Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    The only problem I've run into so far is with E-Sword. They no longer have NASB77, which is a more accurate translation. Unfortunately, my brain gets scrambled trying to read the KJV which is a good translation, but the language makes me stop and try to figure out what they are talking about! I use the NKJV for Church which our pastor is using the KJV or NASB77, Olive Tree doesn't offer the NASB at all and it's the easiest one to maneuver through on my Kindle. I would love to find a way to move the E-Sword I have on my desk top over to my lap top because it has the NASB77 on it. I paid for it and have the code, the new one just won't accept the code and go and find me that version! Boo! I may have to find another brand that offers the NASB77. I memorized my verses and have done my coloring all in that translation. My AVG worked fine. I went to my account and downloaded the ones that I have paid for and we were off and running with security. I guess so much of my stuff was on One Drive that it all just transferred over.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Kim - Hope that you enjoy your new laptop! I have had mine for over a year and I still hit num-lock instead of back space about half the time! I have a Lenovo. I really wanted a laptop with the same memory/speed, etc as my mac computer, but didn't want to pay the price. I did my research and found this one on sale. I have really enjoyed it, especially when Bill was in the wheelchair, because there wasn't room for my chair by the desk I usually keep my laptop on. I could just take it to the couch and got by fine. The one thing about laptops that I don't like are the mousepad things. I just hook up a wireless mouse and I'm a happy camper.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 789 Member
    Getting some laundry done before work...yay! Once I get it in, I HAVE to finish. Each run at it includes 3 round trips to the laundry room if all goes well. The bottom dryer was working last time and I was so glad. I am so short and reaching the top ones are a struggle. I use my spaghetti tool to grab from the depths of the machines.

    When I went for my HEB order after work, my phone was dead and I couldn't let them know I was there. I flagged down a lady, thinking she worked there and she was just trying to get to her car with her stuff. She helped me anyway by texting my location in. I have to charge the phone daily and I rarely use it...mostly for such as this...store pick ups. Oh well. I do have a charger in my car but it wasn't charging enough, quick enough to use it.

    Computers: Mine is a teeny little Dell desk top and I love it. Refurbished from Amazon for $99.00. It serves me well, then we have the HP at the office and I spend a LOT of time on it....work related and personal stuff. I am so glad for the ability to go far and do much on these things!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Praise the Lord - Bill has been released from the doctor's care for his foot, and he is out of the boot! He is still having some issues with walking, but I think it is mainly just because he is so used to that heavy boot, and having to keep some of the weight off of the foot.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    :) So happy for Bill (and you!) You'll have to hold him down, he'll want to float away without the weight of that boot. Ask Bren, she often get's grounded using one of those things. Praise the Lord, I've never had to!

    So glad you are doing well and able to make those laundry runs, Bren! I am so very grateful for my washer and dryer. When we first got married and for several years afterwards we went to the laundry mat - not fun!

    Doing well today. We took Mom out for a little ride in her transport chair yesterday. Glad they have a seatbelt on it because there isn't a lot of smooth ground for us to move her around on. Mostly we need it to get her to the building and Church meetings or parties as well as when we go to restaurants and shopping. Mom and Wade will get their second vaccination this week and I'll get my second on Oct. 11th. Don't like that we need to do it, but with the stronger variant and Mom's delicate health and the distance between our having had it and now - well, it just seemed wise.

    Y'all have a restful evening. Love you
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    We were going to go yesterday for the vaccine on the way home from the doctor and it was during their lunch hour. Today we had to buy a new dishwasher, so decided to stop by on the way home and it was just 5 minutes until lunch and not enough time to do it....who knows, but we did make the decision to do it.

    We put Bill's chair in the back of the car and we used it at Lowes to get the dishwasher and into WalMart to the pharmacy. It was much easier and quicker. I think it may "live" there since Bill's knee is still so bad.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member
    Today was my weekly meeting with my TOPS chapter - lost 2.2 pounds this week and last week lost 1.2 so am on a roll. Looking forward to have week 3 with a loss also. The food plan I am following which my doctor has approved of really helps. I know I can do many weeks of loss when I keep my focus on my Lord and be in obedience to Him with how I treat my body and what I put into it - feel so much healthier when I eat whole foods, nothing processed and 3 meals with no snacks.

    Well it is mid afternoon, we are going to visit our 2nd born daughter that lives in town - we haven't seen her in a couple of weeks so it is time we saw her and got a hug - also looking forward to seeing the grandsons.

    Will connect again tomorrow.

    - Marilyn
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Yeah, Marilyn. Keep up the good work! Don't lose sight of the goal.

    Yesterday's weigh in for me was the same, down 2.5 pounds. I forgot to get on the scale this morning, but that could be a good thing after yesterdays debacle! LOL! Am on track today.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I did loose one pound in the last 2 weeks. Loss is very slow for me. I was hoping for a better report, but this is still going the right direction.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 789 Member
    I had a rough night last night with the shoulder pain and getting up 7 times or more. Tomorrow is the first of October and I've floundered badly since our move over here.
    I had a very few days with better BP numbers. Today it's 148/92 and some of that is a reflection of the rough night I suppose.

    Kim, it does feel good to be down to one round of laundry to do currently. I miss the days of having a washer/dryer. I used to hang things out to dry in the "olden days" but that would be a hardship these days.

    Congrats Marilyn on rejoining TOPS and the progress being made. This girl needs some of that discipline.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Time to reset your goals, Bren, and then daily make a new resolution to keep those goals. I know it's hard when you are hurting to not grab something fast or not so good for you - but we have to keep the big picture in our mind and realize too that the sooner we get this weight off the easier it will be on our joints!

    Woohoo, Connie. For all the days you said you didn't do well, you still had a loss. Way to go.

    Did well today, no dessert grabs. I did have chicken casserole for dinner which has crackers as a topping, but I didn't do a snack, so hopefully that will even things out.

    Good night. <3
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 789 Member
    Oh yes...you are right my friend! I will be doing that today. I entered my stats on the goals thread and will work on a plan of recovery for October. I'd like to finish this rather tumultuous year well.
    I will have a busy day at the office, need to drop my check off at the bank on the way in. I'll get my lunch stuff packed to go shortly.
    I have cancelled my last 2 orders at HEB...knowing it wasn't something I "needed" at the moment and will wait until I do "need" something...like my coffee..and place an order then.

    I got to see some beautiful cats in the office yesterday. Mary rescued a beautiful black kitty, she named Queenie, and she had 4 other beauties in the office as well. I'm not sure if she was cat sitting? Tho I can't "have" one...or feed the ferals.....I know those are safe and loved and fixed! Any pet would be a trip hazard for me.

    I need to do my catch up stuff and get ready for work. Have a blessed day, all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Love that picture and the prayer. I put it as the picture for my lock screen. A very good prayer to remember for each day!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 789 Member
    I love it too, Kim. I have copies in different places, laminated. Here on my desk, one on the freezer, one on my notebook cover...I love the picture on this one too. Love the beach, the water...
    I muddled thru quite well yesterday in spite of my fatigue and I went to bed early last night. I took my Tylenol/Codeine so rested better with less pain.

    I did have a busy day and no bosses about so I was happy. Chris laid out so I had no maintenance. He'd told me last Friday he'd had a good mind to call Zach and say he didn't want to work that day. He took a "sick day" yesterday. We get 4 a year but he sees it as another 4 extra days off tho I told him you're supposed to be sick to take them. He doesn't care and I can't make him. He didn't want to work on doors and clean units.

    I had washed a boatload of plastics by hand the other day and now need to unload them from the dishwasher rack so I can load it up and clean my kitchen. I'll do that before work.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Beautiful weather here, enjoying it a lot.

    So glad that you were able to get some sleep! That is so helpful.

    Not much going on in my world today. Tired, again, but plugging along. Tired of the tummy troubles I'm having. I ate a tortilla with peanut butter and jelly when I got nauseous this morning. Now I will have the side effects for a day or two of eating the wheat. Sigh! At least I have something I can take to minimize the side effects!

    Have an awesome weekend! Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 789 Member
    I had nausea about half the night but I think it may have been the peaches. I ate 2 servings of slices, no sugar added. Went to bed too soon after dinner perhaps?
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member

    Thinking of all of you - praying that you all stay healthy, that you will follow a good healthy eating plan remembering to take your health seriously.

    The church we are attending now has had the kickoff in September for all the different programs that are starting up for the year. This past week we went to the AGM which was interesting - have never seen one so well run. Then the next day the lead Pastor came for a visit - it was nice to get to know him better. Came to know that one of the churches that he was working at was where my mom and step dad went - my step dad was a retired pastor of that church so it was interesting to met someone who knew him. Then yesterday morning we went back to the church for Prime Timers for those over 55 (it was a group of 50 and think all of us were in our 70's) Next week we start a course that goes for 10 weeks and will also be taking the membership class at the the end of the month. So things are getting a bit more busy but am ok with that

    Have a good weekend everyone

    - Marilyn

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 789 Member
    I like the Prime Timers concept and would like that. Sounds like you're moving right along, Marilyn. Enjoy each day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member

    Bren - yes the Prime Timers is a great group. We have lots of seniors in our Church but at this time due to the pandemic only 50 can meet at a time - but that is a nice size to get to no each other. Am looking forward to next month to see what the group will do - it was suggested by one of the fellows that we should be singing more as a group.

    Am ready to go now to church - we are really enjoying this new church we have decided to attend. We have been in person now since July but have been listening on line since back in February. And we were just told that with the online that they do that they are having many people from all over Canada and even in the USA listen - makes me think that the Church is doing what they are suppose to do - reach out to all in the name of Christ.

    Have a great day everyone

    - Marilyn