Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,027 Member
    We attend a smaller church, but it was so good to be back today! This is our first service since Bill's surgery. It felt so good.

    We have a Senior's group that goes out to eat once a month. They are just re-starting after the pandemic limited groups so much. We went with them their first dinner, but the second was while Bill was restricted and now the third is going to be this Thursday and that is the day that I have oral surgery.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,902 Member
    I'm so glad you found a Church you can be active in and that you enjoy, Marilyn.

    We are getting close to being able to get into our building. It's hard getting the electricians, plumbers, etc... because they are struggling to keep workers, so they fit you in whenever they have enough people to do the work.

    Beautiful weather here lately and just the right temps. Praise the Lord.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,596 Member

    Went to my TOPS meeting / weigh in this morning. Am down another 1.2 pounds so from September 21 I have lost 3.4 pounds over 3 weeks which is a good goal. Goal is to be down 12 pounds in 12 weeks which means I have till December 14 to reach this goal and it looks like I am going to make it - I am following my healthy eating plan each day, recording all food first thing in the morning before I eat anything and eating only what I have written down. I find this is the only way that I will get the weight off - I am one of those people that can't wing it - I need my meals planned out for the day before I start to eat.

    I have a large pile of yarn to roll up into balls so that I can continue my blanket making - so that is what I will work on this afternoon

    Take care everyone

    - Marilyn
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,902 Member
    Marilyn, Woohoo for you. When we were on SP, they had a little dancing emoticon and I would do a happy dance when someone was having success on their journey - no dancing girl here, but happy dancing in my heart for you! Praise the Lord for your success and your adherence to what you know works! Keep up the good work!

    Got a walk in yesterday, although still struggling with catching my breath and not having the right shoes for the job. Will have to do something about that soon since the swelling doesn't look like it's going to go away.

    I used to crochet, the afghan size as well as the lace size. My vision got the point that seeing the patterns for the lace crochet was just too much strain, so I did just the larger crochet - then I got arthritis in the ball of both thumbs as well as the knuckle of each index finger. Too painful to do it any more. I had to give up cross stitching as well, patterns were too small and seeing the squares on the material was just too hard. I did try a magnifying glass thing you hang on your neck, but that didn't work for me. Sigh, now I play games on my Kindle to while away the time.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 984 Member
    I have those vision issues as well, Kim. I work/play at the computer about 11 hours a day, can't see the food on my plate w/o my glasses and am very frustrated at not being able to see some things w/o glasses AND the magnifying glass, here at work and at home. Small font is not my friend.

    I told Sharon I may be leaving the end of December and she's really sad/unhappy about it. I am sad to consider it as well but these foot episodes, the shoulder pain, the winter falls etc. hurt me much more it seems now. I am chronically fatigued and tho this is an easy job, the mental stress and physical pain rags me some days. I'll see how things play out.

    I rescheduled my PCP appointment Tuesday to the 26th. I was feeling bad, tummy raging and didn't feel up to a venture out. I have my eye appointment that morning and will see her at 12:45. I see my cardiologist FNP the 25th so will get that out of the way as well. That's on a Monday but my vacation day so I kept it.

    The winds have hit today and we are due for 4 days at 90+ before we drop back down to the 80's. I have some work to do so will get at it. Have a blessed day all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,902 Member
    You may need to see your cardiologist sooner, Bren, just to make sure that these stomach issues aren't associated with your heart issues. Women have such odd symptoms! You had tummy issues before - didn't you go on a very mild diet to take off the pressure? You might need to do that again as well. Jello, yogurt, pudding, applesauce - something every two hours along with something like Maalox every four hours as well.

    Not doing any dairy or wheat does help with my tummy issues. If I even eat one thing with wheat in it, or more than a very small amount of dairy I have the issues again for several days. It's very frustrating. I may have to go on a very limited diet as well to see if I can figure out exactly who the culprit is, because I can go several days without the wheat and dairy and still have the same affects, but milder.

    Am going to send a note to the doctor today about the edema in my feet. I hadn't done the touch test until last night, and sure enough, the dent stayed in my foot. The left foot is more swollen than the right foot, but the right foot had a deeper dent that stayed than the left foot - odd. I have no trouble wearing my tennis shoe on the right foot, but have to force the left foot in. I want to do some walking today and need the tennis shoes for support. With my lymphedema and lipedema as well as being stage 3A with my kidneys - I just want to make sure that none of those are tanking on me!

    Will continue to keep you in my prayers, sister. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 984 Member
    I agree on the "restricted/limited" diet needed for awhile. I'd had a heavy, spicy dinner the night before so it was nausea and diarrhea I was dealing with that lasted about 4 hours. That light time was after the internal bleeding issues but it would be beneficial at any time. Thanks for that reminder...and for prayers in my behalf!

    I ordered a new scale from Amazon. I needed pen needles and some cologne so ordered those as well and more batteries since mine are "lost" in the closet somewhere. I long for the strength, will and energy to really de-clutter my apartment. No telling what lost things I will find if I can get that done. I need to go back to my 5-20 minute task list and knock some things off. I needed Triple A, 9-Volt which I found and the Double-A. If I get to retire...I will let a lot of my clothes go! I have about 3 different sizes in my closets and wear the same things all the time.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 984 Member
    I convinced myself to take my last sick day, today. We get 4 a year....but I may need more. I can get my work done on the weekend and it should be a bit more peaceful and quiet. Today, I will rest, pray, read, drink coffee and play with my retirement budget. If I leave the end of December, that only gives me 12 weeks left to work with. Hooya!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,902 Member
    Wow, that isn't very far away, is it. I think that your body is ready for you to retire. It may be easier to stick to a healthy diet as well, you won't be out and about driving past the fast food places either - one less temptation.

    Gonna see the doctor about my swollen feet and hopefully have some blood work done that is more than the basic stuff. My doctor in Hickory did a full blood work up every six months. I've had blood work done once in the last year and it was just the basic one, no kidney or cholesterol on it. He used to do my liver when I was taking a statin, but that should be alright. I'm concerned because kidney's not working right can cause this kind of swelling that just doesn't go away, not even after lying in bed all night! It could also be blood flow issues in my legs from the lymphedema and lipedema, that too can cause swelling. I looked up a supplement that I might take to flush out my body, but that is what the diuretics I am taking should be doing and I just didn't want to add another thing that would take fluid from my system. My skin is dry as dust as it is! LOL!

    Got my walk in today. Praise the Lord, I was able to get my walking shoes on fairly easily this morning!

    Have an awesome rest of your day!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 984 Member
    I hope you get some real help with your feet Kim. I know that's uncomfortable. I have swelling up to my knees at times to the point it's very painful to pull my foot up to get a shoe on it. Prayers for you too!
    Oh yes...I am in agreement with you about my body being ready for retirement. I'll be working on some things, so I am ready for that exit interview when the time comes and have an idea of what to do with my "free time"....

    I am so very glad I stayed home Friday. the full day of rest has sped the healing process and God has taken good care of me. I'm feeling much better and this foot outage round should end in 4-5 days with proper care.

    I'm getting some light chores done before work, have trash to get out as I leave...and a Wal-Mart order to pick up after work. They didn't have my hearing aid batteries so I'll need to get them at HEB I suppose.

    I got the dishwasher unloaded/reloaded and run, sorted the fridge so it's ready for the PM load up of fresh produce. I sorted the freezer too, in search of a bag of broccoli I knew I had. I did find it .....and a lot of other treasures. Wonderful veggies/blends, my Salmon and Tilpia, Hot Wings, Turkey burgers i forgot I had and seasoned chicken thighs, minced and my misplaced soup veggies. I reworked my Kitchen Inventory, now that I can find my files again. One day soon, I'll do my cabinets. No telling what I'll find up there to share with neighbors.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,027 Member
    I placed a WalMart order today for Tuesday. It seems like every week there is something new that I can't get. This time it is low sodium tortilla chips and 85% ground turkey in the 3# size. I went ahead and ordered 93%, but it doesn't make as good of meatloaf. I will just need to use it for other stuff and wait on the meatloaf. Hopefully I can change the order and get it before tomorrow night when it finalizes. The tortilla chips now show shipping only, not available for delivery or pick-up. I don't know if they would be in-store or not, but the guys really like nachos once in a while.

    Bill has a cardiologist appointment tomorrow. I hope that it goes well. It seems like every time we go there, he wants us to make an appointment with another doctor and we have about been "doctored out".
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 984 Member
    edited October 2021
    I decided to order my HA batteries from Amazon. I need copy paper (WM didn't give me that either) and a new flag for the the office. I have ink coming in today. I didn't get my 2 reams of paper I was charged for, but there was a pack of low carb tortillas I didn't order in the bag.

    Oh, I hear you on being Doctored out. I feel exhausted with all the appointments quarterly. Am always glad to get them out of the way but hope I'm done with "referrals" now that I have the 4 on my care team. Hope all is well with Mr. Bill at his appointment.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 984 Member
    I came too close to falling yesterday as I left for work. I had some floppy boxes to take to the trash and they were blown from my hands. I had to step off the sidewalk to pick them up and dis a trot of several stumbling steps to avoid falling. Really painful and frustrating for sure. We have high winds again today.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,027 Member
    Thanks Bren - Bill's appointment went really well. And no new doctors! I hope that you are doing better today after your stumble. That is really scary.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 984 Member
    That's a great report! Don't we like the reprieves we get?

    Thanks Connie. The jarring I took from the stumble had my body rebelling the rest of my day. I hope to work out some stiffness and pain today. I don't do physical therapy due to my hearing issues. Deaf on right, major loss on left and if folks don't "look" at me, I can't "hear" them. LOL My one experience with PT ended after 3 times when I got the flu and never picked it back up and that was for a hip issue. Oh well....I am so very thankful for every day I get, no matter what.

    I'm off today and tomorrow and will put some effort into restoring order to my apartment, my body, mind and spirit. I'm inside in safety so the wind can blow all it wants. Having my first cup of coffee and getting ready for the day. Be blessed all....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,902 Member
    Oh dear, Bren! I'm so glad you didn't fall. Praise the Lord for holding you up. Yeah, retiring would probably be a good thing! I'm with you, Bren, if I am not facing the person talking to me I don't always understand what they are saying. I can hear they are saying something, but if they aren't loud or talking slowly, I don't understand what they are saying.

    Connie, so glad Bill had a good appointment. Praise the Lord.

    I will see the NP on the 27th. The swelling has already started to go down but there is still some edema. I still want to go so that I can get that blood work done that will cover my cholesterol as well as my kidney function. I need to know where I am with both of those.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 984 Member
    I'll be seeing 3 of mine, one on 25th, and 2 appts. on the 26th. I'll be thinking of you Kim...and praying for some help!

    I sent a message to my endo Doc this morning about the insulin. Wal-Mart still doesn't have it and I have one partial dose for tonight after doing a partial this morning. I asked for the Tresiba samples in the meantime and left the office number. I was out for 12 days last time, wrestling with CVS/Caremark.

    Oh me too! I was so very thankful I didn't fall. I'd have been out in the middle of the yard with nothing to help me get up. I'm thinking to give my notice the first of December....and hope that won't affect my bonus. I don't want to wait until the last minute. I'll pray about it all...and listen for instruction.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,902 Member
    I sure hope it wasn't in the shipping containers at the LA port - a fire engulfed a bunch of them! I'm flummoxed by Biden's plan to get the port to be working 24/7 - they can't find workers now, how are they going to find workers for 24 hours a day??? Ah, all those illegal aliens might come in handy.

    We have a friend who lives in Va, near a military post. He said that 40,000 Afghani's are slated to be sent there. His town and the town the fort is in have around 19,000 citizens! Talk about a take over! And the government is paying them $500 a week (per person or family, he wasn't sure). Crazy! And remember, these are not the Afghani's that had already been vetted and were supposed to come out of Afghanistan - these are the ones who forced their way onto the airplanes, so who knows who they are! Scary times we live in!

    Pretty day so hope I will get a walk in after lunch.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,596 Member

    Bren am sorry to hear you have a 'just about fall' but am thankful that you didn't go all the way down. That happened to me about 5 years ago with me landing on my right side and it has left my right side somewhat damaged. I can walk but can't lift that leg high enough to get into the car - so hubby has to help me now - so frustrating. And it has created a lot of other problems but I am thankful that I am alive.

    This week (Tuesday) hubby and I started a course at the Church - it is called 'Rooted' = it is a 10 week program with homework for 5 days of each week. Then each Tuesday we meet together to discuss our week. There were 33 of us that signed up so we are in groups of 10 - and at the end of the 10 weeks all 30 of us will met once again for a celebration. Part of the reason for the course is to develop disciples - this course really takes you deep into where you are at with your 'faith' and how you are living out your faith. One of the weeks deals with 'service' so we will have our regular group to discuss the week PLUS for that week as a group we have to pick where we will go as a group to 'serve' - maybe the food bank, or the Mustard Seed or maybe the Pregnancy Care center to name just 3 options. Then one of the other weeks is all about prayer and after that weekly meeting we will gather another night that week to spend 2 hours in prayer as a group - the Pastor said 'don't be alarmed re 2 hours of praying it goes by fast and we will be surprised how amazing it is.' So we are looking forward to it. Today we both worked on Week 1 Day 2 of the course - very interesting questions.

    We also listened to our Pastor giving a sermon on 'How to Study the Scriptures' - it was a very practical sermon and very helpful. He gave the following information - take the word TIME = T = text / I = immerse / M = ministry / E = encounter. He broke it down how all of that applies and he showed how we can start at 10 minutes a day using this formula with scripture - so will be working on using that tomorrow with my devotions.

    Had a call with my doctor yesterday as I have had a few medical issues - one of which I think I have had an allergic reaction to nuts and to broccoli. So now I need to go and get blood work done to rule that our but he said that anxiety will bring on the symptoms I am having so it could be that which I am dealing with. Am even waking up in the middle of the night with my lips and tongue tingling - apparently this is a sign of possible allergic reaction but it is also a reaction to anxiety. Because he has told me this each time I have had the tinkling happen (many many times during the day) I am now taking it to the Lord in prayer to help me deal with the anxiety - life is interesting isn't it

    At any rate it is lunch time now - and my sweet hubby has made it for me - and English Muffin with an egg, slice of cheese and 2 slices of bacon along with a serving of green grapes. And tonight we are going out to a pot luck turkey dinner to celebrate a friends birthday - looking forward to it- these are all friends that have left the former church we attended so it will be nice to be with all of them - we had a BBQ in the summer so this is our fall get together.

    Be blessed

    - Marilyn
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,902 Member
    Do you eat cheese, Marilyn? I read an article by Suzy Cohen that said that there is something in cheese, especially aged cheese, that can cause anxiety. Anything fermented has this in it and even food in the fridge for more than 48 hours begins the fermenting process and this appears in that food. Just something to think about.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 984 Member
    I did go get my meds and insulin after work Thursday (against my will) but discovered a |new thing" since I was there last month. They now have reserved pick up pharmacy slots for us! You call the pharmacy and they bring your meds to your car! Praise God for this new provision!

    I got y 90 day supply of Levemir plus 3 meds. I was out of the Amlodopine so need to stock my meds packs today.
    I got all my Amazon order in so am good to go again. I suppose I should ask for a scrip for my BS monitor, test strips and pen needles so Medicare will pay for those. I get them from Amazon currently.

    I ran out of steam yesterday by 2:30 PM....I didn't get much accomplished at all and those many hours sitting, staring at the computer are not beneficial. I'll see if I can spur me to action for the weekend? Next week is sale week so I'm off Mon/Tue and look forward to it.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,902 Member
    I have regular insurance with a Health Savings Account (which I always forget to use), but found that some things on Amazon accept an HSA card, so that is very nice. Wade is wanting to retire after this year, so we will have to be finding insurance. I don't know that we would be able to get Medicare because we will be 63 and 62 next year and I think I understood you have to be 66 to get Medicare - never mind that insurance companies have been sending us stuff for two or three years now! What a waste of paper! We are working on stocking up and paring down (at the same time) so we will be ready when or if the Lord says it's alright for him to retire.

    I did get my walk in yesterday, four laps! Woohoo. Trying to add some every few days.

    The swelling seems to be doing better (in my feet). The right foot is pretty much back to normal, the left foot still has swelling but not as much. I can't imagine it being the heat that caused it because I was in an air-conditioned house 90% of the time! It will probably all be gone by the time I see the doctor for it on the 27th! LOL!

    Y'all have an awesome day. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 984 Member
    I signed up for my SS at 62, but had to wait for 65 for Medicare. It kicks in on your 65th birthday. Being hearing impaired and so easily frustrated talking on the phone, is why I stay with Caremark/CVS. Just here lately am I having issues with the insulin. It's a struggle some days.
    I'm praying my Dr. can get me on a Novolog equivalent...ASAP. I may call and ask for samples today...or wait to get some Monday when I'll be across the street from his office, at the cardiologist.

    I know what you mean about the insurance junk mail! I get them 2-3 times a week still. Retirement is something to look forward to...and I am for sure. I'll do up a list of the things I'm responsible for...for whoever replaces me. Sharon hasn't done verifieds, sale process etc. and someone will have to. Once I leave...I am done and can't stay for anyone else.

    Oh that's a good thing....with the swelling going down. That inflammation is a booger bear. My right knee has a spot of trouble now, making it painful to get in my bed as I enter on that knee 90% of the time. Some times I sit, lay and roll over. Hey! I'm a doggy!

    I need to get ready for work so will "see you" at the office! Love and prayers...
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 984 Member
    OK: Gave my notice this morning. I asked how much of one they'd like first. He was very appreciative of the advance notice and fully understands where I am with my physical issues, pain, stress etc. No hard feelings at all. I did stress the fact I'd not just say "Monday is my last day"! Tho I might want it to be LOL He said this will give them time to sort things out and do some shifting so everything is covered. I feel good about doing it now so he'd know it's coming. As long as I don't have to train a replacement...it's all good!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,902 Member
    I am soooo glad you made this choice. Stress is so bad for you as well as having to be on the road when the weather is bad. I think both of your bad falls were ice related! It will be good when you don't have to go out. If you can get your groceries delivered you may never have to leave your apartment again! Wahahaha! Well, maybe to use the pool in the summer when you have more strength. LOL! ;)

    Doing well here. It's gotten chilly on us and I am using one of the portable heaters to keep Mom and I at a happy level.

    We are slowly losing Mom mentally. Some days she seems fine and other days we have no idea what she is talking about and even her speech isn't clear. It's strange and very sad watching it - but we wouldn't want her anywhere else but with us. When we physically can't help her any more then we may have to go in another direction, but our first choice is home health care. We know how we are going to treat her, that is iffy in a facility, and when she was in rehab she didn't do well at all! Praise the Lord we have the stamina and strength and she is mostly independent still to take care of her at home - God is very good!

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 984 Member
    I am very happy to have approached the subject and be received so well. I am a happy camper! HEB delivers groceries and I will do a pick up when I "feel like it"...and pay the delivery charge if I don't! I'd have to get out for my Dr.'s appointments but most days I can hunker down in my Moo moo with my Kindle and a pot of coffee and be happy to be home!

    I have my little heater out too! I love it. Today is the second time I've used it. I get chilled easily and it's a comfort to have it.

    That's so sad....watching the decline of a loved one. It is a blessing that you guys can care for her at this time.
    My Mom had some slips and blips at the end but most of her issues, like mine...were physical. She fell often and didn't want to eat, just wanted to sleep a lot. She had a lot of swelling and major fluid retention going on as organs started shutting down.

    There was a policeman sitting on our property and caught himself a speeder I suppose...he hit the lights and took off.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,027 Member
    Well, I got home from Mom's. It was a good few days, but I am glad to get home. Bill did pretty good, but he sat in the recliner for most of the time. I was going to go pick up dinner one night and he said that he would pay for it. I thought he gave me $25 (which would have been right), but when I got to the restaurant he only gave me $10. I hunted all over for that money, even after I got back from the restaurant, then he told me he gave me $10.....Just proof that his brain doesn't work as well anymore.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 984 Member
    Glad to see you back, Connie. Home is my favorite place to be and it's a good thing I get along well with myself as most of my time is spent with me.

    I have things to do at the office in these next weeks, which will pass quickly. I need a list. I'll aim for 3 things a day, at home and 3 at the office. I'll keep it simple and be glad I can.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,902 Member
    That's so hard, Connie. Praise the Lord he functions pretty well otherwise. I'm grateful Mom can do so much on her own.

    Bren, where's the fuzzy socks in that picture! LOL!

    I talked to her eye doctor yesterday and she said that the new lenses she got after her cataract surgery in 2002 (or thereabouts) had some hazing on them which could cause some sight problems. It's not her glasses, but probably that combined with how her lids droop so far over her eyes. If we are able to get both of those problems worked out then she should have better vision - not what she keep saying she wants, but what her 82 year old eyes are capable of. I told her yesterday she was never going to see perfectly again. I'm 62 and I can't see nearly as well as I did when I was 52 - it's something we all face as we get older. Not sure how much she understands, but we will do what is best.

    I started a Holiday Challenge. My computer was jumpy and I ended up putting the challenge up in the MFP challenge thread as well as both of my teams. We'll see how that goes!

    Love y'all. So glad you are home safe and sound, Connie.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 984 Member
    LOL ....oh honey, I have a bundle of new fuzzy socks I got last year and only wore about 2 pair so far, so I am well ready! I will spend the winter in my socks and jammies/gowns...and look forward to it. I'm planning to start downsizing on my vast clothing supply and sheets. I would buy new stuff to avoid doing laundry...or when I was incapacitated and couldn't do it.

    I have my 3 appointments coming up Mon/Tue and will be glad to get those out of the way...then my next one will be in December for my kidney Dr., and January I'll see my endo doc again. Hooya. I should be retired at that time in January. I look forward to not having to travel icy roads this winter for work, risking my body and my car. I'll go look for that Holiday Challenge!