Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    Ohhh - I enjoy fig newtons. Those who know me, know that I have never met a cookie that I didn't like. I have said that an oatmeal raisin cookie is my idea of a serving of fruit...fig newtons would work, too!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 784 Member
    I too, love cookies. They aren't so fond of me tho. Oh well....for all I shouldn't eat, there are so many things I can enjoy freely.
    Fruit: I bought 4 Nectarines in my HEB order, and those things must have been picked green somewhere. I could barely cut a plug from one and it was hard and tasteless. Boo! I'll google how to ripen them and hope they will become edible soon.

    I had errands to run at lunch...bank and post office so I zipped thru McDonald's for lunch. Not the best choice but it's tracked....I can do better.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,335 Member
    Hey ladies! Spending the day at hospitals! Mom fell on her face again. Hospital 1 said two fractures and sent her to a trauma center. Trauma center says old fracture, go home with a follow up appointment! Praise the Lord. We’d gone home and packed to stay a couple days (2 hour drive to hospital 2). Such good news! God is very good!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    Not the best of days - the smoke is really getting me - can't even see across the street right now.

    And for some reason my top lip on the left side decided at 3 pm to start to twich like every minute - so bad that my husband could see it happening. Eventually put some peppermint essential oil on it and that seems to have settle it down - praying that it was just a small cliche and all will be well. Also my hiatal hernia is really bad - lots of pain their today - food does it all the time - so am back on bland food for a bit

    Till next time

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    edited July 2021
    Oh, Marilyn, prayers coming your way! Also praying for a good hard rain in the area to dissipate some of the smoke, and to help with fighting the fires. When my nerves are set on edge, I have a eye that will begin to twitch. I had a time that it went on for 3 months.

    KIm - Prayers for you and your mom! I know that this is very difficult for all of you. Glad that they determined that it is a past issue, but the fall is really scary.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 784 Member
    edited July 2021
    We have another criminal element here, coming in at wee hours of the morning. Two full pages of such activity since he got out of prison. His own mother ratted him out but how do we "prove it's him?"....Ack. Zach had me change his gate code yesterday and sure enough, he tried to get in again at 4:45 this morning...tried both gates, no access. We found 5 units in the past 2 weeks broken into.

    Chris is on vacation this week so us girls will need to make rounds, open the trash gate this next week and stay on top of things. We still don't have much to rent...5 units and 3 of them are on hold for this morning. Hooya

    I have a desk full of work to tend to so I'll get at it. Kim, I am so very glad for the report on Mom and pray for her stability as I do mine, daily! My Mom fell a lot and it hurt my heart for her....and all in those circumstances. I thank God for those in the medical field who come to our aid when needed.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,335 Member
    Keeping an eye on Mom today. She's having some pain in her head and her neck, so we are keeping a close eye on that. She'll see a neurologist in two weeks to make sure she is coming along as she should. The pain seems normal for her fall, and we are praising the Lord it is simple pain and not that of a broken neck (again). God was very good to us!

    Woke with a bad headache around 4AM, the kind that makes me nauseous - but praise the Lord I didn't get sick. I was able to crawl back into bed around 5. Thanking Jesus for a quick resolution to that one! I think the tension and stress of yesterday was the cause of that one!

    Didn't eat good yesterday but back on track today.

    Love y'all.

    Marilyn, so sorry the hernia is acting up. I have a moderately sized one but don't seem to have a problem with it. I do have some occasional pain in that area, but it usually passes pretty quickly. I hope you are able to find relief from a bland diet. I had a hernia at my navel once and lying down helped to keep the stuff from inside my body from going outside my body -until I could get it fixed. I don't know if that helps with a hiatal hernia or not! Praise the Lord the peppermint oil helped. That is some awesome stuff. I use it around the house to keep the bugs at bay! LOL!

  • rondajo56
    rondajo56 Posts: 556 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    Has not been a good weekend re health.

    Friday night was up to the emergency as my face was doing funny things - ended up that I needed to have an iv of magnesium as I was to low on it - so now need to check with the doctor to make sure on all of that - possibly will need to take magnesium meds.

    This morning at church at an an anxiety attack - was a bad one - but now that it has calmed down I know what has caused it - book to things back to back and it back fired on me - so won't be doing that again.

    Otherwise all is well

    till next time

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    Marilyn- Praying that all.is resolved.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,335 Member
    Marilyn, I take magnesium every day. If you get a supplement, make sure you get the right kind of magnesium, the different types work on different areas of the body. I took it when I was taking Nexium because Nexium and any type of PPI robs your body of magnesium. Now I take it to help control my headaches. Some people have some side effects from it, but it doesn't seem to bother me. I'm so sorry that you went through those things, but at least you know what was causing that twitching in your face and that you can help it fairly easily! Praise the Lord for that.

    Mom is doing better. Some pain in her neck and the back of her head, but I think that she must have strained a muscle in her neck and that is why the pain. Lord willing she will bounce back from this. We are just so grateful to God for his miraculous touch.

    God bless y'all today. Love you
  • rondajo56
    rondajo56 Posts: 556 Member

    We are in monsoon season and last night a storm hit. That's twice it's flooded my Mom's family room. It tore off the whirlybird on my roof. Today the sun is out. Was raining earlier.

    All is well here!!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    Weekend was one I don't want to relive. First Friday at the hospital re magnesium. Then Saturday evening heart did some fluttering but was able to do meditation to settle it down. Sunday at church had a bad anxiety attack - not sure why - but it lasted for 2 hours - was horrible. So am trying to get ahold my doctor today to get into see him asap as something is not right but not sure what - anxiety I understand and need to work on that but the other things are doing a number with my thought life.

    Acts 2:38
    And Peter said to them, 'Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    Acts 3:19
    Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out.

    Acts 4:12
    And there is no salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    Praying, Marilyn. Let us know what you find out.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,335 Member
    The lower magnesium could also cause those heart flutters, Marilyn. I hope that your doctor is able to help you. I take a supplement called Menopause Spectrum. I've been in menopause since I was 48, 13 years now, and I still need to take something to calm my emotions. I'm an "emotional" person anyway, and taking something like this just helps me to keep my emotions where they belong. I take hormones as well since mine were in the tank a couple of years ago. I'm supposed to do them every night, but I take them every two or three nights. I learned a few years ago that our different hormones work together and if one is out then none of the others can work like they are supposed to so keeping track of them is a good thing. I pray that you will find some answers and solutions.

    Hi, Connie! Hope Bill is doing alright and that the new protocols you are doing will help him.

    Please pray for Wade and I as we take care of Mom, we need wisdom and patience to know how to do the best by her. Sure appreciate it.

    Ronda, hope your mom is able to find a solution to that flooding! Praying for your safety. We will be facing hurricane season soon here on the NC coast. We are inland a bit, but when Florence came through the house next door to us flooded (it's now up off the ground about seven feet). Our house didn't flood, but we had a bunch of work done under the house to bring it into FEMA guidelines for flood control (and bring down our flood insurance LOL.)

    Hope y'all have an awesome day!
  • rondajo56
    rondajo56 Posts: 556 Member
    Thank you

    Prays for everyone. Hope all gets better. Marilyn I hope you got ahold of the doctor.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    Isn't life great - never now what is coming up to test us.

    Ended up at the emergency again yesterday - husband got anxious about me - was not having pain but felt an effort to breath - lasted about 1 hour. They did an egg and blood work. Doctor said all showed my heart is in good condition so that was great. Told him I was talking to my doctor today and he agreed that was good.

    This morning (like at 3 am) woke up to my face doing the twitching and also different areas of my body twitched some. Timed it and discovered it took 20 minutes then it quieted down some. Then at 8:15 did it again for 20 minutes. So something is off balance but not sure what. And now on left side kidney area I get a few pains off and on - doctor told me that that could be my back acting up or that my kidney is needing more water as I tend to get dehydrated. So am drinking water like crazy right now. I have a call to my doctor at 3:30 this afternoon and hopefully will get some answers - would prefer to see him in person but he is all booked up this week and next week he is away on holiday - so am needing some answers today - anxiety has set in with the knowledge that he is going away for a couple of weeks right when things are acting up - but am doing a lot of meditation to help keep that anxiety at a low. Just want to know why these things are happening - but not really liking the thought of a lot of invasive tests as that brings on the anxiety too. Feel like I am on a circle that I need to get off - need tests but the tests bring on the anxiety. Lots of pray needed. Right now the twitching in the face is starting up again a little but the pain in the back area around the kidney is bugging me - it is like a twitch as it comes and goes. Guess it is time to sit back and do some meditation, deep breathing for 10 - 15 minutes to help the body relax

    Good thing is I am back on track with my food -so that is a help - now to get some walking done during the day which will help.

    Luke 18:1
    And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.

    Romans 8:26
    Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

    Colossians 1:9
    And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding

    James 5:16
    Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Hi all sorry for not posting more my health has been declining and just have no energy or focus.. Been to the hematologist and my hemoglobin is very low and some other concerning blood work so will be following up with with gastro and cardio.. For now I a getting Irion infusions several times a week that should help with the energy..

    I have had to get some help in to assist with mom but it is still a handful keeping up with a 97 old with Parkinson's and at that stage of dementia where she is still aware but knows it is happening..

    I have been around reading posts, seems every one is having their struggles praying for all.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,335 Member
    Marilyn, something that I tell myself, and I told Mom when we were in the hospital this past week with her, is that Jesus is always with us and isn't surprised at anything that happens in our lives.
    Ps. 139 is an incredible Ps. that speaks to this presence of God no matter what we are going through, but something that especially speaks to my heart in this Psalm is vrs. 13-16, how from my conception God was there and He knew my life before there was even one day lived! He already saw that I would go through several difficult things in my life and He had a plan, all I had to do was glorify Him in the midst of it and trust Him.
    Psa 139:13  For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother's womb. 14  I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Thy works, And my soul knows it very well. 15  My frame was not hidden from Thee, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. 16  Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Thy book they were all written, The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them. 
    Even if the worst happens - death - what happens right after that moment, we get to go to heaven and be with Jesus! You are far from the worst thing that could happen, so rejoice that you have an opportunity to reach out to people you wouldn't normally get to see with the truth of the Gospel, the truth that Jesus loves them and died and rose again for them! If we are thinking about how we can be a witness for Jesus to those we are around it's hard to be thinking about what terrible news could come from the tests - news Jesus already has!
    Sorry, didn't mean to sermonize, just wanted to encourage you. You are in my prayers, sister!

    Praise the Lord for a full night of sleep. Still tired and not sure why, but will do what I need to do throughout the day and trust the Lord to get me through.

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    Seem incredible that we are now coming to the end of July 2021. :o

    @restfinder - I appreciate your encouragement - Psalm 139 is one of my favorites. I have a very long time ago put all my trust in Him who created me and knows all about me - I am so grateful that I know Him and that He is in control.

    It has been a challenging time since Friday - but had a good talk with my doctor yesterday and he assured me that all is ok though I have been through. Found out on Friday that I was low in magnesium so had an infusion and then yesterday upon talking to my doctor am on a daily magnesium supplement. Apparently magnesium will affect your body making it twitch (facial twitch is quite common from low magnesiuim) and also low magnesium will give a person anxiety. So something to watch.

    Anxiety - have learned a lot about it. It comes on fast and can be as mentioned from a lack of magnesium. So I have a beta block to help with it - he as said to take it now for 7 days in a row at bedtime and then see how I am feeling. Also said that I can take it with me so that if anxiety comes on quick I could take one to help bring it back down. Don't like being on meds but until I can get this better under controlled guess I will need to work with it. I have learned some meditation techniques that really help to reduce it so practice that daily.

    Also I have learned that all that I am going through can be 1st treated with proper nutrition and exercise. So I am back on track with my food plan and I am feeling better with that - and have started walking in the house getting in 1500 - 2000 steps a day. So I am sure I will see better health soon

    Matthew 6:25 says
    Therefore I tell you do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing.
