday most of the bigger places will be quite crowded with people out enjoying the sunshine so i'll see if i can find one a little more off the beaten path ha....
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Well we had the gift of a gorgeous sunny day for our Thanksgiving - 75F so EVERYONE was out and about lol.. i googled scenic trails around me and actually found one i didnt know about.. i was sure i had checked em all out but this was only about 15 min away.. I went early and omg it was gorgeous!! The trail followed our Credit River, which is part of the Niagara Escarpment so all the trees are just starting their colour show.. they are not at their prime yet but it was a beautiful walk especially because i'd never been there - and it wasnt crowded as i went early. By the time i was heading back to my car almost 2 hrs later tho.. it was definitely a full house lol But a very nice gift of a perfect day for Thanksgiving!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    That’s great! I love discovering new trails. Have you found that more and more people are walking and hiking now? We used to hardly see anyone on the trails but now they’re packed and hard to find parking. We have to go super early to beat the crowds as well (which my morning person husband loves, not so much for me).

    We finished the move today and I am exhausted. I’ve already climbed 36 “flights” by walking up and down the hills to the basements at both houses and have 13,000+ steps. The backsplash is going on as we speak.

    I really want to start doing some daily stretching. What was the online site you were using, Snoozie. My muscles feel so tight and I feel inflexible. I hate that. My foot is still painful but I just try to ignore it.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy the one i really like is Senior Shape with Lauren - i like her as an instructor and she has lots of diff videos i did a lot of them during lockdown.. you can search within her site for stretching ones.. i dont like mat stretches i like the standing or sitting ones for myself.. but hopefully you can find something you like there... here's her site


    the other one for stretching is Miranda Esmonde She does Essentrics which is basically ALL stretching... I also like her a lot and she has a show on our PBS channel here at 6am every day... but even I rarely do those at that hour lol you can google her name or Essentrics to find different routines and different times (i.e. 10 min vs 30 min etc) but here's her site


    i hope those linkds work if not let me know.. i bet your exhauasted omg ... glad the baksplash went in... i spent 4 hrs in emerg getting 3 stitches in my hand today because i was washing dishes and a glass broke in my hand cutting between the web of 2 fingers... yet another reason i know housework is bad for you hahahaha..
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh no! I’m so sorry that you had to go through that! I sat in the ER with mom for several hours. She was in her own room but I still was so conscious of being in an ER during Covid. I hope the cut heals quickly for you. Do you have to get the stitches out or are they the kind that dissolve? Is it your pickleball hand?

    I am sooooo exhausted and sore. I’m really hurting tonight. The backsplash is looking good. They’re not quite finished but it’s looking so nice. My house is a total wreck right now. Total. Wreck. Hopefully I can get some things sorted tomorrow and start pulling everything together. It’s a process and it’s going to take some time. Luckily I’m not in a hurry.

    I’ll check out the links. Thanks so much!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    they are the dissolving ones so don't have to go back and nope not my pb hand lol.. im going to skip pb today tho.. my arm is a little sore from the tetanus shot and my back is a little wonky... so i'll take another day and yes.. i was not comfortable being there with covid.. they had really good procedures in place with social distancing, but as always, its the people disregarding it that cause the problem.. people moving in and out of the line and back and forth through the place.. i actually stood the whole time i was waiting because i could dodge and weave away from anyone who got too close to me..

    Honestly with all you've been thru the past few months and especially the past few weeks, its no wonder your hurting all over. I'm glad you aren't in any hurry.. maybe you can take even a day or 2 with NO thoughts of getting the house together and just pamper yourself a bit... you have been doing so much physical hard work lifting and toting and moving stuff im sure your body is saying ok lady... i need a break! i imagine that would be hard seeing everything that has to be done... and with your foot hurting too even a stroll around your new neighbourhood to relax a bit wouldnt really help im thinking..

    but i hope you do find a way to take some time to just chill for even an hour or two every day.. and im glad the backsplash is looking good!! fingers crossed its finished soon..

    I hope vail checks in soon... we wanna know about the wedding Vail lol... sending hugs!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    How is your hand feeling, Snoozie? Are you having to do everything one handed?

    Things here are calming down a bit. I’m slowly opening boxes and moving things around to figure out where everything should go. The kitchen is completely set up which helps so much. I’ve been taking some time each morning to relax before starting in on what needs to be done. It’s kind of my “planning” time. Lol.

    I’ve made an appointment for November 4th for a physical with the new doctor. It was the quickest I could get in to see her. My labs will be ordered based on the visit and probably be the next morning. I’m really worried about the results of my labs and the visit. I’m expecting bad news. I think my blood pressure is high and my A1C and triglycerides are probably high again.

    We’re driving to Arkansas on Saturday for our annual hiking trip with my husband’s brother and sister. We stay in a cabin and try to hike during the day, weather permitting. We go a couple days early so we can do our own thing first. I haven’t hiked or even walked much in months so this should be interesting. This whole moving process started in April. That’s crazy!!!

    Where has everyone gone? It looks like you and I are the only two Hatters left Snoozie. I hope everyone else is checking in occasionally and will let us know how they’re doing.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Suzy... the hand is doing good thanks.... its just difficult bandaging it as the stitches are thru the web between the fingers lol.. but i can use my hand just not things like opening a jar as i discovered tonite ha... so i dug out a rubber glove to use and it worked fine.

    I'm so glad you are taking the morning bit of time to just chill and figure out your day.. sometimes just even that 15 min or 1/2 hr with a tea or coffee to organize your thots for the day is a good thing.. with me unfortunately.... i rarely get to the "planning stage" and dsicover im still in my jammies at 10 am ha.

    I'm so glad you made that appointment for a physical and to get the lab work done. Funny enough, one of my friends who just turned 65 in Nov did the same; she hasnt' had a physical in decades probably.. but... when she was asking the doctor about bloodwork (cause she wanted a baseline if you will of where she is) the doc was like.. oh.. u want bloodwork? and Joanne was ummm... ya thats kinda why i am here.. for a FULL physical?? including bloodwork? She said there wasn't even a urine test on the requisition which to me is very weird for a full physical check and labs.. usually they do absolutely everything as you said like cholesterol/A1C etc.. so I hope yours indicates she will do em all.. Believe me i understand being worried about the results but honestly the anticipation is usually far worse than any actual results.. and really everything may be fine - this will just let you know where everything is and if there is something slightly elevated, better to catch it and if necessary, get a med that will help protect you... remember too you have been so stressed out over the past few months that is probably heightening you expectation that something will be high... try not to worry too much just think of it as getting that baseline and knowledge is power right?

    I'm so glad you're doing the annual trip with the fam... lovely you are going a few days early too.. just don't PUSH it too much with the hiking the first few days; you want your foot to be ok and better to start off with shorter to start so you don't end up with big ouchies! At least now that things are settling down and you're in the house, you can soon take the time to start up with the things you like again you haven't had time for.. just dont jump in too fast with both feet (pardon the pun!! LOL) Pace yourself and you'll be able to enjoy the whole time together!

    I checked my friends list and at least know Vail is checking in every day so she's ok... I'm hoping its just all the wedding prep keeping her busy and that we'll hear from her soon.

    Looking forward to maybe seeing some pics when you get back ???? And hope there aren't any bear sightings this time lol