Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 787 Member
    Oh no Kim! Hope you're operational again very soon! I've been there, done that a few times with the AC out...ended up at a Motel once when the regular tech guy was in the hospital and they had to wait for his availability....while I like holing up in a Hotel, I didn't like the cost and at that time I was in the Boot for 2 weeks so it wasn't fun at all except it was my off days and I could watch wrestling on the BIG screen, make coffee and microwave popcorn...and wallow on a king sized bed.

    I am still irritated that 1.5 years on, we still have to see 135 people daily get jabbed on TV. Get it, don't get it...personal choice and all that...I don't want to SEE anybody get it. Yes...I am a needle weenie. Hate them...

    I've had my iced tea and am on my first bottle of water...hope to get 3 more before the day is done.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    We had a flood in our basement the other day that was caused by the condensation drain tube being plugged up. They fixed it in about 5 minutes and it was $150 - but we were really relieved that it was the air conditioner drain and not a foundation problem! We had to remove the carpet from the exercise room, but I am not going to worry about replacing it. I would like to just have a finish put on the concrete, but right now it is fine. The room is so tiny it is easier to sweep with a broom than to try to get a vacuum around.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    Bren, I just don't get why they never mention the natural immunity that we have from having had Covid - from the articles (CDC, NIH, a medical college) I've read it's better than the immunity the vaccine gives, but no one mentions that unless a FOX news reporter throws it in.

    We are operational. I called in the morning and by the afternoon we had AC again. God is good! I didn't expect it to happen that fast, but it did and I am grateful!

    Please pray for my BIL, Terry, he is in the hospital with lung damage from having had Covid. I don't have a relationship with my family, our pastor saw it on Facebook, so I don't know much more than that, but would appreciate your prayers.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,515 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 787 Member
    Prayers for Terry....and the many in need in these times of trial and hardship. So very sad and heartbreaking. So very glad you got AC so soon!

    I am so very disheartened seeing the tragedies played out in the news and so called news these days. Distresses me greatly and we don't know what or whom to believe but GOD! (Whose report will you believe?...comes to mind) That was why I had sleep troubles last night....my mind wouldn't hush and let me rest.

    I had another baby snake at my place yesterday morning. I'd gone out to mail a payment, feed the cats and coming back, saw it at my door. It was solid brown, not the grass snake that was in my apartment years back. Whatever it was...I didn't care...he got the same treatment. A hefty dose of Raid. He was gone when I left for work so he managed to get off the walk or someone kicked him off. Snakes are one of several things that really scare me....winter ice/falling, spiders...are two more.

    My shoulder has really been giving me trouble of late. I don't remember having this particular pain with the right one. Means I need to do some work on it.
    I am so very thankful that other than the pain issues and diabetes stuff...I have been fairly healthy. I am blessed, even when I am weak and weary.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,515 Member

    Bren, I hear you - so many things going on re the news that just makes things sound so horrible. My doctor diagnosed me with Covid anxiety - and it is not nice - and my feeling is now that unless the Lord decides I don't need to have this anxiety any more I will have it now long term. I look back and I see that my older sister has anxiety and also my dad had a mild case of it - though he handled it so well. I have learned some breathing exercises that help me get the thoughts out of my mind which helps

    Pain in the shoulders - not nice - I have osteoarthritis in both shoulders and down my right side and then I have a condition in my back that I have had since birth that causes a lot of pain. So I can tell you that I do understand if you are having pain - I get it - not nice.

    I am praying that I will be able to show progress re the weight by the end of the month - so I really need to stay on track as there are only 11 more days for this month.

    Psalm 27:13-14
    I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    Marilyn, I've been in menopause for 14 years now but I still take something called Menopause Spectrum. It helps with the symptoms of menopause and pretty much the only one that I have is mood swings. I struggle with "feelings" that are just stronger than they need to be. A passage that has really helped me and I'm sure you know by heart is: Php 4:6  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  7  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
    When I start doubting and fearing I remember that Jesus already knows everything that is going to happen to me and what is happening to me right now, and nothing can touch me that He hasn't already made a plan for, and all I have to be concerned with is glorifying Him in the midst of it.

    Bren, I'm so sorry. It seems one things starts to feel better and another thing goes under. My back has been painful for awhile, but I can still function. I have a headache tonight, but I think it's from the guava that is in the Elderberry chews that I take - wah! They are yummy and good for me, but not for my head. Back to Amazon to find something I can take to help boost my immune system.

    Walked some today. We are having some land cleared around the building that we've put up to use as a meeting house and meeting place for the folks in the Church. The people are the Church, the building is just that a building for the Church to meet in. I was thinking about this the other day - when Jesus raptures His Church He isn't going to take a bunch of buildings, He's removing His people, His bride (again, not a building). So we are clearing some land for parking and a lovely garden that will be seen from the roll up door at the back of the building. It's going to be so beautiful and a wonderful place to spend time with Jesus.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Sorry I have been quiet the last few days. Bill's surgery went well yesterday morning. They treated him so well, and he had no issues. I was so worried about getting Bill in the house. He is supposed to be totally non-weight bearing on that foot, and we have 13 steps to get into our house (either from the outside, with landings, or up the stairs from the garage). I got to thinking that if it didn't rain, we could open the gate to the back yard and drive to the back deck (one step up and then a small step into the house). God allowed the rain to wait until yesterday evening so we could get him in the house. It wasn't easy, but we got him in and he maneuvered himself from the wheel chair into his recliner.

    His girls brought dinner and it was delicious, but didn't fit into his extremely low sodium diet or my low calorie diet, but it was very good, and much appreciated.

    Bill said that he thought he would sleep in his chair, and I thought it would be much easier. Just as we were settling down for the night, in came the rain! And the wind, and the storm. We lost power at about 11:00pm and it came back on at about 4:45am. I'm so glad that it was overnight and not during the day, and that it was not hot in the house. I laughed and told him, that it was time for sleep and no more TV. I think he slept fairly well, at least he didn't wake me up during the night, and I woke often during the night checking on him.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    That gave me a chuckle, Connie. He didn't wake you up but your sweet heart just needed to check on your sweetheart! I'm so glad his surgery went well. I pray he recovers quickly and feels much better!

    Oh my, the AC man thought I looked like I was in my 40's when I told him my real age. I was telling him how I'd lived in Morehead back in the 80's and was with this Church - he asked how I could have done anything as young as I must have been - bless his heart! I did get a senior discount! Nice kid! Thank you hairdresser! Oh my, the gal who has been doing my hair had to stop doing hair - she is having problems with her hands and doing hair was putting a lot of stress on her hands. She suggested someone else, but I think I will just do things at home or find something like we used before like Super Cuts - lots cheaper. My pastor's wife (and neighbor) also can do some trimming on my hair and coloring when it's time! That will save quite a bit of money. I went to the gal I was going to because I knew her when I first lived in Morehead - she was one of my fourth grade students at our Christian School!

    Have an awesome weekend!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,515 Member




    Thought you might be interested in these pictures of the wildfires around us -though we have had some rain it was not enough - the forest people tell us we need at least 2 weeks of straight hard rain with no lightning just to get a handle of the fires.

    The last picture is of the province= British Columbia Canada - we are on the west coast with the Pacific on the west, to the south is Washington State and to the north is Alaska and east is the province of Alberta Canada
    When you look at the map take a note where all the little dots are - massive amount all in one area - and we live right in the center of that.

    Please pray for us as we need rain but not enough to cause mudslides and that is what we got last week after 1 day of rain - mudslides closing down 2 major highways making it so that people had to stay put.

    Now to all of that note that Covid Delta varient is ramped and our hospital is full of them, as well as 2 other major hospitals. Where all those dots on the map are - it is called by the health people 'Interior Health' and the government of the province has now put a ban on any traveling into this area due to wildfires and especially covid. So if more are evacuated not sure where they would go as they fear that that could be what is causing the Delta varient to spread so fast. Thankfully more people have been vaccinated as friends of ours that work at the hospital have told us that all that are there due to covid have not been vaccinated or only one shot. I was not wanting the shot at first but honestly it is the way to go - would much rather take the shot then get covid with the possibility of dying from it due to all my health issues.

    Please send up lots of prayers as I know our awesome God listens and will answer or at least He will show us what we need to do with regard to covid and the fires. We are now back in semi lock down - masks are manditory for all entry to any buildings and restaurents, ect (churches as well) are once again back to no more than 50 people in the building and must wear masks - they say it might only be 2 weeks if everyone complies with the mandate but you know how us humans are - we don't like being told what to do even if it is in our best interest.

    Thanks everyone

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 787 Member
    Oh, how heartbreaking those pics are. Such destruction and devastation for so very many people. Adds too much to the daily crisis situations beyond our control daily. Continued prayers for protection, provision, relief and the comfort of our Father in the midst of turmoil and troubles.

    I prayed for the strength to get some laundry done this morning before work and tho I still didn't "want" to do it...God helped me get round 1 of 3 done. I hope to do 2 and 3 while off Mon-Wed.
    One of the dryers didn't heat so I had 3 extra round trips to the laundry room and an extra $1.35 for the second dry attempt. The machines are not maintained well at all. We've had one bottom dryer out for over 2 years and now a washer out for 3 months...and we only have 4 of each for the whole complex. So now we are down to 2 dryers/3 washers. Oh well....I could still be dragging off to the laundromat I suppose.

    I'll see what else I can get out of me before work. I need to get trash out, vacuum and sort the fridge. I'll work on collections while off...for the neighbors and Goodwill.

    Blessings to all in this new day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,515 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    We had a good day, today. No church, since Bill can't get out of the house, but he is doing amazingly well. He has refused to not put that foot on the ground, he is using the heel when he can't get around in the wheelchair, but that is seldom (mainly just the hall bath). I told him that if he went to the master bath that he could get to it in the wheelchair, but using the wheelchair to the hall bath and then using a walker is his preference. I'm not worried too much about it, it is just a few steps and only when nature calls.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    Mom gets to the bathroom with her walker and then uses her cane when she is in there. It's big enough for her to take the walker in there, but turning it around to get to the sink is too risky. The commode is on one end and the sink on the other. It would be easier if they were side by side, but alas, that isn't how it works! LOL! We are still trying to find a plumber to put a half bath in her bedroom, but we just can't get ahold of one or find one that has enough workers right now to fit us in! People really like that the government is paying them to stay at home!

    Felt really off yesterday, coughing, shortness of breathe, very tired, congested head. Ugh! No coughing or shortness of breath today, but the tiredness and congestion are sticking around. Praise the Lord for feeling better.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 787 Member
    Hoping that you feel much better, very soon. The chronic fatigue wears me down, too. I can't remember when I last felt really well and energized.

    Coming home from work Sunday, a guy on his phone was edging me off my lane and kept coming! I was thankful I could pull into the turn lane and no traffic was coming at me. He looked startled...but like I was in error, not him....I did shake my finger like a granny and said "watch it!"
    Then as I neared home, a young man at the stop light rolled his window down..motioned for me to do the same...thinking maybe I had a low tire, I did so...he just smiled and waved and put his window back up...strange boy. LOL

    Well, my hopes for more laundry being done did not happen. So...I'm thinking if I can do one run a week for 3 weeks...I can catch up that way? My place is looking rough around the edges and planned activities drift into the dust more often than not.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    Taking care of yourself if far more important that taking care of some dust bunnies! There's always the option to have the gal who did a good cleaning before to come in and do another for you! I'm happy to be able to push the Swiffer around the house and get some dust up now and again. Wade takes care of the vacuuming and mopping though. I am able to wipe down the sink (I use the Clorox wipes) and clean the toilet in the bathroom though, that gets done regularly! LOL!

    Got up at 4:30 this morning with a massive headache. Praise the Lord, after taking the medicine, it dissipated within an hour. Just feeling ragged out this morning. A thunder storm took out our power for a little while, not sure how long, but the TV shining and the printer coming on at 4:30 is what woke me. Not sure why the TV lighted up but didn't come on, but Wade clicked it off - weird. I think the storm is what brought on the headache. Praise the Lord, it was the kind that often causes nausea for me, but I was able to lie down after taking the meds and go back to sleep with just a very mild feeling of nausea. Normally I have to sit up in the living room which is closer to the bathroom until it passes!

    Mom's 82 birthday is this Friday, my 62 is on Tuesday. Phew! Hard to believe so much life has passed. My SIL's 59 or 60th is this Friday as well. I think she's two years younger than I am. My other SIL is my age but younger by two months. Wade and I are the same age until my birthday, then I'm a year older than he is again! It was so funny, when we were dating I thought he was older than me, or at least the same age. I was so disappointed to find that he was a year younger. Then I realized my Nana was a year older than my Grandpa! I guess it runs in the family! LOL! Age didn't matter when Jesus brings you together.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    It is a good thing that age doesn't matter! Bill is 16 years older than I am. My dad was 10 years older than my mom, too. The 16 years hasn't seemed like an issue at all, though. Now, he is suffering a bit from memory issues, and some physical issues, but I wouldn't change a thing about our life. We have been married almost 31 years.

    We have several August birthdays in our family, too. On the 20th was Bill's sister, today is her husbands, and Monday was Bill's daughter.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 787 Member
    I was 35 for 15 years. LOL I'm closer to 70 than 50 these days.
    Thanks Kim...I've considered the maid thing several times of late. I have a problem now that is rather new to me...of clutter. In the "good old days"...i was very neat and orderly and now things tend to gather, collect and hang out in odd places until I can't tell where the bottom is. I've been very weak and the pain is a deterrent to my good intentions. Yesterday, I rested pretty much all day. That felt good but didn't energize me much. It's back to work today so I'll get myself pulled together for a good day.

    Be blessed Ladies! I am...with the gift of this new day.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 787 Member
    I got all my appointments set and had to reschedule the kidney Dr. one in October, since it was on a sale day and I'm not off then. I always tell them Tue/Wed except third Wed. of the month as that's sale date and neither of us caught it. So I can't see her until Dec. 5th. I'm OK with that. I keep a chart on my home computer and will update and hopefully print it depending on how my printer feels at the time. It only took me three weeks to do this task....
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,515 Member