WaistAways - April 2021 Team Chat



  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Haaa thats funny, I've been very bad about recording my weight on here, i am just so over the flip flopping. I've been in the 160's for what seems like forever... I am doing lots of meal prep today. I am making chicken fajita bowls... I am going to try to recreate Chipotles cauliflower rice to go with it... hope it turns out well!

    Have a great day
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    sunny9847 wrote: »
    Sorry I didn’t track any steps this week. I got a severe UTI. Almost and to go to ER for IV. But just felt awful. Still on meds till middle of next week. Hope to be back on track after that. Just not right yet.

    Hope you're feeling better soon @sunny9847. That's never fun!

    Too bad about not having your Fitbit on you during your adventure @jugar! I hope there's not too many repercussions from your son's ordeal. I know with Québec the initial ticket can be annoying, but the increased drivers licence fee for the next 3 years can be astounding. I had a friend who was caught using the carpool lane when alone and the initial $150 fine was acceptable and understandable, but after 3 years of increased fees, that one action ended up costing her over $800. She definitely learned her lesson, albeit the hard way!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrazy now I need to google Chipotle's Cauliflower rice.... Fajita bowls are so good!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    CW 162.6

    I'm always hungry lately for some reason.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    @micki48 So sorry to hear of your current family situation. Praying for an early resolution for you all 🙏
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    And here are my steps and exercise stats for the last 7 days!

    18/04 - 8530
    19/04 - 2099 / 52 mins Bodyweight & Dumbell Upper Body workout
    20/04 - 1964 / 47 mins Bodyweight Core & Abs workout
    21/04 - 1499
    22/04 - 7937
    23/04 - 3128 / 71 mins Full Body Dumbell workout
    24/04 - 17993
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @micki48 Praying for you son in law and the rest of your family. Try to find a moment or two for yourself to simply take a few deep breaths.💕
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Sun 14,401
    Mon 13,202
    Tues 12,796
    30 min lifting
    Wed 12,102
    Thurs 14,915
    Fri 9,088
    Sat 9,113

    I need to workout. My mood and eating are definitely being impacted. I ate all the carbs yesterday and today.🙈
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @sunny9847, @micki48 I hope things improve for you both soon.

    I have had the best weekend. Thursday night I planned where to put the plants at the front, OH dug most of the holes while I cooked, then we laid the weed membrane. Friday I finished work on time at 12.30 (it's so unusual it's still a novelty!), went to the butchers, picked up some garden chairs I bought on FB marketplace, garden centre (and the car satnav took me wrong - I was proud of myself for figuring it out without consulting Google!) then for a run. We spent the whole evening planting all the plants and putting the slate down, but the front garden looks amazing. We still have about 800kg of slate; there's gaps/levelling to do but we'll chip away at that.

    Saturday I had an 8.30am personal training/physio session back where we used to live - I haven't seen my PT for a year and I have some niggles so I had him do a physio assessment. He then showed me 11 different exercises to target the areas that need work, so I've created a Garmin workout with those in and I will do it every day until it gets replaced with another. He could only do an hour, and it wasn't even a workout it was demo/try, but I felt stronger immediately from activating various muscle groups. I do find my sessions with the chiropractor beneficial (it's sports massage really) but they aren't a patch on these training sessions. I have my pay review on Tuesday and if I get the pay rise I'm hoping for, I plan to treat myself to a 6/12 week block of personal training once or twice a week.

    After that I went to another garden centre and bought some different style bird feeders to try, then met my Mom and sister in a park for a catch up. Had my hair done so I feel presentable again - just tidied, nothing drastic! - then went to my inlaw's farm. We cleared an area of land which was overgrown and uncovered about a dozen hedging plants - well over £100 worth - which were still potted. I guess the previous owner never got around to actually planting them, but as my mother-in-law wants to put a new hedge in elsewhere, these will form the start of that. My father-in-law looked better than I expected all things considered, and he's able to stand/walk with assistance - he's making good progress but we don't know how far it will go. We had fish and chips for tea on their front lawn which were delicious (way better than around here!) and we shared a portion so it was reasonable calorie wise, then headed home about 5.30pm. Stopped at IKEA and Homesense on the way back and did a little shopping - first time this year as stores only just opened a fortnight ago. Got home at 8.30pm and decided not to eat anything else, so I was quite pleased it was a 3-meal-no-snacks day.

    Today was a tip run then the supermarket, followed by a run this afternoon. I've had some cravings today (it's that time of the month) but stuck to my rules and within my exercise calories all week. It's been a quieter day as we're both tired, and I will definitely sleep tonight!

    This morning, and I'm hoping it's the same tomorrow, I weighed in under 82kg. That would be a good start to the week.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,197 Member
    Thinking of you @micki48
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 556 Member
    @jugar CW 191.2
    Sorry it's late getting to you.
    I'm not surprised that it's a bit up but, I don't like it one bit. However, my pants are starting to feel a wee bit looser, so that makes me happy. I guess they balance each other out.
    We're back at home and have taken some good, long walks since Friday. I aim to keep that up every day, if the weather isn't too horrid.
    @YinxFed getting your posterior to the wall is quite a challenge, I know! I get giggling whenever I try it because it's just so ridiculous that we *used* to throw ourselves around into all sorts of positions without a thought. I have a video of mom getting up from being seated on the beach (circa 2016) and she does quite a good job. I try to keep that in mind since she was then 85 yrs old. Keeping flexible is helpful.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend. See you on the flip.
    Be well and keep reducing that stress. We're all better off for it.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    Good evening or whatever time it is where you are!

    It has been a busy day - for lots of us.

    First of all, much love to you @micki48 - I'm thinking of you often and hope that your son will turn the corner and start to get his problem solved. Keep well and take breaks whenever the little one lets you. You are certainly excused from weighing in and all for as long as necessary. :heart:

    @deniners2 - it is amazing how "inspiring" a new health assessment can be when you know you'll have to step on that scale! You're going in the good direction for sure - whatever it takes, right?

    @Terytha the hungry all the time thing is the worst. I'm just getting past a period of time like that, and it drives me crazy. Hope it passes!

    @lorib642 - Wear the tiara! That's a great milestone - happy dance!

    @KellyBgetsfit - get on those workouts! You are right - they really help your mood and keep you going with all your goals. Just add one to start with and go from there!

    @DD265 - that really sounds like the most wonderful weekend indeed. I love your descriptions of the garden, the fish and chips, the surprise hedges, and the general family projects. When the plants are getting established, post some garden photos! And well done for resisting those cravings. Enjoy the zzzzzzzzzs

    @EvMakesChanges good job on the looser trousers! That feels great, even if the scale is being cranky and annoying.

    OK folks! Reminder time - last week of this month!
    Monday weigh-ins:

  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @sunny9847 hope youareon the mend. UTI's are no fun!

    @micki48 I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts. I hope that moving him to a bigger hospital results in some good progress and answers for you guys.

    @KellyBgetsfit Hooray for getting in some work outs!

    I had a good weekend and was able to meet my calorie goals with the help of my exercise calories. I have also logged 4 days in a row of ballet workouts. My hip is getting better but still driving me crazy. I should visit a PT like you @DD265! It would probably help. I will keep working out and hopefully it will stop soon. I think I will allow myself to eat exercise calories on the weekend and stay a little more disciplined during the week.
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