Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,534 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 792 Member
    So very glad to hear she is doing so well, considering. Continued prayers for her, you and Wade. These things scare this old girl.

    Connie, I do hope you can get what Bill needs for mobility. Prayers for all...for provision, protection and peace.

    I enjoyed my two days off and my 4 last week...today I'll do my credit card payments and some sale work. I took one bag in, to pack up some of my things. I'll make a not to put my walker back in the car this weekend and bring it and the bag of things home.

    I have an HEB order to pick up after work and it should be the last one with office supplies. I'm working on getting my orders down to 2 per month cost-wise and handling. When I first moved here, I'd do heavy shopping once a month and I can't do that...tho with my cart, it's a lot easier than toting bags in. I will get busy using up what I have on hand...and stop the produce waste that goes on here.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,534 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    Hope you are having a good time in Branson, Connie, and all is going well with Bill. A wheelchair is likely something we are going to have to use for Mom in the very near future if we can't get her to stay safe with a walker. We are getting grab bars and moving furniture and putting out the equipment that we have so that we can do everything possible to keep her safe. We'll be going tonight to visit with her (this rehab has a 4-8 visiting hours during the week, regular on the weekend).

    Thanks so much for your prayers.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,534 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    We had such a good time on our little trip. We were able to get Bill an electric cart at Silver Dollar City, so we were able to effortlessly get through the hills. And it was so beautiful.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited December 2021
    The Christmas tree has 340,000 lights and is 8 stories tall. It is totally syncopated with music and the effect is amazing! The tree changes constantly for the entire performance, which lasts about 7 or 8 minutes.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,534 Member

    Enjoying a snow fall today - thankfully it is up to hubby to go out and do the shoveling. Is cold out there today.

    Am working my program - I find it works best when I start the day 1st with the Lord taking my food plan for the day to Him asking Him to show me should I need to make changes in the food for the day before I eat anything - I have had great results doing it this way - I commit my food for the day to my Lord and Savior and He in turn makes my day go much better with regard to enjoying the food I have chosen to eat in the quantities that I have committed to. Am so grateful that I have the best Coach there is to help with my health issues around food - leaning in to Him every morning and then following through what I committed to Him - just couldn't get any better

    Psalm 3:5-6 says
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
    In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

    Psalm 8:32-36 says
    And now, O sons, listen to me;
    blessed are those who keep my ways.
    Hear instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it.
    Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors.
    For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord,
    but he who fails to find me injures himself; all who hate me love death
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    Great verses, Marilyn!

    Connie, I watched the videos, so beautiful!

    Mom is getting better every day. A bit confused yesterday but I believe we were able to help her understand and she did much better today. Thanks for your continued prayers for her and for us!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 792 Member
    edited December 2021
    Wonderful news from all three of you! God is awesome and provides as we take our needs to Him. He is aware of them before we come to the throne!

    I love your routine Marilyn. You're doing so well and you inspire me. Thank you. Well...here is Brenda's "decorations"...to be laminated and put on my door for the neighbors to enjoy....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    Those are so you! Love it!

    Tired and sore from the car rides back and forth to the hospital. Our pastor and his wife and doing the visiting tonight so Wade and I have time to recover.

    Mom is improving every day, praise the Lord!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,534 Member

    We got snow - guess that can be expected as it is December - roads are not good right now and I have a Bible study to go to tonight so hopefully all will be plowed before then.

    Getting everything all ready for tomorrow - which will be Day 1 of Boot Camp for Bright Line Eating. The boot camp goes for 10 weeks and am looking forward to doing it.

    Have my food journal all ready set up (pages printed and in binder) for my 1st 4 weeks. Have my daily journal all ready - this journal consists each day of (1) one gratitude for the day (2) one or two things about the day that I would like to remember down the road (3) a Scripture verse for the day (4) and lastly if it has been a bad day to write down what went wrong and how I can improve it next time.
    Another thing that is encouraged with this program is what is called a morning and evening habit stack. This is done by writing down things in order you want to do them to make them happen. They suggest to make 3 items to start. For instance morning habit stack would include (1) devotions (2) write down all food to be eaten for the day prior to eating anything (3) commit my food for the day to the Lord. And for the evening habit stack it would include (1) did I eat only what I wrote and committed to the Lord - if not why (2) have I written down my food for the next day and have I committed it to the Lord

    I feel so blessed as someone gifted me a one year membership through Bright Line Eating. This means I get daily coaching, the boot camp which I can do a number of times throughout the year, a support group of others doing the program and any new course that will be offered during the year. It is well worth it just in the support alone as I have paid for the different courses over the last while and I know I have paid over $600+ over the years and for a one year membership it comes to $200 - so well worth it.
    I also have an online zoom meeting with 12 ladies that are doing BLE and it is so helpful to be able to talk to others following this healthy way of eating - they understand how food can be an addiction and how we need to heal our brain from this addiction.

    Romans 14:20-21
    Do not, for the sake of food, destroy the work of God. Everything is indeed clean, but it is wrong for anyone to make another stumble by what he eats.
    It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 792 Member
    I thought so too, Kim! I love them. I have a ceramic Christmas tree with the cats on it and changing round lights. I's really cute. I don't decorate much at all but may get my stove burner covers down today. I'm in the process of cleaning my kitchen and stove so the current ones are in the dishwasher.

    I had a rather rough night so really felt bad when I got up. Immense pain...so am rethinking laundry plans again. It seriously needs to be DONE for sure.

    Yesterday was very windy and cold. I went out to take a deposit to the bank and garb lunch from Burger King. I haven't been there in about 5 months so really enjoyed it. I had an order to pick up at HEB...so got that in and was so glad to be home and comfy.

    Zach told me yesterday that we are having our company dinner next Tuesday...he also mentioned our yearly bonus and again, the fact they plan to do something for me, in appreciation. I look forward to a fine steak and will consider it my retirement party as well. Then I thought....do I have anything to wear...considering no laundry has been done? LOL I ended up pulling a blouse out of my Goodwill pack...a lovely royal blue, silky one....I think that will work as long as I keep my arms down! It's one with wide, flowy sleeves....

    So very glad that Mom is doing so well! God is awesome! Love y'all...be blessed in this new day...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,534 Member

    Christmas trees - we have an artificial one also that have the lights on - we haven't put anything up yet but will see about doing it this week. When the children were small we always decorated the tree on December 23 - we would put ponsetta's around the living room and fancy candles but not the tree. Then it would all be taken down on January 1. We don't have a lot of room - so for the last few years we didn't put up a tree - just the pretty flowers and some special Christmas ornaments. But this year we are going to see about putting up a tree again. Not sure if it is our age and with arthritis causing lots of discomfort in putting up and taking down. My hubby says he thinks it is partial to me being a bit obsessive as to the cleaning of the house - don't like things being out of place or making it harder to clean the floors. Am not a Scrooge just don't enjoy all the extra cleaning - for me the day is great when we get to have the traditional Christmas dinner with my children and their families - don't need gifts just my family around. But as the children are all now grown with the oldest now having 2 grandchildren and 2 of the families not living near us - well it has been some time since we were all together for Christmas - we work at making sure we are all together during the summer when the roads are good. We are now up to 20 if we had them all together and now that the grandchildren are older and starting families that number will grow to more like 30 within the next 5 - 10 years. But I enjoy them when I get to be with them and we do have one daughter her husband and their 2 boys living in the same city so we get to spend more time with them and of course our daughter that lives with us. But it is not the same as having then all together. Gosh when I was growing up for Christmas Day dinner there was my mom's parents, all their children with spouses and all their grandchildren - family was so large that each year the family would have to rent a hall that was used for weddings as we would have between 100 - 125 for a sit down dinner - looked like a wedding supper - but those were the days - we would gather at about 2 pm with 7 turkeys cooking and all of us cousins would get to play and then for dinner we would all sit in families with grandma and grandpa being at the head table. And the music - went on for hours - we never got home till close to midnight as after dinner and dishes where down and left overs were placed out for snacks, out came the musical instruments (there were a lot of them) and the singing started - singing would start at 8 pm and stop around 11:30 - oh the memories. And truthfully we had those type of gatherings monthly usually with about 50 at any time showing up for dinner. Families just dont get together like they used to - but we were told most families didn't get together like the family I came from - so happy to have those memories and have made sure we make many memories with our own children.

    Anyway am doing well with food. I was gifted a one year membership to the program I am doing ( my doctors is really happy about that as he says it is the best out there) so am taking it seriously this time around. Today is Day 1 - when I wrote down last night in my food journal what I was going to eat today I prayed to my Lord that I commit to eating only what I wrote down - and because of that for today I will do just what I promised Him I would do.

    So I am on plan and will make today a success. And tomorrow will take care of itself.

    Housework has been completed for the day, thankfully, I have 1/2 of the steps to be walked completed and am prepared for our life group at church tonight. And tonight hubby is making dinner - grilled chicken, boiled potatoes, peas/corn - all is well in my house

    Psalm 27:7-9
    Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud;
    be gracious to me and answer me!
    You have said, 'Seek my face.'
    My heart says to you, 'Your face, Lord, do I seek.'
    Hide not your face from me.
    Turn not your servant away in anger,
    O you who have been my help,
    Cast me not off; forsake me not,
    O God of my salvation!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    How exciting about getting that gift for Bright Line, Marilyn! I know that it has helped you a lot.

    Bren, I hope today is better for you!

    I am resting today from visiting Mom. Myself and our friend are going to go tomorrow and sit in on Mom's therapy sessions so we can learn how to help her. Martha will be helping me take care of her. Praise God for good and godly neighbors! I sent a note to my doctor about needing to see someone for this knee. She wasn't in our office yesterday, so hopefully today she will get the message. I'd like to see someone before Mom gets home from rehab.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 792 Member
    edited December 2021
    That's such a blessing to have a friend in the gap with you, in caring for her. Continued prayers for you all in the time ahead.

    I managed to get 2 loads of laundry done early AM yesterday. Will set my sights on more for Monday. It's been really hard for me of late. I need to work on these pain issues and build up some strength!
    I had another really rough night last night with extreme back pain but I really think my lounging about was a key factor in that. I'll try harder to stay upright and alert a lot more!

    I spiffed up some before work this morning since the bug man comes today. A waste of time and energy I think. Makes me sick to have the nasty roaches after 17 years there with none. It takes one neighbor bringing them in to infest a big section of apartments. I will make a concentrated effort to seriously declutter and let go of a lot of things when I retire...and perhaps do a bombing in there. They have so many hiding places, drawers, cabinets, under every single thing....Ack!

    I got a nice surprise in the mail yesterday. It was a Christmas card and a $50 gift card from the Bumpas Property owners out of Las Vegas. It's good for several locations and while I wish we had a P.F.Chang's here, we don't so I'll use it at Chili's. I can't think of anything I'd need at Home Depot or Game Stop. I'll wait until after new year's and retirement to use it....since we have the company dinner on Tuesday to satisfy my steak craving. I will get the biggie so I have half to bring home.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    Oh yum! Love me some steak! I had some tough beef at the hospital for lunch. It tasted awesome, but I had to work a bit to get a bite out of it. I had some mashed potatoes (plain) too and some grapes with a few cubes of cheese. Wade made a loaf of gingerbread while we were gone so I had a slice of that and my protein drink for dinner. I did have a few squares of white chocolate and may have another slice of that bread while watching a Hallmark movie this evening. :)
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 792 Member
    edited December 2021
    Me too Kim. I normally get a chuck steak but on a rare occasion I'll get a couple of rib eyes tho the store ones are usually tough, They look lovely but aren't as yummy as they look. The ones at Lytle Land and Cattle Co. steak house are great, as are the ones at the Beehive. It's been many years since we went there and a couple of times the bosses had the dinner at their house and Steve cooked in their outdoor kitchen...wonderful stuff!

    I have 21 days left! Oh Happy Day! I have 7 off/vacation/Holiday days left so a total of 14 work days and I want to make the most of them. I have been immensely blessed my 22 years, 10.5 months here.

    Zach gave us our bonus checks early! We got the double again and what an awesome blessing it is! I put mine in the bank on the way to work along with $200 from my stash at home. (Reimbursement for office expenditures) I'll get my check on Wednesday, my SS check deposited and then January 1st, my final pay.

    I am already paring down on my shopping and essentials and think I will be fine with that once I am officially retired. Shopping used to be my entertainment but I've done the online thing now for about 3 years. I did order two pretty tops from Amazon and 2 more sets of sheets. I plan to let the white ones go. I've disposed of a couple already. Everything shows up on white! I ordered a lovely set of navy striped ones and a set of solid navy since they match my comforter. I look forward to cleaning and releasing a lot of stuff very soon!
    These are my tops but they are too tiny to see...oh well....the wine colored has lace at the neckline and is 3/4 sleeve, the multi tunic is long sleeve. Both very pretty and supposed to be here Monday.....now to find some earrings and stuff. In my closet somewhere...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    How cute! There is a sweater that keeps showing up on Zulily that I really like, it's black with a lace panel on each shoulder. It's boat neck so that is a draw back, I would have to wear another top under it, and right now spending needs to be limited, so I just enjoy looking at it!

    I did buy a new pair of shoes that should be comfortable to wear to Church. If we do any singing I am needed shoes that I can stand comfortably in, and the pairs that I have now just don't do that. I have two crocks, one a leather look mule and the other a fuzzy lined black pair. The black ones are just too casual and the leather mules aren't great for standing in or walking in for any length of time. I've had them for about 8 years and have worn them about that many times! Hope these are comfortable and my puffy feet will fit into them.

    The knee is doing better although I am still wearing the brace because it tends to twist on me and I get that stabbing pain in the side, but I can walk around much more easily now. Praise the Lord, He is good!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,534 Member

    Have read your messages - thinking of all of you and praying that all of you will stay healthy and each day put the Lord first (I am sure you do anyway)

    Today is Day 4 of following my food program. I have used this program on and off for about 3 years but am finally realizing it is really the only way for me to eat - my body can't / doesn't tolerate sugar or flour and I wasn't aware of that until I gave it up and saw how much better I felt.

    Today just before lunch I decided I should check my diabetes - prior to December 1 just before lunch the number would come in at 8 - 10 Canadian (so for those in the US that would be 144 - 180- you take the Canadian number and mutiply by 18 or going from USA to Canadian number it is to divide by 18) Today just before lunch my number was 5.3 (95.4 USA) which is a number showing you aren't diabetic. But I now I haven't reversed it YET. But I am going to do just that as many have by following this program. Would be so nice to have the body working as God intended without all the meds - am looking forward to being off diabetic, cholesterol and acid reflux meds - I know this can happen as I have talked to many that have been eating as I am eating for over 10 years and are now not on any meds.

    Psalm 139:16
    Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
    in your book were written, everyone of the, the days that were formed for me,
    when as yet there was none of them.

    Psalms 139:23-24
    Search me, O God, and know my heart!
    Try me and know my thoughts!
    And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!