What are you reading



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I decided that I needed a little break from Sharon Srock.
    SURVIVE THE NIGHT by Vicki Hinze (LIS)

    THE GIRL FROM THE PAPERS by Jennifer L Wright (historical) - this is rather hard. The last one of her books I read, I couldn't rate because subject was so hard. This one seems pretty much the same. I will take it a little at a time and then go to something lighter. If I remember before checking out another by her, I will probably pass it up.
    SEASIDE COWBOY'S MARRIAGE OF CONVENIENCE by Alexa Verde (rom) - when I finish it, I will go to:
    HANNAH'S ANGEL by Sharon Srock
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I downloaded (through KU) a couple of the books you mentioned, Connie.

    I'm doing some fantasy re-reading.

    I started on WILLIAM PENN in that series by Geoff and Janet Benge. So far it is very good.
    In the HEARTS OF FIRE series, I finished book one a while back and just finished book two. I definitely liked book one better, but a couple of stories in book 2 really touched my heart.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I finished the Valley View series by Sharon Srock. I have downloaded the fist few of the next series set in the same town.

    FIXING UP THE FARMHOUSE by Catelyn Meadows (romance) KU. Book 2 of a series. It's okay.
    THE GIRL FROM THE PAPERS by Jennifer L Wright (historical) - absolutely not my favorite. I am plodding through it a little at a time. I thought about DNF, but it is well written, just hard to read. There is a lot of abuse, anger, hard times, theft and blame.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    I started the last book in THE AGENCY FILES by Chautona Havig. Can't remember the title; I'll come back and update later
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I finally finished THE GIRL FROM THE PAPERS. I can't say that I recommend it. It was a good but very difficult read. I can't say if I will read others by her. This is the second really hard read.

    KNIGHT IN SHINING APRON by Carole Brown (rom mystery)
    LOVE'S DWELLING by Kelly Irvin (Amish)

    LET MY DAUGHTER GO by Creston Mapes (suspense) - very good so far.
    SUMMERTIME LILIES by LM Karen - Light and easy
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    I read LET MY DAUGHTER GO. I agree - very suspenseful and very good
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Summertime Lilies was good. It was a light read but had a sad moment. You knew it was coming from the beginning, so it was not a surprise or an unexpected ending.

    I haven't done a lot of reading today, but have worked more on LET MY DAUGHTER GO and checked out the next book in the LM Karen series.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    I finished HASHTAG ROGUE, the last book in The Agency Files series by Chautona Havig. I was disappointed in the ending of this one. The wrap up happened very quickly without explaining everything. In the pages that follow the book Chautona says she'll be extending the series with a new 3 book series. My Kindle indicated that first book (coming in 2020) is called POINTED SUSPICION. But that title isn't listed anywhere; I can't find it. Maybe she abandoned that project?
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I think that Chautona really scaled by her writing the last few years. She is caregiver for her mother and has had a lot of stress. I read something the other day that she had to push back the date on something else she was writing, but hoped to have it published soon. I read a few pages in #ROGUE and couldn't get into it. I think it was the only DNF I ever had of her books.

    Currently I am YouTube listening to Jessie Gussman's newest series. She has 4 books available in the series so far. I am listening to the second one right now. The main issue I have had with these books is that some of the advertisements have been more like long infomercials (one 45 minutes long). I want them to be paid for the advertisements, but I am NOT listening to 45 minute commercials! Luckily you can easily skip, but then they don't get paid.
    Strawberry Sands
    THERE I FIND REST by Jessie Gussman (rom)
    THERE I FIND PEACE by Jessie Gussman (rom) current
    There I find love by Jessie Gussman
    There I find Joy by Jessie Gussman
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Wow, that is a very long commercial. I rarely finish commercials when I am watching something on YouTube. I haven't tried listening to books through them yet though.

    I'm on the last book in one of my fantasy re-reads and finished the other re-read. I have to look through my books to see what I am going to read next. I downloaded two or three from KU, and I keep trying to start the Robin Patchen series, of which I have most of them, but I start and then just don't go back.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I'm still working through the Jessie Gussman books. I haven't seen any other author that has these horribly long infomercials. I just skipped another 22 minute one. Jay Dyess is the narrator and it is his channel. I did put a comment about them. He is a really good narrator and I would rather listen to him than text to voice, but I may switch back to Ebooks if these continue.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    Unless I find a movie on the plane that grabs my attention, I'll be starting VESTIGE OF POWER by Sara Blackard
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I liked that series, Cindy.

    I am almost done with the fourth book in the Seventh Son fantasy series.
    I started reading CONVENIENT LIES by Robin Patchen and realized that I had already read this one. I am reading it again just to get back into the series before going on to book 2.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I am reading CHARLEY by Sharon Srock (wm fict). This is book #3 in her Sisters By Design series. I am really enjoying her books.

    I am listening to THE BILLIONAIRE’S NANNY by Elizabeth Maddrey (rom). I'm not far into it, but is light reading for bedtime listening.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Oh my goodness, I got a copy of Jessie Gussman’s newest book...to be released later. It was a birthday gift. It is so cool. At the end of every chapter it has this sentence, "Made with love for connie.randel@gmail.com".
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Oh, how awesome is that???

    I'm all over the place with my reading. I am almost done with WILLIAM PENN by Geoff and Janet Benge. Very good. So much I didn't know about his life. I finished one of the fantasy re-reads and am almost done with another one. I started another re-read by Rachel Rosanno who I really like reading from! This one is a medieval story that starts with DUTY. I also started VYPER which is the sixth book in the Laynie spy series by Vikki Kestell. Vyper is a super hacker gal who now works for the government. Have been in and out of some others as well.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    edited October 2023
    I'm onto a different series by Chautona Havig - SIGHT UNSEEN. This one is about people who have lost their memory... waking up and not knowing who they are. The first in the series (I started it on the plane, read for 4 1/2 hours and finished it after midnight when I got home) is NONE SO BLIND.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I like those kinds of stories. I haven't read anything by her in quite awhile!

    I finished the WILLIAM PENN biography by the Benges. I never knew that he spent so little time in Pennsylvania and faced so much trouble in England and even years in prison. Then he had a "friend" whom he trusted who had been robbing him for years and then tricked him into signing over Pennsylvania to him, which, after his death his wife took advantage of and tried to take everything from him. Yikes!

    I'm not sure who I will go on to next. Still reading VYPER by Vikki Kestell and the fourth book in a fantasy series.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    I finished the SIGHT UNSEEN series by Chautona Havig: NONE SO BLIND, WILL NOT SEE, TIES THAT BLIND. This was a good series, with a decent amount of suspense. I started A BIRD DIED by the same author, but it's hard to read in that it's based on a tragic accident that happened to Chautona's grandson. I'd still like to wrap up the add on books to THE AGENCY FILES (same author), but that will probably have to wait.

    So many Chautona books! (Most of them downloaded on her birthday.)
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    I've read a couple of Lacy Williams books over the last couple of days. UGH. I can't find the name of the one I finished yesterday, but right now I'm reading WINNING THE SCHOOLMARM.