


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND! Hope y'all are able to have some nice plans. No plans for us today, just some time out shopping. We will be having lunch with our Church family tomorrow and some fellowship afterwards! I still have some residual congestion, but am sure that the virus is over! Praise the Lord.

    Love y'all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    edited May 27
    I'm spending my Memorial Day weekend out of town. I'm working here through Thursday but then I have the next week off. Enjoy your weekend, while remembering the brave fallen men and women of our military.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    edited May 26
    We don't have plans for the weekend. If Bill feels like he can, I'm going to try to get him to church, but after getting him out with me to go to Mom's today, I doubt he will feel up to it. It is really difficult for him (and for me).

    Keep us in your prayers. I have some major decisions to make. Our foundation needs more work and it will be very expensive. The house is very unhandy for Bill and I need to figure out if I need to just try to sell as is and see if I can buy something smaller and handicapped equipped.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    Sending prayers your way for the big decisions you have before you, Connie.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Praying for you, Connie!

    We had a Church meal yesterday and I so hoped I could go, but I started hacking again in the morning and feeling that fatigue as well. To keep my Church family safe I just stayed home. Still coughing this morning and my ears are congested, but not having to blow my nose as much as in the past! Ick! No fever at all. I don't usually get fevers, but at times it might go up a degree or so. If I'm not better by tomorrow (today is day 21), then I'll call my NP and see what she thinks.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Happy Memorial Day, all. I've had a quiet weekend, only going to Sunday School and church yesterday, then a little grocery shopping today in preparation for our Tuesday family supper.

    Cindy, you deserve some time off! Thanks for the reminder about the fallen men and women who have served us so sacrificially. I read somewhere that around 50% of Americans don't know what Memorial Day stands for.

    Connie, I rejoice with you in getting to play piano in June. I think playing brings both of us joy. And I pray for wisdom in your decision making. With today's economy, it's hard to know which route is best. East Tennessee is a hilly area, but we were fortunate in having no steps in our home, even on the entrance. I do think that both of you will benefit from a home that's handicapped friendly.

    Kim, some families seem to go out of their way to judge and hurt each other. Your family missed out on a wonderful life with you and Wade over their decision. Your Mom is a talented artist. I love the cat portrait, of course, and was surprised to see the Newnan, GA courthouse. Newnan wasn't all that far from where we used to live.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Wade and I went to Wal-Mart on Saturday and the military guys were out there, elderly gentlemen. I wanted to ask them what they thought about our country today, and tell them how sorry I am that what they sacrificed their time, and some their lives for, doesn't exist anymore. Our group had a song, years ago, called THEY DIDN'T DIE FOR THIS and it was about this very thing, especially the wickedness cropping up in the state schools. If we'd written the song today we'd have to add something about college students calling for the annihilation of Israel and the trans-movement (then it was just homosexuality), or sexual changes in little kids! Argh! It's overwhelming the wickedness running rampant and the cries for a socialistic or communistic society coming out of the colleges. BUT - not a surprise since God warned us of this in His Word! We weren't a military family, but Wade's was. His daddy was 28 years in the military and it makes me sad that everything he fought for has come to naught, but I'm glad he didn't live to see it, although I would love for him to still be with us, he would be 97 if he had lived!

    Still having some struggles with my breathing and with head congestion. Wow, I just read an article about the drug for congestion in medicines like DayQuil and Sudaphed PE - it doesn't work! It's what I took about an hour ago - and actually, my nose isn't as congested as it was, but it hasn't touched my sinus congestion! I will go to the doctor tomorrow if it hasn't improved today. I said that yesterday, but Wade and I talked about it and will wait until tomorrow.

    Carole, did you ever try the chicken casserole? Did you like it? I think real chicken would taste better than the canned, but the canned makes it easy!

    I hope that y'all have an awesome day. Love you
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    Kim, is the name of the drug you're talking about Guaifenesin? It is supposed to relieve chest congestion that occurs as a result of a cold, the flu, or allergies... and make a cough more productive. It's the only ingredient in Mucinex and that's what I use when I'm dealing with congestion. Seems to work for me.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    edited May 28
    Dentist today for mom and I. Mom's appointment had been scheduled for a while and I felt a chip on a tooth, so I called the dentist and they worked me in after mom. I'm so glad that I didn't wait. As it was, I just needed a little filling. I know if I waited, there would have been a much more costly treatment needed. My mouth is just now getting past the numbness.

    I have been doing some homework on 3 different senior communities. 2 close to the church and 1 close to the girls. Both are further from mom, but doable.
    They are probably 15 miles at most. Now to check with a realtor for my house. Bill's daughter agrees with me about moving and was shocked when I told her my strategy, but after I explained my thought process, she liked my thinking. I've got a foundation company coming next week to give me feedback and an estimate on the work needing done. That will tell me a lot! Then I will have more of a ballpark idea of what to expect.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Oh, Connie, that sounds like a good idea! In a senior community you will be closer to help when you need it.

    Cindy, it's phenylephrine, a head decongestant. They said that it's risen in use because the one that does work, pseuphedrine (sp?) isn't easily available without having to give information to the druggist! I found that the Genexa D, a natural chewable tablet, works best for me.

    Well, I went to our local PA and told him about my symptoms now and about the pneumonia that I had last Oct/Nov. He listened and heard congestion in my lower right lung, same place as last time. He said that the scar tissue from pneumonia makes you more likely to get it again. So, I likely have pneumonia again. I am on 2 weeks of antibiotics, Amoxicillian. He wanted me to use that since I've taken it all right in the past. Hopefully, it will finally get this cleared up!

    Love y'all. Keeping you in my prayers.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Oh my, Kim. Hopefully the antibiotic works! Saying prayers.

    I found a villa that I thought I wanted. It was in the subdivision where I have two friends that live and love it. Anyway it wound up under contract. There is another for sale by owner in the complex, so I will call them tomorrow morning. I was talking to my friend and she reminded me of something that i have been dont need to see a green light, but watch for the red lights! Well, that house wasn't for us. I will check on the other. I have a realtor coming tomorrow for selling this house. We will see. The prices are good for the size and the maintenance. There is a house in another complex, but it is $100,000 more....uh, no. I am trusting God to do this move with no mortage (unless it is just a bridge loan guaranteed on my retirement account). Keep praying that God leads us to the right outcome. Staying or is in his hands.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Praying! God knows where He wants you to be! Did you find out about the foundation yet?

    Not much going on with me, just resting a lot! God is always good!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    Still praying for your housing decisions and that the foundation won't be too much.

    Please pray for my son, Benjamin and daughter-in-law, Natasha, if you will. She's been in labor for a long time. They're having a home birth with a nurse midwife... I texted him this morning and they're exhausted (one of them more than the other, he said). The baby's name is Maxwell. They have 3 girls and everyone is excited about this little boy. I know God is in control - I'm just praying for things to move along safely and that everyone is healthy.

    Thank you! My flight is leaving now. More later...
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Praying for son and daughter-in-law and baby Maxwell!

    The foundation company is coming next Thursday. The realtor will be here shortly
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Praying for your family, Cindy. I'm hoping that baby Maxwell is here safe and sound and Benjamin and Natasha have had a good night's rest!

    Doing better today. Less congestion in my head, just normal allergy congestion now. Coughing a little bit but breathing more easily with just moments of having to breathe deeply or not being able to catch my breath. Praise the Lord!

    Phew, I am having trouble with my internal thermostat. I get hot, turn on a fan, I get cold, turn off the fan! I ordered something that Suzy Cohen talked about for a healthy thyroid, Dulse, its a sea vegetable supplement - I got the pills, not the powdered stuff. It has a number of nutrients in it though that should help with several things and might replace a couple of other supplements that I am taking. It's around $10 a month.

    Love y'all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    After dragging his feet, Baby Maxwell finally arrived at 1am this morning. 9 lb. 4oz., 21". Praise God everyone is healthy and fine - although maybe a little sleep deprived. We're heading over there this afternoon to welcome him to the family. Thank you for your prayers
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Woohoo! Welcome to the world Maxwell! Praise the Lord all went well.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Congratulations! I'm sure you are excited to welcome him into the family!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Praise the Lord, I am finally feeling normal today. Still taking deep breaths, but they are catching! God is so very good!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    Hurray and thank the Lord for your good health.

    I'm traveling to Amelia Island, FL. today for work. Hoping to keep up the good habits I've restarted