WaistAways - April 2021 Team Chat



  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    @micki48 - thinking of you and hope you report back soon that he's home and recovering. hugs.

    @jugar that was a speedy amount of hiking you did - all without the fitbit, sheesh.

    Monday morning - off to work - 3 big salads portioned to start the week - now to do the same for the pickle snacks and my poached chicken/whole grain mustard snack (I eat it cold - love it)
    Caved yesterday and had more than a portion of raspberry coconut squares - the major cave came when something was not going right while preparing my taxes - problem solved and sugar crisis over - I was so busy in the garden this weekend, I don't think that it will register.

    @Gidgitgoescrazy and @PlaneMonkey - Chipotle has always been a great place where you feel you can make good choices easily and know it's going to taste great - how'd the cauliflower rice come out?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    DD265 wrote: »
    Saturday I had an 8.30am personal training/physio session back where we used to live - I haven't seen my PT for a year and I have some niggles so I had him do a physio assessment. He then showed me 11 different exercises to target the areas that need work, so I've created a Garmin workout with those in and I will do it every day until it gets replaced with another. He could only do an hour, and it wasn't even a workout it was demo/try, but I felt stronger immediately from activating various muscle groups. I do find my sessions with the chiropractor beneficial (it's sports massage really) but they aren't a patch on these training sessions. I have my pay review on Tuesday and if I get the pay rise I'm hoping for, I plan to treat myself to a 6/12 week block of personal training once or twice a week.

    I forgot to mention how inspiring this is - I have always relied on good trainers and physiotherapists when things go askew. It is amazing what can happen when they are knowledgeable and know just how to get you to the right place to fix things. You are inspiring me to get my sorry butt back to physio to help straighten out all the stuff that remains a bit wonky since my year of living with sitting and lying only on one side. My lower spine is getting more straightened out, but my hips are still very uneven - so yes! I'm going!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,197 Member
    Morning everyone, the sun is shining here and things are looking bright for the week ahead.
    I am off this Friday as my seasonal trailer spot opens that day... means lots of lake and outdoor time between now and the end of September.
    This year will be different of course - no more drinking and snacking with reckless abandon. Scales will be taken and nothing will change but the scenery!
    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    Happy Monday!

    It was wonderful to get back on a horse this morning - a huge 17-hand fellow who is quiet, kind, and knows his job even if he looks like a moose and requires quite the step stool for me to get up there. I have a lot of work to do to get back to the kind of core control, mad hip flexor flexibility and strength, and ankle mobility that I need - but it was not too bad on the sore buttock. I'll be going every week for the next little while, and when my horse gets back from his final breeding season and has been rendered "retired", I'll be ready to get him back in shape. I am going to be SO sore for the next couple of days... Everything from my neck on down is grumbling already. I think it will be time to get the sauna going tonight :smiley:

    I am late setting up the sign-up thread for new members! If you have friends you would like to invite to join our lovely team, that will be the place for them to go. I'll post the link here as soon as I get my job done.

    @ashleycarole86 yes! reckless abandon will be relegated to what you do in the lake, on the trails, and any other way you can get outside and have a blast burning calories. Go go go!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    Here is that link for the new sign-up:


    I hope to see a few (but not too many) new people - preferably your friends! Share the link with anyone you think would like to join.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,304 Member
    You have a new member heading your way ...... Please welcome @texasruby354 :)
  • graceojo999
    graceojo999 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi ...sorry about not being on last week. I found myself slipping back into bad habits and couldn’t bring myself to get on the scale. The good thing is that lockdown is over and the gym is now open. This week I am going to drink a lot of water and go on a walk every day.
    Pw 99.9
    CW 99.9
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    Hi ...sorry about not being on last week. I found myself slipping back into bad habits and couldn’t bring myself to get on the scale. The good thing is that lockdown is over and the gym is now open. This week I am going to drink a lot of water and go on a walk every day.
    Pw 99.9
    CW 99.9

    I am so glad you made it back! One week slipping is not too bad - and you stopped it and got yourself going again. WTG!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member

    Welcome aboard! I know you don't "officially" start until Sunday (the first day of our May challenge), but please come on in and let us know about you. I think we know where you live! I know it can feel a bit like you are dropping into a group where everyone knows each other and it can take a bit of time before you feel at home, so just go ahead, introduce yourself, and ask any questions you might have. Please add me as a friend so that we can also send messages. Thanks!
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 556 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Happy Monday!

    It was wonderful to get back on a horse this morning - a huge 17-hand fellow who is quiet, kind, and knows his job even if he looks like a moose and requires quite the step stool for me to get up there. I have a lot of work to do to get back to the kind of core control, mad hip flexor flexibility and strength, and ankle mobility that I need - but it was not too bad on the sore buttock. I'll be going every week for the next little while, and when my horse gets back from his final breeding season and has been rendered "retired", I'll be ready to get him back in shape. I am going to be SO sore for the next couple of days... Everything from my neck on down is grumbling already. I think it will be time to get the sauna going tonight :smiley:

    I am late setting up the sign-up thread for new members! If you have friends you would like to invite to join our lovely team, that will be the place for them to go. I'll post the link here as soon as I get my job done.

    @ashleycarole86 yes! reckless abandon will be relegated to what you do in the lake, on the trails, and any other way you can get outside and have a blast burning calories. Go go go!

    Oh, I can *definitely* help you with that skewed hip! Get the damned border opened already so I can help. Good grief! I've about had it with not being permitted to go anywhere. Well, that's a little dramatic but not completely. I come by it honestly what with our theatrically inclined family, right!?

    I'll touch base tomorrow with my Wednesday weigh in. xoxo
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    I'm not too hopeful about tomorrow remaining green as I have overindulged a tad and haven't been able to exercise like I wanted to in order to work off those calories. There was a minor mishap yesterday between my right ring finger and a runaway rock from the retaining wall we were building. So along with the mildly sore hip, I now can't hold any dumbbells in my right hand! And I had just finished my first Epic upper-body workout! Ohh well.... Hopefully I will heal soon and can get back at it.

    Welcome to the team @texasruby354! Everyone here is great for motivation and support
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    I'm not too hopeful about tomorrow remaining green as I have overindulged a tad and haven't been able to exercise like I wanted to in order to work off those calories. There was a minor mishap yesterday between my right ring finger and a runaway rock from the retaining wall we were building. So along with the mildly sore hip, I now can't hold any dumbbells in my right hand! And I had just finished my first Epic upper-body workout! Ohh well.... Hopefully I will heal soon and can get back at it.

    Wrist weights! Wrist weights! Who needs fingers?
    Thanks for the welcome! I'm a newbie from South Texas and I want to get serious about my weight loss.

    I've always been active and slim my whole life until I had kids. I kept 20 pounds with the first and ended up 60 pounds heavier after my third daughter. It's been 20 years now and no more excuses! I have been putting myself aside and focusing on everyone else, but now that they are all in college, It is my time. I do have an amazing husband and family and a beautiful wardrobe that just waiting for me to get into! I need a lot of motivation and support, so I decided to join this group. I am looking forward to engaging with everyone and getting started on my weight loss journey!

    Those danged babies! I'm so glad you found us - it is indeed your time now. I'm way up in Québec, so sometimes I'll be jealous of your weather, but then I'll brag out cooler summers and fabulous snow! In between all the grumbling, I am sure we'll be able to help you stick with it. There is no such thing as 100% perfect, but we will do our best to help you through the rough patches and stick the team tiara on your head when you lead us all along. We're going to have a great time! And of course we want to see photos of the fab wardrobe...

    @EvMakesChanges you have no idea how much I'd love for you to help with my hip and sacrum skewage! Is that a word? It should be. We'll get there one of these days.

    @Gidgitgoescrazy I love your new schedule too. I have no idea what Chipotles cauliflower rice tastes like, but your version sounds just fine. I'm not much of a rice eater to begin with, so I have not felt any need to perfect a substitution for it, but cauliflower can add plenty of substance without too many calories, so go for it!

    I missed horse time today due to stupid car repair issues. Grrrrr. Tomorrow morning first thing, himself is getting some attention! I had a really fun Pilates workout today, though. Some of the forms of rolling are getting better, and some are just hilarious without really working at all! Next hurdle - front scale. I really enjoy the articles and info on gmb.io - and this week there was a posting about the front and back scale. It's a good test of balance, mobility, and strength. I'm totally fine with the back scale, and fail utterly on the front. Some serious quad and hip flexibility work needed! Luckily, they give good info on how to get there.

    I hope everyone is working on their goals, finding out new stuff, and enjoying the last bits of April. Many hugs still flying to @micki48 - I hope your son and the rest of your family are doing all right :heart: :heart:

    Off to stick with NO SUGAR this week. It is hard... Lemon balm herbal tea. Ommmm. Or something.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member

    Wednesday People! Are you ready?


    Post your beautiful numbers. And yes, all numbers are beautiful even if you hate them...
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