Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 789 Member
    Good rest is essential. Glad you got some. I do rest well...most every night and I do nap on my off days. I am very thankful for my comfy bed! I did have a lot of pain last night but feel better this morning.

    I was so happy that my computer righted itself. I don't know what it's problem was yesterday but hope it doesn't happen again!

    This is sale week so I'm off tomorrow and Tuesday. I hope Mary comes early to do my inspection so I can be about my business. I hope I am rather enthusiastic about getting laundry done too! It could happen, right?
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Oh, Connie, I'm so sorry he wasn't motivated today! Mom is doing a lot of napping or nodding off lately. She actually went into her room to take a nap this afternoon, she almost never does that! I hope that he feels perky again soon.

    Moved a friend yesterday - well, the guys in the Church did, and so we just had morning service this morning so the guys would be able to rest. So glad my friend is now less than a mile from us! There are four families who've found homes within a two mile radius of each other! So nice!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Today has been a much better day with Bill. He got up about the same time and came and set in the recliner (which is what he did yesterday) and I was a little worried. I told him to tell me when he wanted breakfast, so a few minutes later he said that he thought he wanted cereal and got up and went to dining room table without prodding. He sat there until lunch doing crosswords (YAY!). This afternoon he watched a movie and is watching the Chiefs play football (that's a NORMAL Bill thing). They are behind 2 points right now...hope that they can win in these last few minutes.

    I don't know if he realizes it or not, but when he came back from the bathroom a few minutes ago, he was almost walking normally. At least as normally you can walk with a HUGE boot. He had been really jerky, this makes me feel better, too.

    All in all, a very good day in the Randel household.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Praise the Lord! I'm sure that after everything that's happened with his foot an off day is to be expected. When Mom had her surgery on her hip she had some very strange reactions to the anesthesia, mental reactions that lasted for a few weeks. It wouldn't surprise me if even now Bill may have some reactions to having had surgery and the anesthesia that they used. At their age anything drastic in their lives puts a hitch in their get-along! That's what scares me about Mom, if she has another major fall it might just tip her over the edge or she may just not come back from it. We knew a wonderful man, 93 years old. He was spry and very clear-minded. He went to visit his daughter and fell and he ended up sick and it wasn't long before he passed away. When my grandfather learned he would never leave the nursing home he just gave up and within a week he had passed. Thinking he would get out and see us kept him going. It doesn't take much and that is why I try to keep mom as independent and active as possible.

    Got my shot today. Phew. I had to wait, standing up, for about 25 minutes before I was able to get a chair. Shortly after my shot I started to feel a little bit nauseous (I needed to eat something since I'd had breakfast earlier than usual), so we stopped at McDonald's and I got four chicken nuggets and finished Wade's Coke. That took that edge off. I don't know if it was the shot or if it was standing for that long, but I'm glad that food helped!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member
    Isnt life interesting - so glad my Lord has given me another day here with my hubby, family and friends but gosh I think it continues to get worse - so tire of listening to all the 'hate' between people re covid / vaccines. When are we all going to not think just of ourselves but consider others - we might not agree with them but we can still show them love but it seems that people have forgotten how to do this.

    One friend of my hubby hurt his back 2 days ago - he is in his 50's and has been remodeling the basement suite in his house - he bent over to pick up a tool and twisted some way where now all down one side from his waist to his toe is in pain - he thinks it might be the nerve (sorry I now the name but cant think how it is spelled) that goes down the leg and causes a lot of trouble. At any rate hubby took him coffee this morning as he is home as he cannot move - his wife had to help him out of bed had to help him in the shower and to get dressed as he can't bend over to pick anything up - hubby encouraged him to get to the doctor. And talking re covid / masks / vaccinations/ this family does not believe in any of it for any reason. Their 23 year old son went to work on Friday (he refuses to wear a mask and is not vaccinate) and his boss told him that the decision of the company they work for is that he has to wear a mask and to get vaccinate - he told them he wasn't going to - so the boss told him they were therefore laying him off - this young fellow is upset saying it is so unfair - I can understand somewhat but if the company has rules they have put in force (such as a restaurant saying no shoes no shirt no service) then so be it - not sure what this young opinionated fellow is going to do - I know he is the one at the church we left that said he would not wear a mask, practice social distancing while at church - and when we shared with him that our daughter who is disabled could lose her support if we went somewhere where people were now wearing masks he looked at us and said 'that is your problem I am not wearing a mask so she can come to church' - it broke my heart that this young fellow who says he love the Lord would not consider others over his own views - imagine for 1 hour a week refusing to wear a mask so that someone could come and worship the Lord.

    Anyway no more negative - love you all no matter what your view.

    The new Church we are attending - oh the joy of the Lord is so strong there - as well as the truth of the Scriptures been shared with us. Yesterday was our kickoff weekend for all the things that will be starting up again for this coming year - Sunday School, Life Groups, 3 different courses to help with our growth in our faith, as well as a Ladies monthly ministry, Mens monthly ministry - am so excited and looking forward to them. We have signed up for the Prime Timers (55+ which meets one a month) 2 different courses that go for 10 weeks and of course there is our Life group that we will attend - hubby said to me 'are we signing up for too much' but I said 'no, we have been starved for 18 months we need to refresh by getting back involved)

    Sorry for the long post - meant it to be a short one

    - Marilyn
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Sciatic nerve, I believe.

    Each person has to do what the Lord leads them to do. I didn't have the information I needed to feel safe without getting the vaccine. No one was talking about those of us who've had it and the immunity and anti-bodies our recovery left us with. To be safe we got the first shots. Today I saw more information on the news, an immunologist was talking about the natural immunity having had Covid gives and that it protects against the virus better than those just vaccinated. From reading another place, it sounds like the natural immune people were vaccinated in the Israeli study and had far less reinfection than those who had just the vaccine getting a breakthrough infection. Tens of the pre-infected as opposed to hundreds of the vaccinated breakthrough infections. It also mentioned the antibodies strength waning with the natural immunity after a certain period of time, although it remained, it wasn't as strong, so I guess getting the booster wakes them up! Today my arm hurts and I'm tired, but the tiredness is normal, so I think I tolerated the first shot well! I wear a mask to protect myself from others as well as others from me, but if a place allows me to go maskless, I go maskless. We don't wear masks at times when our Church does meet together, but we also make sure that everyone who is together is feeling well. Many now have the vaccine, so that gives us even better "odds" at not getting sick "to death".

    Marilyn, years ago our Church had a free Christian school (I taught 3rd and 4th grades), we also had college level classes and my husband and I were each taking a couple of those. I was also in a singing group so we had our practice night as well, then there was Sunday morning and evening services and Wed. evening worship. As soon as we get our building all finished we will start meeting more often. When we were in Texas we had daily morning Bible Studies too!
    One of the things that I took away from one of the Bible studies was reading a chapter of Scripture, then giving that Chapter a title, then finding a memory verse from that chapter that spoke to my heart. It helped immensely in me being able to find people or events or topics much more easily. I also color code on my computer. I have E-Sword Bible app on my computer and I copy a book of the Bible to my Word Processor, then I format out all the stuff that shows from it being a different Word Processing program than the one I use and then read through coloring each of the words or phrases that I want to be able to see quickly in a passage or to bring that word out to me when I read. I have at least thirty different words or types of words (like the names for God are all in one color, as well as Jesus and the Holy Spirit, they each have a color but more than one name. Concepts like praise and exaltation are all one color... It's a lot of fun and really helps me to focus in on what I am reading, especially now that I am getting older and my concentration is not like it used to be.

    Did a bit of changing around of our bedroom today. I like using shelves for my clothes, but we got a dresser and Wade wanted me to use that, but I just didn't like it so he put shelves up in the closet and my clothes are in there now and his are in the dresser! Woohoo! I still need to get them folded and stacked like I want them.

    Well, y'all have an awesome day. Oh, 37 years of marriage for me and Wade tomorrow! Praise the Lord!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Happy Birthday Kim and Wade!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 789 Member

    Hope your special day is blessed abundantly!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 789 Member
    The inspection happened at nap time, Kim. I woke up to bright light, got up to go to the rest room and check it out and they were in the kitchen, just starting. I'm not sure what all they checked off but other than the laundry I couldn't hide, things were fairly tidy and I do know they check "housekeeping". They didn't do the inspection last year as we were all in lockdown for so long.

    I noticed a few weeks ago that I'm losing my eye lashes! Weird. It's been 15 years or more since I used mascara so haven't paid any attention to them. I can't see well so I must have had a magnifying glass looking at something else at the time?
    I have one of the few left, causing me trouble in my right eye. Makes me irritated. I may have cleared it out now.

    It's pay day today so I'll run my check to the bank after the sale and grab lunch maybe. I'll poke around in there first and see what I can put together.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Thank you so much! That's sweet. Oh dear, Wade bought several sweets to celebrate our 37th year together. Pumpkin ice cream sandwiches, a pumpkin roll, a small bag of Jelly Belly jelly beans and then this morning I found a beautiful lighthouse and basket of shells waiting for me. What a sweetheart! Did I get him anything - no, just a lovely smile and a great big thank you. I didn't think we were going to do more than go out and eat tomorrow night! What a wonderful surprise. I'm a heel! LOL!

    Feeling tired again today. My arm is still sore, but not quite as bad as yesterday. Lately I have heard on the news several times about natural immunity - of course they start talking about it after I get my shot. But... those with natural immunity are well covered for that first year after having had Covid, then the antibodies wane. The shot brings us back to strength as well as making us safer than those who have just the shot. It's been 18 months for us and that, even without this information, made us go ahead and get the vaccine - especially for Mom's sake.

    Bren, I can't imagine losing my eye lashes, although it might make my lids itch less! Hmmm. I hide behind glasses so I would probably never notice! LOL! I would make sure to use eye drops a couple times a day to wash out the junk that your lashes would have protected your eyes from. It's surprising your doctors haven't noticed.

    Well, y'all have an awesome day and a wonderful service tonight if you have that chance.

    Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 789 Member
    Hope you really enjoyed your Anniversary dinner. I love steak but only have one maybe 3 times a year and it's usually a chuck steak or a rib eye when on sale. Since I'm cutting a lot of red meat, I use some ground beef on occasion, have lots of chicken and fish to play with.

    Yep...that eyelash thing was a shock. I can't see without my glasses and have no idea what I was looking at/for unless it was a lash IN my eye...in my magnifying mirror...then saw that I hardly have any! I googled it even. Age, medications, endocrine issues are part of the cause, as well as the slow follicle regrowth. My Doctors never get so close as to notice I suppose?

    We are to get 2 days this next week at 87...hooya....come on Fall. I will start praying for that mild winter about November 15th! If we have another horrid storm like this February...I will stay home...rather than risk another fall on the ice. That was awful! This shoulder pain is a daily reminder of that fall and the terror it instilled as I lay there screaming for help.

    I need to get the cart out and go take a few locks off in a bit. I did a rental...she'd reserved a 5x10...came back and said she'd need a larger unit so transferred to a 10x15. reminded me of the time a lady called for a price on the smallest unit we had, to store a car in. I told her that wouldn't work...she said "but it's a small car!"....LOL Memories...good for a giggle.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 789 Member
    My "Baby" cat has had her babies since I saw her last week. She's one of the litter I helped with a year ago March. Her other babies must be about 5-6 months old or so. I've only seen the 2 of them once. She's still friendly and it still makes me sad that I can't feed her but thems the rules....and I will abide by them.

    I look forward to getting home and hunkering down....and hope to have productive off days on Tue/Wed. I had a flooding issue in my apartment bathroom on Thursday night but they took care of it Friday. I need to wash my mats when I do sheets...maybe Wednesday?
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Did you see any of the bad weather from that tropical storm/hurricane that hit the coast of Texas, Bren? I was praying you would be alright.

    Wow, my fish oil is not sitting well on my tummy! Gack!

    What a world it would be if even the people in the Church would live by that verse, Marilyn!

    Something to think about. With our new building getting ready for use our Pastor has been making sure that we understand that that is not our Church - the people are the Church. Sounds easy, huh? How often to you call the place you worship your church! I was thinking about this and the thing that made it even clearer to me was this - when rapture happens, is Jesus come back for buildings or for people? He is going to remove the Church, not buildings but His bride (again, not buildings). Another thing to remember is, in these last days the government wants more and more control over the Church and can do that through their buildings. If you have a 501C3 tax exempt status then you are even more susceptible to being controlled by the government because you've asked the government for permission to be a Church. The Church was still the Church whether they met in homes, catacombs, fields, or buildings - the place was merely where they met. If you can't meet in your building anymore, do you cease to be what your building is called? No, you are still the Church, just meeting somewhere else. You are because God called you to be, not because you got permission from the government to be. The Church belongs to God, not the State. You belong to God, not the State. They have no say in how you worship or where you worship - but in these last days you may suffer because you do worship the True and Living God!

    Hope y'all have an awesome day! Love you
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited September 2021
    Kim - I learned the really hard way that I can't take fish oil. I know it is so good for you, but I'm afraid to try it again, even if they say it won't bother you.

    You comment made me think of the old Gaither song "The Church Truimphant" Below are the lyrics and the recitation going with it.

    Let the Church be the Church
    Let the people rejoice
    For we've settled the question
    We've made our choice
    Let the anthems ring out, songs of victory swell
    For the church triumphant, is alive and well

    You know, this ship's been through battles before
    The storms and the tempests and all the rocks on the shore
    Though the hull may be battered
    Inside it's safe and dry
    It's gonna carry its cargo to the port in the sky

    God has always had a people.
    Many a foolish conqueror has made the mistake of thinking that because he had forced the church of Jesus Christ out of site, he had stilled its voice and snuffed out its life, but God has always had a people.
    The powerful current of a rushing river is not diminished because it's forced to flow underground.
    Now the purest water is the stream that burst crystal clear into the sunlight after it has forced its way through solid rock.
    There have been [?] who like Simon The Magician sought to barter on the open market that power which cannot be bought or sold, but God has always had a people.
    Men who could not be bought and women who were beyond purchase.
    God has always had a people.
    There have been times of affluence and prosperity when the church's message has been nearly deluded into oblivion by those who sought to make it socially attractive, neatly organized, financially profitable, but God has always had a people.
    Yes it's been gold platted, draped in purple and encrusted with jewels.
    It has been misrepresented, ridiculed, lauded and scorned but God has always had a people.
    And these followers of Jesus Christ have been, according to the whim of the times, elevated sacred leaders and modern heretics.
    Yet through it all, their march is on that powerful army of the meek.
    God's chosen people who cannot be bought, blabbered, murdered or stilled.
    On through the ages they march, the church!
    God's church triumphant!

    Listen child of God, its alive.
    Discouraged pastor, it's his church and it's still alive.
    Lonely missionary, sow that seed with confidence.
    The church is still alive.
    Old saint, you're not alone or forgotten.
    The church is still alive.
    Its alive my broken-hearted friend, it's still alive.
    Busy mothers, just keep trusting in Jesus, the church is alive.
    You're not alone out there [?], just keep looking to Jesus.
    The church is alive.
    And faithful fathers, there's rest in the Lord.
    God's church is still alive.
    So family of God lift your hands, lift your hands and praise the Lord.
    The church, God's church triumphant is alive, it's alive my friends.
    Alive and well
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Amen and Amen. It's getting smaller, sometimes it feels like there is but a remnant left, but we are out there, hallelujah for God's great salvation and sanctification!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 789 Member
    Nothing here yet from the storms, Kim. I'm in the middle of the state but had hoped for some lovely rain at least.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Ooo, we got a doozy of a storm last night - thunder and lightening and lots of rain. I was hoping it would rain because I didn't want to go out and water the plants - although the rain means my morning glory isn't going to die back any time soon - LOL! So glad you are in the middle of the state and not on the coast. Praise the Lord, no bad storms through here either, and we are on the coast.

    Getting used to my new laptop. Can't believe I'm typing normally on it. I have trouble reaching the shift key on the right and keep hitting the enter key, just need to get used to it. I got an Acer Aspire 5. It showed up on almost all of the lists that I looked at, in the top five, sometimes number one, so I went with that. My tower was an Acer as well. This one is very fast - yeah! It's kind of scary though, everything I had on my desk top showed up on this computer - so I must have it saved on One Drive. I also have it all saved on a memory stick. It seems like what they put on here is several months behind what I had on my other computer though, so I may have to update some of the things that showed up. All of my pictures showed up as well - so glad for that.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 789 Member
    Woohoo! I am so intimidated by new technical gadgets that I let Office Depot do the transfer off my old computer to my new one a couple years or so back. I still have issues with Windows 10 as I used Windows 7 for 12 years I think.

    My boss asked me to work Tuesday since Debbie at the other office has Dr.'s appointments that day so I'll have Monday (vacation day) Work Tuesday, then have Thursday/Friday for my 2 regular off days. Debbie has always been willing to fill in gaps so I'll do the same when asked. It's been awhile since I was asked to shift days.

    I'll work on my schedule some this week. I've been floundering about for much too long and it shows....