Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 791 Member
    I did go get my meds and insulin after work Thursday (against my will) but discovered a |new thing" since I was there last month. They now have reserved pick up pharmacy slots for us! You call the pharmacy and they bring your meds to your car! Praise God for this new provision!

    I got y 90 day supply of Levemir plus 3 meds. I was out of the Amlodopine so need to stock my meds packs today.
    I got all my Amazon order in so am good to go again. I suppose I should ask for a scrip for my BS monitor, test strips and pen needles so Medicare will pay for those. I get them from Amazon currently.

    I ran out of steam yesterday by 2:30 PM....I didn't get much accomplished at all and those many hours sitting, staring at the computer are not beneficial. I'll see if I can spur me to action for the weekend? Next week is sale week so I'm off Mon/Tue and look forward to it.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    I have regular insurance with a Health Savings Account (which I always forget to use), but found that some things on Amazon accept an HSA card, so that is very nice. Wade is wanting to retire after this year, so we will have to be finding insurance. I don't know that we would be able to get Medicare because we will be 63 and 62 next year and I think I understood you have to be 66 to get Medicare - never mind that insurance companies have been sending us stuff for two or three years now! What a waste of paper! We are working on stocking up and paring down (at the same time) so we will be ready when or if the Lord says it's alright for him to retire.

    I did get my walk in yesterday, four laps! Woohoo. Trying to add some every few days.

    The swelling seems to be doing better (in my feet). The right foot is pretty much back to normal, the left foot still has swelling but not as much. I can't imagine it being the heat that caused it because I was in an air-conditioned house 90% of the time! It will probably all be gone by the time I see the doctor for it on the 27th! LOL!

    Y'all have an awesome day. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 791 Member
    I signed up for my SS at 62, but had to wait for 65 for Medicare. It kicks in on your 65th birthday. Being hearing impaired and so easily frustrated talking on the phone, is why I stay with Caremark/CVS. Just here lately am I having issues with the insulin. It's a struggle some days.
    I'm praying my Dr. can get me on a Novolog equivalent...ASAP. I may call and ask for samples today...or wait to get some Monday when I'll be across the street from his office, at the cardiologist.

    I know what you mean about the insurance junk mail! I get them 2-3 times a week still. Retirement is something to look forward to...and I am for sure. I'll do up a list of the things I'm responsible for...for whoever replaces me. Sharon hasn't done verifieds, sale process etc. and someone will have to. Once I leave...I am done and can't stay for anyone else.

    Oh that's a good thing....with the swelling going down. That inflammation is a booger bear. My right knee has a spot of trouble now, making it painful to get in my bed as I enter on that knee 90% of the time. Some times I sit, lay and roll over. Hey! I'm a doggy!

    I need to get ready for work so will "see you" at the office! Love and prayers...
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 791 Member
    OK: Gave my notice this morning. I asked how much of one they'd like first. He was very appreciative of the advance notice and fully understands where I am with my physical issues, pain, stress etc. No hard feelings at all. I did stress the fact I'd not just say "Monday is my last day"! Tho I might want it to be LOL He said this will give them time to sort things out and do some shifting so everything is covered. I feel good about doing it now so he'd know it's coming. As long as I don't have to train a replacement...it's all good!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    I am soooo glad you made this choice. Stress is so bad for you as well as having to be on the road when the weather is bad. I think both of your bad falls were ice related! It will be good when you don't have to go out. If you can get your groceries delivered you may never have to leave your apartment again! Wahahaha! Well, maybe to use the pool in the summer when you have more strength. LOL! ;)

    Doing well here. It's gotten chilly on us and I am using one of the portable heaters to keep Mom and I at a happy level.

    We are slowly losing Mom mentally. Some days she seems fine and other days we have no idea what she is talking about and even her speech isn't clear. It's strange and very sad watching it - but we wouldn't want her anywhere else but with us. When we physically can't help her any more then we may have to go in another direction, but our first choice is home health care. We know how we are going to treat her, that is iffy in a facility, and when she was in rehab she didn't do well at all! Praise the Lord we have the stamina and strength and she is mostly independent still to take care of her at home - God is very good!

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 791 Member
    I am very happy to have approached the subject and be received so well. I am a happy camper! HEB delivers groceries and I will do a pick up when I "feel like it"...and pay the delivery charge if I don't! I'd have to get out for my Dr.'s appointments but most days I can hunker down in my Moo moo with my Kindle and a pot of coffee and be happy to be home!

    I have my little heater out too! I love it. Today is the second time I've used it. I get chilled easily and it's a comfort to have it.

    That's so sad....watching the decline of a loved one. It is a blessing that you guys can care for her at this time.
    My Mom had some slips and blips at the end but most of her issues, like mine...were physical. She fell often and didn't want to eat, just wanted to sleep a lot. She had a lot of swelling and major fluid retention going on as organs started shutting down.

    There was a policeman sitting on our property and caught himself a speeder I suppose...he hit the lights and took off.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Well, I got home from Mom's. It was a good few days, but I am glad to get home. Bill did pretty good, but he sat in the recliner for most of the time. I was going to go pick up dinner one night and he said that he would pay for it. I thought he gave me $25 (which would have been right), but when I got to the restaurant he only gave me $10. I hunted all over for that money, even after I got back from the restaurant, then he told me he gave me $10.....Just proof that his brain doesn't work as well anymore.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 791 Member
    Glad to see you back, Connie. Home is my favorite place to be and it's a good thing I get along well with myself as most of my time is spent with me.

    I have things to do at the office in these next weeks, which will pass quickly. I need a list. I'll aim for 3 things a day, at home and 3 at the office. I'll keep it simple and be glad I can.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    That's so hard, Connie. Praise the Lord he functions pretty well otherwise. I'm grateful Mom can do so much on her own.

    Bren, where's the fuzzy socks in that picture! LOL!

    I talked to her eye doctor yesterday and she said that the new lenses she got after her cataract surgery in 2002 (or thereabouts) had some hazing on them which could cause some sight problems. It's not her glasses, but probably that combined with how her lids droop so far over her eyes. If we are able to get both of those problems worked out then she should have better vision - not what she keep saying she wants, but what her 82 year old eyes are capable of. I told her yesterday she was never going to see perfectly again. I'm 62 and I can't see nearly as well as I did when I was 52 - it's something we all face as we get older. Not sure how much she understands, but we will do what is best.

    I started a Holiday Challenge. My computer was jumpy and I ended up putting the challenge up in the MFP challenge thread as well as both of my teams. We'll see how that goes!

    Love y'all. So glad you are home safe and sound, Connie.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 791 Member
    LOL ....oh honey, I have a bundle of new fuzzy socks I got last year and only wore about 2 pair so far, so I am well ready! I will spend the winter in my socks and jammies/gowns...and look forward to it. I'm planning to start downsizing on my vast clothing supply and sheets. I would buy new stuff to avoid doing laundry...or when I was incapacitated and couldn't do it.

    I have my 3 appointments coming up Mon/Tue and will be glad to get those out of the way...then my next one will be in December for my kidney Dr., and January I'll see my endo doc again. Hooya. I should be retired at that time in January. I look forward to not having to travel icy roads this winter for work, risking my body and my car. I'll go look for that Holiday Challenge!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,529 Member
    Yes I do eat cheese so might have to rethink it - I know cheese can bind a person so don't like to each much of it but it seems to be a bit of a trigger for me because if I have 2 oz of aged cheese at lunch I tend to want to have a snack before supper of cheese

    Doing much better though with eating = am down 6.2 pounds in 5 weeks so am on a good roll - goal is to lose 1 pound a week from now through to December 14 and so far so good. Each day I start with the positive though 'What am I changing today with respect to my eating that will allow me to lose 1 pound this week' = it works.

    We have just had a terrible weekend - our 14 year old Molly (as in dog) took sick, really sick Friday night. She has had elevated liver enzemes so has been on meds for that. Anyway she took a turn very quickly Friday night and just went downhill very fast. We spent all day Saturday watching her struggle with a lot of pain and she seemed to be more comfortable when my hubby was holding her. We couldn't find a vet that was open for regular hours as it was the weekend and the only option seemed to be to go to the Emergency Animal Hospital but just to walk in the door with an emergency was going to cost $250, then they said they would want to do blood work and go from there - though they said on the phone that more than likely because of her age she should be put down. So we kept her as comfortable as possible holding her all day Saturday and all through the night. Sunday morning we found a vet that was open therefore the fee would not be so bad. On the phone when making an appointment he agreed it sounded like the best option due to her age and liver condition would be to put her down. So we missed going to church on Sunday as we did not feel comfortable leaving her alone and at 12:30 she took her last breath - and as our daughter who has Down Syndrome said 'Molly is running and playing with Benji now' = makes me get tears in the eyes that she saw it so innocently.

    Well, our friends should be arriving shortly so will sign off for now

    - Marilyn
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 791 Member
    Marilyn, I'm so sorry to hear of Molly's passing. Like with any we love, even if expected, it's so painful and the sorrow runs deep.
    I've always thought there should be a song based on Willie Nelson's "To all the Girls I've loved before"....but about dogs and cats. Many pass thru our lives and are remembered fondly and loved much.

    I had a bit of a scare before work. I took a nap and when I got up, I was having sharp pain behind my right shoulder blade on movement and deep breath. (not very deep!) I prayed for relief and googled a bit....am OK now. Not sure why that happened but I don't like it at all. I hope it doesn't happen again.

    I remembered to bring my charts in for copies this time, for my cardiologist and PCP. Tho my BP has been running high for awhile, my average isn't too awful...and I do believe the pain affects all that.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Oh Marilyn, I'm so sorry for your loss. Jake passed with liver disease as well. By the time we figured out what was happening, it was too late to turn it around. What a precious thought your daughter had! Praying for you!

    Bren, hopefully it was just a pulled muscle where you slept wrong on it. Praise the Lord it passed - but girl, you be sure to make note of it for when you go to the doctor, especially if it happens again. We gals don't have the same symptoms of heart disease or attack that men have. When you get these funky pains you give me a bit of a scary feeling inside! As Gomer would say, "Don't go doing that with your heart now!"

    Went to a birthday party on Friday, then practiced with the singers in our Church for our first service in the new building. It's a building that will be used for many things and fellowship and services will be some of them. The body is the Church, not the building!

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,529 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 791 Member
    Love that Marilyn...and in Christ Jesus...we Can! Today my "Can Do" includes home chores and my PCP appointment. With my 5-20 minute chore list in mind, I will do "something" each time I get up.

    Kim, I forgot to mention that pain to my cardiologist yesterday. I saw the NP. I did mention the higher BP readings and my thought on the shoulder pain and stress contributing to that. She said overall, my stats look good and unless we see a trend of higher numbers as the norm, no meds adjustments are needed. Yep....I scare me too sometimes! I've had 2 of the mild heart attacks and both presented differently.
    Oh Yay! You are right about the "building"...but it will be nice to have a designated spot for Church business. Singing:....Mine in my latter years is more the "joyful noise"....but I still do it.

    I cancelled my eye appointment for this morning. I may wait until next year for it even. They are reworking our drive out there again and we are having to park on the street until Friday... which is a struggle for me. I did use my cane when I got back from yesterday's appointment as I had to park quite a bit further down.
    Mary (manager) was out there and came over to help me, and make sure I didn't fall, having to step up and over 3 curbs. That was sweet of her.

    I rested well last night so feel better this morning and not so ragged. Thanking God for His mercy and care.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    That long walk from the car probably did it as far as sleeping well goes! LOL!

    Drinking the cranberry juice every day has helped me to sleep through the night; no more 2:30 plod to the bathroom - praise the Lord.

    I don't have my lab results back yet. There isn't a specific place for them in my patient portal, and they aren't very good at keeping the information there up to date, like appointments, they don't show up there so I have to call to make sure I have the right information.

    Mom has four appointments in December and one in November. The November one was expected to be in January but the doctor must have had a cancellation just when we needed one. I hope this helps her see a little bit better. She's having the lenses that were put in after her cataract surgery checked for hazing, to see if it's enough to warrant cleaning.

    Not much else going on with me. I hope y'all have an awesome weekend. Talk to you tomorrow.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 791 Member
    I was really glad to see cars back in the lot on Thursday when I came back to work. I do rest better when I take my pain meds. That bit of Codeine helps me sleep and I have less pain the nights I take it.

    Oh boo! I really like the portal with my providers. I write things down but often misplace my notes so it's easy to check back for those appointment times, scrip refills and lab results.

    That's good that she got in early on the January appointment. I always keep an eye on the weather too...as I will not go out and trek about on the ice for a follow-up!

    I saw 3 of my kitties as I was leaving for work and wished I had something for them. I'd have to sneak feed of course. I told y'all about Mary's cats in the office! I'm glad to see those being so well loved and cared for at least but I miss mine!

    Yesterday, I figured my actual "work days" I have left and it's 43....with my off days and vacation days counted off. I am really looking forward to me last day. New Year's Eve it will be and that's normally a half day unless the bank is open for the final close for the year.

    Love and prayers for a blessed weekend for us all....Mine has begun....and I hope to finish well.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Wow, just 43 days to retirement - woohoo!

    Getting a bit of a headache today. Not sure if I'll get out for a walk since it's chilly outside. If the headache holds off then I can do a house walk. I'll take some Tylenol with my lunch.

    Have a wonderful weekend. Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,529 Member

    Haven't checked in here for awhile - life has gotten somewhat busy. But it is starting to get back to normal for us which is nice.

    I believe I mentioned that on Oct 17 we lost our sweet Molly (age 14, dog) and it has been a difficult time as all three of us have been grieving her loss She was such a sweet little dog.

    Well my hubby asked if I would put in an application to foster / adopt a small dog - the rescue people here in town said that a lot of the dogs they get are larger owns so I put in an application thinking that it would maybe be in the spring before we would hear anything. Guess what - on Monday November 1 after talking with one of the rescue ladies, they brought us 2 of the sweetest dogs. They are 8 years old, male and female, that have been raised together since birth. The lady that gave them up said that she just did not have the time to take care of them as her children were now grown up and left home and she was working. Personally I think there might have been other reasons as they are the sweetest little dogs ever. So well behaved and just want someone to love them, giving them a little time. The female (Bella) looks like a Pom but is a mixed breed but does look like a Pom. She weighs in at 9 pounds. The male (Toby) is a bit bigger weighing in at 14 pounds. He too is also a mixed breed but looks like he could have possibly a poodle - actually I think he looks like a dog but can't think of how it is spelled . He has short curly hair but not as thick and curly as a poodle. They are completely house trained, walk on lease very well and are not barkers. They have taken to our daughter who lives with us (she is 32 and has Down Syndrome) Last night when we went to bed they were with Priscilla up on her bed enjoying getting lots of pats. Called them off the bed to make sure she had a blanket over her and they immediately went into our bedroom, jumped up on the bed and gave us a look that would seemed to say 'Where are you going to sleep as we are taking this bed' = we have bonded well already but we have till November 17 to complete the adoption (meaning to complete the adoption papers and paying the fee for them - the cost is not for profit but just enough to pay some of the cost of their vet care, and dental work) But we are ready now so just need to be a bit more patient to do the final work. We look at them and wonder how hard it was for the lady to give them up as they are so sweet and not a lot of work. Just to give them some attention, some love and feed them - they don't ask for much. (NOTE: My hubby is enjoying is morning walk with them as they walk well on the leash and each morning they let him know that they are ready to go)

    At any rate that is about all. Oh, one other thing - we are on Week 5 of the Rooted course through our Church. It is a great course - would suggest everyone have their church look at doing it - it is 10 weeks long and really get you looking at your walk with the Lord, your how you doing as being a disciple of Christ.

    Take care

    - Marilyn
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Oh, Marilyn, that is wonderful. They sound adorable! What a great way to get encouragement to get out and walk too! I'm so glad you were able to find two great dogs so quickly. That fostering program - I don't know, I think they do it so you'll fall in love and just adopt them! LOL! I know I would. We have our hands full with Mom, so having a dog just isn't something we are even thinking about right now. Jake's been gone for several months and I thought I was doing really well, then Wade showed me some pictures and I fell apart again! Takes time!