What Have You Done Today That Is Healthy



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,805 Member
    Lunch: 2oz taco meat with tomatoes and 0.8oz pretzels
    Dinner: 3oz roasted pork loin, 1 small potato and 2/3 cup carrots
    Snacks: 1oz cinnamon almonds, Yoplait light yogurt, 3 Hershey hugs

    Calories were a bit low. And, I didn't add in the little bit of salt that I used, so don't look closely at the sodium numbers. I cook without any salt, and only use no salt ingredients, so the numbers are very low.

    I did take a short walk, but it was HOT.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,805 Member
    Chicken (pan seared), carrots, about 1/2 small potato, salad w/watered down french dressing
    1/4 hamburger bun, small spoon pulled pork (about a tablespoon), 1 oz pretzels, string cheese
    Chocolate almonds, 3 hersey hugs, yoplait light yogurt.

    Calories - 979 Carbs - 91 Cholesterol - 121 Sat Fat - 12
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,740 Member
    I moved around a lot yesterday, mostly cooking early in the day. Never really day down until 9pm.

    Coffee for breakfast. A slider hamburger, a barbecue chicken leg, baked beans and watermelon for lunch.

    Chips and dip for a snack and 1/2 a Klondike bar for dessert.

    No real dinner. Too busy playing with my granddaughters on the new swing my husband put up (I'll post a picture later) and cleaning up the mess that 11 people can make.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    I stayed on my eating plan and did a little bit of walking.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,805 Member
    Brunch: 1 slice wheat bread, one slice American Cheese, 1 oz pretzels
    Dinner: 3.5oz grilled pork loin, low fat/low sodium cole slaw, low salt, no sugar baked beans (turned out pretty good - will try again), corn on the cob, SF jello (while the guys had cherry pie)
    Snacks: chocolate almonds, 3 hershey hugs, light Greek Yogurt.

    Calories - 1030 Carbs - 118 Sat Fat - 10 Cholesterol - 97

    A bit high on carbs, but not bad considering
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    On plan so far and will attempt to walk this afternoon!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,740 Member
    I went to my exercise class last night - 1 hour of stretching and low impact exercise.

    Today so far I've had 3 cups of coffee (half caff), old fashioned oatmeal with 1/4 wild black raspberries and a lemon yogurt. I really need to work on my water intake.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,805 Member
    Brunch: 1 slice wheat bread, 1 piece American Cheese, 1oz pretzel
    Dinner: 3.5oz grilled pork loin (left-over), 1/2 serving cole slaw, southern style hash browns, SF jello
    Snacks: light greek yogurt, cinnamon almonds, 2 hershey hugs

    Calories: 900 - Carbs: 99 - Sat. Fat: 10 - Cholesterol: 95
    Outdoor walk this morning before the heat of the day.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,805 Member
    Today, I missed my walk. It has been a busy day and about the time it slowed down, it started pouring rain. I could use the dreaded treadmill, but I hate that thing! It is so boring.

    lunch: 1 slice wheat bread, 1 slice colby jack cheese, 1oz pretzels
    dinner: chicken fajitas (home-made no salt) with onions and peppers, 1/4 cup chili beans, 1oz pretzels, 1 Tbs sour cream.
    Snacks: chocolate almonds, string cheese, 3 hershey hugs

    Calories: 979 - Carbs: 98 - Sat fat: 14 (one over) - Cholesterol: 120
    All in all, not a bad day.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Missed my walk yesterday. If this fatigue from my migraine meds doesn't lift I'll miss it today as well. I tried to lie down again but my brain wouldn't turn off so I am on the computer and struggling to type - my fingers don't want to work right! LOL! Will stay on plan.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,740 Member
    2 half caff coffees and yogurt at 10am
    Penne pasta with meat sauce and peas for dinner.
    No snacks.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,805 Member
    Today we had our cheat day. I wasn't too bad. We got take out from Cheddar's so was able to keep it fairly healthy. Grilled chicken on rice, green beans, broccoli and (CHEAT) a honey butter croissant! Anyway, I cut the almonds out of my evening snack and it almost paid for the croissant in calories.
    Carbs: 101 (my goal is less than 100)
    Sat Fat: 19 (goal 13)
    Cholesterol: 301 (high goal 300) Whew 220 of that was in the chicken breast over rice according to Cheddars and our tracker here.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Thinking more about keeping my fats and my carbs separated. Lunch today is an E smoothie with cranberry juice, berries and okra in it, as well as my protein powder and my tummy and fruit and veggie powder supplement. I use Amare GBX superfood powder and they even had that in their food list!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,740 Member
    Okay, I'm going to try using the tracker today and see how that works out. I wish I could start my list here and come back to edit it later in the day. I'll have to think about coming to this thread in the evening to do it all at once.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,805 Member
    Cindy - That's why I like using a tracker. It lets me know as I go.

    Well - I totally blew the carbs today. I had a large baked potato with meatloaf, salad and green beans for dinner - and there they went.

    Carbs: 120
    Sat fats: 14 (allowed for today)
    Cholesterol: 92
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,740 Member
    edited July 2021
    Noosa Honey yogurt with 1/4 wild
    black raspberries and a slice of gf multigrain toast with 1T peanut butter for brunch.
    1/2 cup leftover penne pasta with meat sauce with supplements around 2.
    3 small slices gluten free pizza and a medium sized salad with slices cucumbers and 1T Catalina dressing for dinner.

    Heavy carb day for me too.

    2 cups half caff coffee, 2 waters

    Calories 1,111
    Carbs 140
    Fats 42
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,740 Member
    So far, that's one thing I like better on SP. Their tracker let me know as I tracked through the day also, so those are similar. (Although there I was able to add different meals to the day like snack or brunch, and I can't find that option here - just breakfast, lunch, dinner).

    But if I wanted to update or edit a post I'd already written, I could do that for more than an hour.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,805 Member
    Cindy - you can see your nutrients throughout the day when you go into diary (phone, tablet, etc). At the bottom there is a tab that says nutrition. It shows everything. On the computer, the nutrients show at the bottom. I never added a separate meal on SP, so that didn't make a difference to me. If I have something special I want to add, I just add it under breakfast. I like the way that you can save meals. Since there are a lot of times that I eat the same thing for lunch, etc. Also, their recipe section is much easier for me to use than sparkpeople's so that I can put in the stuff that I make for Bill. They have almost all of the brands of stuff that I use.

    The only being able to edit during a one hour time frame is a pain, though.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Cindy, my food tracker shows Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks. Hmmm?

    I got my steps in yesterday (2000+) and did my walk, 1000 steps, 10 minutes. Stayed on plan.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,805 Member
    Lunch: 1 slice wheat bread, one slice American cheese, 1oz pretzels
    Dinner: 2 egg whites, 1 egg, 3.7oz homemade turkey sausage, large serving hash browns (no fats used), 1 slice toast
    Snacks: 1 string cheese, 4 Hershey Hugs

    Well, I knew I was going to go over in the cholesterol, but that 1 egg always does it. I wanted to fix breakfast tonight and without fixing two separate pans of eggs, this is the easiest way for me to do it. I did get my walk, though. I thought it was going to rain all day, but it cleared to a beautiful afternoon.

    Calories: 873
    Carbs: 93
    Sat Fats: 14 (right on goal)
    Cholesterol: 306 (6 points over)