Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    [img]https://us.v-cdn.net/5021879/uploads/editor/7q/9eyyew8qpbja.jpg[/ Praying that you are all well. It seems most of you are posting on the Goals challenge thread so I might just do the same and only post scriptures here. Joshua 22:5 Only be very careful to observe the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, to love the Lord your God, and to walk in all his ways and to keep his commandments and to cling to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.[/img]
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,335 Member
    Went to the doctor today for Mom's neck. She was wondering why they kept her in a soft collar if her neck wasn't broken. I told her I had no idea. So, before she takes it off she wants to go over their records. She's exhibiting behaviors common to folks with dementia so we shouldn't be concerned about those things, just the natural progression of the disease.

    Having some pain in my back. For some reason my time at the eye doctor did something to my back and it's been hurting since then. I guess I need to get my brace out.

    Lots of rain here. Waiting for some more to come through.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 784 Member
    Oh no! Back pain from the eye appointment? We no likey! Would love to have some rain. I've seen some AM evidence of PM activity but not a whole lot. We're supposed to see over 100 for Mon/Tue next week. I was hoping the "cold front" would drop us down to 82 but it didn't happen.

    So sad for Mom....but I'd think we will all experience a bit of that as we age. I, like many, will be alone and hope to be able to care for myself well, until Jesus says "come home". I know it's so very hard for caregivers, to handle such things with loved ones.

    I've had 2 rentals today and am so glad I took some locks off units yesterday before this foot got worse. I'll unlock my 10X30 in the morning when I get here. I have 2 units on hold....a 10x20 and the other 10x30.

    It's a lovely day here today. Some sunshine among the clouds and I am quite comfy in here. I do look forward to getting home tho....home is my favorite place to be and it's a good thing I get along well with myself, right?
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,335 Member
    I sure hope that foot decides to do better soon!

    Well, our building is in the process of being put up. We'll have work to do on the inside so I'm not sure when we will be able to meet there, but I sure hope it's soon!

    Mom's sleeping off and on during the day is a progression of her dementia and makes us sad. She is still coherent and knows everyone, she just struggles with more than one thought and forgets to do things if she has more than one thing to do at a time. I have her doing jigsaw puzzles on her Kindle, and where she could once do a 500 piece puzzle on her own, she now can't do a 35 piece puzzle with any kind of ease. I have to help her on each puzzle to figure out where she went wrong. She needs to exercise her brain, so we will keep plugging along. This is the easiest thing I could think for her to do that had some challenge to it. She also likes to do her "paint by number" type game, but that is pretty mindless.

    Some more rain today and warm temps too. I think we have one or two more days of 50% chances of rain, then it will finally taper off. Phew!

    Love y'all. have an awesome weekend.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    Restfinder - we really need that rain - if only people could bottle it and send it to us - we are under emergency from the government due to the fires - we have all our province people out on it, people from other provinces and even a large number from Austraila I believe fighting it - last year a fire where this big one is took out 26,000 Ha over the complete summer, now it is on fire again in the same area and in 2 weeks it has taken out 56,000 Ha - and it is growing fast - so many people have been evacuated, 1 resort and one village have had more damage done that they are telling us it is like those 2 places are no longer and there are 2 more small towns in its path -please pray and pray diligently as we haven't had rain sine middle of June and all around the city I am living is things have been burned to nothing - where people were wanting to move their cattle because they had been burned out - well where they want to move them to has now been burned out - there is not many places to move all the cattle to feed them and this is not good. Please pray

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 784 Member
    edited August 2021
    Thanks Kim. This is one of the really bad episodes. Tho none are "good" some pass within 3-4 days and are much less painful. This is day 7 and I've been in agony for 5 days. I plan to take tomorrow off if I need to. Having to drag myself around at the office makes these times much more extreme and takes recovery much longer to achieve.

    I broke down and ordered a pair of crutches and a folding bedside potty. It will give me needed incentive to clear out some closet clutter to store things when not in use. I am looking forward to being able to walk again and get some much needed chores done. I need some tips on avoiding these episodes. They come now with no warning or plausible reason it seems.

    I ended up with 6 rentals yesterday! Wow! One young man came in for a 10x30....the only one I had left, I can't lift the doors up on. I told him he was welcome to look at it and if he could deal with it, it's his. Oh, BTW...while you're down there, will you take the locks off these 2 10X15's for me? LOL He did and I waived his $20 admin fee. He was a happy camper and I was as well. After seeing me drag off to the printer for his receipt he said..."well you ARE a bit wimpy today!"

    I used my walker to scoot around at work yesterday but am basically dragging the bad foot, not stepping much at all. I'll get the rest of my work done today and leave things orderly and have my verifieds ready to mail....for Sharon or Chris, whoever has to fill in for me tomorrow. That will give me 3 full days for recovery.

    I got a call from my endo doc's office to reschedule my 8/17 appointment. Oh yay! He will be out of the office that week so they are shuffling. I'll see his nurse again Sept. 1. I will behave and do all I can to upgrade my health report. That buys me a little more time to get lab work done as well.

    Prayers for us all here...in the new week ahead.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,335 Member
    Bren, you need to let your doctor know about this foot episode. It's much worse than you usually have and lasting much longer. Your endo doc needs to know what is going on, or at least your regular doc. Being diabetic you can't mess around where your feet are concerned. I'm hoping all of that was unnecessary because you've already done that! heehee.

    Going to try and walk today. Back still hurting - and no, there really isn't much I can do about it since I've already tried everything that the doctors say they can do and none of it is lasting help. Arthritis in the hip joints and last three vertebrae, the hips giving me the most pain right now. I think it's these weather fronts and all the rain we've been having, my arthritis doesn't like it! I need to be active though, even though it hurts.

    Have a great day!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 784 Member
    Yep...it's been addressed and all have seen me at my worst...in the boot, the shoe, with the cane and all heard my cries for help. I saw bone and joint specialist at one time, as well as my podiatrist, PCP, endo and kidney Dr. and my cardiologist. It's on the charts as an issue but I don't have a list of things to do about it other than the "control your sugar, lose the weight". I'll google some more on pain relief and pray for prevention. It's nerve damage, caused by the diabetes over the past 12 years....and arthritis in assorted spots. Like with your back/hip pain.

    I sent Zach an e-mail this morning, taking the day off and he has Sharon there today. She called to check on me. She too, has many issues to deal with and has rickety knees, back, shoulder and feet and is 72 already.

    I'm hoping I'm able to tackle the kitchen tomorrow. It's in dire need of attention. Last night's dinner was a bottle of orange juice, as I was having a sugar drop and sick by the time I got home from work. I snagged a bottle, and laid down to recuperate and stayed down all night! I did take my PM meds about 9:30 but didn't want to try to fix anything so didn't. Breakfast was canned pinto beans, okra with chopped onion and the last piece of cornbread. Tasty and easy.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    Hope you ladies get relief from your pain. I have had so many surgeries due to arthritis that it isn't even funny, but with not working on concrete floors 50+ hours a week, I am sooooo much better. I went with Bill to our ortho doctor a couple of years ago and he said that he hadn't seen me in a long time and asked about my knees. I told him that retirement was the best thing I could do for them. I do find that the pain in my back is better when I am active. If I start getting serious back pain, I take walks.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 784 Member
    Thank you! Taking a page from your book Connie. I used to (20 years back) go to the high school track for a walk before work 4-5 days a week, weather permitting. Then Meniere's struck again, with the debilitating dizziness, drop attacks, further hearing loss and my activity came to a screeching halt. Then a fall, getting out of my car, started the foot problems, 13 years ago...I got hung up between the curb and my car and twisted things up. Outside of work and home care, I get little to no real activity. I can only stand 7-8 minutes before my back is screaming at me....but I do know there are things I CAN do and I need to do them as long as I can!

    Last night I got round one loaded in the dishwasher and run as I went to bed. Just got round two loaded and running now...hooya. First time I've been able to tend to that in 5-6 days. I'm doing little pick up/spiff up tasks today and hope to be able to vacuum tomorrow and get the trash out. I need to change my bed too. I did find and update my 5-20 minute chore list last week so can knock some of those off when I am overwhelmed and not sure where to start.

    I am so thankful to see some recovery today. I'm at a 6 on the pain scale as opposed to 7 days at a 10 so I am surely blessed!
    I placed a delivery order with my HEB store for this afternoon. That service is such a blessing for times like this. I did not get more of their yummy cornbread...LOL That became a problem and I got it 3 times in the past month. The last pan lasted a full week tho. I'd have some with a can of soup for dinner and finished it off yesterday at breakfast. I'll make my own when I want it again.
    I need more coffee and will get my charts caught up and devotionals done.
    Be blessed all...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,335 Member
    That's what I've heard, Connie. It may hurt more when you first begin, but over time being active and moving those joints helps them! I just gotta remember that when it hurts and I don't want to move! I did walk yesterday, about 500 steps. I'll try to do more today.

    Bren, I wish there were a solution for you. I guess we both need to buckle down. I need to move more and you need to guard your eating. I hope you have been able to figure out a diet that works with all of your restrictions!!

    I put up a message on the THM board and one lady, a mentor in the plan, said that she would try and find some answers for me with all of the different things that keep me from being able to easily do a plan. We'll see what she comes up with.

    Mom is still having headaches. I'm hoping they will taper off. She isn't needing as much Tylenol as she had been taking so I'm hoping that she is getting better. The doctor thought she'd had a concussion, which wouldn't surprise me.

    I found this blog today. For those with children in the public school system, or questioning whether you should put them there, this is a good one:
    Apparently, some Christian parents don't mind their children being abused mentally, physically, emotionally, academically, socially, spiritually by the government, Humanistic indoctrination day camps. But the end of such anti-Bible brain washing is eternity without God. Even if those parents make it to heaven, they will watch their children graduate from the Great White Throne to to the Lake of Fire.

    For some it is too late to raise your children right. Those parents are basically left with praying that the seeds of anti-Christian upbringing will fail to come to full fruition.

    Even with the best upbringing, children often make the worst choices. Don't compound their obstructions if you still have them at home. If you have grandchildren, encourage Christian education, through ministries or home schooling.

    To take your children out of the p.s. system not only saves them from damnable lies, psychological and physical abuse, they will actually learn how to read, think, understand history, write, do math, learn true science.

    Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that the "professionals" are more competent to teach your children than you are. Remember, an untold majority of those professionals deny the Bible, reject two genders, support homosexuality, resist basic freedoms, AND they are often untaught in basic education, and have their own academic and spiritual problems that your children do not need to be exposed to.
    It's been amazing to me in watching the news and knowing that some of these news casters claim to be Christian, they report on the evil in the school systems, and then they are frustrated that they can't get there kids back there - say what??? Do you hear yourself? I saw a report today that in one state they are contemplating graduating students even if they aren't proficient in reading and math. Those subjects don't matter any more, but make sure that they have indoctrination in all the other wickedness going on in our society. Welcome to the last days!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 784 Member
    Oh, me too! The forced movement. Even when I am out of kilter with my feet, I can still do arm moves, chair moves, bed moves....leg lifts and the like so I need to do what I can and thank God for the ability.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,335 Member
    Haven't heard back from Mom's PCNP. I want to take off that collar, but if I don't have all the information I might be doing her damage. When we left the trauma center they said that what they saw in the CAT Scan was the old break - nothing else. So there should be no reason for her to have to keep wearing it! But when I talked to her PCNP she said something about the ball of the vertebrae being cracked - we heard that at the first hospital, but not the second. When I talked to the second hospital just before she was to have her 2 week checkup the girl thought that her neck had broken, then she read the chart and, "Oh, seeing her PCP would be fine." So, I can only assume that what they said in the emergency room stands - she didn't break her neck. If she had, the soft collar would be useless and that's what they put on her! Pray we make the right decision for her.

    Super hot here! Might get take-out tonight and skip cooking anything! Wade is in Jacksonville at Sam's, so I'll see if he brings anything back from that trip. It's about an hour and a half drive there, so we don't do it often and load up when we do.

    Y'all have a great day. Keep Jesus first!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 784 Member
    Continued prayers for you all, Kim. I'd think she was ready to be rid of that as well.

    Latest in the foot saga....I thought it was a lot better yesterday, the toe had improved, swelling going down and the pain just shifted from the toe area to the heel! I'm not done yet....but I can see the end of this round 3278....by perhaps Monday? I am praying for that. Had another restless, painful night. I need to know how to avoid these relapses.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,335 Member
    Well, I took Mom's collar off yesterday and she did really well. I also moved her wing back chair into the living room - and for the first time in a month, Mom didn't fall off to sleep! Not sure why, but I'm very glad. It's just a lot easier for her to get in and out of that chair than the sofa! She wore the collar to bed last night and we removed it again this morning. She just felt more comfortable to wear it while in bed. As her neck gets stronger I think she'll feel better about sleeping without it.

    Didn't eat out last night, but will tonight. Same, pizza for Mom and Wade and I'm going to do the fried shrimp, probably put it on top of a spinach salad.

    I was down 1.2 pounds this morning, quite surprised since I've eaten treats for the last three days. Gulp! But, yesterday I stayed within my calorie limits because my meals were small. I'll do the same today, making sure that 1/2 blueberry muffin doesn't take me over.

    Continue to pray for your foot, Bren.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 784 Member
    Thanks or prayers in my behalf! I will rejoice when I can walk like a normal person again! God is awesome!
    Woohoo! I picked up the 1.2 you dropped. I've been having dinner tho I'm not overloading like I'm prone to. Last night I did do another dessert but will abstain tonight. I had squash, okra, onion and Navy beans as my protein and the lovely little Oui dessert cup. I'm glad they are small but they are certainly enough!

    Tonight, I'll have one of the little rib eye steaks, a small baked tater and side salad for dinner. All tracked and accounted for. I will sort/clean and restore order to that fridge tomorrow before work in an effort to get back on track with my home chores and self care....and stop wasting stuff!

    Lunch will be my 2 egg omelet with added vegies. Yum. Love them and so easy to throw together. I have my tea steeping in there and will put that over ice for my afternoon "treat". Have a blessed day, Ladies!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,335 Member
    You must have lost the 1.2 because I picked it back up again! Oh yum, steak. One of my favorite things to eat. Bren, have you ever tried the Zero yogurt? It's the allowed yogurt on the THM plan because it pretty much doesn't have anything in it! LOL! I like to use it in my smoothies. I don't use it often though, my tummy doesn't like the dairy. I usually get the Silk Soy yogurt or the coconut milk yogurt, my tummy doesn't mind those.

    Lunch for me today is going to be a smoothie with blueberries, okra, veggie protein powder, ice, and my fruit and veggie and tummy powders. I'll probably use my SoBe Water because it has zero calories and is fruit flavored. I'll also have a single serve bag of my veggie chips. Oh dear, I've made myself hungry! LOL!

    Doing good. Mom is handling having her collar off well. She is still wearing it to bed though. I'll just let her decide when she feels comfortable enough to take it off.

    Oh, Marilyn - last night my lower lip started twitching, and again this morning. I think I will add another magnesium to my 20+ pill pile in the mornings! It wasn't severe but it was disconcerting!

    Hooweee, my right SI joint is really acting up. I'll put on my TENS unit and see if that doesn't help it. I have a brace for my hips, but as soon as I sit down it slides up to my waist! LOL! Oh well.

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 784 Member
    LOL. I was back at 225 yesterday. It does take effort and some days I'm sadly lacking.
    I have had some of the Zero yogurt. I normally get the Yoplait Light...love the peach ones. I only get the Oui maybe once a year or less, because of the cute jars and feeling "special"...LOL The desserts are new since I got them last. Like with my produce, I waste much more dairy than I eat....I have good intentions when I buy stuff.

    Yesterday, I managed to get my crutches and potty thing out of the boxes. The potty chair is way beyond my assembly skills so I slid everything back in it's nifty inner box with the idea of gifting a neighbor.
    My manager, Mary, brought in 2 more packages for me that had been left outside my door and I asked her if she knew anyone who could use it and she does so I let her take it off my hands and out of my space.

    I got those boxes and a big bag of trash to the dumpster, made a run to HEB for a few things, got breakfast from La Popular, then napped a lot. I skipped lunch, had dinner at 6:00 and was back in bed by 7:00. These foot/pain issues lay me low and make me really weak. I have so much I want to do and am making very little progress.

    We got some wonderful rain yesterday. It was so nice and most welcome. I only hear it with my hearing aid in so sometimes will mute the TV and close my eyes for a bit to enjoy it.

    Prayers for us all in this new day. May you be blessed best where needed most.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    It looks like I am not the only one yo-yoing with the weight, but right now I am showing a half pound less than my tracker. I was there yesterday, but didn't trust it, so put it in half way between the weight that was there and what my scale showed. I guess I can change the tracker. WooHoo!

    Bill had a COVID test this morning pre-surgery. It was at a clinic inside a grocery store - they couldn't do it at the clinic associated with the same hospital that is close to the house, but could do it in a grocery store clinic? Oh well, we had to wait a long time after appointment time because I don't think they took into consideration how long that school physicals take. Bill was the only adult waiting.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,335 Member
    How crazy is it that the vaccinated now, within a year of their vaccination, need a booster shot!? I have read several articles, even from the CDC, that say it would be rare for someone who has had covid to get it again and that the immunity from having had covid is better than the immunity from the vaccine! No one mentions those of us with natural immunity, they are just trusting the vaccine. Why can't we get a passport since the science says we have the antibodies to fight the virus???

    So hot. Our A/C went out. I called this morning and they will be here some time after lunch! Woohoo. I'm dripping sweat sitting here, so I need to wrap up quickly and get back in front of a fan.